One Month Truth School 2019

One Month Truth School 2019

Quorum has already been reached!
Thank you for your interest.

The One Month Truth School is a place where you make a breakthrough in your life by analyzing the vast flow of the era and awakening to the true-self which you have been unaware of. This program will allow toy to gain power over your life in the world by going beyond your set ideas and expanding your worldview. 

The One Month Truth School has widely received national and international attention as an inspiration for how to negotiate the chaotic world affairs with which we are now faced. The program has already been enrolled to half capacity, and once we reach full capacity we will stop accepting applications. So if you consider joining the program, please apply soon.

Date: February 24th (Sun) to March 23th (Sat), 2019
For 28 days


Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan

Capacity: 15 people

* We will no longer receive applications once the quorum has been reached. Please sign up soon.

Participation Fee*:

Self-assessed sliding scale.
*Participation fee covers tuition, accommodation, food, and consumption tax, and insurance, etc.

High income (more than 4mil.JPY/yr) : 220,000JPY,
Medium income (more than 2mil to less than 4 mil. JPY/yr): 200,000JPY
Low income (less than 2mil. JPY/yr): 180,000JPY

  • This includes participation fee, accommodation, food, washing clothes, and insurance.
  • If you would like to pay by installment, please consult with us.
    If the installment, you need to complete the payment before the program starts.

Through the various facets of the program such as “Worldview”, “Farming”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Environment”, “Education”, and “Social”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.

Main Instructor – “Jiiji” who has changed his nickname from Isadon
“Sharing Your Heart” which deeply explores your inner self






Example of the Program:
Learning of Humanity (Karma reading & Heliocentric Calendar)/ Establishment of Community/ Farming of Universal Circulation Method/ Facilitation/ Wide Open Your Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Natural Therapy Program/ Food Therapy/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ How to have sustainable spirit/ Sharing Your Heart
– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two languages, Japanese and English.

* Through various events in the community, such as birthday parties and festivals, you can feel the real community life in which each individual expresses their gifted talents, supports each other, and lives harmoniously in practice by following the laws of the universe.

Flow of A Day:

Interpretation for Non-Japanese Participants

7:30  Breakfast
8:30  Morning Class (Including tea break)

12:00   Vegetarian Lunch/ Break

14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)

*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.

Supporter System:
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group. At the end of the 2nd week, you can change your supporter and appoint whoever you would like to be your supporter for the remaining two weeks.


Please download this application form, fill it out and send to
intl★ (Please replace ★to@)

Once we have received your application form, we will get back to you with more details.
We will officially accept your participation upon receipt of your participation fee. After confirmation of your payment, we will acknowledge your application from the order in which it was received. Once quorum has been reached we will close the application process.
* Please complete your payment 30 days before the program starts.
* We would like to request participants not to cancel your application as much as possible after your payment. Cancellation after the payment does not only become a big burden to the organizer, but also takes away a learning opportunity from other possible participants. Therefore, when you apply, please double check your schedule and honestly consider your willingness to participate.
*Cancellation after the 90th day before the program starts, we will charge you a cancellation fee.

We look forward to your participation!

Main Organizer: NPO Greengrass
Co-organizer: Konohana Family

Inquiry: Michiyo or Yoko
Telephone number: +81-544-66-0250 or +81-544-67-0485
E-mail: intl★ (Please replace ★to@)

Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.94 – The 21st Century View of Life and Death – Part 2

“The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 2

We live in the universe. However, people have not recognized that they live in the universe yet. “The 21st century View of Life and Death” Part 2 is going to unlock this universal structure and deepen our understanding about death which surely comes to all lives!

Yin and Yang

We live in the visible world every day. We perceive the figures and forms of everything including our own body with our eyes, and recognize existence. Modern people’s way of thinking, which is represented in the scientific field, considers only this “visible world” as everything. Only when visible phenomena occur, modern people recognize existence. If they feel there is a problem, they try to solve it in a visible method.

However, there is always an invisible existence behind visible matters. Mind, thoughts, souls ――― we cannot see them with our eyes, but such invisible matters become the nature of visible matters which emerge on the surface. “The visible world” appears as form and yang energy, while “the invisible world” is without forms and is yin energy. We call the combination of this “visible world” and “invisible world” as “The World of Existence (Phenomenal World= the world where phenomena occur).” Both our visible body and our invisible soul behind it form “the world of existence.”

The Universe Breathes

The universe is always based on two opposite matters, and this system is called Taiko-Hassei according to the Katakamuna cosmophysics, which was established in East Asia about 13000 years ago. When there is heaven, there is earth. When there is a man, there is a woman. In this manner, there is always the existence of yin and yang which becomes a pair, and makes each other exist. Then, if “the world of existence” is yang, there must be the existence of yin which will become paired with it. It is called “The World of Non-Existence (Potential World = the World of the Source of All Phenomena).” Our modern thinking considers that something “exists” as a premise, so we cannot perceive this “world of non-existence” through such a way of thinking. It is a world of only vibrancy where even a concept of existence or non-existence does not exist.

Figure 1: The universal system which repeats emergence and disappearance

You can download for enlarged figure from here.

Originally, this world (the universe) was “the world of non-existence.” However, one day, “existence” was created from “non-existence (nothing).” Time and space were born in the world where nothing existed, and diversity has expanded through this process of creation. And it has become the current phenomenal world. When this expansion reaches its peak finally, this process will contract gradually, and settle toward non-existence (nothing) in the end. That is, it returns to “the world of non-existence.”

The universe infinitely repeats this process from emergence to disappearance. It is a great breath of the universe. The universe slowly breathes in a majestic scale beyond our imagination, and all lives exist in such a world. Also, our own lives are supported under the same universal structure.

All information from the beginning to the end of the universe is sleeping. Great clues are hidden so that humans achieve the universal evolution in the future.


A Story of Life of Universe

If we consider only the visible world as everything in this world, we would think birth is the beginning and death is the end. However, in fact, this world is not based on such a simple system. We continue an eternal journey along with the flow of time, transforming our figure from a body, to only a soul, to the universally finest particle, all in a multi-structured world where “the world of existence” is three-dimensionally overlapped with “the world of non-existence” which is its source. It is the story of life, which is woven in the great universal breath.

Let’s Look at the Transition of the Soul.

The soul gains a body, and is born as a human on earth, which is “the visible world.” It cannot recognize what it is, in a state of only a soul. However, once we gain a body and come down on earth, we encounter various phenomena. Our figure, the environmental setting of our birth, and even every single event which we encounter in our daily life occur in an appropriate way to ourselves. The soul begins to know what it is through such phenomena. We live to know ourselves in “the visible world” which accurately reflects our own figure like a mirror, and to evolve ourselves.

When the cycle of our life marks the end eventually, the soul leaves the body. This is death. Components of the body, which were tied by the soul so far, are decomposed at the atomic level, and become ingredients for the next matter in the circulation of the global ecosystem. On the other hand, the soul returns to a different-dimensional universe, which is appropriate to its spiritual level. It is “the invisible world.” Some return to a high-dimensional position in “the invisible world,” and some fall into a low-dimensional position like hell, depending on how much they spiritually grow up while they are alive. After a certain period passes by, we gain a body and come down on earth again. This is how we start the next life in “the visible world.”

The soul follows the flow of time which heads in a one-way direction from past to future, moves forward in a spiral motion between “the visible world” and “the invisible world,” and repeats reincarnation. It is as if food enters the body. We can see the food with our eyes. When we eat it and it enters the body, we cannot see it anymore. However, the food which cannot be seen moves through our visible body as energy. When it is excreted from the body finally, it changes form and becomes visible again. Although it is either visible or invisible, it surely continues to exist, and circulates in “the world of existence.”

Figure 2: The system of reincarnation of souls
Numerous souls (Figure 2) repeat emergence and disappearance, and exist in the universe (Figure 1).

One Trace in a Gigantic Life

As every single life with the body has a life-span, a soul also has a life-span. It is, so to speak, the expiration date of the soul. When the soul, which evolves through many lives and has fully learned, faces the life-span, it becomes the universally finest particle and returns to “the world of non-existence” which is the source of “the world of existence.” The universally finest particle is much finer than an atom or a particle. It is the universally smallest scale which we cannot perceive with modern science, and they becomes ingredients of all existences in this world.

The story of the soul marks the end by becoming the universally smallest unit and returning to “the world of non-existence.” However, as the universe infinitely repeats the process from emergence to disappearance, the end of the story of a soul could be the beginning of the next story. The point, where this end is overlapped with the beginning, is just one point in the flow of time. Also, this point indicates “the world of non-existence,” so we can say that it is eternal. And, the trace of the story of every single soul will be engraved in the gigantic life of the universe.

“Thoughts (pronounced as Omoi in Japanese)” are “Heavy (also pronounce as Omoi).”

Then, how will the soul take the path of evolution? It is only while we are alive with the body in “the visible world” that the soul can evolve. However, if we are trapped with only visible matters, we cannot become aware of the true reason why we came down on earth. For example, you study hard, achieve excellent grades, get a job with a high social position, earn a lot of money, purchase a nice house and a car, gain whatever you want, and think you are satisfied with your life. This is status for many modern people. However, when we look at it through spiritual eyes, just the ego has expanded.

