木之花家族期刊第101号 〜 所谓祭典



















































榊鬼 老翁













唤 醒 大 和 魂
真 正 的 世 界 绽 放  









结合 则为

































































ヒフミヨイ マワリテメクル ムナヤコト
hi hu mi yo i ma wa li te me ku lu mu na ya ko to
アウノスヘシレ カタチサキ
a u no su he shi le ka ta chi sa ki
ソラニモロケセ ユヱヌオヲ
so la ni mo lo ke se yu ye nu o wo
ハエツヰネホン カタカムナ
ha e tsu yi ne ho n ka ta ka mu na






















来自天教山 弥勒之世绽放花朵







充满生命的奇迹之星 —— 地球之上





降临到大地的神之魂 ──── 人类

















An Ultimate Harmonious World: Toomasu’s Path of “HITO”

The “One Month Stay Truth School” ended successfully on March 12th, 2016. During the Truth School, Isadon always started a program, saying “I am doing Isadon today, too!” In the morning of March 13th, Toomasu, one of the participants had time to talk with him before he left for Bali, Indonesia where he is going to establish a community.

12 participants and Isadon after the completion party of the Truth School 2016
12 participants and Isadon after the completion party of the Truth School 2016

I am playing Toomasu today!

I am going to watch the path you will take from now on. You have not been so realistic in the past, but I feel you are getting a little more realistic during the month. However, being realistic does not mean things go well the way you wish. When people become realistic, they will realize that various corrections are necessary to be made in their life.

When humans set a goal, trying to achieve something with their own will, they have an ability to achieve it forcefully. However, we have reached the current global situation because we have maximized such a possibility. It has caused a dead end in human society as well as rebellion from nature. That is because humans have misunderstood the meaning of expressing their nature in this world.

Therefore, it is important to stay with people close to you, stay with nature and the global environment, and stay even with the universal flow and law with a broad worldview, instead of trying to dominate this world and gratify our desires. If our life purpose exists in an extension of staying with these things, we will be able to resolve the contradictions that have been brought about by humans and have expanded.

You have inspiration to resolve such contradictions in this world. It should bring something beneficial for the world and people. However, if you are self-centered and do not stay with nature and other people, you will end up bringing a similar contradiction into this world. Then, first of all, it is significant to broaden your capacity. Next, it is essential to stay with other people and always be aware of all the existences. If you do so, your precious ideal, which is your final destination, will come true. This is to live a life of Buddha.

We say “The house where people gather will flourish” in Japan. In terms of prosperity, there is a low and high level of prosperity. This means phenomena occur appropriate to our consciousness. In the past, people have brought harm to other existences to attract human desires with a low consciousness, and as a result, they have flourished. However, the time has arrived when the Buddha’s spirituality attracts people. A place where people with the Buddha’s spirituality gather and make a community—this is an ideal figure where people live, and the “Village of Bodhisattvas” which is expressed in the Konohana Family. In order for your future community to attract people, you need to have the Buddha’s spirituality which becomes a core of your community.

You are 27 years old and still young. Watching you, you remind me of my youth. You are more awakened than when I was young. Also, I was much more out of control than you are! And the biggest difference is when I was young, I took my path with my own thoughts. Nobody gave me a guideline. I was not even aware of the divine existence at all at that time! Now, you have what I did not have. In this meaning, you have a very good environment. Therefore, if you become considerate to other people and stay with them, you will be able to create a place as a model for society, and your life purpose will be achieved. Then, it is important that your goal equals the divine one.

I believe it is a very good idea for you to create a community in Indonesia, from the viewpoint of the era. However, there must be a cultural difference between you as an American and the local people, so what I am telling you now will be required in your reality. Then, the key here is how much you are going to correct your inner self, rather than just try to adjust your relationships with other people.

That is what I am learning. It is taking a 180 degree turn. It starts spiritually. But, it also requires changing the thoughts, feelings and relationships. And the culture is who I think I am. As I say, culture is where our spirit connects with the earth. It is what makes us a community. Without culture, we are just separate beings. So, this is how much we are making a brand new culture. But, that also requires changing the way that I see myself. From my experience here, I know what I am looking for. So, I need to jump into it.

