The Story of the Golden God
A long long time ago, even before the earth and the universe were born, there was only “vibrancy”. That was the eternal and perfect existence where everything matched completely without any distortion. There was only God.
God was bored. “I am perfection, so I cannot know even my existence. My perfect existence cannot know myself due to perfection.” God, the existence of only light, could not see what light is.
Then, God divided one perfect body. He created darkness to know what light is, and the earth to know what divine is. He put the imperfect world in a far place which was opposite from himself. Then, time and space were born. In this manner, time and space were to return to the original oneness again.
As a screw of a music box turns, in the journey to return from imperfection to perfection, this world resonates various sounds and creates music. This is one of a long long story.
The Era When Gods Governed the World

How long has it been since the original oneness was divided?
Seven gods, the creators of the universe emerged into the world. From there, multitudinous unique gods were born continuously. They tried to act freewheeling, so the Great God of the Earth preached the rules of the mind severely so that they do not disturb the world. The Great God of the Earth is called “Kunino Tokotachino Omikami” and he got on the wrong side of multitudinous gods due to his severity.
“We cannot stand his severity anymore. What can we do?” Multitudinous gods discussed it and went to the Great God of the Divine. “Could you ask the Great God of the Earth to leave?” The Great God of the Divine received the appeal from the multitudinous gods and told the Great God of the Earth. “I am sorry to inform you, but please leave the front of this world at once. However, the time will surely come when the world reaches a dead end someday. Then, please emerge again and rebuild this world.”
Receiving this, the Great God of the Earth resigned into the direction of the North East (called the direction of “Ushitora” in Japanese), and came to be called “the Golden God of Ushitora” since then. This direction was feared as the “the direction of the demon” and had been sealed.
A long time has passed since then. Multitudinous gods continued to act freewheeling during that period. That is why, the current world is in such wild disorder. The world has come where people always prioritize themselves and strong ones beat weak ones. The time has arrived exactly as the Great God of the Divine said, “The time will surely come when the world reaches a deal end someday.”
The Birth of the Hana Matsuri
(meaning Flower Festival)
The time had passed and it was about 700 years ago.
Some ascetic monks went upstream of Tenryu River from Kumano to the Okumikawa area, Aichi Prefecture. Then, they began to preach the doctrine of ascetic practices to villagers through songs and dances which were popular in the Metropolis at that time. According to the doctrine, disasters of this world are brought by human sins. When people purify their uncleanliness, they can be reborn into a new self. This is the beginning of “the Hana Matsuri,” a nationally important intangible folk cultural asset which has been taken over in Toei-cho in the Okumikawa area.
During this festival, water was drawn from waterfalls and boiled in a pot at a furnace which is located in the center of the festival site, and some dancers continue to dance around it overnight. Then, gods emerged as rising vapor up from the pot, which comes down on the dancers. When such dancers and the audience dance together, people can interact with the gods, purify their uncleanliness, and receive a new life force. A newly reborn life is called “Hana (flower).”

The Hana Matsuri is held in the coldest time of the year. And many kinds of demons emerge during it. Out of all, the demon leader called the Sakaki (meaning a holy tree) Demon is valued the most in this festival as the one who awakens life forces which have sunk deep into the soil during the cold winter.
In modern Japan, demons are hated as an existence which brings disasters. So, on the last day of winter, on February 3rd, Japanese people say, “Get demons out of the house. Invite happiness into the house” and scatter roasted soybeans. However, in fact, demons come to shine light in the darkness within humans’ minds once a year. They shine light into the spiritual darkness of people who have deviated from the original path, and teach them to purify their minds and return to the original path. But, for those who try not to face the darkness of their minds, demons are disagreeable and the source of disasters themselves.
This Sakaki Demon was the figure of the Golden God of Ushitora who was sealed away a long long time ago.
The Third Son Who was Born on May 3rd
In 1951, when all of Japan was full of energy during postwar reconstruction, a boy was born in Mino-city, Gifu Prefecture. He was born on May 3rd as the third son, so he was named as “Isami (meaning five, three and three in Japanese).” Later, Isami Furuta became a founder of the Konohana Family and, now is called “Isadon”.
