One Month Truth School 2020

One Month Truth School 2020

Quorum has already been reached!
Thank you for your interest.

One Month Truth School is a program to learn the way of life of humanity in the 21st century.

“School” is a place where you will find something new to learn about what you have never known or believed before. When children enter school, they encounter many things they did not know before, and they expand upon the world as they receive each new understanding, while growing rapidly. However, as they grow up, their values get fixed, and they say, “I want to learn something like this.” After all, they will only receive what is in line with their values.

The One Month Truth School is not a forum that offers content based on just the values that you want to learn, because now the era is changing dramatically and we are no longer able to survive with our old values. These values have created the current society, and as a result, the world is facing a major impasse where no breakthroughs can be found anywhere. Right now, we human beings are standing at serious crossroads where if we continue to live with our old values, we will move onto the path of destruction. However, if we choose to change, then we will step into the flow of the universe, which no one can perceive from our past values.

*We can tell that the era is now at its greatest turning point, based on the cycle of the stars, and the history of human civilization. If you would like to know the details, please see the following.
Konohana Family English Newsletter 2019 Summer Solstice Issue

The One Month Truth School is an opportunity to meet a new world that you have never dreamed of, with a whole other dimension of learning than what has been taught in the past. When you abandon your attachments to your old values, and step into the unknown, you will break through your boundaries and meet your new self. This style of learning is going to help you make a breakthrough in your life by becoming more aware of how to resolve the problems of modern society, while opening a path to contribute to the future of the earth.

In the One Month Truth School, we welcome people who have a will to step into the new world, beyond the fixed concepts of modern society. We offer a program at Konohana Family which practices experiential learning.


Do you have the will to go to a world

which you do not know?


The One Month Truth School has widely received national and international attention as an inspiration for how to negotiate the chaotic world affairs with which we are now faced. The program has many inquiries, and once we reach full capacity we will stop accepting applications. So if you consider joining the program, please apply soon.

Date: February 23rd (Sun) to March 21st (Sat), 2020 For 28 days



Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan

Capacity: 15 people

* We will no longer receive applications once the quorum has been reached. Please sign up soon.


The program is offered by Japanese; however, depending on participants, Chinese and English interpretations are available.

Interpretation for Non-Japanese Participants

Participation Fee*:

Self-assessed sliding scale.
*Participation fee covers tuition, accommodation, food, and consumption tax, and insurance, etc.

If your income is
More than 4 mil. JPY / yr :                                  220,000 JPY,
More than 2 mil. to less than 4 mil. JPY / yr : 200,000 JPY
Less than 2 mil.  JPY / yr :                                  180,000 JPY

Currency Converter

  • This includes participation fee, accommodation, food, washing clothes, and insurance.
  • If you would like to pay by installment, please consult with us.
    If the installment, you need to complete the payment before the program starts.

Through the various facets of the program such as “Worldview”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Life & Death”, “Sex & Universe”, and “Sustainable Farming”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.

Main Instructor – “Jiiji”, his another name is Mr. Cosmos
“Sharing Your Heart” which deeply explores your inner self






Example of the Program:
Learning of Personality (Karma reading, Heliocentric Calendar & Katakamuna Reading)/ Broadening Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Food Therapy/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ Life & Death/ Natural Therapy Program/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Sharing Your Heart

– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two or three languages, Japanese, Chinese, and English.

– Program is based on lectures. There is not much hands-on-programs.
– This program is suitable for people who would like to encounter new perspectives which you have not experienced before. If you would like to learn something you expect, this is not the program. 

* Through various events in the community, such as birthday parties and festivals, you can feel the real community life in which each individual expresses their gifted talents, supports each other, and lives harmoniously in practice by following the laws of the universe.

Flow of A Day:

7:30  Breakfast
8:30  Morning Class (Including tea break)

12:00   Vegetarian Lunch

14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Vegetarian Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)

*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.

Supporter System:
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group.


Please download this application form, fill it out and send to
intl★ (Please replace ★to@)
Truth School Application Form 2020

Once we have received your application form, we will get back to you with more details.
We will officially accept your participation upon receipt of your participation fee. After confirmation of your payment, we will acknowledge your application from the order in which it was received. Once quorum has been reached we will close the application process.
* Please complete your payment 30 days before the program starts.
* We would like to request participants not to cancel your application as much as possible after your payment. Cancellation after the payment does not only become a big burden to the organizer, but also takes away a learning opportunity from other possible participants. Therefore, when you apply, please double check your schedule and honestly consider your willingness to participate.
*Cancellation after the 90th day before the program starts, we will charge you a cancellation fee.


We look forward to your participation!

Main Organizer: NPO Greengrass
Co-organizer: Konohana Family

Inquiry: Michiyo or Tomoko
Telephone number: +81-544-66-0250 or +81-544-67-0485
E-mail: intl★ (Please replace ★to@)

Water Spreads Peace and Harmony to the World!

Please Send Sacred Water from Your Region!

The Konohana Family is a farm based spiritual community at the foot of Mt. Fuji in Japan. We will hold “Fuji Sengen Konohana Matsuri (Festival)” during the Farmer’s New Year (end of January to early February). It is an important festival to purify people’s spirits and to rebuild the earth.

