Let’s blow the wind of hope throughout the world!

Konohana Family held the opening ceremony for the global event “the WORLD PROCLAMATION 13:13 FOR THE VIBRATIONAL ASCENSION OF ALL HUMANITY” that was hosted by the Mayan Solar Tradition in Mexico.
In this event, people from all over the world participated in liberating the spirit of humanity in order to build a world in which anyone can live happily with affluence and dignity. The ceremony was comprised of a sequence of rituals and various expressions of faith so that the spirit of human beings would be liberated throughout the world. The Konohana Family located in “the Country of the Rising Sun, Japan” held the opening ceremony as the first one.
Coincidentally, from December 22, 2020, it is said that “The Era of Wind” will begin in the universe, and the name of the ceremony turned to be “The Wind of Hope Ceremony.” (Please see below for details on the ceremony.)
The following is the opening address by Jiiji, one of the founders and also a spiritual leader of Konohana Family.


Let’s blow the wind of hope throughout the world!

Jiiji’s message from the Opening of “The Wind of Hope Ceremony”

“The Wind of Hope Ceremony” was conducted for the awakening of human beings on earth at 13 o’clock on December 13th, 2020. We, human beings have built many civilizations with our wisdom up until now, and have demonstrated a great influence on earth. We, human beings have not found any evidence of advanced civilizations on other planets like the one on earth, despite the use of high technological space observations. Even in the future, human beings may not encounter a planet which will have developed such a civilization. This extraordinary planet where we, human beings flourish, has become a special place in the universe. That is, as you can see when you look around, this planet is a planet of life.

This is a miracle of the universe that so many lives develop infinitely on the earth. The characteristics of these lives are harmonized and cooperate with each other, and together, are expressed as one ecosystem. This expression is a microcosm of the universe, which is an expression of harmony, goodness, and love. It is as such that the life ecosystem of the earth cannot exist without great harmony. This great beautiful circulation of life spread all over the earth is constantly materializing into the future.

However, in recent years, this great circulation has been destroyed and polluted by human activities, casting a dark shadow on the society that we have created. The proliferation of covid-19 throughout the world, and the frequent occurrence of natural disasters due to global warming, are the result of how human beings have been trying to live affluently by using our material wisdom. Why is this situation occurring as a result of trying to live an affluent and happy life? It is because we human beings have forgotten about other lives and also the spirit of great harmony. This phenomena is not limited to just these recent times. It is said, that it has been 6500 years since this modern civilization has been developed using human wisdom. From the point of view of humanity, this modern civilization has been a development of hope. However, it is said that the phenomena that this civilization has brought about in these present times casts a dark shadow on the life of the entire earth.

What do we have to do now? What should we do to find new hope?

The essence of life is that we exist as a whole before we exist as a self. A nation is built on the harmony of the people who construct the nation, and human beings exist to express the great circulation of the world, in which all other lives are healthy. The basis of that spirit is to think of others, and connect with others. That spirit generates harmony and creates a peaceful world.

The great source of that spirit exists in the great universe. From an era in which we scramble, compete for natural resources, and create disparities, we should become awakened to the universal spirit at once. As a beautiful and infinite expression of harmony, this world, as well as all of the stars, are weaving throughout the universe along with all of the lives on earth, as a miraculous circulation of life.

It is easy. Such expand your self-perception, and think of others as yourself. We are the earth, and a being in the universe. If you realize this within yourself, it is very easy to resolve the contradictions of the current society.

Many people have not become aware of this as of late, but, there are many people beginning to emerge on Earth who are aware. We declare the beginning of awakening, from the land of Mt. Fuji in Japan, and allow the wind of hope to blow. This wave of wind goes around the earth and wraps this whole planet with harmony. You do not need to make an effort. If each individual just thinks of the true state of human beings and the true state of the earth, their wills shall connect from person to person, to resound and embrace the earth.

Why was it not possible before and why is it possible now? That is because the new wind, the cosmic wind, will begin to blow as of the 12th month of 2020. I am very pleased to be here with everyone and to receive this awareness for this opening ceremony. This small vibration will eventually embrace the entire globe, and that will make the Earth, a miracle planet, a truly beautiful world. Who will take the lead? It is our responsibility to awaken, for we human beings have the highest ability and the most precious gifts amongst the lives of the earth.

