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Quorum has already been reached!
Thank you for your interest.
One Month Truth School is a program to learn the way of life of humanity in the 21st century.
Introduction “School” is a place where you will find something new to learn about what you have never known or believed before. When children enter school, they encounter many things they did not know before, and they expand upon the world as they receive each new understanding, while growing rapidly. However, as they grow up, their values get fixed, and they say, “I want to learn something like this.” After all, they will only receive what is in line with their values.
The One Month Truth School is not a forum that offers content based on just the values that you want to learn, because now the era is changing dramatically and we are no longer able to survive with our old values. These values have created the current society, and as a result, the world is facing a major impasse where no breakthroughs can be found anywhere. Right now, we human beings are standing at serious crossroads where if we continue to live with our old values, we will move onto the path of destruction. However, if we choose to change, then we will step into the flow of the universe, which no one can perceive from our past values.
*We can tell that the era is now at its greatest turning point, based on the cycle of the stars, and the history of human civilization. If you would like to know the details, please see the following. → Konohana Family English Newsletter 2019 Summer Solstice Issue
The One Month Truth School is an opportunity to meet a new world that you have never dreamed of, with a whole other dimension of learning than what has been taught in the past. When you abandon your attachments to your old values, and step into the unknown, you will break through your boundaries and meet your new self. This style of learning is going to help you make a breakthrough in your life by becoming more aware of how to resolve the problems of modern society, while opening a path to contribute to the future of the earth.
In the One Month Truth School, we welcome people who have a will to step into the new world, beyond the fixed concepts of modern society. We offer a program at Konohana Family which practices experiential learning.
Do you have the will to go to a world
which you do not know?
The One Month Truth School has widely received national and international attention as an inspiration for how to negotiate the chaotic world affairs with which we are now faced. The program has many inquiries, and once we reach full capacity we will stop accepting applications. So if you consider joining the program, please apply soon.
Date: February 23rd (Sun) to March 21st (Sat), 2020 For 28 days
Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
Capacity: 15 people
* We will no longer receive applications once the quorum has been reached. Please sign up soon.
The program is offered by Japanese; however, depending on participants, Chinese and English interpretations are available.
Interpretation for Non-Japanese Participants
Participation Fee*:
Self-assessed sliding scale.
*Participation fee covers tuition, accommodation, food, and consumption tax, and insurance, etc.
If your income is
More than 4 mil. JPY / yr : 220,000 JPY,
More than 2 mil. to less than 4 mil. JPY / yr : 200,000 JPY
Less than 2 mil. JPY / yr : 180,000 JPY
This includes participation fee, accommodation, food, washing clothes, and insurance.
If you would like to pay by installment, please consult with us.
If the installment, you need to complete the payment before the program starts.
Through the various facets of the program such as “Worldview”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Life & Death”, “Sex & Universe”, and “Sustainable Farming”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.
Main Instructor – “Jiiji”, his another name is Mr. Cosmos“Sharing Your Heart” which deeply explores your inner self
Example of the Program:
Learning of Personality (Karma reading, Heliocentric Calendar & Katakamuna Reading)/ Broadening Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Food Therapy/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ Life & Death/ Natural Therapy Program/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Sharing Your Heart
– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two or three languages, Japanese, Chinese, and English.
Note: – Program is based on lectures. There is not much hands-on-programs. – This program is suitable for people who would like to encounter new perspectives which you have not experienced before. If you would like to learn something you expect, this is not the program.
* Through various events in the community, such as birthday parties and festivals, you can feel the real community life in which each individual expresses their gifted talents, supports each other, and lives harmoniously in practice by following the laws of the universe.
Flow of A Day:
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Morning Class (Including tea break)
12:00 Vegetarian Lunch
14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Vegetarian Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)
*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.
Supporter System:
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group.
Please download this application form, fill it out and send to
intl★konohana-family.org (Please replace ★to@) Truth School Application Form 2020
Once we have received your application form, we will get back to you with more details.