Sacred water is collected from all over the world and poured into one pot. This is the “Water Heating Ritual” which fuses these sacred waters into one water. Divinities and Buddha reside in the vapor which arises from the pot, and creates the setting for the festival to begin. 

Then, various sets of dancers dance around the pot all day long. Divine energy comes to the dancers through the vapor, and people can communicate and play together with divines by dancing with dancers, and the people get purified and given a new life energy. We will spread the energy of peace and harmony to the world with this vapor that is a mixture of diverse cultures. We believe it will greatly help to make this world harmonious in many ways.  You can see the film of the festival from this site.

 Please join us if you can. The next festival is planned on February 2nd, 2019.

Dance with three girls with a fan.


Sakaki Demon – The demons remind us to look into our darkness (ego) in our mind by staring at us.


Princess Seoritsu takes a role to purify this world through the action of water.



Four young men dance energetically for an hour and near the end of the dance they vigorously splash hot water in the pot using special brushes. All of the accumulated sin and disgrace is purified, and they can then begin the farmer’s New Year with purified body and spirit.



Please clean a small plastic bottle and pour sacred water (suitable water to use for this ritual such as spring water, water from a waterfall, temple, shrine, river or pond) from your region, but not tap water.

We only need a little – 30 ml is enough, and seal well.

Please write down the name of the region, country, and also your name, on the bottle.

When you send it by postal mail to us, so please write down the above and your address clearly.

Postal Address:
Michiyo Furuhashi,
Konohana Family
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, JAPAN
Postal Code: 419-0302



On the next day of the festival, the ornaments and straw sandals are returned to the universe in the fire ritual.

In the water ritual, the fused and heated world water in the pot is returned to the earth through local river.

After the festival we will send you the sacred world water which was heated at the festival, a report and a small gift.

The water which you sent to us was fused into other world water and heated up in a pot. We danced around the pot all day long with praying the world peace and harmony. The water absorbs all the energy.

We would like to share the small amount of water for those who sent the water from your region, and if it is possible please return this water to your local river or ocean.

Hoping pure vibrancy will spread all over the world and true peace prevails on Earth. As you pour the mixed world sacred water to your local water shed, that means you will also join this sacred festival and take part in an important role to create the harmonious world.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Let’s make this world a peaceful and harmonious place together!

Konohana Family, Japan


木之花家族期刊第96号 〜 21世纪的生死观四 – 性的系统

“21世纪 生死观”



在“21世纪生死观”第1,2和3部分中(还未翻译),分析了世界运转的体系,其中所有生命在永恒时间之流中无限地重复生死轮回。 而且,还解释了为什么我们出生在这个世界。 所有的生命都是由性的法则创造的。 性,它是我们生活的源泉,将在“21世纪生死观”的最后一期中揭晓!


我们生活的世界是由“对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)”的原则创造出来的,即阴阳两个相反的意识面向相互依存。 这种普遍创造的原则被称为性。 性的汉字是由心(忄)和生活(生)构成。 心灵(忄)表明神圣的本质下降到中心,阴阳的两个相反的能量出生在左右。 这是神圣的(宇宙的)思想。 站在中心的支柱是使这个世界运转的神圣法则。 这个系统,其中阴阳的TAIKO-HASSEI在神圣的支柱周围发生的现象,被称为神圣的心灵。

首先,我们为什么要生活在这里? 这是因为创造我们并使我们存在的这个世界,它首先存在。

许多现代人认为他们只为自己而活。 然而,事实是我们是因为这个世界而存在。 在这个世界中存在的每一个生命、物质、现象包括我们人类都是在这个世界的神圣法则之下诞生的,由法则来维持和主宰世界的运作。 生命的原始形象,我们遵循这个系统,并以它作为我们的支柱,在汉字的‘性’字上得到了最好的诠释。

然而,现代人极大地误解了性的含义。 在试图满足从内心涌出的自负的欲望时,人们忘记了宇宙法则的存在,并将性作为摆脱压力和获取快乐的手段,而不是遵循支持我们生活的这个宇宙系统。 以这种方式,从而产生了内疚意识,性已成为秘密并被扭曲。 最后,由于卖淫和强奸的发生,它已成为远离本意的事情。 基于创造的法则,因为性是混乱的,所以在这个世界上创造的一切也都充满了混乱。 这是现代社会的基础。 除非我们改变性的方式,否则世界就不可能变得健康。

我们都是通过性才诞生于这个世界,并通过性将生活与下一个时代联系起来。 这是生命的基本法则,这对于创造我们的生命,维护这个世界和连接时代至关重要。 它也是神圣的。 我们生命的起源是性。 最初,人类带着这个本能欲望,是为了活出尊严,并为世界做出贡献。





另一方面,“AMA-UTSUSHI(引起现象的法则)”是有着接收神圣柱子和生命种子的功能,以垂直神圣柱为轴线水平旋转,并表现出无形的神圣法则。 这种水平旋转力是女性特质的呈现。 带来无形法则的男性气概是阴,而呈现现象法则的女性特质就是阳。 两者都是平等的,它们都不能单独存在。 由于这个对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI),宇宙创造了生命现象。 垂直阴柱称为时间轴,水平阳柱称为空间轴。 当时间和空间完美结合时,生命就会诞生。



