One Month Truth School 2018
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The One Month Truth School is a place where you make a breakthrough in your life by analyzing the vast flow of the era and awakening to the true-self which you have been unaware of. This program will allow toy to gain power over your life in the world by going beyond your set ideas and expanding your worldview.
Date: February 25th (Sun) to March 24th (Sat), 2018
For 28 days

Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan
Capacity: 15 people
Participation Fee*: Self-assessed sliding scale.
*Participation fee covers tuition, accommodation, food, insurance, etc.
High income (more than 4mil.JPY/yr) : 220,000JPY,
Medium income (more than 2mil to less than 4 mil. JPY/yr): 200,000JPY
Low income (less than 2mil. JPY/yr): 180,000JPY
- This includes participation fee, accommodation, food, washing clothes, and insurance.
- If you would like to pay by installment, please consult with us.
If the installment, you need to complete the payment before the program starts.

Through the various facets of the program such as “Worldview”, “Farming”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Environment”, “Education”, “Social”, and “Art”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.
Example of the Program:
Learning of Humanity (Karma reading & Heliocentric Calendar)/ Establishment of Community/ Farming of Universal Circulation Method/ Facilitation/ Wide Open Your Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Natural Therapy Program/ Food Therapy/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Making Miso/ Creativity & Art/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ Preparation for Natural Disasters / How to have sustainable spirit
– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two languages, Japanese and English.
* Through various events in the community, such as birthday parties and festivals, you can feel the real community life in which each individual expresses their gifted talents, supports each other, and lives harmoniously in practice by following the laws of the universe.

Flow of A Day:
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Morning Class (Including tea break)
12:00 Vegetarian Lunch/ Break
14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)
*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.
Supporter System:
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group. At the end of the 2nd week, you can change your supporter and appoint whoever you would like to be your supporter for the remaining two weeks.
The Time to Swing into the Era is the 21st Century
The 21st century is the opening toward the year 3000!
Now that the era has entered the 21st century, a new time has begun toward the year 3000. However, looking at the current society, still so many people have been controlled by the materialistic values of the previous millennium. Therefore, modern people are hesitant to find a new value and move toward the future. As a result, such human figures have manifested as a world of confusion and hopelessness. Clearly, this is a message from the flow of the new era. However, unless we understand this deeply and take a step toward a hopeful direction, this chaos will continue.
Now is the time when we humans have an opportunity to step into a hopeful direction, which is all being revealed by the era. In addition, it prepares the energy we need to reach there. Now all preparations have been completed!
As the driving force, the era is allowing us to “repel”, a method of changing the orbit of a spacecraft by utilizing the gravity of a planet. Moreover, this also makes it possible to accelerate the spacecraft by utilizing the planet’s orbital motion.
The strongest driving force for modern people is the flow of the new era, which began on “the winter solstice of the galaxy” on December 21st, 2012. Just like the Earth’s winter solstice, the amount of light begins to increase. The solar system has passed the winter solstice after 25,800 years and a great transitional stage has begun, turning from an era of darkness into light. The time has come when we humans are allowed to harmonize with this great turning point, and repel with the new era toward the year 3000!
Humans are given an advanced ability to understand this exquisite system of “repelling” and physically explore the universe. And spiritually, if each one of us gains a high-dimensional consciousness, we will be able to reach this state of travelling in the universe even in zero gravity, utilizing the free energy which exists everywhere in this world. The next millennium is the era when we humans will be aware of how to travel the universe in such a state.
What is required of us is the “will” to sense the changes of the era and get on its flow.
When we free our minds,
we can understand that we freely travel in the vast universe.
It is not a simple spacewalk,
but a state of traveling in the universe with WILL
Main Organizer: NPO Greengrass
Co-organizer: Konohana Family
Inquiry: Michiyo or Yoko
Telephone number: +81-544-66-0250 or +81-544-67-0485
E-mail: intl★ (Please replace ★to@)
Application: Please contact us directly
We are waiting for your participation!