We will officially accept your participation upon receipt of your participation fee. After confirmation of your payment, we will acknowledge your application from the order in which it was received. Once quorum has been reached we will close the application process.
* Please complete your payment 30 days before the program starts.
* We would like to request participants not to cancel your application as much as possible after your payment. Cancellation after the payment does not only become a big burden to the organizer, but also takes away a learning opportunity from other possible participants. Therefore, when you apply, please double check your schedule and honestly consider your willingness to participate.
*Cancellation after the 90th day before the program starts, we will charge you a cancellation fee.
We look forward to your participation!
Main Organizer: NPO Greengrass
Co-organizer: Konohana Family
Inquiry: Michiyo or Tomoko
Telephone number: +81-544-66-0250 or +81-544-67-0485
E-mail: intl★konohana-family.org (Please replace ★to@)
Quorum has already been reached!
Thank you for your interest.
The One Month Truth School is a place where you make a breakthrough in your life by analyzing the vast flow of the era and awakening to the true-self which you have been unaware of. This program will allow toy to gain power over your life in the world by going beyond your set ideas and expanding your worldview.
The One Month Truth School has widely received national and international attention as an inspiration for how to negotiate the chaotic world affairs with which we are now faced. The program has already been enrolled to half capacity, and once we reach full capacity we will stop accepting applications. So if you consider joining the program, please apply soon.
Date: February 24th (Sun) to March 23th (Sat), 2019
For 28 days
Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
Capacity: 15 people
* We will no longer receive applications once the quorum has been reached. Please sign up soon.
Participation Fee*:
Self-assessed sliding scale.
*Participation fee covers tuition, accommodation, food, and consumption tax, and insurance, etc.
High income (more than 4mil.JPY/yr) : 220,000JPY,
Medium income (more than 2mil to less than 4 mil. JPY/yr): 200,000JPY
Low income (less than 2mil. JPY/yr): 180,000JPY
This includes participation fee, accommodation, food, washing clothes, and insurance.
If you would like to pay by installment, please consult with us.
If the installment, you need to complete the payment before the program starts.
Through the various facets of the program such as “Worldview”, “Farming”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Environment”, “Education”, and “Social”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.
Main Instructor – “Jiiji” who has changed his nickname from Isadon“Sharing Your Heart” which deeply explores your inner self
Example of the Program:
Learning of Humanity (Karma reading & Heliocentric Calendar)/ Establishment of Community/ Farming of Universal Circulation Method/ Facilitation/ Wide Open Your Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Natural Therapy Program/ Food Therapy/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ How to have sustainable spirit/ Sharing Your Heart
– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two languages, Japanese and English.
* Through various events in the community, such as birthday parties and festivals, you can feel the real community life in which each individual expresses their gifted talents, supports each other, and lives harmoniously in practice by following the laws of the universe.
Flow of A Day:
Interpretation for Non-Japanese Participants
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Morning Class (Including tea break)
12:00 Vegetarian Lunch/ Break
14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)
*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.
Supporter System:
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group. At the end of the 2nd week, you can change your supporter and appoint whoever you would like to be your supporter for the remaining two weeks.
Please download this application form, fill it out and send to
intl★konohana-family.org (Please replace ★to@)
Once we have received your application form, we will get back to you with more details.
We will officially accept your participation upon receipt of your participation fee. After confirmation of your payment, we will acknowledge your application from the order in which it was received. Once quorum has been reached we will close the application process.
* Please complete your payment 30 days before the program starts.
* We would like to request participants not to cancel your application as much as possible after your payment. Cancellation after the payment does not only become a big burden to the organizer, but also takes away a learning opportunity from other possible participants. Therefore, when you apply, please double check your schedule and honestly consider your willingness to participate.
*Cancellation after the 90th day before the program starts, we will charge you a cancellation fee.
We look forward to your participation!