让我们看一下基于这种结构的地球系统。 首先,垂直支柱从北向南出现并穿透。 以垂直柱为轴进行水平旋转。 纵轴是阴,水平旋转是阳。 从北方看阳气旋转,逆时针方向。 从南方看,它是顺时针方向。 逆时针旋转是熵的阳功能。 顺时针旋转是反熵的阴函数,并抑制它。 也就是说,阴(顺时针旋转)和阳(逆时针旋转)的功能同时存在于水平阳旋转中。 最强劲的能量出现在赤道上,两个力量相互竞争。 然后,现象发生,并在那里产生许多生命。 此外,磁场以垂直柱为轴出现,整个地球变成巨大的球形磁场(生命形式)。

地球、太阳系和银河系都属于同一物理法则。 阴阳的不断性行为发生在宇宙的各个角落,并继续为世界创造生命。 我们男女之间的性行为也存在于同一系统下。 

潜在世界和现象世界之间的世界被称为“AMA世界”。潜在世界和现象世界重叠并导致质的变化来创造现象,它是宇宙的子宫。 下到AMA世界的垂直支柱象征性别中的男性生殖器。 出现在其周围的水平旋转象征女性生殖器。 当男人和女人发生性关系时,男性和女性生殖器加入,男人将神圣的神性支柱带入女人。 她从支柱中获得了生命的种子,并培育了地球上38亿生命的进化历史。 最终,她扮演一个神圣的角色,将其作为一个生命带入这个世界。 以这种方式,我们人类之间的性行为是非常神圣的,因为它存在于具有宇宙结构的相同系统下。  


当一个男人竖立柱子时,神圣的种子是以光为基础的。 所有生命都是以光开始的。 养育我们生活在地球上的是太阳照射的光。 太阳每天都在升起,带来白天和黑夜,成为生命节奏的基础,这就是时间。 作为精子,男性生理现象,每天由太阳(阳)循环创造。 另一方面,女性生理现象是基于月亮(阴)的循环。 女人体内的卵子是由月亮的循环产生的,它重复满月和残月过程。 

太阳的力量不仅在地球上创造了生命。 太阳将光带到地球,引起地球上水、火、风和空气的自然循环。 月亮是从地球的一部分分离时诞生的,与地球保持着完美的距离,通过引力,引起了海洋的潮起潮落,并与太阳一起创造了各种各样的生命。 动态的生命活动在这个星球上诞生,不仅是因为太阳,还有月亮,它与太阳成为一个小组,并与地球一起。 地球已成为一个充满生命的美丽星球,由于阴阳的相互作用,即使在宇宙中也很少见到。 


那么,你是否认识到男性特质和女性特质的阴阳已被逆转? 在成为生命之源的世界中,存在于背后的阴柱是阳刚之气,表现出它的阳旋转是女性的功能。 然而,当生命来源的能量通过AMA世界,导致质的转变,并作为生命进入现象世界,女性特质变为阴,男性特质变为阳(逆转现象)。 两者都处于平等关系中,表达了对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)(当阴阳两个相反的面向结合时,它们创造了新的生命)。 

然而,目前人类社会中的男女关系受到严重扭曲。 很久以前,男人们通过建立一个支柱带来最重要的神圣法则,这也是宇宙的智慧。 女人们有一个愿景来选择一个拥有真正智慧的男人,并接受种子和创造适合地球法则的世界。 由于阴阳的对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI),神圣法治的秩序世界在地球上得到了表达。 然而,随着时代的流逝,男人们开始主宰世界,不是通过宇宙的智慧,而是通过权力。 在这种背景下,女性已经失去了选择拥有真正智慧的男人的愿景。



真正的性别平等不仅仅与世界中的一般男女平等有关。 这意味着男人和女人都应意识到他们存在的意义,并且基于神圣的法则处于真正的阴阳平衡中。  

例如,请想象一下,你认为自己可以独善其身且完整地活着。 然而,最初,我们自己并不完美。 很久以前,这个世界是完美的统一体。 然后,它爆炸了,空间从那里诞生了。 它被分离以探索多样性,现在的生活世界诞生了。 然后,那些分离的人开始互相表达对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)。 因为我们与完美的源头分开了,所以我们自己是不完整的。 由于这种缺乏感,我们试图吸引彼此并一起体验。 也就是说,我们试图回归原始的合一性。

回归源头意味着我们源头的原始智慧开始出现了。 我们分离变成单独的个体,获得了自我,因此,陷入了我们独自生活在这个世界的误解中。 然而,当人们通过神圣的联系再次被彼此吸引、相遇、加入并磨砺他们原已具备的生命感受时,他们将与作为我们的起源–宇宙源头的美丽活力共振。 通过这种方式,回归最初的性–与大宇宙共振。

当人们理解这个系统并且带着与宇宙产生共振的高度意识进行性行为(KAMU-UTSUSHI / AMA-UTSUSHI)时,这种行为有能力纠正世界的秩序。 然后,它会发送更多进化的优秀灵魂,将创造未来的人类带入这个世界。 本质上,本能的欲望还在,但不是为了满足我们基于自我的欲望,而是为了感受生命来源的活力,提升自己,并为创造我们的这个世界做出贡献。 