The soul is bound by the weight of the body on earth while we are alive with the body. However, once the soul leaves the body, it loses the mass. If there is no attachment to the earth, it rises straight up and returns to a different-dimensional universe, which is its original place. That is, heaven. However, if we expand our ego and hold many things, the thought of such attachment becomes a weight. Then, even if we leave our body, we cannot rise up. In extreme cases, the soul cannot reincarnate anymore, and its thoughts become heavier and heavier, and such a soul falls into the magma of the earth. Then, it becomes burned, becomes decomposed into the universally finest particles, and resets the existence of itself.

It is You that Judges Yourself.

How much do we polished our minds while we are alive? While we live as humans on earth, souls of various levels gather here. However, once we leave our body, our souls will become classified into a different-dimensional universe which is appropriate to each soul. Therefore, souls of different levels do not interact with each other. On the contrary, the earth is a place rich in such diversity.

When souls finish their learning on earth and return to their appropriate positions, they create a program for the next life based on the result of their previous life. For example, if we made war in our previous life, we might be born in the opponent’s nation in the next life. In fact, our current enemy who we hate and fight against could be our descendant in our previous life.

Our individual life-span is incorporated in the program, but when we are born on earth, such a memory will be completely erased. It is because if we know the answer in advance, we would think beyond the frame of time and lose an opportunity to become aware of our life purpose. Living in the phenomenal world means travelling with time. Our life purpose is to live each moment “now” without being trapped in the past or fixing upon the future, to receive events we encounter every moment, to know what kind of vibrancy we emit, and to change ourselves.

Even if our memory of the past is erased, all the records are engraved in our soul. Our physical DNA disappears with the dismantling of the body. However, all we have done each moment has been engraved in our spiritual DNA, and that accumulation has created the current you. Although you dress up beautifully, gain a high status and a good reputation from the society while you are alive, once you die and get out of the body, the reality of your soul will be revealed. It is you that judge yourself then, because you have stayed with your own life and confirmed everything. That is why, you cannot fake yourself. If pollution is engraved in your soul, the program of your next life will reflect such pollution and begin.

Flowers of a Big Tree which Follows the Universal Consensus.

When we are born on earth, souls do not create a program alone. We always discuss with this world.

In the flow of a long long time, numerous souls have come down on earth, played an appropriate roles to each era, and departed the earth. They repeat reincarnation and engrave their history. At the same time, they are asked to express the era from the side of the world. Every single soul is given an original role. They continue to weave the universal story which has continued from a long time ago, as a part of a gigantic life of the era.

When we trace the flow of time, we reach the beginning (= end) of the universe. On the contrary, when we move forward, we reach the end (= beginning) of the universe. All information from the beginning to the end of the universe is sleeping in our spiritual DNA.

In order to awaken it, we do not have to think. When we let go of the attachment of “ourselves” which is ego, the awareness will naturally come out. It is because we are originally a part of the universe. As the information of the entire body is input in each one of our cells in the body, all information of the universe is engraved in our soul. When we engrave our history in our soul, it is also engraved in the universe. Evolving our soul means evolving the universe itself.

When our soul evolves, beautiful flowers of life will bloom there. It is not just one flower. It is flowers of a big tree of a gigantic life with numerous buds. When you feel that you are one of them, fully bloom your original flower, and create a network with other flowers, it will become a gigantic beautiful tree in full bloom, which is in accordance with the universal consensus.


When you die,
head straight toward the light.

Currently, a lot of issues are occurring on earth. The cause is the pollution of the human mind. Humans have brought various issues to the earth as a result of forgetting to purify their souls through reincarnation and accumulating spiritual pollution. Therefore, this time, we will tell you the attitude when you die.

The Karma of the Earth

When your body faces death, your soul rises up. Rising up means rising to the heavens. When your soul leaves the body after death, it loses the mass of the body and naturally rises to the heavens. When this happens, a polluted soul holds a lot of attachment which becomes a weight, and cannot rise up. It ends up drifting around the earth like mist.

Still, it gradually goes upwards because it does not have a body. However, the souls with a lot of attachment continue to remain in the material world even if they rise up, and they end up drifting in the outside of the atmosphere without returning to the heavens. The earth is a physically beautiful blue planet with white clouds floating; however, when we spiritually look at the current earth, it has become grey, covered with souls which cannot leave the three-dimensional world even though they lost their physical body. The vibrancy of the caught-up souls comes down on earth, which delays human awakening on the current earth.

Then, what should we do when we face death? When a soul faces death and gets out of the physical body, it looks down at that body from slightly above. If there is some attachment to its own life, it will keep watching the body. That is, it looks down. Or, if it holds onto things or schedules such as “I want this,” and “I want to do that,” it will end up looking down at the ground by paying attention to such matters. The present era is the time when people expand their desires based on ego, and polluting their souls is supposed to be attractive.

However, when you have realized that you have died, first of all, please look at the above by all means. Then, you will surely see light. That is the direction which you should head to after you have faced death. Please do not think of anything that you leave behind you. Just go straight toward the light. If you do so, you will surely rise up. There is no need to hold a funeral or sutra recited by a Buddhist monk. What you should do is just release your attachment, and head straight towards the light. You can return to your original home, only by doing so.

This is very important for not polluting the earth spiritually. Currently, we humans not only pollute the earth in a visible way, but also in an invisible form. That becomes the karma of the earth. Therefore, please always keep this in your mind because death surely comes to anyone of us, and it could be tomorrow.

Ray of Light in Darkness

It is not only human souls that cover the surroundings of the earth. Animal souls, whose lives are taken away by humans, become spiritual grey mist and also cover the earth. A tremendous number of animals are killed for meat which is eaten by humans every day. Their fear, in the moment when they are killed, is beyond our imagination. Animals scream, emit the vibrancy of fear, and their lives are taken away. We eat the meat with such vibrancy in our daily life.

When lions eat zebras in the natural world, it is the circulation of life. The zebra’s life is taken over to the lion, and the zebra’s soul rises up without any regret. However, the souls of animals which are killed for humans to satisfy their desires, cannot rise up. They cover the earth and resonate the vibrancy of fear. Such vibrancy has brought a great impact to the spiritual pollution of the earth. Therefore, the modern era has become a very difficult time for humans to become awakened. That is why, it is important for us to try not to generate such wandering souls in our daily life. As a result of such efforts, when we face death in the future, we can depart gracefully without being trapped on the earth.

Spiritually, it is an era of darkness on the current earth. People have not woken up yet. However, in such a situation, if there is a handful of people who begin to wake up, they will become a ray of light in the darkness. Even a slight light can be seen very well in darkness. It will surely become a signpost for people who are far away.

Awakened people begin to purify this world with their enlightenment. When such movement expands and the earth is wrapped with a beautiful harmony, the world will become beautiful instantly, and the earth will restore its original luster.

Our life exists to purify our souls ――― Then, what is “beautiful”? The 21st century View of Life and Death Part 3, which will be published during the autumn equinox in 2018, will unlock what the true beauty of life is!

Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.93 – What is Death?

“The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 1

This is about “the 21st century View of Life and Death.” However, people experience life and death even if it is not in the 21st century. Our life does not end when we are born, live and die. We repeat being born, living and dying over an eternal period of time.
However, many modern people fear death. According to a survey, more than a half of Japanese people “fear” death. Also, another survey confirmed that more than 90% of respondents in their 20’s-70’s consider death as “sadness,” and more than 60% feel anxious about it somehow.
No matter how much we fear and feel sad about death, it surely comes to us because tomorrow comes. When we think, “I do not want to die” and live today, death surely gets closer to us every day in which we live.

Time is life

No matter how much we try to stop the flow of time, it is impossible because time is life. Time never stops and continues to change, transfigures and circulates, so it is the base of the universe. We are a part of the life of the times, and continue to travel on the vehicle of time in the universe.

We cannot encounter an existence which does not get on this vehicle of time in this world. Everything has a unique cycle, each cycle marked by time, which are interlocked with each other and compose a great chain of life.

When one cycle in that great life marks an end, we call it “death.” Every living being surely will face death. However, instead people fear death, avoid it, consider death vaguely, and live blindly. When death is ambiguous, the meaning of life is also unclear. All issues which we encounter are generated from the fact that we are alive. While we make the meaning of life vague, we continue to hold the same problems.

Why are humans born, and why do they live and die?
The view of life and death is a fundamental theme of humanity. Each one of us lives according to a cycle and reason for our existence. Only when we understand the great system of life, will we be able to live a truly fulfilling one, and depart beyond death with joy.


“The 21st Century View of Life and Death” is delivered in a series.
The system of life in this world will be unlocked in Part 1!

The Body Continues to Change through Circulation, however the Soul Ties it together.

Everything exists based on yin and yang in the universe. If our body is considered as visible yang, invisible yin exists behind it, which is the soul.

As we say “yin and yang,” yin exists first in the original system of this world, and then yang is generated based on it. For our life, the soul exists first, and attracts various substances in the universe by connection. This is how our body is formed. The state in which the soul and body become a pair is when we are considered “alive.” The soul’s original connection weaves everything from the shape, personality, to what kind of family we have, and where we are born. The connection between each soul and body has an original cycle, which is longevity.

When the lifetime ends, the soul leaves the body. Then, components of the body which are tied by the soul are released from the connection, and begin their journey to return to the three-dimensional ecosystem. They become ingredients for the formation of future life. On the other hand, the soul returns to anther dimensional universe which is appropriate for each soul.