Main Organizer: NPO Greengrass
Co-organizer: Konohana Family
Inquiry: Michiyo or Yoko
Telephone number: +81-544-66-0250 or +81-544-67-0485
E-mail: intl★konohana-family.org (Please replace ★to@)
Quorum has already been reached!
Thank you for your interest.
The One Month Truth School is a place where you make a breakthrough in your life by analyzing the vast flow of the era and awakening to the true-self which you have been unaware of. This program will allow toy to gain power over your life in the world by going beyond your set ideas and expanding your worldview.
Date: February 25th (Sun) to March 24th (Sat), 2018
For 28 days
Konohana Family
Venue: Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
High income (more than 4mil.JPY/yr) : 220,000JPY,
Medium income (more than 2mil to less than 4 mil. JPY/yr): 200,000JPY
Low income (less than 2mil. JPY/yr): 180,000JPY
This includes participation fee, accommodation, food, washing clothes, and insurance.
If you would like to pay by installment, please consult with us.
If the installment, you need to complete the payment before the program starts.
Main Facilitator, Isadon
Through the various facets of the program such as “Worldview”, “Farming”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Environment”, “Education”, “Social”, and “Art”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.
Example of the Program:
Learning of Humanity (Karma reading & Heliocentric Calendar)/ Establishment of Community/ Farming of Universal Circulation Method/ Facilitation/ Wide Open Your Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Natural Therapy Program/ Food Therapy/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Making Miso/ Creativity & Art/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ Preparation for Natural Disasters / How to have sustainable spirit
– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two languages, Japanese and English.
Soba Making
Discussion Circle
Bee Keeping
Miso Production
* Through various events in the community, such as birthday parties and festivals, you can feel the real community life in which each individual expresses their gifted talents, supports each other, and lives harmoniously in practice by following the laws of the universe.
Pounding MochiPerformance at the Monthly Birthday PartyCompletion Party
Flow of A Day:
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Morning Class (Including tea break)
12:00 Vegetarian Lunch/ Break
14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)
*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.
Supporter System:
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group. At the end of the 2nd week, you can change your supporter and appoint whoever you would like to be your supporter for the remaining two weeks.
The Time to Swing into the Era is the 21st Century
The 21st century is the opening toward the year 3000! Now that the era has entered the 21st century, a new time has begun toward the year 3000. However, looking at the current society, still so many people have been controlled by the materialistic values of the previous millennium. Therefore, modern people are hesitant to find a new value and move toward the future. As a result, such human figures have manifested as a world of confusion and hopelessness. Clearly, this is a message from the flow of the new era. However, unless we understand this deeply and take a step toward a hopeful direction, this chaos will continue.
Now is the time when we humans have an opportunity to step into a hopeful direction, which is all being revealed by the era. In addition, it prepares the energy we need to reach there. Now all preparations have been completed!
As the driving force, the era is allowing us to “repel”, a method of changing the orbit of a spacecraft by utilizing the gravity of a planet. Moreover, this also makes it possible to accelerate the spacecraft by utilizing the planet’s orbital motion.
The strongest driving force for modern people is the flow of the new era, which began on “the winter solstice of the galaxy” on December 21st, 2012. Just like the Earth’s winter solstice, the amount of light begins to increase. The solar system has passed the winter solstice after 25,800 years and a great transitional stage has begun, turning from an era of darkness into light. The time has come when we humans are allowed to harmonize with this great turning point, and repel with the new era toward the year 3000!
Humans are given an advanced ability to understand this exquisite system of “repelling” and physically explore the universe. And spiritually, if each one of us gains a high-dimensional consciousness, we will be able to reach this state of travelling in the universe even in zero gravity, utilizing the free energy which exists everywhere in this world. The next millennium is the era when we humans will be aware of how to travel the universe in such a state.
What is required of us is the “will” to sense the changes of the era and get on its flow.
When we free our minds, we can understand that we freely travel in the vast universe.