Today, at 13:00 o’clock on December 13th, we will deliver the opening ceremony from Mt. Fuji in Japan. Let’s blow the wind of hope for the awakening of human beings throughout the world so that others may sense our anticipation. Thank you very much.



At the ceremony, a new song of the Konohana Band, “Wind of Hope” was sung.

Wind of Hope

At the horizon of the dark universe
A faint light has begun to spread
What kind of era will begin?
Now, a heavy door is gradually opening

To the people who lost hope
Let’s go towards the light
From the edge of despair
Go beyond the uneasiness and fear
By bringing forth our forgotten wings
Now, let’s spread our wings and fly

The future is calling you
Showing you that your lost hope is right here
Intrinsically anyone can know about this
So let’s start walking right now

In the dark universe, a wisdom is spreading
Why do people not know about this?
No matter what kind of darkness covers your heart
If you open the door within, a light will flow through you

To the people who lost hope,
Let’s begin to walk the path of truth
Overcome uneasiness and fear
When you start flapping your wings
You will hear encouragement soaring from the stars

The future is calling you
Guiding you to go straight on this path
To the people who were born to connect heaven and earth
Let’s go together hand in hand

To know love, there is hatred
To know light, there is darkness
It is up to you to release
All of the thoughts that are hidden in the darkness

Finally, a new wind is beginning to blow
In order to connect everyone’s hearts
If the wind of hope connects everyone
Miracles will take place throughout the world

All is for the best
All is for the best
All is for the best
All is for the best


*You can watch the video of the entire ceremony from the Facebook livestream.

Watch the video













静岡県富士宮市猫沢238-1 NPO法人green grass

  • 除了瀑布、河流、泉水等,也可以是神社佛阁等能量之地,总之,拜托大家寄来自己感觉良好的场所汲取的清水。因为是用于神事之水,请避免寻常的自来水或不净的水。
  • 水量在10ml~50ml左右即可。请放入宝特瓶等能够牢牢盖严盖子的容器中,并在容器上标明采水的场所。
  • 拜托请尽量将清水在2021年1月27日(周三)之前寄到。过了1月28日到达的情况下,我们将小心保存,直到转年的富士浅间木之花庆典。
  • 寄来清水的各位,我们将稍后寄去纪念品和庆典中融合为一体的清水,请将姓名和住址写于另外的纸张。庆典后的清水请返还于附近的河流和大地,以再次回到地球,在各位的居住地,将此和谐震响震荡开来,为吾等之大幸。




木之花家族期刊第104号 〜 起风了

恰逢初春吉月,空气清澄,风儿和煦。 梅花雪白粉嫩,似镜前梳妆美女;兰花香气盈盈,如同身佩香囊。





























木之花家族期刊第103号 〜 生命





























Konohana Family Newsletter vol.102 – The Message of Coronavirus

Can Humans Control the World?

Due to the appearance of the new Coronavirus the world is facing a great turning point which requires everyone to live by a “new normal”. However, is this “new normal” really how human beings are supposed to be: maintaining social distancing, avoiding conversations or contact with people, and protecting themselves with masks and disinfections?

The appearance of this virus has shown us one thing – human beings have become unable to live without money.

Now, everyone’s greatest concern is the economy. People are afraid that they will not be able to maintain their lifestyles due to the economic stagnation, therefore the Japanese government has compiled a great amount of supplementary budget and has begun paying out various subsidies as a temporary solution, even though they are expanding the deficit budget. Only a few months of economic stagnation have created such a huge demand for subsidies, which is to say, there are so many people who are barely making a living in the present era.

As long as beings alive, every life continues to participate in the activities of life. For examples, a bird needs a lot of energy, based on its body size, in order to live, so it keeps looking for food and feels compelled to eat. As for other animals, though the necessary amount of energy varies with each species, all of them keep eating to live, and plants spread their roots for water and leaves for light as well. Above all, all of them keep breathing, all of the time. Lives are compelled into activities to maintain their existence as long as they are alive, and every activity directly concerns their life.

However, the Coronavirus has revealed that only human beings are compelled into activities to earn money. Money is just a piece of paper or numbers on computers. Actually it doesn’t directly influence the life activities which maintain humanity’s existence, however the lives of modern people greatly depend on money.