He grew up in a famous family in a local area where his father was a councilperson. He was so shy that he hid his face with a textbook not to be called on by his teacher during class. But, once he stepped outside, he was very naughty. He ran down the terraces with his friends, surrounded by the abundant nature of Mino-city, caught fish in the river, climbed up the roof of the local shrine, and took naps. It was very warm on the roof of the shrine, so it gently warmed his body which became chilled by the river.
Just before he turned 20, the spirit of his grandmother who passed away 5 years ago emerged above his head. He valued his ancestors since he was little, so he thought that she came to him as a guardian spirit. In fact, his job and human relationships brought much better results than his efforts. He married at the age of 21, and started an interior coordinating company with his wife, Ai-chan, in Komaki-city, Aichi Prefecture. At that time, his dream was to increase the number of his shops, earn more money, drive a nice car and have a good life.
The Emergence of Buddha
It was at the end of the year at the age of 30. Isadon suddenly realized that the existence of his grandmother who had been always above his head disappeared. Instead, the figure of a 50-year-old black man emerged. “Who is he?” Even if he talked to the man, there was no answer from him.
After the New Year began, he visited a cave at a quarry in Komatsu-city, Ishikawa Prefecture in January. When he looked at an over two-meter Buddha statue, a shock ran through his body. “This is Buddha.” Even after he left that site, the existence of Buddha intensely remained within his mind somehow.
After he came back home, mysterious matters happened. When he sat alone in his room, the golden Buddha came gliding close to him from his back and stopped above his head. How can he describe this figure? It is just precious. It was such an existence. The golden light shined and it was so brilliant that he could not compare it to anything else.
Tears welled up in his eyes. This is what preciousness is. There is such a world. He felt so grateful that he could not stop crying. “But, why? Why did such a precious existence come to me?” He could not stop crying, thinking like this. Such a state continued for three days.
A few days later, when he practiced meditation, a pain between his eyebrows appeared suddenly. He could not sleep at night on the third day from the emergence of the pain, so he just lied in bed. It was so painful that he could not stand it anymore and screamed involuntarily, “Ouch!!” Then, the pain disappeared suddenly, and something like smoke rose up between his eyebrows.
Somehow, he got a hole between his eyebrows. When he shook his head, he heard the sound of the wind. “There is a hole after all!” Then, he showed his face to Ai-chan, and said, “Hey, I got a hole between my eyebrows.” However, she said, “What are you talking about? There is no hole,” and ignored him. When he looked at his face in the mirror, surely there was no hole. However, whenever he moved, he heard the sound of the wind. “What has happened to me?!” He lied down in bed again without knowing what was happening.
Then, a strange thing happened suddenly. The space around him began to be absorbed into the hole between his eyebrows at a furious speed. He screamed in his mind, “Oh my God!” Something began to flow into it at a full speed.
It stopped after a little while, and the hole on his forehead was closed. He got up. Then, he saw a red bean sized small man wearing monk’s working clothes worshiping him earnestly around 45 degrees diagonally downward from view. “Who is he? I have seen him somewhere.” When he thought like this and looked at the man carefully, it was Isadon himself. “Oh, my God! It is me! Then, who am I??” When he looked at himself, it was a giant Buddha.
Then, he came to understand. “I see. The golden Buddha entered me. I was not good enough, so I cannot live with it and was expelled.”

Isadon Can See the Forms of Human Minds
After a period of time, Isadon began to care about people’s names irresistibly. Many names surged into him like flood from one to the next. On the third day, he could not sleep at night, could not stand it anymore and screamed involuntarily at dawn, “Wooooow!” At that moment, a line was drawn between the first letter of the name and the second one. He could see this showed some kind of law.
This is the beginning of “karma reading.” Names marvelously show unique forms of human minds (karma) which are different from person to person with the law of yin and yang.