It is not a simple spacewalk, but a state of traveling in the universe with WILL
I hope everyone doing well and happy.
After passing the autumn equinox, day (light) is getting shorter and shorter everyday.
However, with the universe point of view, after the winter solstice of the solar system towards the center of the Milkyway galaxy on December 21st, 2012, we are moving towards the peak of light which is coming about 12900 years later.
Today, we are pleased to inform you about the very special residential program to learn about yourself and also law of the universe in order to create a harmonious world.
The program is offered in Japanese with English translation. In 2016, three Americans participated in the program.
You can see their experience from this site.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Yoko.
with warmest regards,
One Month Truth School
February 19th〜March 18th, 2017 We are open for application
Who are you and why do you live?
When a problem happened, have you ever thought like “Why did such a thing happen to me although I am not wrong?”
When people encounter problems, they tend to find causes outside of themselves, and try to change their environment. However, it would not change and only problems piled up. As a result, we have reached the current world where we cannot see our destination anymore due to various problems everywhere, from the domestic level to the global scale. But, if we change our viewpoint, a chance will come for a big transformation.
All humans have an ego (=individuality). Humans see this world through the filter of their ego. There are 7 billion people on earth, so there are 7 billion kinds of viewpoints. However, people have considered their own viewpoints as absolute, and have made other ones wrong. Therefore, human minds have become more and more separate in the past. We have fully experienced a world of anxiety, isolation, friction, disparity, and confrontation. Now, we have reached the stage where we cannot move forward anywhere at this rate. If you encounter a problem right now, it might be a message from the era, which has faced a great turning point. “The seed of the problem is inside of you. So, change yourself.”
That is, when you change yourself, the world changes.
What kind of individuality do you have? How do you see the world through your own filter? When you can understand this objectively, you will be able to see the great system of this world which is a collectivity of 7 billion egos. Then, you will step out of the narrow frame of yourself, infinite possibilities which are sleeping inside of you will bloom, and you will be able to live freely as a majestic life beyond the individual frame. In contrast from the past era, when people become unified under a common value, they can richly resonate their individualities and they harmonize with each other to create a beautiful world. This is the figure of the universe where we live. This world exists under the fractal structure where everything from the microcosm, such as atoms, to the macrocosm, such as the universe, exists in harmony. Out of all, the human body can be perceived as an expression of this system in the closest and the most visible way. Therefore, analyzing yourself with a physical body is a shortcut to analyzing the whole world, and to know the true meaning of living in this world.
The One Month Stay Truth School is a place where you make a breakthrough in your life regardless of the presence or absence of life problems. There is no specific right answer. During the Truth School, each participant will nurture calm and objective viewpoints to perceive themselves, expand their worldviews, and master the power to open an original life by themselves.
Date: February 19th (Sun) to March 18th (Sat), 2017 For 28 days
Venue:Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
High income (more than 4mil.JPY/yr) : 220,000JPY,
Medium income (more than 2mil to less than 4 mil. JPY/yr): 200,000JPY
Low income (less than 2mil. JPY/yr): 180,000JPY
Contents: Through the various facets of the program such as “Farming”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Environment”, “Education”, “Social”, and “Art”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.
Example of the Program : Learning of Humanity (Karma reading & Heliocentric Calendar)/ Establishment of Community/ Farming of Universal Circulation Method/ Facilitation/ Wide Open Your Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Natural Therapy Program/ Food Therapy/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Making Miso/ Creativity & Art/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ Preparation for Natural Disasters / How to have sustainable spirit
– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two languages, Japanese and English.
Flow of A Day
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Morning Class (Including tea break)
12:00 Vegetarian Lunch/ Break
14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)
*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.
Supporter System
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group. At the end of the 2nd week, you can change your supporter and appoint whoever you would like to be your supporter for the remaining two weeks.