Every living being is given a suitable position for their character in the great circulation of nature; which is woven by the sun, water, soil, air and wind, while living earnestly with each moment to maintain life. In such a world, only human beings began to seek an easier way to live using their high abilities. They began to ignore nature, even though they were made to live as a part of nature, and they went as far as to create an economic system that is completely out of sync with the principles of life. People began to accumulate for their own wealth and power, then got trapped in trying to maintain their lifestyles, which do not live in balance with the sun or soil but with their bank accounts. Though they have wished to have easier lives, they got trapped by what they have created for themselves, and now they have ended up living in a very difficult world which is not fair at all.

This is an abnormal state of life. However, people who live in such an abnormal world for such a long time believe this as normal. So, now the era has dispatched a messenger called the Coronavirus into the world. It is so small that we cannot see it with the naked eye but it has the power to make the world transform. What in the world is it going to highlight, and what is it going to tell us?


The Illusion that
“We Live on The Economy”


The World that No Other Lives Create

We life forms are alive not because of the money but the power of life. Modern people, however, live for money which is out of the principle of life, and are always pressed to earn money. This is an abnormal worldview which cannot be applied to other life forms, which constitutes how people continue to live under extreme stress. In order to reduce this stress, they drink, have fun in resorts, and consume a lot of materials which produces a tremendous waste. None of such activities have been necessary to live, yet have grown the economy beyond what is essential. As if children had become addicted to games, people all over the world have been obsessed by the magical power of money and cannot release themselves from it.

If you stop and rest your hands, then look up at the sky, feel the wind, touch the soil and listen to the whispers of the trees, you’ll find out how generous nature is, and you’ll feel that all of the animals and plants live in a boundless circulation of life. Life is naturally generous, however, when did human beings condition themselves to live in such a cramped way of life?

While economic activities have stagnated due to the spread of the new coronavirus, carbon dioxide emissions on earth have temporarily dropped. There are also some reports that the air and the water in the rivers around the world have become cleaner. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that the world’s temperature will increase 1.5 degrees by 2030 compared to before the Industrial Revolution. Many scientists warn that in order to minimize the increase of super typhoons, heavy rain, drought, sea level rise, ecosystem collapse, and food shortages due to temperature rise; we human beings need to completely change our lifestyle over the next 10 years*.

From another point of view, it can be said that the earth is self-cleaning through the use of the Coronavirus to suspend human economic activities. Yet, people still dream of a V-shaped recovery for the economy and are making every effort to restore the world to its previously abnormal state. This is because they are afraid of the collapse of their artificial life support system, which is the economy made by human beings. All of these desires are accumulating irreparable distortions to the natural way of life, which goes against the principle of life. Now the world has become a place of great contradiction where people can no longer live if the economy stops, even though it is not the source of life’s creation.


* The IPCC warns that in order to keep the global temperature rise within 1.5℃, we must reduce the global CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030, and make it practically zero by 2050. Scientists emphasize that if the temperature rises above 1.5 degrees Celsius, we’ll fall into a vicious spiral of seawater temperature rise due to the melting of the Arctic ice shelf, the release of underground methane gas (which has 25 times more greenhouse effects than CO2) due to permafrost melting in Siberia, further CO2 emissions from increasing Amazon forest fires and so on. Eventually, there would be a transformation into a “Burning Earth” where the temperature will automatically rise and will unable to stop.


Do the subsidies solve the problems?

Under such circumstances, the Japanese government has begun paying out various subsidies including a supplementary income payment of 100,000 yen per person. However, will it really solve the current problems?

It is said that as a result of refraining from going out due to the new Coronavirus, discords within families and abuses have increased. Most people think that it happened due to the Coronavirus, but actually, it did not. It happened because there had been a seed which was previously planted in each other’s hearts, and the Coronavirus was just a trigger for the seed to sprout. When people encounter a problem, they usually don’t see the cause of the problem inside of themselves but think the problem came from outside and blame others without changing themselves. Then it finally grows into a conflict between nations, which leads to war. The government is supported by such blind people who govern their respective countries, and those countries create the modern world.

Even though uniform measures like subsidies are taken to solve the problems on the surface without confronting the root cause, they may be spent on drinking or other luxuries to relieve the temporary stress. Further, they may become the cause of another conflict within a family, like when one person spends another’s money, which will only compound upon the problems which have existed before the pandemic. If it becomes impossible to maintain one’s own lifestyle during a few months of economic stagnation, then such lifestyle had already been unstable before the pandemic. However, if that instability is made up for with temporary subsidies, people come to think that they will be supported again next time that they get in trouble, which will justify why they should not make a living for themselves.