The different dimensional universe which is appropriate for each soul exists widely from hellish to high-dimensional universes with multi-dimensional structures. With so many probabilities of dimensional universes, it is the world of living beings on earth where varying degrees of souls gather into existence as one time and space. That is, living on earth is like a tour of experiences in an ecosystem where we can encounter diverse existences all at the same time. Souls live a life which are appropriate to the cycle of each level of awareness, face a death which is appropriate to the life, return to the universe, after which they come back to earth with another appropriate connection, and mark a new cycle.

Relay of Life

Nothing increases or decreases in the universe. The universe just changes the form and circulates. Therefore, it is the universal reality that everything continues to change and transform. In such a great universal circulation, our body also changes and circulates in the ecosystem.

The five elements which compose the global ecosystem are earth, water, fire, wind and air. Humans circulate with the five elements and live. We eat crops which are nurtured by the earth and drink water. Our excrement becomes the source to nurture the next life, which takes in the sunlight, transforms it into energy, emits it, receives wind, and breathes in and out. Carbon dioxide which was emitted becomes food for plants to grow. It is a relay of life in which life always flows from others to ourselves, takes in necessary things, changes form and become taken over by others again. The flow is not one, but many patterns overlap and link with each other. We are always given a fresh life from various existences in the circulation of the natural ecosystem, we are supported, and also create a part of it. On the contrary, unless we are in this circulation, our life cannot exist. It is the “altruistic” system in which our existences support others to maintain this circulation.

It is the soul which ties the various functions of the body that incessantly continue to change and transform, and maintain as one life form. Humans have considered this life form, which has never been in the same state even for a moment, as the “self.” Furthermore, they began to become trapped in the recognition of the self. This is the ego.

Modern People who are Trapped in the Ego and have Forgotten the Great System of this World

There is a significant difference between humans and animals; humans can become aware of the ego. Animals also have an ego, but it is instinctive and not what they are trapped in. However, the human ego stands at the side of themselves, which they become attached to.

The universe in which we live always continues to change and transform, which is its reality. But, humans, who have developed an ego, came to fix themselves and maintain their same state, rather than change according to the universal law. When a human (人) enters a frame (□), it becomes the Chinese character for “constraint (囚).” In this manner, people have confined themselves in the frame of the ego. Moreover, they have forgotten that this world is a chain of life in which everything supports each other, and they are a part of it.

This world is a network of life in which independent individuals are connected by an altruistic system. Every single human soul has an original individuality. When they are connected with each other and become one collectivity, they create an abundant world full of diversity. However, when we look at each individuality, it is also “one-sided.”

When a one-sided person has forgotten to collaborate with others and lives for self-satisfaction, the world will develop problems which are appropriate to its imbalance, and it will reach a dead end. This world makes humans experience their own imbalance through a deadlock, and learn the importance of connecting with each other. However, the more humans put their consciousness toward “themselves,” the stronger the human ego becomes, for which they have lost sight of this system. They are trapped in only visible values, have forgotten that the whole is the collectivity of individuals, and have sought their own happiness. As a result, individualities, which are supposed to complement each other and enrich the world due to diversity, came to make conflicts due to this diversity and generate disharmony in the world. Then, they have brought various issues both to the world and humans.

The Eternal Self Exists Deep Inside of You

We show our will by crying as soon as we are born, and seek eating and sleeping. It is an instinctive action to survive, but it is not our life purpose.

This world is a so-called fabric of life. Numerous lives weave the circulation of life under the five natural elements of earth, water, fire, wind and air, which are expressions of the expansion of the natural ecosystem (the phenomenal world). On the other hand, there is the circulation for the home of souls (the potential world), which is the source of all lives. The original energy as the source of life which comes from there always continues to give a fresh life force to us.


Yin exists first in this world, and yang is generated based on it. Yin is the thread in the fabric of life, and yang is the cloth. However, modern people are trapped in only visible matters, and have forgotten the existence of this thread. The world has lost sight of the thread and has become confused to the origination of the visible world. As a spinning top which loses its axis, the world has continued to be in a wavering and unstable state. However, no matter how much we do not recognize that existence, we are constantly given life in the circulation of the thread and cloth. Our true purpose of being born in this world is to gain the body, live in the phenomenal world, and polish our souls which are behind the visible body through phenomena. This plays the role of being the fundamental axis of how we live.

Unless we incessantly breathe, eat and excrete, we cannot survive. We can say that living is a state in which we are bound by the body, and also bound by water, soil and air. However, originally, souls are infinite existences.

The eternal self exists behind the figure which you think is “yourself.” When we remove the constraint of the self, the unknown world which we have never encountered will expand. Infinite possibilities are hidden within humans.

A long time ago, there was only light in this world. If we are in only light, we cannot see it. God, who was the perfect light itself, was bored. “I cannot know myself because I am perfect.”

Then, God divided its perfect body. God created darkness to understand what light is, and threw it to the farthest point from himself. God created a very long path to return to the original light.

Admission into a School of the Earth

Each one of numerous souls which floats in the universe is very unique. Because it was divided from the perfect oneness, every single soul is imperfect, one-sided, and has an original individuality. However, the souls cannot see their own figures as they are. “How can I understand myself?” Then, the planet Earth was created by the universal consensus. The souls came down on earth together, gained perfect forms and personalities which were appropriate to their individualities, and began a tour of experiencing the global ecosystem.

Many things occur on earth every day. The souls, which have gained a body had various experiences throughout life, and came to know who they were through these experiences. What kind of vibrancy we emit changes the events we encounter. “I see. I am such an existence.”

The flow of time is majestic, and changes are very slow in the universe. However, phenomena occur one after another in the system of repeating changes, transformation and transfiguration here on earth. In such a situation, the paths of souls are diverse. Some learn from the events they encounter one after another, and evolve rapidly. Some are trapped by visible matters, forget the purpose of coming to earth, and repeat the same thing many times. It is like they entered the school of the earth.

When the expiration date for learning finally comes, souls face graduation in the form of “death.” They return to a different dimensional universe which is appropriate to their level of awareness.

Earth is the only place where souls can know who they are and evolve. After they end their learning, they return to the universe with a report card from the earth school. Then, they come to the earth again to learn, thinking “Alright, I will learn more this time!” after a while.

In order to Make the Whole Universe Beautiful

Stars in the universe are interestingly watching the process for the evolution of souls on earth. When the souls, which have gained a body through coming to earth, enhance themselves and become aware of the truth, stars react to it, and the center of the galaxy billows and becomes astir. Even if it is only one soul, if it is excellent, it has such an influence on the universe.

Currently, the souls, which came down on earth as humans, live with a very narrow worldview. They are trapped in the ego and have lost sight of their life purpose. It seems as if they are distracting themselves out of their fear of death, while trying hard to gratify their own desires. As a result, problems have overflowed in the world.

However, the era surely moves toward the direction of light. Since God put darkness in the farthest point from himself, we have experienced what darkness is, have repeated life and death so many times, and have taken a path to return to the original world of light.

Now that the era has faced the 21st century, we have entered a new cycle from the year 2000 to the year 3000. This means that humans living on earth have faced the era when they become aware of the true meaning of life. It is different from the conventional era when one sacred person appeared and preached teachings, and people who sought help swarmed to get them. When each one of us awakens to what is sleeping inside of ourselves, we will become precious and live. Such an era has finally arrived.

We have faced the era when we evolve from the existence of one who is trapped with the ego and brings confusion to the world, to one who expresses the true value of humans on earth and brings the right order to this world for all living beings. When each one of the souls becomes beautiful, the earth and the universe will become beautiful.

In order to do so, we should remove the constraint of the “ourselves.”


The structure of this world which consists of “the world of existence” and “the world of non-existence” will be unlocked in Part 2 of the View of Life and Death.

*If you would like to learn more deeply about the 21st century View of Life and Death, please refer to the Japanese weblog for the One-Month Truth School, “The View of Life and Death –Become One with Death and Live.”

The One-Month Truth School is the program to stay at the Konohana Family for a month, and learn about the 21st century worldview from various aspects.

Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.92

Now that it has been 13.8 billion years since the universal creation of the Big Bang, and 4.6 billion years from the creation of the earth, we are experiencing severe changes.
This is occurring through many overlapping turning points, which is a relationship woven by the stars!

Out of all, the most significant turning point is “the winter solstice of the galaxy” which we had on December 21st, 2012. Just like the Earth’s winter solstice, the amount of light begins to increase. The solar system has passed the winter solstice after 25,800 years and a great transitional stage has begun, turning from an era of darkness into light.

Having the winter solstice of the galaxy means that the sun has faced the peak of darkness with the least amount of light in one solar spiral. It has been five years from the winter solstice of the galaxy. Therefore, we have entered an era when the light has started to shine from the peak of darkness. This darkness indicates the spiritual darkness. People cannot see the truth in the darkness, so things that they thought were right, and took action on, have brought about confusion to society. The conventional era was the one in which people insisted upon themselves and made conflicts in order to seek their own happiness. As a result, abundance was gained by only some people, which created a gap between the rich and the poor, and has spread poverty and conflict all around the world. Because people had no other standard of truth, their only choice was to continue to live in this way even though this has led to suffering.