Main Organizer: NPO Greengrass Co-organizer: Konohana Family
Inquiry: Michiyo or Yoko
Telephone number: +81-544-66-0250 or +81-544-67-0485
E-mail: intl@konohana-family.org
The “One Month Stay Truth School” ended successfully on March 12th, 2016. During the Truth School, Isadon always started a program, saying “I am doing Isadon today, too!” In the morning of March 13th, Toomasu, one of the participants had time to talk with him before he left for Bali, Indonesia where he is going to establish a community.
12 participants and Isadon after the completion party of the Truth School 2016
I am playing Toomasu today!
I am going to watch the path you will take from now on. You have not been so realistic in the past, but I feel you are getting a little more realistic during the month. However, being realistic does not mean things go well the way you wish. When people become realistic, they will realize that various corrections are necessary to be made in their life.
When humans set a goal, trying to achieve something with their own will, they have an ability to achieve it forcefully. However, we have reached the current global situation because we have maximized such a possibility. It has caused a dead end in human society as well as rebellion from nature. That is because humans have misunderstood the meaning of expressing their nature in this world.
Therefore, it is important to stay with people close to you, stay with nature and the global environment, and stay even with the universal flow and law with a broad worldview, instead of trying to dominate this world and gratify our desires. If our life purpose exists in an extension of staying with these things, we will be able to resolve the contradictions that have been brought about by humans and have expanded.
You have inspiration to resolve such contradictions in this world. It should bring something beneficial for the world and people. However, if you are self-centered and do not stay with nature and other people, you will end up bringing a similar contradiction into this world. Then, first of all, it is significant to broaden your capacity. Next, it is essential to stay with other people and always be aware of all the existences. If you do so, your precious ideal, which is your final destination, will come true. This is to live a life of Buddha.
We say “The house where people gather will flourish” in Japan. In terms of prosperity, there is a low and high level of prosperity. This means phenomena occur appropriate to our consciousness. In the past, people have brought harm to other existences to attract human desires with a low consciousness, and as a result, they have flourished. However, the time has arrived when the Buddha’s spirituality attracts people. A place where people with the Buddha’s spirituality gather and make a community—this is an ideal figure where people live, and the “Village of Bodhisattvas” which is expressed in the Konohana Family. In order for your future community to attract people, you need to have the Buddha’s spirituality which becomes a core of your community.
You are 27 years old and still young. Watching you, you remind me of my youth. You are more awakened than when I was young. Also, I was much more out of control than you are! And the biggest difference is when I was young, I took my path with my own thoughts. Nobody gave me a guideline. I was not even aware of the divine existence at all at that time! Now, you have what I did not have. In this meaning, you have a very good environment. Therefore, if you become considerate to other people and stay with them, you will be able to create a place as a model for society, and your life purpose will be achieved. Then, it is important that your goal equals the divine one.
I believe it is a very good idea for you to create a community in Indonesia, from the viewpoint of the era. However, there must be a cultural difference between you as an American and the local people, so what I am telling you now will be required in your reality. Then, the key here is how much you are going to correct your inner self, rather than just try to adjust your relationships with other people.
That is what I am learning. It is taking a 180 degree turn. It starts spiritually. But, it also requires changing the thoughts, feelings and relationships. And the culture is who I think I am. As I say, culture is where our spirit connects with the earth. It is what makes us a community. Without culture, we are just separate beings. So, this is how much we are making a brand new culture. But, that also requires changing the way that I see myself. From my experience here, I know what I am looking for. So, I need to jump into it.
When Isadon was talking about the “HITO” in the final program two days ago, I thought of how it works. Once the pattern is created, then the divine lives in it. So, once I see the pattern, I need to live in it. If I see it as an object, but I do not put my life into it, then that does not live. This is how all things are created. This is how we really are the spark of the divine. The divine made the form, and then jumped into the form to give it a life. This is the ultimate reality where we are no difference between what we see and what we are.