Even those who have lost their means to live still have a vote, and the politicians want to get their support, not just by the ruling party but also by the opposition parties; therefore, all of the money distributed to the public is only for political gain. It is a way to not solve the problems caused by the pandemic but to maintain their own administration. They are adding more and more debt to the fiscal deficit, where in Japan there is now a debt of 1,000 trillion yen, which is quite outstanding in the world. If this were an individual, they would have surely gone bankrupt. Though the subsidy bill will definitely need to be repaid in the future, people who only chase immediate profits have chosen politicians who will meet their demands, and those politicians carry out policies on a level of consciousness. This is the result given to ourselves, who have chosen the social system called democracy.

No matter how hard you try to create a good country, it will never be a good country as long as the standard measurement of worth is using money. This is because it is not in alignment with the principle of life. While people are somehow trying to suppress the pandemic and solve their problems, there is a fact that they are forgetting: even though they may not come into contact with the Coronavirus, everyone dies in a way that accords with their lifestyle.


Attachment to “the Moment”

In this world, there is an absolute axis, time, that is common to all things. It never stops, never goes back, and travels from the creation to the disappearance of the universe. Time is, so to speak, a pillar. The pillar stands at the center, and a spiral movement of energy occurs around the pillar, then the vibration of the universe is realized as phenomena. This process generates life. Life is what perpetuates incarnation and passes along the pillar of time, which permits our journey from the past to the future. We are continuously being reborn, living, dying and being reborn again, as we weave an endless cosmic life story in the great circulation of life with all of the other lives on earth, the sun, the moon and countless celestial bodies.

It is a story far beyond human life, and each of us is a part of the story. If we expand our perception beyond the limitations of “my life is from birth till death”, we will know that our existence is the history of human beings, and also the history of life; and that life as a person with a body is just a blink of an eye. However, once a soul with such a great potential becomes bound to a body, it forgets that it is a part of a great life network and begins to cling to its vehicle.

Having a body and living as a lifeform means having self-consciousness. For example, plants also have self-consciousness. When it doesn’t rain, plants grow their roots to get water, and when they are still in a flowering state before they bear fruits, they produce strong medicinal properties not to be eaten by animals. But their self-consciousness is not so strong that they can run away when they are about to be eaten. Animals have stronger self-consciousness than plants. For example, zebras run away when they are about to be caught by lions. But if a zebra is caught and eaten by a lion, the zebra doesn’t leave any attachment to its form and so the zebra’s life will be passed on to the lion. Both animals and plants play a role in the great circulation of the ecosystem, as part of a larger life force, while they maintain their own life as individuals.

A long time ago, human beings also lived with nature as part of a great existence. As time went on, however, civilization emerged, and as people began possessing things and power, they came to be fascinated with them and began clinging to life.

Especially since the Industrial Revolution, it became conspicuous. By developing science and technology, they became captives to fulfilling their desires and expanded their egos, then they tried to control nature as they would like it rather than living in harmony with it.


A “Rich Country” with Advanced Medical Care

We, life beings, repeat life and death in the never-ending flow of time, weaving an eternal story. To be born as life in this world is, so to speak, to enter a school, and death is to graduate. It is a rule of this world to return to where we are from once we are born, and whether it is a little early or late corresponds to the proper destiny for each lifeform. What is important is not how long we live, but what we learn through our life and what is our spiritual state when we graduate. In order to know the true meaning of life, it is essential to know the true meaning of death. It’s only when we have a perspective which is not captured by life nor death that we meet the truth of living in this world.

In modern society, where people have become captives to desire and have put value only on living, medical care has become extremely advanced, and it has become a top priority to just prolong life using high and complicated technology, which is proof of the high abilities of human beings. People try to prolong their lives in a way that has never existed in nature, such as artificial dialysis or organ transplantation, which allows them to desperately hold on to life while accumulating enormous medical expenses and using a lot of energy.

It is said that it is more likely to become severe when smokers, or those who have underlying diseases such as diabetes, get infected with the new Coronavirus. People are afraid of infection and think of the new Coronavirus as a problem, but they don’t think why they have come to such a high-risk state. Originally, they should look back at the lifestyle that has led them to such a high-risk state, and change their mind-set which is the basis of their lifestyle. Modern medical care, however, treats only physical symptoms uniformly, and considers that the cure is completed when the symptoms disappear from the surface, therefore, it never leads to human beings changing their way of life. Meanwhile, the economy has accumulated enormous medical expenses, despite the fact that this has come to signify a “rich country.”