When Isadon was talking about the “HITO” in the final program two days ago, I thought of how it works. Once the pattern is created, then the divine lives in it. So, once I see the pattern, I need to live in it. If I see it as an object, but I do not put my life into it, then that does not live. This is how all things are created. This is how we really are the spark of the divine. The divine made the form, and then jumped into the form to give it a life. This is the ultimate reality where we are no difference between what we see and what we are.

When talking about the ultimate reality, unless you see the actual reality and connect with the ultimate reality from your grounded position at the same time, you cannot connect yourself with people close to you. When you are talking about the ultimate reality, I am not listening to your words, but I am trying to sense what you are talking about. Then, I can understand what you mean. However, most people cannot understand you. Your purpose is to create an ideal world with people around you. Therefore, only when you face your reality, stay with people around you, and connect the steps from 1 to 10 of the ultimate reality, you will be beneficial for other people and the reality of this world.

“Phenomena show the truth”. There were many saints who did not have a good reputation from the human society, but reached enlightenment in the past. There were so many people like that especially in the Himalayas. They took the path of their individual enlightenment, so they did not stay with the general public. After their spirits returned to the divine, they came back to the earth through reincarnation in order to spread enlightenment to the general public. Then, they could fill the gap between the individual enlightenment and the one with other people. Originally, the enlightenment is not for those who reached it. It is for the general public. That is why, those who reached enlightenment need to stay with and live in harmony with all the people as the universal figure.

Listening to what you are saying now, I imagined ascetics who reached enlightenment in the Himalayas. In fact, when I first came down on earth as a human, I had such a training. However, eventually only when we stay with many people, can we become the one who expresses the divine will on earth. Also, it is important that it is expressed as phenomena in our lifestyle with real people, not in our fantasy. Therefore, it is significant to live in harmony with all the living beings and with the law of the earth and the universe. We do not have to look for a guideline for harmony somewhere else because we already exist in something absolute such as the natural system and the universal law.

However, the modern people have considered nature as what their ego dominates, so the current contradictions have been generated. As long as humans continue to live in the direction of gratifying their own desires, we will face a critical situation for sure, and the contradictions will become even bigger. Therefore, it is necessary to change our direction, stand back, and see calmly what kind of energy creates such contradictions. The attitude to see things calmly is a very relaxed state at the same time. Looking at things from the divine viewpoint beyond the era, and looking at the planetary movement from the divine viewpoint—having a broad worldview in such a universal way is essential.

As I experience, all these things are ahead of me. I need them at the time necessary. Like you said, I see the theories and say, “I see the final picture”. But, just like I said, there are the forms that the divine must enter. So, like you said, this is a theory in real life, so I still need to go through it. And the experience will take us to the next time.

The experience can make your goal that you see ahead of you realistic.

I felt this has been a part of my passing life, when Isadon said, “When I was your age, I was wilder”. I have a wild spirit, too. God is very insistent. So, God says, “You do not need to do that anymore.” But, during my wild time, that is when I began to see there is a different reality. Up to a point, I only thought this is what it is about. It is just about having the enlightenment. It is just about having the experience. But, when I try to tell people, they do not understand me. Or, many of other people say, “Oh, yeah. There is something there”. “It is like looking at the clouds”. “I have seen faces in the clouds”. We are just living in our own world. And I realized that this world is becoming more isolated from other people. The way of life is actually going down. So, despite the awareness, it is not making life better. And I realized how foolish it is. We can take something very positive from it, but then we just take it for ourselves.

Or, we can consider it positively with a broader stance. If we have a thought of separating ourselves from this world, we cannot consider things positively. Therefore, which direction you are looking at is important. You just said that this world is getting worse. It is correct. Humans have forgotten to live in harmony with nature, and lost the ability to sense it. Moreover, even though they talk about God, He does not live in their own minds. As a matter of fact, human consciousness has been parting more and more from God.