A 248 year cycle of Pluto and the flow of the era

-The end of Western civilization, which began during the Industrial Revolution-

Symbolizing the era of darkness, Pluto reached the height of its cycle in 2008. In 2008, Pluto made a circuit of 248 years which led to the end of the Western material civilization that has continued for 250 years from the Industrial Revolution. People have developed Western science, physics and technology during the Industrial Revolution. On one hand, people have achieved economic growth, on the other, the world population has increased explosively, ignoring the global environment. As a result, this has brought various issues on earth. In a sense, the values based on Western civilization have reached their peak. As a phrase, “Every tide has its ebb” describes, after the universe reaches its peak, it always declines.

Humans who cannot receive the next vision

Now that we have faced the peak of darkness on December 21st, 2012, the darkness of the social structure becomes obvious as the light gradually shines in. Also, it seems that the state of human society goes from bad to worse as the status of the earth gets worse. Intellects in the world have figured out the great shift in the era, but nobody has a guideline of how to live for the next era. In fact, world leaders operate based on their national ego, and nobody has wisdom to guide the world to harmony beyond borders.

If we place the history of the earth into one year, 250 years from the Industrial Revolution occurred at 11:59:58 pm on December 31st. All humans are bound by only two-seconds of mind control, which is the value of the Western material civilization, and nobody seems to have yet transcended that idea.

We cannot become happy under the 20th century type of values anymore.

At the beginning of the 21st century, how will we humans perceive this historical chaos? 

When You Know the System of World Affairs, It Is Interesting!

-The Era of Chaos Which Cannot Be Measured
by Conventional Knowledge-

Humans have sought happiness as an extension of gratifying their own desires, and developed society under such a value. And now, a dead end has reached its peak in every aspect, and the next generation has to pay the price.

Arctic sea ice will disappear in 2050!?

Now that global warming has advanced at an accelerated rate and Arctic sea ice has shrunk rapidly, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that there will be nearly ice-free summers in the Arctic. There is no one perfect way to predict summer sea ice loss in the Arctic, so NOAA looked at three approaches that result in widely different dates. But, all three suggest nearly sea ice-free summers in the Arctic before the middle of this century.

The current society has been based on a full commitment to economy. On one hand, some people feel happy and sad about the stock price movement every day. On the other hand, when the stock price rises, the economic activities become active, which gives more burden to the earth and advances global warming. Do you know of such a structure?

Agriculture and livestock industry, which is supposed to provide food as the source of our life, is currently the worst cause of environmental pollution.

At a modern agricultural site, a large amount of chemical substances, such as chemical fertilizers and herbicides, have been used in order to produce the mass yield of crops. As a result, soil, underground water and rivers have been polluted. Food which is produced with an intention of human greed, such as “I want to harvest more!”, “I want to earn more money!” is taken into the body of people who live with the desires of “I want to eat more delicious food!”, also with such a vibrancy of greed. In this manner, more unhealthy food is produced and consumed, more contradictions emerge as diseases in our body. There is a reality that the illness of humans, who are cells on the earth, makes the whole earth unhealthy.

SocietyA tide of wandering refugees have emerged!
  -The number of world refugees is 6.8 million, which is the biggest in history-  

As we trace human history, we can see that the western civilization and the eastern civilization switch with every 1600-year cycle, and in the year 2000, the cycle changed. Interestingly, when the cycle switched over, the world convulsion and migration was surely underway. Now that we have faced the turning point of the year 2000, 5,500,000 Syrian refugees have migrated to Europe. Furthermore, currently we are facing a dead-end of assisting refugees in Africa, and the number of world refugees has reached 68 million!

Now, more refugees than ever in human history exist on earth. This has occurred because we have faced an unprecedented apex at which various turning points have overlapped, such as the 100 million- year cycle of global mass extinction, the 25800-year cycle of one spiral of the Sun, the 1600-year cycle of civilizations, and the 248-year cycle of Pluto’s orbital motion. When we trace the history of the earth, we have never had such a period at which so many turning points arrived around the same time.

We can say that this great turning point indicates the result of an ever expanded human greed and devotion for wealth as an extension of desire. The independence movement that is happening all over the world has resulted from the distortion created by each nation. All issues such as the Catalan independence in Spain, the Northern Ireland issue in the U.K., the Kurd issue in Syria, express a tendency of deep attachment to race. Therefore, it can be said that this great turning point is a phenomena that will lead the whole of humanity to unite once again.

The Chinese tactic of enacting “the 21st century silk road” is just an extension of 20th century economic growth.










China is still a communist country, but its capitalistic economy promotes rapid growth, which casts a gloomy shadow over China as a great contradiction. China is trying to find the possibilities of developing the next economic growth under the slogan “”, which is a vast economic zone design to link Europe to China by building the “Silk Road in the 21st century.” In other words, China is going to accomplish further economic development by two trade routes — “Silk Road Economy Belt (One Belt)” that connects Central Asia to Europe, and “the Ocean Silk Road in the 21st century (One Road)” that leads from the South China Sea through the Indian Ocean to Europe.

Through China’s intention, we can see why China has been called “the factory of the world” and is going to be “the economic center of the world” from now on, as well as an information source of the world. The symbol of this project is the coast-to-coast railroad which ties Europe to China that has been organized under the leadership of the Chinese government. Now that unprecedented environmental destruction is occurring, originally undeveloped lands are becoming industrialized. Surely, this is bringing about great contradictions as the natural environment is transformed into cities. This is bringing about a cancerous state on the earth.

If the “One Belt, One Road” becomes successful, it is predicted to create a huge economic area, which will involve more than 60% of the world’s population and 30% of the total GDP. If people continue this 20th century-type economic expansion based on human greed regardless of the era, this “Silk Road design in the 21st century” will not only bring about further distortion to China, but also the entire world.

American President Donald Trump was born as a product of the era, which indicates that the era requires a new value.

It has been about 250 years since the foundation of the United States and about 130 years since the construction of skyscrapers in New York City, which is insignificant in the 4.6 billion-year history of the earth. However, from the universal point of view, we can say that beautifully developed Manhattan has developed a state of skin cancer and has lost its original natural beauty, which is considered as the focus of disease on earth.

Now that we have passed the great turning point of the “Winter Solstice of the Galaxy” on December 21st, 2012, and the light has begun to come in, the real intention of the United States has come to the surface. That is “America First”, which is also occurring in Great Britain. Originally the United States was the generous multinational leader; therefore, the United States had been considered as a great country. However, they were only seeking their own profit in the end. According to documents which have not been released in the past, we can see that the United States has flourished through manufacturing wars as a global strategy. Now, we can see that this country has flourished through exploitation of poor countries in Africa and Asia. Therefore, it is just an illusion to see the United States as a world representative.

Great Britain and the United States have led the world under a hegemony of greed through seeking their own abundance, and other countries in the world have followed. It can be said that President Trump was elected as proof of the end of such an era. For President Trump, who was needed by the era and subsequently inaugurated, he has an important role to cause great confusion and disturbance through existing nationalism. Originally, the United States was a generous multinational leader, however the time has come when they will let go of their own greed and contributed their accumulated wealth to the world. When modern people think about the world on a global level, and become aware of the original purpose of humanity, true peace will prevail on earth.

The cause of the current chaos is nations and people who do not reflect on themselves, considering they have no problems


Currently, people with the most advanced intelligence in the world get a job in the financial industry. In modern society, people who have distorted values, such as “The one who has money controls the world”, intelligence is only used for calculating profits-and-losses, and that leads the front lines of the current world. At the base of such consciousness, people put their priority on earning money as if it were a game, like through operating a hospital or charging lawyer’s fees from lawsuits; rather than having the thought “Let’s make this world better.”

The existence of such people has brought about an unkind way of life in society and the earth as a result. Many of those people did not think about the whole, became convinced that they were superior, and aimed for their own happiness. Then, they ended up as cancerous cells for the earth. This kind of value has spread all over the earth, and the original function for intelligence has been abused. People with a superior memory are considered to be an excellent person in the current society.

However, the most important thing for us as a living being is the ability to co-exist to other life forces. Originally, human intelligence was for making this world healthy so all of the people could become abundant. In modern society, that intelligence is used to make individual profits. That is why such a present condition is an extremely abnormal state.

The Solution for Future Exists Here

Mystery of the human body
The truth is that organs communicate with each other

Did you know that “Neither the brain or heart is the command center of the human body”? As a matter of fact, every single organ and cell expresses a will and sends commands to each other. This is how the entire body exists. For example, the kidney plays the role of filtering blood, excreting waste products out of the body, and absorbing substances which are necessary for the body. When the kidney transcends the peak of its filtering function, it cannot deal with toxic substances any longer. Then, it begins to flow message substances through the blood in order to command the necessary organs. Interestingly, the brain is not involved in such a situation. Therefore, we came to understand that each and every organ exchanges information and directly communicates with each other to play a role in maintaining the health of our entire body.

The structure of the human body is exactly the same as the figure of the global ecosystem and the solar system

In the unboundedly vast universe, the earth does not exist alone. Only when the earth orbits the sun, there is the meaning of its existence. As the third planet in the solar system, it collaborates with other planets and expresses one life of the solar system. The sun orbits the galaxy and expresses one life in the Milky Way galaxy along with many other stars. Moreover, the Milky Way galaxy expresses one life in an even bigger group of galaxies.

A diversity of living beings exist on earth itself, and all lives work together to form one life as the global ecosystem. Every cell of the earth is made up of each human. As for the human body, 60 trillion cells gather and form one body. Therefore, the structure of the human body is exactly the same system as the figure of the global ecosystem and the universe itself.