The more diseases are cured, and the more advanced technology is developed, the more humans come to think that they can control everything in the world. And now, humans are facing a situation which they cannot control due to the appearance of the new Coronavirus, and are greatly confused. Then they just consider the new Coronavirus as evil since it hinders their convenient way of life. But is it possible for humans to control the world in the first place?


A Message for Human Beings from the Universe

Can you shed light, or rain on the earth? Can you control the coming of the morning, the cycling of the four seasons, or the spinning of the earth?

Since the Industrial Revolution, human beings have behaved as if they were controlling the world with their own power. But if they see the world correctly, they will find that the world is not controlled by human power. Every day comes not because you turn over the pages of your calendars nor do you manage the schedule, but because the earth is spinning. The earth, the moon, the sun, and all of the other stars orbit the universe on a scale far beyond your everyday lives, thereby the world moves, and it makes you live.

What brings about order to such a huge world is time. Everything in the universe keeps going along this absolute pillar from the past to the future. If time were to go backward and the earth were to reverse, or the dead were to be revived, the world would lose order. It is because everything exists under this absolute rule without any exception that order is maintained.

In the first place, there is no freedom to live in this world. No one can control the earth or their own heartbeat. Who can control sleep, breathing or aging? You have been given life and are made alive according to the absolute law that can never be resisted, and there is nothing that you can do to control life. In spite of this, human beings have tried to control everything as they would like, while resisting being controlled by others. Therefore, those who cannot find commonalities with others will turn out to be controlled by what they have created.

Life has been given a proper position for each character in the circulation of the ecosystem, and plays as a unique function which are not meant to be free or equal. In such a world, human society has created a system of superficial freedom and equality called democracy, which believes that it is a right of everyone to assert their unbridled desires, generated by their ego, for the advancement of society. Then such a belief spreads like a drug as human society moves away from the principle of life. Originally, there was an order of prioritization, and the first priority must come first, not second or third. Today’s people live with backwards priorities, which are based on their desires. That’s why the world has gone crazy. The new Coronavirus has begun to expose the reality of such a crazy world.

If humans do not realize this message and continue their current way of life, the world will send more radical messages. People see the Coronavirus as a threat to their lifestyles, which cannot be suppressed no matter how hard they try to do it, however, if they see themselves from the earth’s perspective, they will find that you, human beings, are an extremely harmful threat which deprive the earth of its resources, harm other lives, destroy the ecosystem and continue to multiply no matter how much the earth tries to suppress you.

Now that the era has begun to say “NO” to humanity’s way of life, you now need to shift your perspectives from egocentrism to geo-centrism, which transcends ego and maintains life for all sentient beings.




We, earth life, are given everything necessary to live upon this world; and these resources are meant to be shared: the sun, the air, the water and the earth. Life is something that causes movement in the world. The sun and other elements existed before the emergence of life, and when life emerged, the elements began to transform into the biosphere, which connects infinitely and circulates as one life force. This is the natural world, which is absolutely communal.

In such a communal world, what human beings have expressed since the birth of civilization is far from the true state of the world: such as greed, competition, and harming not only other species but even their own species. Even with the vaccine of the new Coronavirus that the world is eagerly waiting for, countries neither collaborate nor share the information but compete with each other in order to develop a new vaccine before the other countries in order to make a business opportunity for their own benefit.

In fact, as humans develop new medicines, viruses and bacteria also evolve. It is said that as a result of humans having abused medicines, such as antibiotics for medical treatment and even for the livestock industry, resistant bacteria have spread in various places, and antibiotics will no longer be effective in the near future. If antibiotics can no longer be used, most modern medical care will no longer work. That is why we need to reconsider the true meaning of life now instead of just trying to prolong our lives. Now the time has come to return to the origin of life.

Let Go of Your Scale

No matter how far humans deviate from the principle of the world, the world will never waver and keep going toward the future.