He went to various houses on business every day, and mysterious matters began to happen there too. Even when he visited a house for the first time, he came to understand the issues of the house perfectly somehow, and could see how to solve them. Then, he came to give advice to people. When he started to talk, what he had never heard of came out of his mouth. It was not his words but the words of Buddha who entered him. Isadon was always outside of himself, listened to Buddha’s words and learned from them.
Tell the Truth of the Earth
One day, Buddha said to Isadon, “Practice a 1000 day training.” So, he practiced meditation every day for three years since then. When he meditated one day, he moved out of his body. As if a rocket is launched, he rose higher and higher. Finally, he flew out into outer space.
He looked at the earth with the moon at his back. “How beautiful it is… The blue planet is floating in a cosmic space. It was miraculously beautiful. However, something like keloid is seen here and there on this beautiful planet. They were traces of human activities such as cities and destroyed forests. They undermine the earth like skin cancer.”
A thought of a strong confession came up within Isadon’s mind. “It is me, not someone else that has made the earth in such a state. The seed is inside of all humans. I will tell this truth as the one who has realized the true figure of the earth.” Once he decided so in his mind, he was released from this cosmic space gradually, and returned to his body who was practicing meditation.
After he met the spirit of Buddha, he stopped eating meat and fish. He also quit dressing up. Ai-chan lamented like “We are supposed to earn much money and have a good life, but this is not how I understood it.” His parents were worried like, “Our son went out of his mind.”
However, at the same time, some people said, “There is an interesting person.” Such a rumor spread by word of mouth, and people who wanted to listen to him speak and learn about the mind began to gather. They listened to him speak on the second floor of his shop after work every night. There was a time when he continued to talk for 15 hours straight. Like monks who perform cold water ablutions in fall, they exposed themselves to the words which came out from Isadon, feeling like their minds were purified mysteriously, and returned home.
One day, he asked Buddha, “When people gather like this and an organization is created, will I become like a guru of a new religion in the future?” Then, Buddha answered, “Do not create an organization in the next era. People gather. Gather and talk. The truth will emerge from talk. The next world will begin from there.”
“I Feel Painful”
Day after day, it was a continuation of dialogues with Buddha. It was a path for Isadon to deny himself. Egotistic thoughts like “I want to do this and that” came up inside of him. “However, no matter how much I think, what Buddha preached is superior. If so, I should choose that.” While he continued to deny his thoughts in this manner, he was tormented by loneliness as if he would disappear once in a while.
His determination to take this path was firm. Still, he felt painful. He wanted Buddha to understand his pain, so he said to Buddha, “I feel painful.” Then, one word came back from Buddha, “If so, will you quit taking this path?”
Listening to it, Isadon became angry. “There are many people who do not know this precious path and do not take it in the world. However, once people meet this preciousness, who will not take this path? No matter what happens, I will stick to it. But, I am foolish and not appropriate to this preciousness. I feel painful to remove my ego. I just want you to understand my feelings.”
For a while, there was no word from Buddha. Then, Buddha said, “There is no way that you do not understand the preciousness of this path. You must surely know that.”
Buddha always watched and guided Isadon as his father, mother and master. Buddha understood his mind more than anyone else. Isadon was taught to separate from himself and look at himself. Without noticing it, he came to see things beyond his profit-and-loss calculation and intentions. In this manner, he took the path together with Buddha for 9 years since he was 30.
Why Don’t You Walk? You Can Walk.
When Isadon was 39, he met two shamans through a customer’s introduction: Sumiko-san who was 12 years older than him, and Ikuyo-san who was 12 years younger than him. After that, he began to visit Sumiko-san’s place. One day he felt Buddha, who should have been always right above his head, became a little far away suddenly somehow, and Isadon thought something was wrong.
When he went to Sumiko-san’s place, she said to him, “Mr. Furuta, now Buddha is telling you like this,” and she conveyed Buddha’s message. Isadon was surprised. “Buddha always talked to me directly, but why does he convey his message through Sumiko-san today? I felt Buddha has become far away for a while now. Don’t tell me Buddha is about to leave me.”
Then, he talked to Buddha in his mind. “Are you going to leave me? I am still like a baby and have no confidence in walking by myself.”