当宇宙中的恒星在合一的法则下协调并继续在宇宙中旅行而没有停滞不前,就像它所承诺的一样,我们人类也是由该法则创造的,我们的生命也得到了它的支持。 因此,依法则生活是很自然的。 它是为了给这个世界做出贡献,生活在美丽世界的洪流中。 而且,我们自己的生活也变得非常顺畅和丰盛。

目前,许多恒星已经达到了这样一个循环周期的转折点。 这表明这个时代的伟大过渡时期已经到来。 我们的身体始于男女之间的性行为,来自我们的父亲和母亲。 这种性意识是20世纪的类型。 我们把20世纪的价值观延续下来了。

然而,现在已进入21世纪,从21世纪到30世纪的新千年已经开始。 这意味着与传统价值观不同的新时代已经开始。 世界已经从人们失去神圣支柱并变得极度扭曲的时代转变为我们建立真正支柱时的那个时代,男性特质和女性特质在该支柱下扮演着平等存在的神圣角色。 这个时代已经开始,神圣的心灵生活在地球上,表达了真正的性。  

现在,你作为先驱者看到了这个信息。 这意味着未来的新地球将从你的觉醒开始。  




性并不仅仅指男女之间的性行为。 我们已经与完美的合一源头分离,获得了每一次探索,并传播到了这个世界。 虽然我们并不完美,但我们被赋予了适合每个人的角色,并以我们的分离作为个性发挥了原创作用,并创造了充满多样性的世界。 我们作为一个个体是不完美的,所以相反的存在会相互吸引并表达对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)。 神圣的支柱绝对存在于对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)的中心。 也就是说,这个世界上的所有存在都是神圣的,因为它们是从神圣的思想中诞生的。 虽然它们的外表和特质不同,但每个人基本上是平等的。 这种多样化存在的对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)无限地相互联系,动态变化,并将我们生活的世界与未来联系起来。 这种广泛的伙伴关系,将成为维护世界的力量源泉,是不可或缺和神圣的。 

所有事情都存在于伙伴关系体系之下。 我和宇宙,我和太阳,我和月亮,我和地球,我和土地,我和空气,我和水,我和生命,我和心,我和手,我和腿, 我和动物,我和植物,我和微生物,我和某人,我和一切。 我们一直生活在一起。 有远、近、浅、深的关系,但每一个都非常重要。 现在,由于这些伙伴关系,我们在这里存在。 在这个世界上没有任何东西是单独存在的,因为宇宙的本质是相互关联的。 连接意味着善意。 我们通过基于善意的深厚联系与所有事物联系在一起,并且在这种联系中支持我们的生命。

当我们以这种方式感知这个世界时,就会发现世界上并不存在孤独。 目前,许多人失去了与世界联系的纽带。 在只有可见事物变得重要的时代,人们看不到他们的生活是受到许多生活伙伴的支持。 他们误解了“我靠自己的力量生活”,并且开始寻求自己的幸福。 结果,他们给社会带来了矛盾,产生了优越感和自卑感的概念,甚至破坏了养育我们生命的全球生态系统。 虽然全球生态系统仍在继续养育我们,但这种联系已经从人的单方面切断。 通过这种方式,许多人在现代时代失去了连接并过着孤独的生活。

然而,事实是我们通过系统给予每个人适当的位置和角色,这体现了神圣的思想,即是性的基本宇宙法则。 然后,我们与许多其他存在一起被创造来到这个世界。 世界运作是因为这么多的伙伴相互联系。 最终,所有的存在都与对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)有着神圣的关联。 当我们意识到这一点,世界上不再存在孤独感。 你周围的所有关系都为深刻的宇宙真理提供了深刻学习的机会。 你可能会认为这个很好而那个很糟糕; 然而,一切都源于善意,让你通过与你的伙伴关系来了解真相。 神圣的支柱依然存在于对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)的中心。

如果你理解这一点,并感受到所有现象背后的宇宙源头的美丽活力,每个人都可以通过他们的适当角色充分发挥他们的个性,并为世界的健康发展做出贡献。 这种高度意识本身的和谐存在就是性,这是生活在神圣的思想中。 KAMU-UTSUSHI和AMA-UTSUSHI的觉醒表现出无形的神圣法则,不仅存在于男女之间的性,而且存在于我们生活的世界的每个角落。         

性是宇宙的基本法则,相反的极性通过对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)产生新的东西,并创造未知的未来。 我们真诚地希望很多人都会意识到这个真理,世界将被美丽的活力所包围。


分析支持我们生活的这个世界的体系是无限深刻的,它的探索永无止境。 如果你想深入了解生活的真谛,请来参加“一个月真理学校”课程。

它将于2020年2月23日至3月21日举行! 详细信息, 请访问“一个月真理学校”网站。虽然今年定员已满,但每年都在2月下旬至3月下旬举行。

Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.96 – The System of Sex

“The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 4

The System of Sex
The beginning of everything

 In “The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 1, 2 and 3, the system of the world has been analyzed, in which all lives infinitely repeat life and death in the flow of eternal time. Moreover, we explained why we are born in this world. All lives are created by the principle of sex. Sex, which is the source of our life, will be revealed in the final issue of “The 21st Century View of Life and Death”!

