“A Thousand Paper Cranes” by Kyoko Kitao from the Konohana Family


Now, a thousand paper cranes are hung on the wall in my room. In Japan, a thousand paper cranes are a symbol of longevity, so they are given to people who suffer from serious diseases. The cranes in my room are what everyone, specifically the children, in the Konohana Family had made when I was hospitalized. I found out that I had cervical cancer about two years ago. Then, I lost a large amount of blood on October 26th in 2016, so I became hospitalized right after that.

Kano-chan, a junior high school girl asked everyone to make them together. Then, all of the members from nursery school children to elderly people made more than a thousand paper cranes in only two days. When the cranes were hung from the ceiling of my hospital room, they were like a pillar of rainbow light.

Thousand Crains

On the day when Kano-chan brought them to me, I was supposed to have an exam to receive radiation therapy. However, I lost a large amount of blood a few days before and after that I had a fever of 38 to 39 degrees Celsius. But, after she came and gave me the thousand paper cranes, my temperature went down suddenly, and I was able to complete the exam successfully. I thought it was impossible for me to do so on that day, so it was a mysterious experience.

The Konohana Family is a big family beyond kinship, where 84 people live together as one family. I gave birth to two children, and in a reached situation like this, my husband took care of me throughout the 24 hours in the hospital. If I lived a traditional life, I might have had many worries such as childcare and housework, but I do not have to worry about anything since I live in such a big family. Not only during my hospitalization, but also daily, biological parents do not have to take care of their own children in the Konohana Family. Before I was hospitalized, I belonged to the vegetable production team and took care of seedlings. And the childcare team takes care of the children, including mine.

Everyone is a mother, a father, a grandmother, and a grandfather for the Konohana children. All of the children are my children, and it is a big family where all of the children are just like siblings. I did not give birth to Kano-chan, but she cares about me in this manner.

When I was hospitalized and a doctor said, “Please call your family,” so many people gathered into my hospital room that they could barely fit in. When the nurses came to my room to check my temperature, they became overwhelmed by the number of family members. When I almost passed out, I was surrounded by so many people, my pain was gone, and I felt better gradually. When I was in critical condition, my family (meaning the Konohana members) was called. However, we laughed a lot in my hospital room in the end, and said good-bye. I even said to them, “See you again, everyone.”

I am really happy to have met such a wonderful family. Furthermore, it is a family beyond kinship. They are people who question the current society and gather to seek a new way of life for the next era. They are a family with “spiritual connections” who are trying to create a utopia together. They are a very important family for me.

I believe that everyone’s thoughts brought me back to this world. When I was sleeping in the hospital, I had many dreams. In one of them, a pillar of light came down from the divine onto my stomach exactly where my cancer existed. It is just like the thousand paper cranes that everyone had made for me.

The power of “thoughts” can curse and kill people like magic, or save them. If everyone unifies their minds and thinks of each other, we can even create a better world.

We do not consider just the Konohana Family as our family, but all people of the world.

Nations fight against each other, and there are even conflicts nationally. Moreover, conflicts do not cease amongst religions, which are supposed to save people. There are political confrontations, and there is also bullying and harassment in schools and work places. Even in small families, or between couples, quarrels occur.

The earth is one and everything is connected. However, borders are drawn everywhere and the earth is divided. When I think of myself, do I have any border in myself? Due to my strong ego, I protected myself, could not express my honesty, and did not understand how other people feel. I protected myself so firmly that it is no wonder that I received cervical cancer.

I received it, reached a dying stage where I cannot do anything by myself, and then I have finally realized that every place around me is full of love. I tried to do everything by myself, instead of depending on other people. I even thought it was better. Reflecting on my past, I think I trapped myself in a really hard shell. Now, I have learned to leave everything to the divine, trust other people, and release myself.

Isadon, the founder of the Konohana Family always says, “I do not have to think of myself. I always think of everyone. I do not need to think of myself because everyone else thinks of me.”

It is a world where everyone thinks of each other. I am you and you are I.

If everyone lives for the earth and humanity, a utopia will emerge on earth. In order to do so, first, I think I should remove the walls I have made around me.

You are Meant to Be Born for This World

~ Prescription of Cancer in the 21st Century:
From Trapped to Inspired ~

I am an observer of this world. I always observe beings in this world, in people, and in nature. I can find there are various laws in that observation. However, most people put priority on their desires or interests, they cannot notice the laws. Therefore, the world that human beings created ignores the laws, as a result, contradictions have generated on the earth. Now, the contradictions have reached the peak of human society. In a way, that describes the high capability of human beings. However, that high capability is not always expressed in a good direction because that high capability can be used to bring about extremely negative matters, such as wars.

In this state, we, human beings live a very unhealthy life every day. One of those unhealthy phenomena is the invasion of chronic diseases. Currently, cancer is the top resultant of death in Japan. So, I thought about the feelings of those cancer cells. They have such a high capability and excellence in a way. They know the suitable ranges for their habitat and once the environment is set, they expand their power exponentially. They spread their power by parasitically surviving off of other living creatures.  From this statement, can you imagine the current state of human beings who are living on this container called the Earth?