The era has arrived when each one of us, who is a cell of the earth, becomes awakened

In the honeybee community in the natural world, worker bees, which have the shortest life span and a rapid metabolism, hold the key to the future of the entire community. In the same manner, in our body, each cell, which is the smallest unit of life, has a will. When each cell’s information is gathered as a whole, each organ becomes aware of its role and the entire human body is governed with health.

When we place this structure into the global life network, the way of thinking and living for each one of us holds the key to the future of the earth. Currently, we are facing a great turning point in which we will either create more chaos to the earth, or we will make it a healthy and harmonious world. We have developed advanced civilizations and technologies, so we live in this era abundantly in terms of materials. However, we have created a poor world with many conflicts and serious disparities due to human-centered ways of living and ignoring other lives. We can say that we humans are like cancer cells which destroy harmony in the body. Only when we become aware of that and transform from cancer cells into healthy cells, other lives will be happy with our existence. Now, the era has arrived when we humans express our intelligence on earth and in the whole universe.

As the planets in the solar system are aware of each role, communicate with each other, and take an infinite and eternal journey precisely along with the sun, each one of us should become aware of our own role and take actions in order to bring harmony and peace to the world. The era has come when we express such an original way of being as humans.

The reason why young people, who are supposed to create the next era, have lost their motivation to work and direction in life, is because conventional human values do not create a healthy world. So, once the direction is set, they will naturally have hope for the next era.

As the phrase, “whole body and soul” describes, when people living on earth become awakened and the network of awakening blooms on earth, we will express a world in which humans have not stepped into yet. Now that the door of the 21st century has opened, we humans have begun a great journey toward the 30th century.

 Only when humans become awakened,
Will the current chaos on earth naturally settle.
Just as the macrocosm expands infinitely, the infinite possibilities of the microcosm hidden in each one of us will become realized.

“A Clear Sky”

A ninth grader named Kanoko represented the junior high school which she goes to, and participated in the 55th English Speech Contest for Junior High School Students of Fujinomiya-City on September 7th. The title of her speech was “A Clear Sky.” She placed her life into a lotus flower in her speech. When she did not go to school in her life, she was like in the mud. Then, she went through various experiences at a new place, and is growing every day to bloom a beautiful lotus flower in her life. As a result of expressing her life poetically in English, she got the second prize and advanced to the English Speech Contest of the East Shizuoka Prefecture.

The contest of the eastern district was held on September 21st, about two weeks after the municipal one. Her genuine smile attracted the audience and she received the biggest applause out of all of the participants. A judge said, “Appealing to the mind is important at this English Speech Contest.” Moreover, both judges praised her, saying, “First of all, the content of her speech is wonderful. Also, it matches with her personality.” As a result, she successfully won the first prize!

This is how she gained a ticket to move to the prefectural contest which was held on October 4th, about two weeks after the regional one. As she said, “I was not nervous, but I could not put my soul into my speech. So, I have some regret,” she could not maximize her charms. Also, the level of the participants was so high that, unfortunately, she could not advance to the national contest.

However, she has learned a lot through her participation in the contest, and her mind has grown bigger. After the contest, she said, “I will make more efforts, driven by regret.” Her great efforts have moved us, and given a great impact on the Konohana children who became interested in English thanks to her.

Isadon, who has supported her in terms of her mentality, made the following comment:
I have given advice that she should put her soul into her words throughout this speech contest. When I heard her speech on the previous day of the contest of the eastern district, I thought, “Her soul has begun to echo in her words finally. That was the best speech I have ever heard.” Therefore, the vibrancy which was beyond her English abilities echoed at the speech contest site, and led her to the first prize at the eastern district.

To tell you the truth, a vision came up to me the other day. In the vision, she is an adult and talks in front of many people in English. There is so much important data to show about the model of the new era to the world, as exemplified by the Konohana Family. When I was listening to her speech, I thought, “Here is an appropriate person for the next generation to convey such important messages.” Then, I said to her, “This contest is just one step in your life. These steps will continue all throughout your life. Please understand this and work on this contest.”

Now that English is the world’s official language, I saw a vision in which she will convey the Konohana spirituality, in English, in the future. I would like her to live a sacred life as, ultimately, a sacred person.

At first, I thought she would advance to the national contest, but unfortunately it did not come true. She looked a little regretful, but she knew that she has another path. We confirmed that this is the beginning of the next step. Also, I said to her, “Experiencing such a setback is the same as lotus flowers blooming out of the mud.”

In fact, I said to her, “Now that the English Speech Contest for Junior High School Students is over, it is time to begin to prepare for the one for High School Students!” She had a great experience this time, so I am looking forward to her bright future. I really appreciate everyone who has stayed with her and supported her in many ways to weave her story together. Thank you so much.”

It seems like a big soul is hidden in her small body. It is easy to imagine that she will make a speech on the importance of spirituality to people in the world in the near future. Surely, she will bloom as a beautiful flower in her life.



A Clear Sky

In early summer lotus flowers begin to bloom around my house. I’m always impressed with the beautiful flowers from the muddy pots. Looking at them reminds me of my past.

I was in the sixth grade when I stopped going to school. I didn’t like to study at all. I thought there was no need for me to attend my classes. I took care of my younger brother at home. I also spent my days doing things I liked to do. People around me often said “Go to school, or you’ll be in trouble.” I ignored all their advice. I was very selfish. I hate to admit it but I was stuck in the mud.

I came to a turning point in my life when I was thirteen. My family moved from Hokkaido to Fujinomiya to a community that consists of 100 members who received us warmly. I felt I was a part of this big family. For the first time I tried to be more open and talked with people of all ages.

One day an older man from the community said to me “Go to school, then you will be able to have experiences necessary for your age.” His words echoed in my mind. I tried to check myself again and again. Finally, I admitted that I had been making excuses to avoid school. It was time for me to go. I felt brighter and I looked forward to having new friends.

I enrolled, but had some troubles at my new school. I had a conflict with one of my classmates because of some communication on LINE. He and his close friends began to bully me. I was sad. I wanted to change and build a better relationship with them. In the past I would just blame everybody else and escape from school. But this time I asked myself. “What have I done?” I discovered that I was also wrong. I tried to listen to their opinions. Little by little they became friendly to me. They helped me to see things from many angles. It was time for me to grow.

I didn’t like science and math before. Should I give up on these subjects again or try harder this time? I decided to spend more time studying them. I read my textbooks in advance. Every time I solve the problems by myself, I’m excited like a scientist who discovers something new. I realized that a little more effort on what seemed so difficult can be interesting.

I enjoy my school life now. The simple school routines like, the morning greetings, handing in my assignments on time, serving school lunch and so on, make me more responsible. Working with my juniors is very challenging. Taking all the tests is very nerve-wracking. Playing soccer with my team is exciting. Listening to the teachers can be interesting or sometimes boring. Everything has a meaning and I’m growing every day. I treasure all these experiences and the friendships.

I remember the passage I read before. “Every child is a different kind of flower and all together makes this world a beautiful garden.” I will continue to open my heart and work harder. I’m determined to bloom like the lotus flower under the clear blue sky. What about you? What kind of flower are you? I’m excited to see you bloom too.



The Konohana Family English Newsletter Vol.5

The Time to Swing into the Era is the 21st Century

The 21st Century is the Opening toward the Year 3000!

Now that the era has entered the 21st century, a new time has begun toward the year 3000. However, looking at the current society, still so many people have been controlled by the materialistic values of the previous millennium. Therefore, modern people are hesitant to find a new value and move toward the future. As a result, such human figures have manifested as a world of confusion and hopelessness. Clearly, this is a message from the flow of the new era. However, unless we understand this deeply and take a step toward a hopeful direction, this chaos will continue.

Now is the time when we humans have an opportunity to step into a hopeful direction, which is all being revealed by the era. In addition, it prepares the energy we need to reach there. Now all preparations have been completed!

The time has arrived when we should have the “will” to begin this journey toward the year 3000, under a new value.

As the driving force, the era is allowing us to “repel”, a method of changing the orbit of a spacecraft by utilizing the gravity of a planet. Moreover, this also makes it possible to accelerate the spacecraft by utilizing the planet’s orbital motion.

On December 3rd, 2014, an asteroid probe called, “Hayabusa 2” was launched. After that, it orbited the sun for one year, through an orbit which is almost the same as the earth’s orbit. Then, it matched the earth’s orbital speed (30km per second), and accelerated to the speed of 31.9km per second. Amazingly, it left the earth’s orbit and swung toward the asteroid.

In order to do so accurately, an extremely precise calculation is necessary. Thanks to modern highly advanced technology, planetary motion can be calculated accurately based on mathematics. However, planets produce subtle differences and move in a cosmic space. If such fine differences are left the way they are, it will become a fatal error in the universe. Therefore, in order to travel and reach the destination in cosmic space, we need to make subtle adjustments in calculation. That is, when “Hayabusa 2” swings by at the perfect time through utilizing the planet’s energy,

“Hayabusa 2” should have the will to change too.

The strongest driving force for modern people is the flow of the new era, which began on “the winter solstice of the galaxy” on December 21st, 2012. Just like the Earth’s winter solstice, the amount of light begins to increase. The solar system has passed the winter solstice after 25,800 years and a great transitional stage has begun, turning from an era of darkness into light. The time has come when we humans are allowed to harmonize with this great turning point, and repel with the new era toward the year 3000!