He did not speak out, but he just talked to Buddha in his mind. Then, an answer came back from Sumiko-san. “Mr. Furuta, it is all right. Buddha is not going to leave you, but he finished his role and is going to rise to the divine. He said he is going to watch you from above.”
When he heard of it, he thought, “What I have experienced until now is true!”
Until then, the dialogues with Buddha were always within his mind. When he began to hear Buddha’s voice, he doubted if he might have gone crazy. However, nothing can be born from doubt. Then, he repeatedly tried to remove the doubt, moved forward and encountered a new world which he could not see until then. As a result, he had nurtured the belief.
However, now an answer for what he thought in his mind returned from someone else’s mouth. “My experiences were not delusion. Buddha does exist.” This was the moment when he became able to believe in Buddha from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, finally he became able to get out of the doubt which he held somewhere in his mind for 9 years since he encountered Buddha.
But, now that he could really believe in Buddha finally, Buddha was about to leave him. He talked to Buddha desperately. “I am still immature like a baby. How can I walk this path without you?” Then, the words came back directly to him without going through Sumiko-san.
“You have grown up fully already. It is only you who thinks you are a baby. Why don’t you walk? You can walk.” Now, Buddha considered Isadon as his friend, not his son or disciple anymore.
Buddha rose higher and higher, and became far from him. Isadon was crying, thinking “Please do not go.” However, at the same time, he knew this time would come somewhere in his mind. This time, words came out from Sumiko-san. “Mr. Furuta, it is all right. You have enough power to walk by yourself.”
Encounter with the God of the Sun
Isadon got in a car, and left Sumiko-san’s place. Now that Buddha who was with him for 9 years just left, he thought he will not have a dialogue with a spiritual existence anymore.
The voice continued, “I will protect you from now on.” Then, he thought, “I see. Now that Buddha is gone, I have no other choice but to follow this voice.” So, he said to the God, “I appreciate it.” Finally, the path with Japanese gods began after a nine-year training with Buddha.
To the Summit of Japan Before Sunrise
It was during Isadon’s 40th summer. A voice said, “Climb Mt. Fuji” which came down to him from the divine. When he asked why, he was told, “Stand at the summit of Japan before sunrise and receive an order.” He had no idea why he needed to climb Mt. Fuji at all. However, he thought, “God said so anyway, so I will do it” and headed to Mt. Fuji.
It was on a weekend, so Mt. Fuji seethed with people. It was his first time to climb Mt. Fuji, so he was very tired. “But, I need to reach the summit before sunrise definitely.” He climbed for his life and made it before sunrise finally.
The Eastern sky became bright gradually. He suddenly noticed something like a star was shining. He thought, “It is what called me here” and said to the light. “Now, I am standing at the summit of Japan as promised. Please give me your order.” It was 4:45 am on August 12th, 1991. Words came down from the divine. “Preach the spirit that you have learned and mastered from the divine, to the whole land under the sun from now on.”
“The land under the sun” means not only Japan, but also the land where the sun shines, that is the whole earth. Isadon promptly thought, “It is impossible. A person like me cannot play such a great role.” However, he asked himself. Buddha said to him, “Why don’t you walk? You can walk.” He thought, “I have learned to polish my mind for nine years. My determination to take this path will be firm in the future, too. If so, what I should do is just to continue to live this spirit.”
When he descended Mt. Fuji, he thought, “It was so hard when I ascended Mt. Fuji. But, now that I have overcome it, I feel like coming back here again. It is very interesting. Climbing is like a life in itself.”
Gods who do not polish their minds
In terms of Isadon’s interactions with gods, he received messages directly or he judged the true intentions of various gods who came down upon two shamans. In such a situation, he questioned about the relationships between gods and humans. People own gods, saying “My God is the best” and gods who are involved with them did not try to correct such people.
Isadon learned from Buddha for 9 years and always polished his mind, so he asked various questions to gods with the sole purpose of learning more. Gods answered with dignity at first. However, when his consciousness became higher and his questions became more difficult, they dropped their heads, saying “I cannot answer your question…” and disappeared. Then, the next god with a higher rank appeared, saying “I will protect you.” This process was repeated, and the gods who protected Isadon changed seven times in total.