Cancer cells make a suitable area and go into that frame. When someone gets trapped in their thoughts, it is described as 囚in the Chinese character. This shows person (人) is trapped in a frame (□). When the bottom part of this frame is removed, an entrance is created and information is coming from outside, and when the top part is removed (門), a law of the universe will come in. When it happens, Trapped (囚) becomes Inspired (閃). When one is trapped, thoughts go around in one’s brain, and the person lives only with thoughts based on own values.スライド1In contrast, the trapped state is called “horizontal” thoughts.  When the horizontal thought follow the vertical thought, it functions soundly, and when this vertical energy (|) and the horizontal energy (-) meet, they become oneness (十) and it is the same structure as the earth. Our body, the solar system, the galaxies, and the universe are also the same structure. The cross of Christianity is also the same. In Katakamuna (ancient Cosmo-physics which emerged about 13,000 years ago), is read as the path from (-) Hi (means 1 one) to (十) To (means 10 ten), and together it is read as (十) Hito (means human) which describes well-established enlightened human beings.

スライド3Cancer cells create their own world when they find a suitable area for them to live. However, even the environment is pre-established for the cancer cell in order to increase its population in someone’s stomach, generally, the cancer cell does not spread around, because there is an immunizing power to suppress the cancer cell in the human body. There, the cancer cell follows the laws of their inhabitant area, when the gate opens they take a role 閃 (inspired), and they function as normal cells.

However, when we try to understand the Chinese character for cancer (癌), it describes when one carries goods (品) up a mountain (山), one will be sick (病), and this letter indicates greedy human characteristics. Cancer cells have a high capability and expand their area more and more. For example, if they go into the stomach, rather than focusing on their own role in the stomach, they change the cells which have various roles in the stomach into cancer cells. They end up creating a cancer dominated world, and the function of the areas where the cancer has increased begin to break down. Ultimately, the important functions stop working in the body, and the whole life function will be terminated. As a result, those cancer cells die together. The cancer cells are naturally co-existing with other cells when the host body is healthy; however, if they ignore and spend their capability only in order to expand their world, they end up killing themselves.



However, the problem is not only the cancer cells. Naturally, our body can be balanced between the cancer cells and normal cells. Therefore, increasing cancer cells means there is surely a cause to make the ecosystem disturbed in our body, and that helps to increase the cancer cells. For example, eating food that enhances the cancer cell, or creating such an environment, or keeping a state of mind that resonates with cancer cells. The cancer cell resonates with a greedy state which holds heaps of goods. That is the state of closing one’s gate and not harmonizing and connecting with others.

Originally, cancer cells did not exist as cancer cells. When conditions are set, normal cells turn into cancer cells. Looking at cancer cells like this, can you see them as the current human beings on earth? Human beings are also originally generated from nature, and they acquired ego within the circulation of lives, put priority ego based conditions, and as a result turned into the cancer cell of the Earth. That is how the current human beings exist as cancer cells on the earth. In that sense, the leaders of the modern society who keep putting a burden on the earth are more or less the leaders of the cancer cells. When we see how human beings were originally in a mutually beneficial position with the earth’s ecosystem, must the leaders of future human beings totally flip around their conventional values?

If the human beings do not change the current attitude, the universe and the earth’s ecosystem will give us realization for our problems through various phenomena that reflect such attitudes. This is the message to “Connect with others and harmonize”. Moreover, this message tells us, “You are meant to be born for this world and this world gives birth to you.”

In the early days, people did not get cancer so much; however, more and more people get cancer currently. According to the recent statistics, one in three Japanese people die with cancer, and one in two people get some sort of cancer in one’s life. From there we can see that the attitude of the current society reflects those who put priority on themselves and do not care of others, are attached to money and goods because people do not feel connected with each other, and therefore they feel an uneasiness to their lives. The current people think happiness is about having a lot of money and goods, and misunderstand thinking that achieving is one’s success. However, that is the opposite attitude from the superior being’s which human beings naturally should be. The cancer cells tell us, “Your attitude for living is exactly like being cancer cells.” Once your heart opens and becomes harmonious, the cancer cells end their role and naturally vanish.

Since entering into the 21st century, human beings face many more difficulties in many ways. However, that is not a problem in this world. Your very small attachment to your daily life becomes big, links and forms this whole world’s reality. At the same time, our individual problems and worries that are shown in this society are also contributing toward this reality. Therefore, when we release ourselves from our small trapped situations in order to solve those problems, then that becomes the key for our resolution. Each of us has the key in our hand.

No one would like to be like a cancer cell. Naturally, we were born for this world, so our real purpose as Hito十 (human beings) is to contribute to this world, end one’s life with pride, and that is the ideal human life. Please take a look at yourself and think about how human beings are supposed to live.

First of all,
change your Trapped
to Inspired.

Cancer cell to healthy cell