According to the Heliocentric Calendar, the “Conjunction” is the strongest and closest aspect of all. This is a state where two planets in the solar system line up in the same line of sight from the sun, and two different consciousness stay with each other completely. On the contrary, the “Opposition” is the farthest aspect of all. This is a state where two planes line up in the same line and face each other across from the sun. The farther they get from each other, the broader a stance they can connect with. Although it looks like it is getting farther at the first glance, if we become aware of the absolute existence of the sun in the center, we can express even a broader world.

In the same way, even if this world looks like it is getting worse at the first glance, it will become an even stronger energy with gaps to make humans evolve and reach enlightenment, in a broad meaning. Therefore, looking worse means getting better at the same time.

I have a relationship with Shiva (the Hindu God of destruction) because I get excited when I see all of the disasters!

Now, I was imagining Shiva when talking. It is March 13th today, so we had the 5th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11th, two days ago. Today is the first Sunday after the anniversary, so many TV programs have been broadcast featuring that Earthquake since two days ago. Many people consider that Earthquake as an unfortunate disaster. And many people think of restoring what has been destroyed. However, has that Earthquake brought only unfortunate things to us?

It has washed away the contradictions which have been created with the human mind of possession. If humans can abandon the possession with their own will, the divine would not have had to give such a disaster. In order to do so, before the contradictions reach the peak and explode, we need to be flexible enough to always release our contradictions every moment. That Earthquake occurred because the trapped energy of humanity has reached its limit. In this manner, there are various ways to perceive things.

So, I was thinking just like you!

It is not something that many people will understand.

The human activity on the earth is the reflection of the human mind. We can see ourselves through the mirror of phenomena. If we do not understand what the phenomena are trying to tell us as the mirror, we will not see the results as the retribution of ourselves. This is an extremely compulsory lesson. We can also say it is the exact proof that God always faces us. When we stand at the divine position where we create this world together with God, we will be able to consider we express the divine will as his substitute, not our ego, and accept all the phenomena as the divine will.

Then, our life will be expressed freely, and we will be able to understand the fact that we are in a very free space. This is the exact abundance that God wishes. And the final destination that you are talking about exists there. However, the final destination should not be your goal. Only when you take all of the steps from the beginning (HI) to the final destination (TO), and reach it eventually, can you become “HITO”. This is the path of “HITO”. It is the divine existence that always stays with us along the way, and this is the universal figure.

When we become aware of our divinity inside of us, and stay with all the existences as God does, I think we can exist as God. What do you think?

As I experience what Isadon says, I feel this is one of the many voices of God. Just as I speak, we say the same thing from different angles. As I said, God makes the form and enters it. It is the “Chon (the divine will)” and gives it a life. We make this life for ourselves, and then we enter it to live. So, for the HITO, we start off in this life, knowing nothing. But, through our lives, we are just expanding on every awareness that has come before us.

It is also a path to remember who we are.

Until we finally face ourselves. And then, that becomes “TO” when we see, “Oh! I have already done this!”

In fact, that “TO” is just “TO” in the first step, and there is the second step from HI to TO, and the tenth step from HI to TO. Furthermore, the whole from the first step to the tenth step is just “HI”. This is the structure of this world. In this manner, we exist in the infinite world with multi-dimensional layers. Therefore, if you consider the world you can think of now and you aim for are everything, and accomplish your goal, the next goal will come into sight. God is infinite and so is this world. The inner minute world is infinite, too. Even if we try to understand it by thinking scientifically, we cannot do that. It is important to sense it, not try to explore it with our brain. In order to do so, we need to utilize all the cell sensors in our body.

According to Katakamuna, this is to sense the purest energy in the potential world. That is, all the cells in our body will blossom and the ability of its antenna will function fully. And when each antenna of all the cells is fully open, “Chon (the divine will and energy)” enters the center of each antenna. Connecting with the divine in such a state is a figure of the ultimate human communion between a man and a woman. According to Katakamuna, this is called, “KAMU-UTSUSHI, AMA-UTSUSHI”.