Humans are given an advanced ability to understand this exquisite system of “repelling” and physically explore the universe. And spiritually, if each one of us gains a high-dimensional consciousness, we will be able to reach this state of travelling in the universe even in zero gravity, utilizing the free energy which exists everywhere in this world. The next millennium is the era when we humans will be aware of how to travel the universe in such a state.

What is required of us is the “will” to sense the changes of the era and get on its flow.

When we free our minds, we can understand that we freely travel in the vast universe.
It is not a simple spacewalk, but a state of traveling in the universe with WILL.



Traveling in the Universe is a Continuation of Infinite Changes

We Live in the World where even Truths Change along with the Changes of the Era

The Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy and the Entire Universe are All Moving!

“The earth is in the center of the universe and stays. The sun and other planets orbit the earth.” Such geocentric theory was the absolute truth in the Christian world during the Middle Ages. People’s worldview were narrow at that time, so they believed what they saw was true. Later, Galileo proved the heliocentric theory, insisting that “the sun is the center of the universe, and the earth rotates and orbits around the sun along with the other planets.” His theory was considered heretical against God, and was found guilty by the inquisition. However, now that it has been 400 years since then, most people believe that “the earth orbits the sun.”

However, the truth is totally different. In fact, the earth is moving around the sun, and the sun is revolving around the galaxy. The earth, the sun, and the galaxy all revolve around the universe. Such an entire picture cannot be imagined with human understanding. Even in the future, more truths will be revealed. Truths, which have been sealed by the profound universal mystery, are awaiting a time when we humans transcend our ego and let go of our preconceptions.

Everything from the earth to the sun, and the galaxy to the universe has a “will” and moves.


Nine North Stars Emerge in a 25800-year cycle due to the Earth’s Processional Motion

Modern people consider that the North Star is absolute, but that absolute existence does change. Currently, nine North Stars have been discovered. However, there is also a possibility that even this fact will change in the future. The universe is telling us that the values which we consider absolute do change along with the era.

*The earth’s axis moves at an angular radius of about 23.4 degrees in a vertical direction on its orbital plane. The earth goes through such a processional cycle in a period of 25800 years. Interestingly, the cycle of this earth’s processional motion is 25800 years which is the same as one solar spiral.


“Chibanian,” the Layer which Indicates the Earth’s Magnetic Field Reversal

The magnetic fields of the earth (the North pole and the South pole) have been reversed regularly in the 4.6 billion-year history of the earth. The layer from 770,000 years ago, which was discovered in Chiba prefecture, has attracted attention as the one to indicate a significant turning point during the last magnetic pole reversal. This layer has a possibility to be named “Chibanian”, which means “the Chiba era”, by the international institution in the future.
Now, we are on the eve of the earth’s axis reversal. That is, the time has arrived when human values will change. Currently, the meaning of our existence is about to reverse on a global level. We can say that the discovery of “Chibanian” is a message from the era to let humans know that.


Was Adolf Hitler a Superior Bodhisattva?!

UNSPECIFIED – CIRCA 1933: Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), German statesman, around 1933-1935. (Photo by Roger Viollet/Getty Images)

Adolf Hitler is considered as one of the worst people in human history. However, in this world, there is a perspective that he is a superior Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva is an existence to guide people and consider others’ joys as their own. A long time ago, before the soul of Adolf Hitler came to earth, the Great God asked many superior souls, “This role will not have a good reputation on earth, but it is very important. So, is there anyone who would like to take it?” But, nobody was willing to take the role which would be considered bad on earth. Then, a brave soul said, “I will take the role!” and came down on earth. And successfully, he accomplished the challenging task. When he completed his role and returned to heaven, other souls praised him, saying, “It was a very difficult role, but you did a great job!” As a result, he reached enlightenment as a superior Bodhisattva. We consider Adolf Hitler as the embodiment of bad, and such recognition has been established. However, we can admonish ourselves for our actions because people like him caused such incidents.

If those who live a life as bad people intend to choose such roles and are born on earth, there is no good and bad in this world. Only various roles exist as human possibilities. In this manner, there is good in bad and bad in good. Everything exists in the universal system and under the will of the era. Each one of us is compelled by the era and lives exactly at this moment.

Living in the universe is expressing the “will” of the era.


The EU Should Have Unified their Wallets?!

Europe became the most miserable battlefield during World War II because it is just one continent. In 1993, the European Union (EU) was established out of those trials in order to make Europe one community. In 1999, the unified currency, the EURO was adopted. However, in fact, the current crisis of the EU collapse originated from there. That is, the EU unified the financial currency, but each nation has a separate wallet. Therefore, the financial crises in Greece was a chance to establish not a European Union but one European nation! There is a fact that there are financially rich and poor nations in the EU. So, if all of them unified their wallets, everyone would become equal and financial disparity would automatically be resolved.

It is the same as the financial structure of the Konohana Family. In Konohana, harmonious people without money are more appropriate than disharmonious ones with money. That is because people can live abundantly at low cost when everyone supports each other and thrives. When people share everything and express one life together, an abundance which is beyond our imagination will emerge on earth.

Therefore, when the financial deficit of Greece happened, the EU should have unified their wallets. If so, they could have created one nation of Europe. Moreover, when we look at the earth from the cosmic space, one nation beyond borders would have been established in one continent. Ultimately, that was a great chance for the EU to become a pioneer to remove all the borders from this world and make the earth one nation.


The Universal Art which the Earth and Venus Describe

Here is the Earth’s orbit. When we trace a square inscribed in it and also a circle inscribed in the square, the circle becomes the orbit of the Venus. In addition, the relationship of “conjunction” where the two planets, Earth and Venus line up in the same line of sight from the sun, come every 1.6 years. It takes 8 years for them to trace a pentagon and return to their original position. However, the Earth and Venus do not return to exactly the same place. In fact, when they move in the universe, they make subtle differences. In a sense, we can say that they not only move to a slightly different position but make a spiral motion, shifting from A position to an unknown A’ position. A’ positon is evolved from the original A position for one cycle. When we understand this, we will be able to sense that we are always traveling to an unknown world through repeated changes, transformation and transfiguration, even while we are on earth.

In this manner, the Earth and Venus describe an amazingly complicated and beautiful figure in the cosmic space. This is a world in which humans cannot imagine when they only focus on their life on earth. Furthermore, when connecting five inner points in the pentagon with a circle, this circle becomes the orbit of Mercury. This would be impossible unless planets have a dialogue and confirm each other’s positions. Therefore, we can say that the planets in the solar system are a community which travels in the universe. And, it is the same when we express a community of the earth with all living beings.


“Sex” is What is Sacred

Currently, the recognition of sex is most repressed in society. Sex is a ceremony to create life and it exists when a male and female face each other. Therefore, it is a fundamental principal of the universe. “Everything exists when yin and yang face each other.” That is why, originally, instinctive desires which are equipped with humans exist to enhance human dignity and contribute to this world of life. However, people have misunderstood the nature of their desires and sought superficial pleasure. As a result, sex has been expressed as a secret.
Only when people transcend their ego and reach a high conscious level, they will be released from the mind control that “sex is obscene and taboo” and will be able to express a precious and beautiful sex. The ultimate communion is to become unified with the universe. In Japanese, the Chinese character of “sex (性) is written as “the mind (心) is a life (生).” The mind here means the universal mind. Therefore, “sex (pronounced as SEI in Japanese)” is “sacred (also pronounced as SEI in Japanese. According to Katakamuna cosmophysics, it is said that the words with the same pronunciation have the same interpretation.).” It is a holy matter in which the profound system of the universal creation is hidden.



“Humans (人間)” are in the process (間) of moving toward “HITO (人)”

The universal principal is numbers. The process of the universal creation, development and disappearance is indicated with the principal of numbers. “HI FU MI YO I MU NA YA KO TO” which means number one to ten in Japanese. Therefore, those who understand the entire universal principle from HI (one) to TO (ten) and become integrated are called “HITO (written as 人 in Japanese).” That is, “HITO” is a high-dimensional existence who has mastered the universal system. On the contrary, “a human (written as 人間 in Japanese)” indicates an immature existence who exists between (間) HI and TO (人).

From the dualistic ideas to the three-dimensional thinking

In addition, humans (pronounced as NINGEN in Japanese) have a dualistic (NIGEN) thinking. Unfortunately, since paper and letters were investigaed about 6500 years ago, humans began to think of things dualistically, and develop superficial and self-centered dualistic ideas based on profits and losses, or right and wrong.

For example, when a wind blows from North to South, an iceberg sometimes moves into the reverse direction, ignoring the wind. Do you know why? That is because the current in the ocean flows in that direction. As there is the phrase “the tip of the iceberg,” what we can see above sea level is just 10% of the entire reality. As a matter of fact, 90% is still under the sea level. Currently, we humans have been trying to deal with only visible phenomena, but we have not realized the 90% which exists behind them. That is why, social events which imply the arrival of the next era have reached the peak of confusion.

The true flow is created through the will behind the era

The three-dimensional world where we live exists in a dynamic structure of the visible and invisible worlds. On top of that, this world is in a more complicated structure than the reality of an iceberg. In fact, a world exists behind the visible and invisible world. This world is so profound that it is far beyond human imagination. When we begin to put our consciousness toward the existence which flows behind phenomena, 90% of our brain which has been asleep for a long period of time will be activated and an infinite universal wisdom will come out.