When he found out that Sumiko-san spoke god’s words and took money from her believers, he said to her, “You should not deceive people by talking about the gods like that.” Since then, he did not visit her place again. Also around Ikuyo-san, another shaman, gods apple-polish people, and they used the gods, so they did not polish their minds. As a result, Isadon came to hate interacting with gods gradually. One day, Ikuyo-san’s mother said to him, “Mr. Furuta, gods do not feel comfortable about you.” He thought this is a good opportunity, said, “Then, please excommunicate me,” and left her place.
He felt refreshed. He thought, “I do not need protection from gods anymore. I will be devoted to the path of polishing my mind which has been given from Buddha.” It had been a year since Buddha left him.
Existence and Non-Existence
“I want to tell the way in which people should live and the truth of the universe to people in the world.” Isadon decided to create a training center for the mind where people learn the way of true life in his hometown, so he came back to Mino-city once in a while.
One day, he took a nap in the local shrine on the roof he always did in his childhood. It was a very sunny day, and he was sleeping comfortably, being surrounded by the holy forests.
Suddenly, he felt like someone told him to wake up, and he woke up. When he got up and looked around, numerous gods like armored warriors were everywhere from the stairs of the shrine to the hand rail. When he thought, “What are they?” he heard of a voice. “These existences are gods, too.” That is, the divine world is very broad like a pyramid from the god in charge of operating the universe to the god of poverty. There are various roles, and he was told that each human exists at the foot of the pyramid.
Isadon thought that this year was a time to learn the vast range of the divine world, he said “Thank you” and went down the stairs of the shrine. Clouds were in the blue sky.
When he left the sanctuary of the shrine, he became curious about what came above suddenly and looked up to the sky. Someone was there, looking at him. “What is it?”
He asked the existence that was in the sky. “Who are you?” But, there was no answer. He asked again, “What is your name?”
Then, the existence answered, “I do not have a name.” When he thought, “No name… How can I recognize you,” the existence said, “I am existence and non-existence.” It is the existence of the universal source which is the origin of all gods and everything in this world.
“The Phenomenal World” and “the Potential World”
In this world, there is “the visible world” which consists of visible matters such as the body and substances, and “the invisible world” which consists of invisible matters such as thoughts and minds. These two worlds are called, “the phenomenal world” together. Gods who Isadon had encountered so far were gods of “the phenomenal world.”
Behind “the phenomenal world,” there is “the potential world” where thoughts, life, even time and space do not exist. It is the world of only “vibrancy.” It is the eternal and perfect world where everything matches completely without any distortion. We live in “the phenomenal world”, so we cannot perceive “the potential world” with our thoughts. It is the world where even the concept of existence or non-existence does not exist, and which cannot be specified.
“Existence and non-existence” is the origin of everything in “the phenomenal world” and “the potential world.” It is also the universal system itself which is everywhere in everything.
Long ago, when “the phenomenal world” was created from “the potential world,” the Great God of the Divine called “Amano Minakanushino Omikami” emerged into the empty space. It is the Great God of the Earth called “Kunino Tokotachino Omikami” that emerged as the first god to create “the phenomenal world.” These two great gods express the divine mind of “existence and non-existence” which is the source of universal creation. Gods of “the phenomenal world” who Isadon had encountered so far were multitudinous gods who sealed away the Great God of the Earth.
I Exist Inside of You
Around that time, a Japanese drumming group which was led by people who gathered and learned about the mind under Isadon moved their operating base to Toei-cho, in Okumikawa. Since then, he became involved in the Hana Matsuri (meaning Flower Festival).
It was during Isadon’s 40th winter. One of his friends happened to bring a flyer which said, “Kumano is heaven in the world.” When he saw it, he strongly thought that he must go to Kumano somehow. Then, he happened to get to know people in Toei-cho, who visited Tamaki Shrine, the inner sanctuary in Kumano every month, so he began to visit there together with them. Also, he was asked to visit Ise Shrine after Kumano, by a man whose family traditionally played a role of the demon in an area of Toei-cho.