I could talk about it only theoretically during the Truth School. However, it is said it is possible to experience and manifest it in the Katakamuna world. Nobody has conveyed it in such a way so far. When a society is created beyond the conventional value, those who can express it in reality will appear. Probably, it would be possible for the children under 10 years old and those who will be born from now on.

As I see my role, I am just here to make the space for the divine to enter. There will be those that will come because they can no longer go backward. And that will be the older generation. But, there also will be a younger generation that will just naturally gravitate.

People tend to separate their own lives from others, but it is important to consider that we are responsible for the era. We need to know that our lives have the same structure as the space between railroad ties when a train runs on the track. Whenever a train arrives at a station, the era changes. And whenever a train reaches a station, people of a new generation get on the train to express the next era. At the same time, people of the old generation get off the train. Then, it is necessary to know that our lives are the space between railroad ties. We can consider that a space between ties is the period from the beginning to the end. Or, it is only a part to connect a possibility of a long train journey.

This is what I said at the community meeting the other day, which is the “joy of sadness”. It is so beautiful, and at the same time, we cannot possess it.

Hahaha. Would it become sorrow because you have a mind to want to possess it? If people expand their stance, they will not possess anything. When they see things with a narrow viewpoint, they will possess them. If we think we exist in this world, we do. But, if we do not think we exist in this world, we do not. Therefore, as I told you yesterday morning, when we reset ourselves, everything becomes illusion! If you are aware of it, it becomes your reality. We see the reality from birth to death, but when we die, all the events in this phenomenal world become illusion. What we do is just to connect each railroad tie, and take a journey as a humanity. It is a journey from the beginning of humanity to the end, but it is just a part. It is a journey from the beginning of life to the end, but it is just a part. It is a journey from the beginning of the earth to the end, but it is just a part. It is a journey from the beginning of the universe to the end, and there would be more than that. If there is an infinite stance, it is more important to sense the infinite universe, rather than analyze it in this manner. Then, we will be able to become released. OK?

OK! This is how simple God makes this world.

That is right. This world expresses both this ultimate simplicity and an ultimate complexity. Therefore, we can say both. When I consider the universe and the divine, it is always a very simple structure of fractal and TAIKO-HASSEI (a Katakamuna word, meaning that two opposite qualities face each other to create something new), and at the same time, an extremely minute and complicated world exists. On top of that, it is expressed not only in the three-dimensional world that we can recognize physically, but also in the multi-dimensional world! It is impossible to interpret this with the brain given to us to utilize in the three-dimensional world. Only when we release the function of the brain to sense it into the universe, will it be possible. What we should do is release all of the brain cells into the universe, and sense them with all of their receptors. Then, we will be able to sense the universal figure surely. If so, the real world we see now would be just trivial.

Exactly! (Holding Isadon’s hands and putting his forehead to Isadon’s hands) Thank you so much for everything!

This was a wonderful meeting. Thank YOU.


One week later, the following mail was sent from Toomasu to the Konohana Family to let us know his updates.


I hope this email finds you well and well adjusted from the conclusion of the True School. I have been back in Bali for almost a week now. It has been a whole new beginning since I have returned. I have had a rather difficult time since I have come back. There is much to be humbled by in the world, and the spirits that God allows to do His work are always eager to train us 🙂

I went home and felt very low and found it very difficult to find the clarity that I finished with in the True School. Hahaha, almost like I went right back to (Hi).

I was told at the age of 33 I will come to Buddhahood, and that I will enter the state that I speak of (HiTo). However, it will be full of training along the way, and that I must enter the extreme depths of darkness, before I can sit among eternal light. I felt a renewed courage and devotion to the Divine, as all has been God, and all is God. When I came down stairs, I saw the number 33, and I felt that only God can bring clarity to my path. Later, I read the blog called “An Ultimate Harmonious World: PART 1 & 2,” I felt that God has been with us all along. He has secretly been guiding us on this path, so subtly, that many times we are not even aware that He has been with us.