 The Fundamental Principle of Life which Connects Eras

The world where we live has been created by the principle of “TAIKO-HASSEI” that two opposite qualities of yin and yang make each other exist. This principle of universal creation is called sex. The Chinese character of sex () is written as the mind () lives (). The mind () indicates that the divine pillar comes down to the center, and two opposite energies of yin and yang are born at right and left. It is the divine (universal) mind. The pillar which stands in the center is the divine law which makes this world operate. The system, in which phenomena occur by TAIKO-HASSEI of yin and yang around the divine pillar, is called the divine mind.

 In the first place, why do we live? It is because this world, which creates us and makes us exist, exists first.

Many of modern people think they live by themselves. However, the truth is that we exist because this world exists. Every single life, substance, phenomenon which exists in this world and we human beings are all born under the divine law which creates this world, are maintained by that law, and the world operates. The original figure of life, in which we follow that system and live with it as our pillar, is shown in the Chinese character of sex.

However, modern people greatly misunderstand the meaning of sex. While trying to gratify desires of egos which gush out from inside, instead of following the system of this world which supports our life, people have forgotten the existence of the law and have made sex as the means to get rid of stress and gain pleasure. In this manner, a guilty consciousness is generated, and sex has become secrets and has been distorted. In the end, it has become something far from truth as prostitution and rapes have occurred. Because the mechanism of creation which is sex gets out or order, everything which is created from there in this world also gets out of order. This is at the base of the modern society. Unless we change its way, it would be impossible for the world to become healthy.

We are born into this world through sex, and connect lives toward the next era through sex. This is the fundamental principle of life which is essential in order to create us as life, maintain this world and connect eras. It is also sacred. Our origin is in sex. Originally, instinctive desires which are equipped with human beings exist to enhance human dignity and contribute to the life world.

Then, let’s look at the system of sex which is our origin!


Everything from small life to big one exists by the same principle of sex in this world.

The System of Sex

First of all, a pillar comes down from the divine to the earth. In “The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part1 and 2, we explained that there is the potential world (the world of non-existence) which is the source of all lives behind the phenomenal world (the world of existence) where we live, and that our life is supported in the system of universal circulation in which pure life energy is always given from the potential world. The potential world is “KAMU (God).” That is, it is the world where modern people who only recognize visible matters cannot see or feel with their sensitivity. The pillar which comes down from the divine works so that this pure vibrancy of KAMU reflects (UTSUSU in Japanese) in the phenomenal world. This is called “KAMU-UTSUSHI (the principle which becomes the origin of creating phenomena).” The profound divine law which is the source of our life comes down to the phenomenal world through this. This vertically penetrating force is the function of masculinity. 

On the other hand, “AMA-UTSUSHI (the principle which causes phenomena)” is the function to receive the divine pillar and seeds of life from it, horizontally rotate with the vertical divine pillar as an axis, and manifest the invisible divine law. This horizontally rotational force is the function of femininity. The masculinity which brings down the invisible law is yin, and the femininity which manifests that law as phenomena is yang. Both are equal, and none of them can exist alone. The universe creates phenomena as life due to this TAIKO-HASSEI. The vertical yin pillar is called the time axis, and the horizontal yang pillar is called the place axis. When the time and place meets perfectly, life will be born. 

The Birth of Stars

Let’s look at the system of the earth based on this structure. First of all, a vertical pillar emerges and penetrates from north to south. A horizontal rotation occurs with the vertical pillar as an axis. The vertical axis is yin, and the horizontal rotation is yang. Looking at the yang rotation from north, it is counter-clockwise. Looking from south, it is clockwise. Counter-clockwise rotation is the yang function of entropy. Clockwise rotation is the yin function of anti-entropy which suppresses it. That is, the function of yin (clockwise rotation) and yang (counter-clockwise rotation) exist in the horizontal yang rotation at the same time. The strongest energy emerges at the equator where both forces compete against each other. Then, phenomena occur and many lives are generated there. Moreover, the magnetic fields emerge with the vertical pillar as an axis, and the whole earth becomes a gigantic spherical magnet (life form).

The earth, the solar system, and galaxies are all under the same physics. Incessant sex of yin and yang occurs everywhere in the universe, and continues to create lives into the world. Our sex between men and women also exists under the same system. 

The world between the potential world and the phenomenal world is called “AMA World.” It is the world where both potential and phenomenal world overlap and cause qualitative shifts to create phenomena, and it is the womb of the universe. The vertical pillar which comes down to the AMA World indicates male genitalia in the sex. The horizontal rotation which emerges around it indicates female genitalia. When a man and woman have sex, the male and female genitalia join and the man brings down the sacred divine pillar into the woman. She receives a seed of life from the pillar and nurtures the life which traces the 3.8 billion history of life evolution on earth. Ultimately, she plays a holy role of sending it out as a human being into this world. In this manner, the sex which we human beings operate is very sacred as it exists under the same system with the universal structure.  

The Sun and the Moon

The divine seed which comes down when a man erects a pillar is based on light. The beginning of all lives is light. The light which nurtures our existence which lives on earth is radiated from the sun. The sun rises every day, brings days and nights to earth, and becomes the base of the life rhythm which is time. It is sperms, male physiology that is created by the cycle of the sun (yang) every day. On the other hand, female physiology is based on the cycle of the moon (yin). Eggs in a woman’s body are created by the cycle of the moon which repeats waxing and waning.  