A few days before his departure, a brochure of a religious group was slipped in the shutter of his shop. When he looked at it, it said, “When people’s minds become beautiful, people begin to listen to the inner voice. It is Kunino Tokotachino Omikami.” On the way to Kumano, he asked an accompanying woman who the God of Tamaki Shrine is, she answered, “It is Kunino Tokokachino Omikami.”
This was an interesting story. The following three shrines line up marvelously in a straight line from South West to North East toward the direction of Ushitora (North East): Tamaki Shrine which worships Kunino Tokotachino Omikami, the Great God of the Earth, Ise Shrine which worships Amaterasu Omikami, the God of the Sun, and Tsuki (Moon) Shrine which worships Seoritsu Princess who is a wife god of Amaterasu Omikami (Amaterasu Omikami is described as goddess in the myth, but in fact it is god). The ley line of the Earth, Sun and Moon is formed there.
Moreover, Mt. Fuji is located toward the direction of Ushitora as an extension of that, which fall in trajectory of each other at the beginning of the summer (May 3rd, Isadon’s birthday) according to the heliocentric calendar. In the Hana Matsuri, there is a scene where the Sakaki Demon who has the most important role and an old man have a dialogue. As one of his lines, the old man said, “Ise Tensho Kotaijin (meaning the God of the Sun), Kumano Gongen (meaning the God of Kumano), and Fuji Sengen (meaning the God of Mt. Fuji).” Therefore, the name of Fuji Sengen which had no connection with this festival at that time emerged already.
On the way to Kumano, iridescent clouds which were proof of fortuity emerged in the sky. Isadon visited Tamaki Shrine and stayed there at night. The next day, he stayed at Sakakibara Hot Spring. On the next morning, when he was waiting for the train to come to the platform of Sakakibara Hot Spring Station, and head out to Ise Shrine in the snowing weather, a sweet scent was drifting in the air suddenly.
“What is this scent?” He was about to ask above as always. Then, a word came up from underneath, around his abdomen somehow. When he asked why the message came from inside of himself although he always received it from above, an answer came back.
“I am inside of you.”
When he looked up, God existed above, too. However, he heard the voice from underneath (inside). Then, he realized that this is the existence of Kunino Tokotachino Omikami, the Great God of the Earth.
We receive food which is born from the soil to live. Therefore, we are all children of the earth. The soil is the earth, and the Great God of the Earth exists inside of each one of us who are its divided beings. If we polish our minds and transcend our ego, anyone will be able to hear the voice.
Let’s Go to the Foot of Mt. Fuji!
Isadon quit his job on his 40th birthday. He aimed to open a training center for the mind, taking care of his parents in his hometown. However, they did not welcome their son who quit his successful job and came back. No matter how hard he tried to do good things for his parents, he realized that if he pushed his thoughts to people with different values, it will just create unhappiness. So, he decided to leave his hometown. Then, what came up in his mind was Mt. Fuji where he received a message from God before.
“Let’s go to the foot of Mt. Fuji and create a village of Bodhisattvas.” Bodhisattvas mean an existence who consider the health of this world and others’ joy as their own. The village of Bodhisattvas is a place where people connect, help each other, share their joy beyond distinction of each other, and live together.
20 people who resonated with Isadon’s will gathered. Nobody was asked to go together. They felt, “I do not know exactly, but an important life will begin for sure.” Some vacated their houses, some overcame their parents’ strong opposition, and gathered with their own will.
On the spring equinox of March 21st, 1994, the gathering of the Konohana Family, the village of Bodhisattvas, began in this manner.
Invite Demons and Happiness into the House
There has been so much drama for 21 years since the foundation of the Konohana Family. People sensed that this would be an important way of life and became a member. However, each one of us were very immature, were trapped in our ego, and thought of only ourselves. So, we were far from Bodhisattvas.
Isadon treated each member patiently, preached the path of polishing their minds severely, gently and humorously with jokes, and helped them to transcend the frame of self. He himself became a demon and guided some members toward awakening, who were drowned in ego and became blind mentally.