I read my conversation with Isadon in the blog, and I felt like this is both God’s wonderful sense of humor, and God’s virtue to His creation, that we are never abandoned, and in fact we are always retracing our steps, with renewed enlightenment and opened hearts. It is so amazing to be allowed to read back my time in the True School, and though it is only a week ago, I feel like I have already found the wisdom in its passing. The gap is closing, and so is my email.

With all of my heart to Konohana (and of course Isadon 🙂


The Prayer

The Konohana Family members always pray before they eat. The following prayer came down to Isadon, the founder of Konohana Family about 10 years ago.

“The Prayer”

According to your will, According to your will, According to your will
I exist
According to your will, According to your will, According to your will
I exist
According to your will, According to your will, According to your will
I exist
That is because I am you and you are I
I do my best, hoping that all the people will become aware of your will
And a peaceful, calm and happy world will come to be
Infinite gratitude for an infinite you
Eternal gratitude for an eternal you
Amen Hands together

The explanation by Isadon:
In general, prayer is interpreted so that people put their consciousness toward the divine to gratify their desires. Or, the current situation of the general prayer is that people pray toward no specific target to gratify their desires that run through their minds.
On the contrary, the original prayer is to create a world with the universal energy creation behind our thoughts. The physics (vibrancy) of universal creation exists as the world. The universe (life) circulates, spirals, continuously changes, transfigures and transforms, and is always evolving. This is the same figure of us, the earth lives because of the universe itself is life.
Life (生命) is written as “living(生) life(命)” in Japanese. The Chinese character of 命 is interpreted not only as life (pronounced as Inochi), but also as God (pronounced as Mikoto). Therefore, life is the living God that has emerged in the phenomenal world. Distortion of the potential world (yin), where the original divine exists, emerges into the phenomenal world (yang), and this is how the world started to move. This is the origin of life in this world. Only when those who understand its physics, and offer prayer, can it become a true prayer and accomplish its purpose. For example, reciting the ancient Japanese Katakamana (the advanced universal physics that developed in East Asia about 13,000 years ago) song is the original prayer. Therefore, it is important to first enhance our spirituality, empty our thoughts and pray with an appropriate spiritual attitude.
As a result, the hearts of those who make a prayer will be polished beautifully. When the inner mirror of the person becomes beautiful, the structure of universal creation outside is reflected on the inner mirror. Then, inner thoughts resonate with the thoughts of universal creation, and contradictions disappear. And beautiful thoughts will be manifested in this world.
People whose hearts have become beautiful reflect the divine physics on their inner mirror. When such people live, the divine physics spreads from inside to outside, and this world becomes beautiful. That is, reflecting on the inner mirror means that the inside and outside are combined as one mirror, and they resonate and echo with each other.

Let me explain each phrase of the prayer:

According to your will, According to your will, According to your will
I exist
According to your will, According to your will, According to your will
I exist
According to your will, According to your will, According to your will
I exist

“You” means the physics (the divine) of this world surrounding ourselves. It could be interpreted as the great universal law, the energy, the law or the divine. It is something that exists everywhere, resounds all over the universe, and operates this world. I declare that “I exist” according to the system of universal creation and the divine. At the same time, I also declare that “I do not exist (non-existence).” That is, the fact that I exist according to the way of universal creation means the pure figure of universal creation is reflected on my inner mirror. Therefore, the ego of myself does not exist inside of me. So, “I exist” means I exist according to your will and there is no “myself”. In short, it expresses “the divine with existence and the divine with non-existence.”
Reciting one phrase (According to your will) three times has a deep meaning, too. According to Katakamuna, “MI” means three. “MI” also indicates to be filled. Therefore, my will is absolute and solid. I reflect an original state as a mirror according to your will, the vibrancy of universal creation, the divine. That is why, there is no ego or self at all. And I am absolute and filled with such vibrancy. I recite this three times as a proof of my solid will. Reciting this three times and repeating it (According to your will, According to your will, According to your will, I exist) three times expresses the will of absolute of absolute of absolute. Repeating “absolute” three times means expressing insistently. Insistently means “Kudoku” in Japanese and “Ku” in Kudoku also means “Nine.” This is an absolute state, so when humans reach the state and receive life and food, it leads to “Ten” with a strong will. According to Katakamuna, “Ten” means integration and completion.