It is not only the power of the sun that has created lives on earth. The sun brings light to earth, and causes natural circulation of earth, water, fire, wind and air. The moon, which was born when a part of the earth became separated, kept a perfect distance from the earth, caused ebbs and flows of tides by that gravitation, stirred seas, and created various lives along with the sun. Dynamic life activities were born on this planet not only by the sun, but also by the moon which becomes a set with it and stays along with the earth. The earth has become a beautiful planet full of lives which is rarely seen even in the universe due to two functions of yin and yang. 

The World which has been Deviated from the Law

Then, have you recognized that yin and yang of masculinity and femininity has been reversed? In the world which becomes the source of life emergence, the yin pillar which exists in the back is masculinity, and the yang rotation which manifests it is the function of femininity. However, when the energy of the life source goes through the AMA World, causes a qualitative shift, and emerges as life into the phenomenal world, the femininity becomes yin and masculinity becomes yang (a reversal phenomenon). Both are in an equal relation which expresses TAIKO-HASSEI (the principle that when two opposite qualities of yin and yang face each other, they create a new life). 

However, currently relationships between men and women have been greatly distorted in the human society. Some time ago, men brought down the profound divine law which is the universal wisdom by erecting a pillar, and integrated groups. Women had a perspective to choose a man who had right wisdom, and played a role of receiving that seed and creating the world which is appropriate to that law on earth. Due to this TAIKO-HASSEI of yin and yang, a world with order which the divine law governs was expressed on earth. However, as eras went by, men came to dominate the world not by the universal wisdom, but by the power. In that background, women have lost the perspective to choose men who have right wisdom.

As we say “yin and yang,” yin comes first in this world, and yang emerges as forms based on it. Yin in the phenomenal world is women. Therefore, women are supposed to have wisdom to choose the right men first. Then, when men try to improve and enhance themselves so that they can be chosen by women, both existences become equal. However, in the flow of the era when only visible matters have become important, people have lost the power to sense something important behind visible matters. In addition, women have come to flatter those who have powers, rather than trying to see through the men’s nature. It is money and authority in the modern era. Men have forgotten their original role, and made efforts to gain those things, rather than the universal wisdom. In this manner, the world has been greatly deviated from the divine law, and the material world dominated by money and authority has emerged. Furthermore, we have made sex, which is the source of our life, the tool to gratify our desires, dominate with power, and flatter.  

Return to the Origin

True gender equality is not just about equality in the system. It means that both men and women become aware of the meaning of their existences, and are in the right yin and yang relationship based on the divine law.  

For example, please imagine that you think you can work fully by yourself and live for the whole life. However, originally, we are imperfect by ourselves. Long ago, this world was perfect oneness. Then, it exploded and space was born from there. It was divided toward diversity, and the current life world was born. Then, those who became separated began to express TAIKO-HASSEI with each other. Because we were separated from the perfect origin, we are one-sided by ourselves. We try to attract each other and join due to the sense of shortage. That is, we try to return to the original oneness.

Returning to the origin means the original wisdom which is our source comes out. We became divided into individuals, gained egos, and as a result, fell into the misunderstanding that we live alone in this world. However, when people become attracted with each other again by the divine connection, encounter each other, join and sharpen their originally equipped sense of life, they will resonate with beautiful vibrancy of the universal source which is also our origin. In this way, it is the origin of sex to resonate with the great universe.

When people understand this system and have sex (KAMU-UTSUSHI/ AMA-UTSUSHI) with high consciousness which resonates with the universe, such an act has a power to correct the order of the world. Then, it sends further advanced excellent souls which will create the future out as human beings into this world. Essentially, instinctive desires are equipped with us, not to gratify our desires based on egos, but to sense the vibrancy of life source, enhance ourselves, and contribute to this world which created us.  

The Divine Mind

As stars in the universe harmonize under the law of oneness and continue to travel in the universe without stagnation as if it is promised, we human beings were also created by that law and our life is supported under it. Therefore, it is essentially natural to live according to the law. It is to contribute to this world and live in the flow of the beautiful world. Moreover, our own life also becomes very smooth and abundant.

Currently, many stars have reached the turning points of each cycle in such a flow. This indicates that the great transition period of the era has arrived on earth. Our body began from the sex between a man and a woman, which is our father and mother. Such a consciousness of sex was the 20th century type. We came down under that 20th century values.

However, now that the era has entered the 21st century, a new millennium from the 21st century to the 30th century has begun. It means that the era of new values which are different from conventional ones has begun. The world has shifted from the era when people lost the divine pillar and became greatly distorted, to the one when we erect the true pillar, and masculinity and femininity play a sacred role as an equal existence under that pillar. The era has begun when the divine mind lives on earth and the true sex is expressed.  

Now, you have encountered this message as that pioneer. This means that the future earth will begin with YOUR awakening. 