It was exactly the severity of the Great God of the Earth (Kunino Tokotachino Omikami) who was hated by multitudinous gods a long time ago, and the true love to guide wandering people in the darkness toward light.
We do not remember exactly from when, but the Konohana Family began to hold the festival on the last day of winter on February 3rd during the coldest time of the year, where some essence of the Hana Matsuri in Toei-cho was incorporated. We scatter roasted soybeans, saying “Invite both demons and happiness into this house” with gratitude toward demons who shine light into the darkness of human minds, and teach the importance of moving toward the light.
Now, the number of Konohana Family members has become 80. Although each one of us is imperfect, we have tried to transcend the frame of ego and take the path. As a result, a way of life has been created where people with totally different backgrounds think of and support each other, share their minds, and live abundantly. Through such a warm bond, some “miracles” have occurred where people with mental diseases recovered their health one after another although neither doctors nor medicine could cure them.
Various incidents have occurred in the world from depression, suicides, economic collapse, terrorisms, natural disasters due to global warming, to the Great East Japan Earthquake. People have sought their own happiness and lived like “I want more and more.” That is why, the current society has been established. Various events which are occurring in the world give humans pain and suffering. However, through the challenges, doesn’t the earth give us some kind of message?
Fuji Sengen Konohana Matsuri
On December 21st, 2012 when the Mayan calendar marked the end of an era, we had a universally great event. The solar system where we live faced the “winter solstice of the galaxy” of 25800 years.
The winter solstice is the peak of darkness. The solar system which had experienced an increase of darkness entered the cycle of increasing light from the winter solstice. The fact that the amount of light increases means that something we could not see in the darkness will be revealed in the light and the truth will be revealed.
After a New Year began, “the first Fuji Sengen Konohana Matsuri” was held at the Konohana Family on February 3rd, 2013.
This was because a researcher on the Hana Matsuri asked the Konohana Family, which had held some essence of the festival, to take over the Hana Matsuri at the place of Fuji. Local people in Toei-cho taught us how to dance, play the Japanese bamboo flute and drum and how to make decorations of the site. The first Fuji Sengen Konohana Matsuri was held successfully as the place to understand the true meaning of this festival to express “being reborn and purified” and practice it in daily life. The energy of dancing people and gods who gathered from many places was integrated, and the entire site of the festival created a huge vortex. This became the exact place where the unity of gods and people was embodied.
The next year, 2014, during the morning of the festival, the Golden God of Ushitora who looked like the Sakaki Demon came to Isadon. The Golden God said, “With this day, the Golden God of Ushitora has become revealed.”
In such a situation, the Venerable Grandmother Nah Kin of the Mayan Solar Tradition received an inspiration as “Mt. Fuji is a place to connect with the center of the universe” and visited the Konohana Family. On July 26th, 2014, people of the Mayan Solar Tradition held the ceremony to celebrate the Mayan New Year with the Konohana Family in order to spread love to the world, using Mt. Fuji as an antenna. Interestingly, the Venerable Grandmother Nah Kin, who lives on the opposite side of the earth from us, had a vision where a pillar of light came down onto Mt. Fuji from the center of the galaxy; and the energy of love will spread to the entire earth during the same year that the Konohana Family was founded. Twenty years later, people who live under the same determination have met.
If Mt. Fuji is the mountain of divine wisdom which brings down the divine will, the Himalayas is the mountain of earth wisdom, where the will which sank from Mt. Fuji into magma comes out. Its cycle is about 6000 years, which is a quarter of the solar spiral around the galaxy, which has the winter solstice every 25800 years. In November, 2014, at the great historical turning point for the start of the 6000 year cycle, after the winter solstice of the galaxy, Isadon was invited to visit Hartola Village in the Himalayas and Auroville, which is the world’s biggest community in India. This is how he visited the mountain of earth wisdom.
Red Flame Turned into Gold and White Light
It had been 24 years since Buddha left Isadon. He had led this path alone, and had never whined. However, his wavering mind was burning like a red flame inside of him. It is the mind of “I just want people to become aware of the truth.” The flame of passion began to change from red into gold, and finally to white light through his stay in India.