When talking about the ultimate reality, unless you see the actual reality and connect with the ultimate reality from your grounded position at the same time, you cannot connect yourself with people close to you. When you are talking about the ultimate reality, I am not listening to your words, but I am trying to sense what you are talking about. Then, I can understand what you mean. However, most people cannot understand you. Your purpose is to create an ideal world with people around you. Therefore, only when you face your reality, stay with people around you, and connect the steps from 1 to 10 of the ultimate reality, you will be beneficial for other people and the reality of this world.
“Phenomena show the truth”. There were many saints who did not have a good reputation from the human society, but reached enlightenment in the past. There were so many people like that especially in the Himalayas. They took the path of their individual enlightenment, so they did not stay with the general public. After their spirits returned to the divine, they came back to the earth through reincarnation in order to spread enlightenment to the general public. Then, they could fill the gap between the individual enlightenment and the one with other people. Originally, the enlightenment is not for those who reached it. It is for the general public. That is why, those who reached enlightenment need to stay with and live in harmony with all the people as the universal figure.
Listening to what you are saying now, I imagined ascetics who reached enlightenment in the Himalayas. In fact, when I first came down on earth as a human, I had such a training. However, eventually only when we stay with many people, can we become the one who expresses the divine will on earth. Also, it is important that it is expressed as phenomena in our lifestyle with real people, not in our fantasy. Therefore, it is significant to live in harmony with all the living beings and with the law of the earth and the universe. We do not have to look for a guideline for harmony somewhere else because we already exist in something absolute such as the natural system and the universal law.
However, the modern people have considered nature as what their ego dominates, so the current contradictions have been generated. As long as humans continue to live in the direction of gratifying their own desires, we will face a critical situation for sure, and the contradictions will become even bigger. Therefore, it is necessary to change our direction, stand back, and see calmly what kind of energy creates such contradictions. The attitude to see things calmly is a very relaxed state at the same time. Looking at things from the divine viewpoint beyond the era, and looking at the planetary movement from the divine viewpoint—having a broad worldview in such a universal way is essential.
As I experience, all these things are ahead of me. I need them at the time necessary. Like you said, I see the theories and say, “I see the final picture”. But, just like I said, there are the forms that the divine must enter. So, like you said, this is a theory in real life, so I still need to go through it. And the experience will take us to the next time.
The experience can make your goal that you see ahead of you realistic.
I felt this has been a part of my passing life, when Isadon said, “When I was your age, I was wilder”. I have a wild spirit, too. God is very insistent. So, God says, “You do not need to do that anymore.” But, during my wild time, that is when I began to see there is a different reality. Up to a point, I only thought this is what it is about. It is just about having the enlightenment. It is just about having the experience. But, when I try to tell people, they do not understand me. Or, many of other people say, “Oh, yeah. There is something there”. “It is like looking at the clouds”. “I have seen faces in the clouds”. We are just living in our own world. And I realized that this world is becoming more isolated from other people. The way of life is actually going down. So, despite the awareness, it is not making life better. And I realized how foolish it is. We can take something very positive from it, but then we just take it for ourselves.
Or, we can consider it positively with a broader stance. If we have a thought of separating ourselves from this world, we cannot consider things positively. Therefore, which direction you are looking at is important. You just said that this world is getting worse. It is correct. Humans have forgotten to live in harmony with nature, and lost the ability to sense it. Moreover, even though they talk about God, He does not live in their own minds. As a matter of fact, human consciousness has been parting more and more from God.
According to the Heliocentric Calendar, the “Conjunction” is the strongest and closest aspect of all. This is a state where two planets in the solar system line up in the same line of sight from the sun, and two different consciousness stay with each other completely. On the contrary, the “Opposition” is the farthest aspect of all. This is a state where two planes line up in the same line and face each other across from the sun. The farther they get from each other, the broader a stance they can connect with. Although it looks like it is getting farther at the first glance, if we become aware of the absolute existence of the sun in the center, we can express even a broader world.
In the same way, even if this world looks like it is getting worse at the first glance, it will become an even stronger energy with gaps to make humans evolve and reach enlightenment, in a broad meaning. Therefore, looking worse means getting better at the same time.