That is because I am you and you are I

“You” here means the energy of universal creation. You (the divine) is I. I am the universe and I am you, so I cannot distinguish myself from you. That is because there is no individual self. This indicates “That is because I am you and you are I.”

I do my best, hoping that all the people will become aware of your will
And a peaceful, calm and happy world will come to be

All humans will become aware of “your will” which is the energy of universal creation. When they become awakened, the human world will become unified with the divine world. “A peaceful, calm and happy world” means a heaven on earth, which is a utopia. It also indicates the world with the unity of the divine and humans. And I will live, hoping a peaceful, calm and happy world (the world of Bodhisattvas) will come to be. I will do my best, so I will make efforts. It is my will. This is determination and action (the unity of wisdom, will and actions) to live for the world and other people.

Infinite gratitude for an infinite you
Eternal gratitude for an eternal you
Amen Hands together

“Infinite you” means infinite universe (the divine) and “eternal you” means eternal universe (the divine). “Gratitude” here means joy of reaching its awakening and appreciating it.
The last phrase of “Amen, Hands together” indicates this prayer has nothing to do with any specific thoughts and beliefs such as religions.
Infinite gratitude, infinite Arigatogozaimasu in Japanese. Arigatogozaimasu means as follows: Ari; be, gato; difficult, u: the mystery of the universe, gozai; exist, masu; more and more—the mystery of the universe that is difficult to exist appears and this world is full of that. Therefore, when we humans become aware of the difficulty of existence, the mystery of the universe will be revealed in this world.
Eternal gratitude, eternal Arigatogozaimasu.
“Amen. Hands together.” The path that humans should take is one and the mind is one.
The physics of universal creation creates this world. When humans realize it, they will become beautiful, and manifest its physics in this world. As a result, the boundary among people will disappear and also the boundary between the divine and the earth will disappear. Then, the spirits of the earth will be unified with that of the divine, and they will create a utopia on earth together. This is the will expressed in this prayer.


You are Meant to Be Born for This World

~ Prescription of Cancer in the 21st Century:
From Trapped to Inspired ~

I am an observer of this world. I always observe beings in this world, in people, and in nature. I can find there are various laws in that observation. However, most people put priority on their desires or interests, they cannot notice the laws. Therefore, the world that human beings created ignores the laws, as a result, contradictions have generated on the earth. Now, the contradictions have reached the peak of human society. In a way, that describes the high capability of human beings. However, that high capability is not always expressed in a good direction because that high capability can be used to bring about extremely negative matters, such as wars.

In this state, we, human beings live a very unhealthy life every day. One of those unhealthy phenomena is the invasion of chronic diseases. Currently, cancer is the top resultant of death in Japan. So, I thought about the feelings of those cancer cells. They have such a high capability and excellence in a way. They know the suitable ranges for their habitat and once the environment is set, they expand their power exponentially. They spread their power by parasitically surviving off of other living creatures.  From this statement, can you imagine the current state of human beings who are living on this container called the Earth?

Cancer cells make a suitable area and go into that frame. When someone gets trapped in their thoughts, it is described as 囚in the Chinese character. This shows person (人) is trapped in a frame (□). When the bottom part of this frame is removed, an entrance is created and information is coming from outside, and when the top part is removed (門), a law of the universe will come in. When it happens, Trapped (囚) becomes Inspired (閃). When one is trapped, thoughts go around in one’s brain, and the person lives only with thoughts based on own values.スライド1In contrast, the trapped state is called “horizontal” thoughts.  When the horizontal thought follow the vertical thought, it functions soundly, and when this vertical energy (|) and the horizontal energy (-) meet, they become oneness (十) and it is the same structure as the earth. Our body, the solar system, the galaxies, and the universe are also the same structure. The cross of Christianity is also the same. In Katakamuna (ancient Cosmo-physics which emerged about 13,000 years ago), is read as the path from (-) Hi (means 1 one) to (十) To (means 10 ten), and together it is read as (十) Hito (means human) which describes well-established enlightened human beings.