From the universal law, now that the values of the entire world have been reversed, we humans cannot move forward as an extension of the current situation anymore. In other words, the chaotic era which we are witnessing is a message which ushers in an era when truths will be revealed.

The 21st century is the era when humans will become awakened as “HITO”

When we become released from dualistic ideas and come to consider things three-dimensionally, we will be able to sense that a circle, which we used to understand dualistically, is a sphere. And, we will be able to see that everything which exists in this world makes a not rotational motion, but a spiral motion instead. Originally, we live in the three-dimensional world, so we should think three-dimensionally. In the future, those who become aware of the high-dimensional consciousness, transceneding the three-dimensional one and shifting toward the fourth dimenation and fifth dimension…will create a new era toward the year 3000.

When we fly out of our own constraint and stand at the side of the universal law, we “humans” will become “HITO.”

Now is the time to get on the era and swing by!


※The explanation to understand that this infinite universe is operated precisely, which is reflected in our daily life, is much deeper. However, this newsletter has a limitation of space, so the explanation has been simplified. If you would like to know more details about the universal figure and your own existence, we recommend that you participate in “the One Month Truth School.”



One Month Truth School 2018

We are now open for application!

Click on here for more details!


One Month Truth School 2018

One Month Truth School 2018

Quorum has already been reached!
Thank you for your interest.


The One Month Truth School is a place where you make a breakthrough in your life by analyzing the vast flow of the era and awakening to the true-self which you have been unaware of. This program will allow toy to gain power over your life in the world by going beyond your set ideas and expanding your worldview.


Date: February 25th (Sun) to March 24th (Sat), 2018
For 28 days

Konohana Family

Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan


Capacity: 15 people

Participation Fee*: Self-assessed sliding scale.
*Participation fee covers tuition, accommodation, food, insurance, etc.

High income (more than 4mil.JPY/yr) : 220,000JPY,
Medium income (more than 2mil to less than 4 mil. JPY/yr): 200,000JPY
Low income (less than 2mil. JPY/yr): 180,000JPY

  • This includes participation fee, accommodation, food, washing clothes, and insurance.
  • If you would like to pay by installment, please consult with us.
    If the installment, you need to complete the payment before the program starts.
Main Facilitator, Isadon
Main Facilitator, Isadon

Through the various facets of the program such as “Worldview”, “Farming”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Environment”, “Education”, “Social”, and “Art”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.

Example of the Program:
Learning of Humanity (Karma reading & Heliocentric Calendar)/ Establishment of Community/ Farming of Universal Circulation Method/ Facilitation/ Wide Open Your Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Natural Therapy Program/ Food Therapy/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Making Miso/ Creativity & Art/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ Preparation for Natural Disasters / How to have sustainable spirit
– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two languages, Japanese and English.

* Through various events in the community, such as birthday parties and festivals, you can feel the real community life in which each individual expresses their gifted talents, supports each other, and lives harmoniously in practice by following the laws of the universe.

Pounding Mochi
Performance at the Monthly Birthday Party
Completion Party


Flow of A Day:

7:30  Breakfast
8:30  Morning Class (Including tea break)

12:00   Vegetarian Lunch/ Break

14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)


*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.

Supporter System:
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group. At the end of the 2nd week, you can change your supporter and appoint whoever you would like to be your supporter for the remaining two weeks.



The Time to Swing into the Era is the 21st Century


The 21st century is the opening toward the year 3000!
Now that the era has entered the 21st century, a new time has begun toward the year 3000. However, looking at the current society, still so many people have been controlled by the materialistic values of the previous millennium. Therefore, modern people are hesitant to find a new value and move toward the future. As a result, such human figures have manifested as a world of confusion and hopelessness. Clearly, this is a message from the flow of the new era. However, unless we understand this deeply and take a step toward a hopeful direction, this chaos will continue.

Now is the time when we humans have an opportunity to step into a hopeful direction, which is all being revealed by the era. In addition, it prepares the energy we need to reach there. Now all preparations have been completed!

As the driving force, the era is allowing us to “repel”, a method of changing the orbit of a spacecraft by utilizing the gravity of a planet. Moreover, this also makes it possible to accelerate the spacecraft by utilizing the planet’s orbital motion.

The strongest driving force for modern people is the flow of the new era, which began on “the winter solstice of the galaxy” on December 21st, 2012. Just like the Earth’s winter solstice, the amount of light begins to increase. The solar system has passed the winter solstice after 25,800 years and a great transitional stage has begun, turning from an era of darkness into light. The time has come when we humans are allowed to harmonize with this great turning point, and repel with the new era toward the year 3000!

Humans are given an advanced ability to understand this exquisite system of “repelling” and physically explore the universe. And spiritually, if each one of us gains a high-dimensional consciousness, we will be able to reach this state of travelling in the universe even in zero gravity, utilizing the free energy which exists everywhere in this world. The next millennium is the era when we humans will be aware of how to travel the universe in such a state.

What is required of us is the “will” to sense the changes of the era and get on its flow.


When we free our minds,
we can understand that we freely travel in the vast universe.

  It is not a simple spacewalk,
     but a state of traveling in the universe with WILL



Main Organizer: NPO Greengrass
Co-organizer: Konohana Family

Inquiry: Michiyo or Yoko
Telephone number: +81-544-66-0250 or +81-544-67-0485
E-mail: intl★ (Please replace ★to@)

Application: Please contact us directly


We are waiting for your participation!

To The People Who live The New Era towards Year 3000

The Mayan New Year Ceremony on July 26th, 2014

July 26th is the Mayan New Year. Three years ago, on July 26th, 2014, Venerable Grandmother Na-kin who is the spiritual leader of the Mayan solar tradition in Mexico visited the Konohana Family and held the ceremony to celebrate the Mayan New year at our sacred land – Miyanoshita Place by overlooking the Mt. Fuji. Since then on this particular day, the Konohana Family has held the ceremony every year to enfold the earth with a wave of prayer. In the early morning of July 26th, 2017, the Konohana Family members get together at the Miyanoshita Place, and after offered a song and a dance of Katakamuna, Isadon gave the following speech.


To The People Who live The New Era towards Year 3000

~ What We Encounter in Our Life Is An Evidence of Our Life ~

Right now, by attending this ceremony under the cloudy sky with misty rain, an image came in my mind that is the Earth floating in the universe space.

It rains on the ground, but it does not rain on the earth itself because the earth is located in the universe space. Here, at this moment, it is raining misty rain as if it is in consideration of the universe. This is the water of life that is the proof for us to live on the earth. If you think of that as an unpleasant thing, an unpleasant world will be developed on the earth. But, if you think the rain gives moisture to your life and can then receive it as “I am humbly receiving it”, you are given a very precious thing. Because with this blessing of water, we can weave and live our life.

It is July 26th today, the Mayan New Year. The reason we celebrate the Mayan New Year with this kind of ceremony is because we have lived our life to encounter this kind of thing. That is also a proof of our life.

We, human beings encounter various events on this earth as long as we are alive. Whatever you encounter in your life is all evidence of how you have lived your life, and you encounter it as a result of your life up to that point. Currently, there is so much stagnation that cannot be solved at the global level, and though world leaders have been exploring ways to solve them; the stagnation will not be solved with that movement. Because whatever the phenomena, it was given to them as a result of how they have lived their life up to that point. Therefore, it is necessary to change their (and our) attitude to life in order to change the phenomena. As a result of encountering the phenomena, if they realize what kind of their attitude of life brought that result and change it, naturally and automatically, the phenomena will lose its significance of being and vanish. When they do not change their attitude to life without learning anything, but keep exploring phenomena, it is called “Desire”.

This natural world and also the law of the universe consists of a system of retribution. There is a cause, and because of this there is a result. There, a suitable phenomenon promises to occur. There is nothing more thankful than this because a suitable phenomenon will emerge for that person. And now, why you are gathering here together is that you have lived the deserved life. I wonder how much consciousness you have to gather here together on this occasion. That current consciousness will appear as a form in every one of your future lives, and at the same time, this creates a society. That is a matter of course.

It is time for human beings to need to know about this. The era of looking at the surface of unpleasant occurrences, and then trying to solve them, has ended. How you will live from now on, depends on how you think of your own life and what you want in that life. This means your life is in your hands. Why we have not had it in our hands is because we ignored the system of life which we have been given from the world , and have instead lived selfishly by following our desires.

We gather here together today because as a people who understand the system, we have the awareness to be able to embody this in our life as a phenomenon. There is no profit-and-loss arithmetic or a desire to have a better life for ourselves. Living only as the era requires while the universe is also formed. By living so, at this major turning point, we can clearly show how people can live in the future era. You all stand here as people who are aware of it.

Now, rain comes down. On this ceremony day, is it a blessing of the universe if weather is sunny and dry? That is a human centric thought and desire. If the weather is always sunny, we cannot live. From the universe, this is the effect of the circulation of life on earth. We need to understand such a system as an evidence of why we live, and also to understand all happy and unhappy matters are part of the system of life. The people who understand that do not live their life for their convenience. This is how to live beautifully: by cutting off one’s desires, and instead living based on the law of the universe.