I have a relationship with Shiva (the Hindu God of destruction) because I get excited when I see all of the disasters!
Now, I was imagining Shiva when talking. It is March 13th today, so we had the 5th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11th, two days ago. Today is the first Sunday after the anniversary, so many TV programs have been broadcast featuring that Earthquake since two days ago. Many people consider that Earthquake as an unfortunate disaster. And many people think of restoring what has been destroyed. However, has that Earthquake brought only unfortunate things to us?
It has washed away the contradictions which have been created with the human mind of possession. If humans can abandon the possession with their own will, the divine would not have had to give such a disaster. In order to do so, before the contradictions reach the peak and explode, we need to be flexible enough to always release our contradictions every moment. That Earthquake occurred because the trapped energy of humanity has reached its limit. In this manner, there are various ways to perceive things.
So, I was thinking just like you!
It is not something that many people will understand.
The human activity on the earth is the reflection of the human mind. We can see ourselves through the mirror of phenomena. If we do not understand what the phenomena are trying to tell us as the mirror, we will not see the results as the retribution of ourselves. This is an extremely compulsory lesson. We can also say it is the exact proof that God always faces us. When we stand at the divine position where we create this world together with God, we will be able to consider we express the divine will as his substitute, not our ego, and accept all the phenomena as the divine will.
Then, our life will be expressed freely, and we will be able to understand the fact that we are in a very free space. This is the exact abundance that God wishes. And the final destination that you are talking about exists there. However, the final destination should not be your goal. Only when you take all of the steps from the beginning (HI) to the final destination (TO), and reach it eventually, can you become “HITO”. This is the path of “HITO”. It is the divine existence that always stays with us along the way, and this is the universal figure.
When we become aware of our divinity inside of us, and stay with all the existences as God does, I think we can exist as God. What do you think?
As I experience what Isadon says, I feel this is one of the many voices of God. Just as I speak, we say the same thing from different angles. As I said, God makes the form and enters it. It is the “Chon (the divine will)” and gives it a life. We make this life for ourselves, and then we enter it to live. So, for the HITO, we start off in this life, knowing nothing. But, through our lives, we are just expanding on every awareness that has come before us.
It is also a path to remember who we are.
Until we finally face ourselves. And then, that becomes “TO” when we see, “Oh! I have already done this!”
In fact, that “TO” is just “TO” in the first step, and there is the second step from HI to TO, and the tenth step from HI to TO. Furthermore, the whole from the first step to the tenth step is just “HI”. This is the structure of this world. In this manner, we exist in the infinite world with multi-dimensional layers. Therefore, if you consider the world you can think of now and you aim for are everything, and accomplish your goal, the next goal will come into sight. God is infinite and so is this world. The inner minute world is infinite, too. Even if we try to understand it by thinking scientifically, we cannot do that. It is important to sense it, not try to explore it with our brain. In order to do so, we need to utilize all the cell sensors in our body.
According to Katakamuna, this is to sense the purest energy in the potential world. That is, all the cells in our body will blossom and the ability of its antenna will function fully. And when each antenna of all the cells is fully open, “Chon (the divine will and energy)” enters the center of each antenna. Connecting with the divine in such a state is a figure of the ultimate human communion between a man and a woman. According to Katakamuna, this is called, “KAMU-UTSUSHI, AMA-UTSUSHI”.
I could talk about it only theoretically during the Truth School. However, it is said it is possible to experience and manifest it in the Katakamuna world. Nobody has conveyed it in such a way so far. When a society is created beyond the conventional value, those who can express it in reality will appear. Probably, it would be possible for the children under 10 years old and those who will be born from now on.
As I see my role, I am just here to make the space for the divine to enter. There will be those that will come because they can no longer go backward. And that will be the older generation. But, there also will be a younger generation that will just naturally gravitate.
