Water Spreads Peace and Harmony to the World!

Please Send Sacred Water from Your Region!

The Konohana Family is a farm based spiritual community at the foot of Mt. Fuji in Japan. We will hold “Fuji Sengen Konohana Matsuri (Festival)” during the Farmer’s New Year (end of January to early February). It is an important festival to purify people’s spirits and to rebuild the earth.

Sacred water is collected from all over the world and poured into one pot. This is the “Water Heating Ritual” which fuses these sacred waters into one water. Divinities and Buddha reside in the vapor which arises from the pot, and creates the setting for the festival to begin. 

Then, various sets of dancers dance around the pot all day long. Divine energy comes to the dancers through the vapor, and people can communicate and play together with divines by dancing with dancers, and the people get purified and given a new life energy. We will spread the energy of peace and harmony to the world with this vapor that is a mixture of diverse cultures. We believe it will greatly help to make this world harmonious in many ways.  You can see the film of the festival from this site.

 Please join us if you can. The next festival is planned on February 2nd, 2019.

Dance with three girls with a fan.


Sakaki Demon – The demons remind us to look into our darkness (ego) in our mind by staring at us.


Princess Seoritsu takes a role to purify this world through the action of water.



Four young men dance energetically for an hour and near the end of the dance they vigorously splash hot water in the pot using special brushes. All of the accumulated sin and disgrace is purified, and they can then begin the farmer’s New Year with purified body and spirit.



Please clean a small plastic bottle and pour sacred water (suitable water to use for this ritual such as spring water, water from a waterfall, temple, shrine, river or pond) from your region, but not tap water.

We only need a little – 30 ml is enough, and seal well.

Please write down the name of the region, country, and also your name, on the bottle.

When you send it by postal mail to us, so please write down the above and your address clearly.

Postal Address:
Michiyo Furuhashi,
Konohana Family
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, JAPAN
Postal Code: 419-0302



On the next day of the festival, the ornaments and straw sandals are returned to the universe in the fire ritual.

In the water ritual, the fused and heated world water in the pot is returned to the earth through local river.

After the festival we will send you the sacred world water which was heated at the festival, a report and a small gift.

The water which you sent to us was fused into other world water and heated up in a pot. We danced around the pot all day long with praying the world peace and harmony. The water absorbs all the energy.

We would like to share the small amount of water for those who sent the water from your region, and if it is possible please return this water to your local river or ocean.

Hoping pure vibrancy will spread all over the world and true peace prevails on Earth. As you pour the mixed world sacred water to your local water shed, that means you will also join this sacred festival and take part in an important role to create the harmonious world.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Let’s make this world a peaceful and harmonious place together!

Konohana Family, Japan


Published by

Michiyo@Konohana Family

International Coordinator of Konohana Family

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