スライド3Cancer cells create their own world when they find a suitable area for them to live. However, even the environment is pre-established for the cancer cell in order to increase its population in someone’s stomach, generally, the cancer cell does not spread around, because there is an immunizing power to suppress the cancer cell in the human body. There, the cancer cell follows the laws of their inhabitant area, when the gate opens they take a role 閃 (inspired), and they function as normal cells.

However, when we try to understand the Chinese character for cancer (癌), it describes when one carries goods (品) up a mountain (山), one will be sick (病), and this letter indicates greedy human characteristics. Cancer cells have a high capability and expand their area more and more. For example, if they go into the stomach, rather than focusing on their own role in the stomach, they change the cells which have various roles in the stomach into cancer cells. They end up creating a cancer dominated world, and the function of the areas where the cancer has increased begin to break down. Ultimately, the important functions stop working in the body, and the whole life function will be terminated. As a result, those cancer cells die together. The cancer cells are naturally co-existing with other cells when the host body is healthy; however, if they ignore and spend their capability only in order to expand their world, they end up killing themselves.



However, the problem is not only the cancer cells. Naturally, our body can be balanced between the cancer cells and normal cells. Therefore, increasing cancer cells means there is surely a cause to make the ecosystem disturbed in our body, and that helps to increase the cancer cells. For example, eating food that enhances the cancer cell, or creating such an environment, or keeping a state of mind that resonates with cancer cells. The cancer cell resonates with a greedy state which holds heaps of goods. That is the state of closing one’s gate and not harmonizing and connecting with others.

Originally, cancer cells did not exist as cancer cells. When conditions are set, normal cells turn into cancer cells. Looking at cancer cells like this, can you see them as the current human beings on earth? Human beings are also originally generated from nature, and they acquired ego within the circulation of lives, put priority ego based conditions, and as a result turned into the cancer cell of the Earth. That is how the current human beings exist as cancer cells on the earth. In that sense, the leaders of the modern society who keep putting a burden on the earth are more or less the leaders of the cancer cells. When we see how human beings were originally in a mutually beneficial position with the earth’s ecosystem, must the leaders of future human beings totally flip around their conventional values?

If the human beings do not change the current attitude, the universe and the earth’s ecosystem will give us realization for our problems through various phenomena that reflect such attitudes. This is the message to “Connect with others and harmonize”. Moreover, this message tells us, “You are meant to be born for this world and this world gives birth to you.”

In the early days, people did not get cancer so much; however, more and more people get cancer currently. According to the recent statistics, one in three Japanese people die with cancer, and one in two people get some sort of cancer in one’s life. From there we can see that the attitude of the current society reflects those who put priority on themselves and do not care of others, are attached to money and goods because people do not feel connected with each other, and therefore they feel an uneasiness to their lives. The current people think happiness is about having a lot of money and goods, and misunderstand thinking that achieving is one’s success. However, that is the opposite attitude from the superior being’s which human beings naturally should be. The cancer cells tell us, “Your attitude for living is exactly like being cancer cells.” Once your heart opens and becomes harmonious, the cancer cells end their role and naturally vanish.

Since entering into the 21st century, human beings face many more difficulties in many ways. However, that is not a problem in this world. Your very small attachment to your daily life becomes big, links and forms this whole world’s reality. At the same time, our individual problems and worries that are shown in this society are also contributing toward this reality. Therefore, when we release ourselves from our small trapped situations in order to solve those problems, then that becomes the key for our resolution. Each of us has the key in our hand.

No one would like to be like a cancer cell. Naturally, we were born for this world, so our real purpose as Hito十 (human beings) is to contribute to this world, end one’s life with pride, and that is the ideal human life. Please take a look at yourself and think about how human beings are supposed to live.

First of all,
change your Trapped
to Inspired.

Cancer cell to healthy cell