At Auroville, Isadon encountered two spirits: the Mother, the founder of Auroville and Sri Aurobindo, her partner and a philosopher in India. Sri Aurobindo’s spirit, who Isadon encountered for the first time, led Isadon’ eyes toward various things. Whenever he looked at something, Aurobindo said, “I am there,” “I am there, too” and “I am everywhere.” When he thought this spirit exists in everything, words came from Aurobindo like, “I exist in everything, so I am non-existence.” Then, he sensed with intuition that this spirit is the Great God of the Earth, that is the Golden God of Ushitora.
Aurobindo’s spirit said, “You must know me. You have been with me all until now.” When Isadon asked, “You are also inside of me, aren’t you?” Aurobindo answered, “I am inside and outside of you and everywhere.”
The Mother’s spirit gently welcomed Isadon who had burnt himself with red flame like his elder sister. He suffered from duodenal ulcers before he travelled to India, so she said to him, “Come to me. I will heal your burnt body. From now on, I will help your role.” This means that the divine and the earth creates the world together.
Until now, although he told the truth, it did not spread as truth. Without the red flame of passion, he could not take this path. However, if he tells the truth from the bottom of his spirit from now on, it will spread surely. He does not have to burn the red flame anymore. Red flame will turn into gold, and finally into white light.
The era will begin when the divine leads the earth at last. Humans on earth understand and practice it. There is no egotistic will, but only the strength to follow the divine will because the truth is on the divine side, not on the side of ego.
In the Konohana Family’s 21-year path, “the divine law” and “the earth law” always have circulated. “The divine law” is the path of the Great God of the Divine (Amano Minakanushino Omikami) where the divine law comes down as inspiration. “The earth law” is the path of the Great God of the Earth (Kunino Tokotachino Omikami) where humans accumulate their experiences on earth and go up the stairs toward the divine. What these two Great Gods’ minds manifest is the source of universal creation, “existence and non-existence.” We were all there originally, and now are taking a journey to go back to one again. It is just like the screw of a music box is creating music and returning to its original state.
Isadon says as follows:
Someday, people who govern this nation will come here and ask me. “We have tried to make a truly prosperous nation, but it has not worked well at all. How can we guide this nation rightly?” Then, I will answer like this. “It is not to create a structure or system. Please look at the minds of people who live here. When people can live with a mind like this, the nation will become truly abundant.”
Become Aware of the Truth and True Joy
On January 31st, 2015, the 3rd Fuji Sengen Konohana Matsuri was held, and the Golden God who was represented through a golden demon mask and a white costume emerged. While the Sakaki Demon mask was produced originally here in order to breathe life into it, the inspiration of creating a golden mask came up to Isadon suddenly, which was unprecedented in the tradition of the Hana Matsuri in Toei-cho. The finished mask was not the Sakaki Demon mask anymore, but the Golden God of Ushitora. Therefore, a performance with the Golden God of Ushitora, who was revealed to Isadon, emerged and was incorporated. In this manner, a new life was breathed into this festival which expresses “being reborn and purified.”
A few days before the festival, a soccer ball sized light sphere came down onto sleeping Isadon at dawn. He wondered, “What is it?” and watched the light sphere which slowly came down from the ceiling. Then, two arms extended from it and the ball began to sing, “I am happy and joyful!” shaking both arms.
Isadon thought, “This is the figure of multitudinous gods who follow the Golden God of Ushitora.” A long time ago, multitudinous gods hated polishing their minds and sealed the Golden God. However, now they are aware of the truth and enjoy the true joy. This is the figure of people who just dance from the bottom of their spirits, become freed from their attached ego, and come back to one.

― When People are Reborn,
Purified and Dance Together,
a Happy and Joyful World will Begin ―
(This story expresses an essence of enormous amount from Isadon’s life experiences. We hope this will be an opportunity for you to analyze the flow of the era which is occurring on earth in the vast universal flow, and to explore what kind of society humans should create in the future.)