People tend to separate their own lives from others, but it is important to consider that we are responsible for the era. We need to know that our lives have the same structure as the space between railroad ties when a train runs on the track. Whenever a train arrives at a station, the era changes. And whenever a train reaches a station, people of a new generation get on the train to express the next era. At the same time, people of the old generation get off the train. Then, it is necessary to know that our lives are the space between railroad ties. We can consider that a space between ties is the period from the beginning to the end. Or, it is only a part to connect a possibility of a long train journey.
This is what I said at the community meeting the other day, which is the “joy of sadness”. It is so beautiful, and at the same time, we cannot possess it.
Hahaha. Would it become sorrow because you have a mind to want to possess it? If people expand their stance, they will not possess anything. When they see things with a narrow viewpoint, they will possess them. If we think we exist in this world, we do. But, if we do not think we exist in this world, we do not. Therefore, as I told you yesterday morning, when we reset ourselves, everything becomes illusion! If you are aware of it, it becomes your reality. We see the reality from birth to death, but when we die, all the events in this phenomenal world become illusion. What we do is just to connect each railroad tie, and take a journey as a humanity. It is a journey from the beginning of humanity to the end, but it is just a part. It is a journey from the beginning of life to the end, but it is just a part. It is a journey from the beginning of the earth to the end, but it is just a part. It is a journey from the beginning of the universe to the end, and there would be more than that. If there is an infinite stance, it is more important to sense the infinite universe, rather than analyze it in this manner. Then, we will be able to become released. OK?
OK! This is how simple God makes this world.
That is right. This world expresses both this ultimate simplicity and an ultimate complexity. Therefore, we can say both. When I consider the universe and the divine, it is always a very simple structure of fractal and TAIKO-HASSEI (a Katakamuna word, meaning that two opposite qualities face each other to create something new), and at the same time, an extremely minute and complicated world exists. On top of that, it is expressed not only in the three-dimensional world that we can recognize physically, but also in the multi-dimensional world! It is impossible to interpret this with the brain given to us to utilize in the three-dimensional world. Only when we release the function of the brain to sense it into the universe, will it be possible. What we should do is release all of the brain cells into the universe, and sense them with all of their receptors. Then, we will be able to sense the universal figure surely. If so, the real world we see now would be just trivial.
Exactly! (Holding Isadon’s hands and putting his forehead to Isadon’s hands) Thank you so much for everything!
This was a wonderful meeting. Thank YOU.
One week later, the following mail was sent from Toomasu to the Konohana Family to let us know his updates.
I hope this email finds you well and well adjusted from the conclusion of the True School. I have been back in Bali for almost a week now. It has been a whole new beginning since I have returned. I have had a rather difficult time since I have come back. There is much to be humbled by in the world, and the spirits that God allows to do His work are always eager to train us 🙂
I went home and felt very low and found it very difficult to find the clarity that I finished with in the True School. Hahaha, almost like I went right back to (Hi).
I was told at the age of 33 I will come to Buddhahood, and that I will enter the state that I speak of (HiTo). However, it will be full of training along the way, and that I must enter the extreme depths of darkness, before I can sit among eternal light. I felt a renewed courage and devotion to the Divine, as all has been God, and all is God. When I came down stairs, I saw the number 33, and I felt that only God can bring clarity to my path. Later, I read the blog called “An Ultimate Harmonious World: PART 1 & 2,” I felt that God has been with us all along. He has secretly been guiding us on this path, so subtly, that many times we are not even aware that He has been with us.
I read my conversation with Isadon in the blog, and I felt like this is both God’s wonderful sense of humor, and God’s virtue to His creation, that we are never abandoned, and in fact we are always retracing our steps, with renewed enlightenment and opened hearts. It is so amazing to be allowed to read back my time in the True School, and though it is only a week ago, I feel like I have already found the wisdom in its passing. The gap is closing, and so is my email.
With all of my heart to Konohana (and of course Isadon 🙂