Every year is a special year and every day is a special day. Every moment, we keep moving forward to an unknown place. In that flow, July 26th, 2017 is the special day. To me, I feel “The time has come”. Because small oak seedlings were planted at the four corners of this ceremony site. These were planted just recently, but I was not particularly paying attention. The seeds were sown, spring came, rainy season came, and I felt sorry for these small trees which had grown a certain size to have to stay in their small pots during the summer. Then I wondered where to plant them, and inspiration came to me to plant them at the four corners of the Miyanoshita place. The significance of this ceremony place was then completed by planting them here.

Seedling of the Himalayan Oak

This oak I named the Himalayan Oak. When I was invited by the Haltora village of Himalaya to visit there three years ago, I took a walk in the village with an eye out for something that I can take home as a memory. There was an oak tree. This oak had some green immature fruits and said to me, “take me along”, so I picked some of them and brought them back with me. After I saw the seeds, only four of them have grown, and these four seedlings were planted at the corners of this ceremony place.

Even though there is no physical evidence, Himalaya is my spiritual birth place. When I came down to the earth about 1000 years ago as my first incarnation, Himalaya was the first land I lived. Then, my Indian friend invited me three years ago to visit Himalaya, I spoke to the mountains of Himalaya and declared, “I am home now”. That was the journey to confirm my roots. As a proof, I am currently at the foot of Mt. Fuji, Japan. Mt. Fuji is the spiritually highest mountain on earth, which is located at the center of a high vibrancy generator of earth, by two tectonic plates that are striking and rubbing against each other. That is the highest energy place, where natural disasters such as earthquakes and eruptions occur, which means rebirth of life is vigorous. This shows the reality of the universe and means that living is a repetition of destruction and rebirth.

Life always repeats change, transformation, and metamorphosis, circulating around, then moves forward to an unknown future. As we live 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, and 40 years, we have never stood at the same position twice. We are born into this world as a baby and since then, we have been living the ‘same’ life. Somehow, we forgot that we cannot exist in the same place more than once, because we are Life. Not only human beings, but the earth and also the entire universe takes that journey. We make an interwoven story of life together with the earth, the sun and the galaxy.

Well, do the current human beings on earth have such a consciousness in their daily life? Probably not. That is why people’s consciousness is at the human consciousness level, and people are trapped with their ego, living with emotion and desire.

Depending on the person’s consciousness level, they encounter the most suitable phenomena among all other possibilities. This is the system of the universe. Why current human society becomes in such a state is that our daily consciousness is at that state, and the appropriate phenomenon occurs for that consciousness. It may sound as if you are punished, but once you know the truth of this system, the thought “How thankful it is!” will gush out from you. That means, a human life comes into being in synopsis with one’s consciousness and likes. All the phenomena tells us about this.

Three years ago, this oak came from Himalaya which is the birthplace of my spirit. If Mt. Fuji is the mountain where the divine wisdom comes down, then that teaching penetrates through Mt. Fuji, enters the earth, and going through magma, it gushes out again to the surface of the ground that is the Himalaya, the mountain where the wisdom comes out of the earth. Before this trip to the Himalaya, we went to offer the dance of the Fuji Sengen Konohana Festival to Kumano, which is called Takamagahara (the heaven of the world) in order to greet the mountain where the wisdom comes out from the earth, in Japan. On the previous day, the weather forecast mentioned that the strong typhoon with 930hPa will hit the area, but when we went there, we hardly even encountered any rainstorm. In the early morning, when we arrived at the Tamaki Shrine at Mt. Tamaki, the inner shrine of Kumano’s three major shrines, the area had been surrounded by very clear air.
After successfully offering the dance, we wandered around and I encountered the lignitized Japanese cedar. It told me, “Take this seed with you”. I took and sowed it. That is this tree planted in the center of this ceremony place.

When I planted this oak, I told Hirocchi, a priest of the Konohana Family, “When you will hold a ceremony 200 years later, it will have grown into a beautiful Kumano cedar, please expect that.” (laugh) It is still a seedling, but the life is surely passed on from the lignitized Japanese cedar of Kumano, Takamagahara, which is heaven on the earth, and has settled here.

Kumano is the home ground of the Kuninotokotachi, the divine of the earth. From this location, Mt. Fuji is on the north-east (Ushitora) direction. Japan is on the Ushitora direction from India, termed the ‘belly button of the earth’. On the terrain of Japan, there is Mt. Fuji. The teaching of the divine went through Mt. Fuji, into the earth through the magma, gushed out of the ground in the Himalayas, gliding though the Ganges river southward, reaching Pondicherry at the southern edge of India, and from the Indian ocean the teaching spread out to the rest of the world. That is a 6500-year history. The current civilization has spread throughout the earth in this way. The time of reset of this civilization arrived during the winter solstice of the Milky Way galaxy, on December 21st, 2012.

Now, the time has come for us to live the next era of this civilization. “We” means all human beings. Fortunately, with the discovery of the Chibanian, it has been proven that the earth magnetic field can (and has) be reversed. I talked about the reverse of the magnetic field for years, without any evidence, but now the time has come where it has been proved. Reversing the magnetic field means values of things will also be reversed.

Life has not been respected in the most current era: People searched for materialistic wealth by destroying life. The coming era is about working along with the preciousness of life, connecting with it and expressing harmony. Our source of life is the Sun. The Earth embodies and expresses that. The next cycle is about not breaking with life through one’s own ego, trying to fill one’s desire to be rich: it is instead about following the law of the universe, collaborating, harmonizing, and living with abundant love. The era has begun. Before now, we could not have express such a simple thing because we loved ourselves based on our ego.

Still, people in the world are searching for wealth in the world of desire, competition, anger and conflict. But, it is impossible to be wealthy by knocking against each other’s energy and making both ourselves and the other worn out. The earth’s ecosystem becomes rich by connecting with each other. That is infinite. Life transforms its form and passes a baton from one form to the next: but there is no destruction. Thus, life creates its network and makes the world abundant. That is exactly the relationship among the Sun, the Earth and other planets. We, human beings also live in this relationship.

You came to the Konohana Family with a special connection. Therefore, you gather together with a special commitment, but do you not indulge in your everyday work? If that is so, we cannot embody true abundance. With this special connection, we gather here together consciously living every day in the flow of what we have committed ourselves to; the commitment all through our life as a base, and live with whatever phenomenon we are given. If one does this, infinite sustainable energy, woven by planets and termed free energy, will appear in one’s life. Human beings do not really know that abundance. When people share everything with others, expressing that we are one with nature and that life is one, enormous abundance which we cannot imagine now will appear on the earth. We will embody that on this land, and as a pioneer of this coming new era we must become an example of that.

In 2014, we also celebrated the Mayan New Year 10OC at the Miyanoshita Place, but with the Venerable Grandmother Na-kin who is the highest priestess of the Mayan Solar tradition. The Mayan ceremony is held today at Tonina Pyramid in Mexico. It is 6:40 am here. On this early morning of July 26th, 2017, it is the beginning of this ceremony to enfold the earth with a wave of prayer. This is the beginning of the earth-scale ceremony with the people who always have consciousness and awareness of the earth like this and live in the universe as an earth being.

Let’s go back to the topic at the beginning.

Depending on what kind of consciousness we have in our daily life, we weave connections for our future phenomena. Therefore, you should not have complaints about what you encounter. Because what you encounter faithfully reflects and embodies your own consciousness. If you complain, that means you complain to others, or the universe, without looking at yourself. If you accept what you encounter bravely and correct your own attitude, the life of each one of us will become abundant and superb. We, Konohana members, have been aware of it and have lived as a model on how to live this way.

I have talked about a lot of things that may be difficult to understand for many people. There is Mt. Fuji in the direction of Ushitora (north-east): the oak tree of the mountain where the wisdom comes out from the earth, and the lignitized Japanese cedar of Takamagahara, the heaven on the earth, have rooted on this land. What I speak of does not have foundation. I have been talking about the reverse of the magnetic field on the earth, and what I meant was the value and life of people who live on the earth will change. There is no logic, but what came down and sprung from me was the truth.

The evil thoughts based on profit-and-loss arithmetic is a person’s egotism and a cling to the material world. However, originally, we are the life that is embodied through the law of the universe. If our heart is beautiful, naturally the wisdom of the universe comes down to us. If our heart is beautiful, infinite wisdom will spring out from us from the beginning to the future of life. That is why we need to improve ourselves. How we can improve ourselves is by always observing what we think and how we live right now, and always consciously live in a thought-pattern and consciousness we can be proud of. In this way, you achieve your everyday goal and role.

If you so do, the universe appears in way of living. The earth’s ecosystem, the infinite chain of life appears in your way of living. This will bring to us a life filled with love, excellence, and abundance.

As I stand here, having talked for some time, the misty rain has stopped. This mist represents the vibrancy of source which creates our life. Please be aware that your thoughts will truly become phenomenon during this opportunity. That is also horrifying because if you have foolish thoughts, that will also become a phenomenon. That is why you need to keep watching yourself. What you should keep watching is your own mind.

Early this morning of July 26th, 2017, it is not only the Mayan New Year. I asserted this message to the people who are living in harmony with the earth’s new era towards the year 3000, with all of you in the form of this ceremony happening at the daybreak of earth’s consciousness.

The universe indicates the infinite world is attainable as a life to us. We would like to express this faithfully without polluting it.


With the seedling of lignitized Japanese cedar on July 26th, 2017