Sex between Men and Women is not only Sex

Partnerships with All Things

Sex does not indicate only that between men and women. We have been separated from the perfect oneness of our origin, gained each deviation, and spread to this world. Although we were imperfect, we were given positions appropriate to each individual, have played original roles with our deviation as individuality, and have created the world full of diversity. We are imperfect as one piece, so opposite existences attract each other and express TAIKO-HASSEI. The divine pillar surely exists in the center of TAIKO-HASSEI. That is, all existences in this world is sacred because they were born from the divine mind. Although their appearances and functions are different, everyone is essentially equal. The TAIKO-HASSEI of such diverse existences links with each other infinitely, changes dynamically, and connects the life world where we live toward the future. This wide variety of partnerships, which become the source to maintain the world, are indispensable and sacred. 

All things exist under the system of partnerships. Me and the universe, me and the sun, me and the moon, me and the earth, me and the soil, me and air, me and water, me and life, me and the heart, me and hands, me and legs, me and animals, me and plants, me and microorganisms, me and someone, and me and everything. We always live along with all existences. There are far and close, and shallow and deep relationships, but each one of them is essentially important. Now, we exist here thanks to these partnerships. Nothing exists alone in this world because the nature of the universe is in connection. Connection means a goodwill. We are connected with all things by the deep bond based on the goodwill, and our life is supported in such a connection.

When we perceive the system of this world in this manner, it will be seen that loneliness does not exist in the world. Currently, many people have lost the bond which connects themselves with the world. In the flow of the era when only visible matters have become important, people cannot see that their lives are supported by the partnerships with many existences, any longer. They have misunderstood that “I live by my own power,” and have come to seek their own happiness. As a result, they have brought discrepancy to society, generated the concept of superiority and inferiority, and even damaged the global ecosystem which has nurtured our life. Although the global ecosystem still continues to nurture our life, such a bond has been severed unilaterally from the human side. In this manner, many people have lost the bond and live a lonely life in the modern era.

However, the truth is that we are given positions and roles which are appropriate to each individual through the system which manifests the divine mind, which is sex of the universal fundamental principle. Then, we were created into this world along with many other existences. The world operates because such numerous partnerships link with each other. Ultimately, all existences are in the TAIKO-HASSEI relation with the divine. When we have realized that, loneliness does not exist in the world anymore. All relationships around you offer opportunities of deep learning toward the profound universal truth. You might consider this is good and that is bad; however, everything is generated from a goodwill to make you become aware of the truth through partnerships with you. The divine pillar surely exists in the center of such TAIKO-HASSI.

If you understand this and sense the beautiful vibrancy of the universal source which flows behind all phenomena, everyone can fully exert their individuality through their appropriate roles, and contribute to the health of the world. Existing in harmony of such high consciousness itself is sex, which is living out the divine mind. The awakening of KAMU-UTSUSHI and AMA-UTSUSHI which manifests the invisible divine law as phenomena exists not only in the sex between men and women, but everywhere in the world where we live.         

Sex is the fundamental principle of the universe which generates something new through TAIKO-HASSEI by opposite qualities, and creates the unknown future. We sincerely hope that many people will become aware of this truth and the world will be surrounded with the beautiful vibrancy.


Analyzing the system of this world which supports our life is infinitely deep and its exploration never ends. If you would like to deepen the true meaning of your life, please come and participate in the “One Month Truth School.”

It will be held from February 24th to March 23rd in 2019! Please refer to the One Month Truth School website for details.

Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.95 – What is Beauty?

“The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 3 ~ What is Beauty?

In “The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 1 and 2, it was explained that humans were born with a body on earth to purify their souls, and we continue the journey of an eternal evolution, continuing to reincarnate in the multi-structural universe. Then, what is “Beauty” in the first place? In Part 3, we are going to analyze “Beauty” which modern people misunderstand greatly, and deepen the reason why we live in this world.

A Journey to an Unknown  World

We live out the universe. There are numerous stars in the universe, and none of them stays in the same place. As the earth orbits the sun, the sun orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and the Milky Way galaxy also orbits an even bigger group of galaxies, all stars infinitely link with each other, become one majestic vortex, and continue to travel together toward an unknown place in the infinite universe.

There is an absolute order, which is the existence of time. Everything in this world boards on a vehicle of time which never stops, and proceeds toward the same direction. Because the earth gets on the flow and runs through the universe together, morning and night comes to earth every day, four seasons are born, and our lives are nurtured.

In fact, there are a wide variety of living beings which are estimated at 870 million kinds on earth. As all stars in the universe are connected with each other under the absolute order, living beings on earth also play original roles, brilliantly link with each other, and establish a world with one connection of life, which is the global ecosystem. It is a very beautiful world. In the flow of time, every single existence is given a life, and repeats birth, life and death. The whole always gains a new life energy, and continues to evolve as one life without staying still.

In such an incessant flow, there is only one existence which goes against it – humans. Other living beings exist as time flows, and fulfill their life according to the system of nature. However, humans who gained ego came to have the mind to hope to “maintain” a specific condition. Such a mind has generated stagnation in the flow, and has brought various issues.

However, as nobody can stop the earth from rotating and revolving, no matter how much we want to maintain a particular flow of time, it is impossible. Looking back on the history of the earth, it has been a succession of changes. Great environmental changes which have knocked the bottom out of the conventional way of being have occurred on countless occasions from the emergence of life to the birth of humanity. Life has repeated mass extinctions each time, and has evolved toward a new kind of existence which adjusts to the next environment. It is a journey to an unknown world which never stays still. It is us, the current humans that have become as a result.