The Milky Way galaxy, in which we live, encompasses a vast space on an enormous scale of 100,000 light years in diameter. While myriads of stars spiral each cycle throughout it, the whole galaxy also spirals around the central sun at a speed of about 200 km per second. It is a scale that far exceeds the scale of earth. The fact that it has kept its order with such a huge scale without wavering for more than 10 billion years means that it has an absolute axis which transcends human intellect and never wavers. In such an absolutely stable galaxy, the solar system spirals according to the laws of the universe, and under the order of the solar system, the earth spirals, so our daily order should also be according to this principle. No matter how far we humans deviate from the principle of the world, in other words, we are still coexisting upon an absolutely stable world in which we can return to the principle anytime as long as we so desire.

A speed of 200 km per second is an amazing speed on a global scale. On the scale of a galaxy with a diameter of 100,000 light years, though, it is slow enough that it looks like that it’s not even moving at all. In this world, there are incalculable scales under the absolute order that far exceeds human intellect, and it is impossible to interpret this world using the limitations of modern intellect. Although we are constantly influenced by the laws of such a mysterious world, we live according to our own perception of reality, and we believe that we are normal even though we are out of sync with the principle of the world. Because we live according to our limitations, we become greedy, compete with each other, fear losing what we have accumulated, and stifle in the worry that we have constructed according to our own mindset. This is all in spite of the fact that we live in a world of great harmony where everything is naturally shared and circulated.

Let go of your myopic focus.

And be free from yourself.

Once we do so, we will always be able to live according to the great scope of the universe, throughout which diverse beings circulate forever in great harmony as a chain of life.

When we live with this spirit, we will be released from anxiety and fear, no longer need to be greedy or compete with each other, and create a world of gentle vibrations. Then they will allow us to live healthy lives, not only for ourselves, but also for the earth.

Humans, by nature, are social creatures. Now, we are heading in the opposite direction from the principle of life, which is tearing us apart in order to survive. As the world is in great confusion, the future of the new era is not in politics, nor is it in the field of academics. It is in the absolutely invariant cosmic law, and when we let go of our self-limiting perception, and awaken to the great system of the cosmos, it will arise within ourselves. This is the guiding force for the next era.

So, it is important to live close to the soil. Because we are all children of the earth. The earth is the source of our lives, and living with the earth means to live with the rhythm of the great beings of this world: the sun, the moon, and the celestial bodies of the universe which give us life. This is the true form of life living on earth, and it awakens the true life force that sleeps within us.

We human beings have a choice: to be ignorant and just live according to the desires that come from our egos, which will lead us to ruin, or, to be precious beings that realize a utopia where people live together with the universe by learning from our mistakes while expressing the invariant cosmic law on earth.

Now that you’ve seen this message. If you become awakened to this consciousness, and set your course for living in a utopia, the path will surely open; as this is the future that humans have been seeking.




Declaration of the Regeneration of the Earth

July 26th is the Mayan new year’s day. The Konohana family has held ceremonies every July 26th since the first ceremony in 2014 with the Venerable grandmother Nah Kin and others from the solar Mayan tradition.

The ceremony with Mayan people in 2014

This year, we chanted the 5th, 6th, and 63rd Katakamuna songs, as well as Amautsushimichi.

On this day, it had been raining heavily since the morning, and Jiiji gave a speech at the end of the ceremony.


Declaration of the Regeneration of the Earth

~ On The Mayan New Year’s Day, July 26th 2020 ~

Today is July 26th, 2020. I feel that it is very meaningful to celebrate this day with a ceremony for the Mayan New Year. We first met the Mayan people in 2014. They visited the foot of Mt. Fuji to pray for world peace and held a ceremony with us.

The earth that we live upon exists in the universe. How many people are there currently living on the earth who recognize that they exist in the universe? Actually, most people are trapped in their egos and just live according to their karma. Therefore, human activities are disturbing the earth’s ecosystem, that is to say, they are disturbing the great harmony of the universe, and it has been, even today, raining so much all over Japan. This year’s heavy rainfall which is rarely seen in recorded history shows the result of human activities. Moreover, infectious diseases like the Coronavirus are widespread all over the world. We human beings have been acting with an intent to be happy and build a better society, however, we must acknowledge the fact that we have received the current situation on earth as a result of how we have treated nature. This message comes from the universe.

On December 21st, 2012, we reached the winter solstice of the galaxy after 25,800 years, which is one spiral of the sun. The winter solstice on earth that we experience every year is the time when the light from the sun is the weakest, and also the turning point into a new season.
In the meantime, the winter solstice of the galaxy is the time when the spiritual light from the Central Sun, the center of the Milky Way galaxy, is the weakest. It has returned after 25,800 years. After we passed the summer solstice of the galaxy, which is the other side of a solar spiral, 12,900 years ago, the spiritual light from the central sun became weaker and weaker, and we finally arrived at the peak of spiritual darkness. With the birth of civilization around 6,450 years ago, which is the midpoint between the summer solstice and the winter solstice of the galaxy, we were already increasing in our intensity towards the peak of darkness. As civilization progressed into modernity, the world deepened into darkness.

Civilization is supposed to develop the natural resources of the world and bring about a rich and happy society. However, such an advancement to become rich and happy has actually formed the age of darkness. Now, we have reached the peak of darkness after 25,800 years, and we are facing a time to realize what we have created for ourselves. Accordingly, we human beings must acknowledge that the values that we have been living by were based in the age of darkness. Now, we have just passed the winter solstice of the galaxy and are living through the great turning point, which is compelling us to shift our consciousness from darkness into light. We need to change our perception and acknowledge that what we once considered right is no longer so. This requires that we embody the consciousness of enlightenment in order to truly go towards the peak of light.
Seven years have passed since we reached the peak of darkness on December 21st, 2012. In numerology, the number 7 means a “qualitative transformation”. Now, we are in 2020 which is the 8th year after 2012, and the era is surely qualitatively transforming. By looking at what is behind the darkness and waking up to the truth, what we do will bring light to this world and restore the earth to its original state according to its proper circulation. That is the most important thing entrusted to human beings, especially those who recognize this turning point, and the time has come that we are called to awaken to this momentous occasion.

This Mayan ceremony awakens us with the precious cosmic spirit inherent in each human beings. The light of the spirit comes from the Central Sun, the center of the galaxy, and it is always illuminating us. The seeds of light are already rooted in ourselves, beings of the cosmos. Let’s awaken the seeds, which will sprout as our collective enlightenment.
The current era no longer supports the pursuit of each individual’s selfish desire. Now, each one of us are called to establish a pillar of light within ourselves and respond to the call of the Central Sun, which is the center of the galaxy. Those pillars will become a bundle of light to surround the world, and now is the time for each one of us to awaken to that consciousness.
This means that we have reached the end of an era in which people are trapped by their egos, which obscures their true spirits with desire. Each one of us can be a catalyst to awaken to a high and precious consciousness.

It is the 27th year since we started to live at the foot of Mt. Fuji, and we’ve reached a time for qualitative transformation. We are living in an era which is increasing with natural disasters as a result of how we have lived in the past, therefore it is very important that we resonate with the Mayan people and share in the importance of the Mayan ritual on this day at the foot of Mt. Fuji, the most sacred place of a country that is the first to watch the sun rise on the earth. Each one of us should be aware of this, and cooperate with each other and harmonize just like the earth-life ecosystem while being independent in order to create a truly beautiful world. Today, we have begun this new directive through proclamation during this ceremony at the foot of Mt. Fuji. We are aware of our role, and uniting here at this moment means that we are taking responsibility for that.
With the awareness at this ceremony, we have started a wave that will wrap the earth, which will allow us to overcome many of the upcoming difficulties – and while they may be painful, we are hopeful. With this awareness, I hope that we will find the will to live and regenerate the earth into a planet that is harmonious with the laws of the universe.

Today, at this place, I hereby declare that a regeneration of the earth has begun. I greatly appreciate Venerable grandmother Na Kin and the Mayan people who suggested this ceremony to celebrate the Mayan new year. So everyone, let’s walk together towards the future with an awareness that each one of us is a galactic being in the universe!

During the ceremony, it stopped raining and the sun appeared


木之花家族期刊第102号 〜 新冠病毒是讯息



































































From the Three-Cs-Lifestyle to the World ~ “On This Planet” ~ Konohana Family Welcome Concert

The other day, the parents of our members visited Konohana Family, and we held the welcome concert for the first time in three months since we have stopped accepting guests due to the Coronavirus.

The “three Cs” means Closed Spaces, Crowded Places, and in Close Contact. Now the world is trying to avoid “Three Cs” not to be infected by Coronavirus.
This song was born in Konohana Family, where people live in the “three Cs”. Even though people around the world are now separated from each other, we can share this song with you through the internet, along with its spirit. It may remind you of your true purpose of being born on this planet. Please listen to it!