Now, the world has begun to cause various phenomena which break the mold. It means that we are in a great transition period.

We came down as humans on earth in such an era. If “life exists to purify the soul,” what would it be like to become beautiful?


*As for the history of the life evolution on earth, please refer to the Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.3 “Eraism has Begun.”

This World is  Beautiful

Pollution is to Go against the Flow of the World and to Deviate from the Nature of the Universe
The Nature of the Universe is to Connect

Each one of us has a different individuality, and lives an original life every day. It seems to have nothing to do with the universe, but as a matter of fact, we are in the system of the universe.

It is the Milky Way galaxy that expresses the system of our life in the biggest scale. The universe expands even beyond the Milky Way galaxy. However, it is a different-dimensional world which we cannot interpret with our senses, because we live within the Milky Way galaxy. Therefore, we are going to trace the structure of life with the Milky Way galaxy as the greatest influence.

Each one of the numerous stars which are scattered throughout the galaxy is very unique. Such countless unique existences mark each cycle, work together without exception, and form the one life of the galaxy. It is the solar system and the global ecosystem that condenses the system and are expressed closer to us. Moreover, it is our body that is expressed closest to us.

Our body is the collectivity of various and complicated functions which consist of tens of trillions cells. Please look at your body. From your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, arms, legs, blood vessels and nerves which are spread around the whole body, bones, muscles, organs with various functions to hair and nails, there is a multiplicity of parts in the body. In every single part, more complicated and minute functions exist, work together without exception, and form one life of you in harmony like a miracle. If they do not work together and exist separately, life would not be able to emerge as it does. That is, the nature of the universe is to connect. Connecting is possible only based on goodwill. That is, the universe is created based on goodwill.

Life is Beautiful

In such a connection of goodwill, all existences board on the common vehicle of time.

After our body becomes fertilized in the mother’s womb, it traces a 3.8 billion year history of life evolution from a small life which is just less than 1mm, going through fishes, amphibians, reptiles, to mammals. We are born in this world over 280 days. Then, our body repeats birth and death at a cellular level every day in the circulation of the five natural elements of earth, water, fire, wind and air. We grow up from a baby to a child, then to an adult. Wrinkles are engraved in the skin across the ages, and hair becomes white. When our life span ends, the body without the soul will be decomposed at the atomic level, and become components which will compose the next life. Death is a beautiful moment when we will be released from the conventional connection and return to the circulation of the ecosystem.

In this manner, individual existences continue to change along with the flow of time. The whole, which is the collectivity of individuals, repeat metabolism and always continue to be born anew. This changing figure without stagnation is the beauty of this world.

Beauty is that everything flows without stagnation, changes toward the future and evolves. It is the exact figure of the universe. The universe always moves toward an unknown place and repeatedly changes transforms and transfigures. It is because the universe is life. Life continues to change without staying still. Our body expresses such a system closest to us, and tells us what life is and what beauty is.

Let’s Move toward a New World Together

Humans are given an extremely special ability in this beautiful world. In the system in which everything becomes connected and circulates, human who gained ego became conscious of “the self” in particular. With such a high ability, they came to maintain themselves and think of changing the world for their convenience, rather than changing themselves according to the flow of the world. Such a mind has created stagnation in the flow in which everything continues to change, and has generated various contradictions such as lies, tactics, conflicts and isolation. They are opposite from the nature of the universe in which unity is the base.

Everyone seeks a beautiful world; however, the modern society has become a world that prioritizes human convenience and cannot be really called beautiful. Cities which look developed beautifully have generated a vast amount of garbage behind them. Self-centered minds have created conflicts, loneliness, diseases and crimes; which have become rampant behind people who dress beautifully. If we go against the flow and try to control the world by force as we want, it needs a lot of energy. People have collected more and more, hurt each other, scrambled to fight, generated much waste, and ruined the earth and even their own lives. The entire world is full of problems, but it is natural for people to have many issues, and they cannot even recognize that they themselves have created the problems.

Many people look at a visible form and say “It is beautiful.” However, the true beauty is in “the mind” behind it. No matter how hard we make the form look beautiful, if the mind behind it is polluted, such a mind will surely become a problem and come back to us. However, if we do not recognize that our mind is polluted, we tend to blame others and the society for the problem we encounter. On the contrary, we pretend that nothing happens.

If the flow in which everything changes without stagnation is the beauty of this world, pollution is the function to stagnate the flow and deviate from the nature of the universe. Modern people have generated this many of problems, but they have avoided seeing the pollution of their mind which is the cause of the problems. However, the basis of the universe is goodwill. If our mind ignores the system of the body, goes out of control, and we drink and eat too much, our body becomes sick and tells us that. In this manner, if people’s minds become separated and they live selfishly, the world causes mega disasters, tells us that we cannot live alone, and promotes us to connect with each other. Connecting means weaving life.

If we deviate from this great flow and bring out contradictions to the world, the universe always guides us to return to the flow again. As long as you go against the flow and try to stay at the same place, the universe will continue to give you problems. It is because the universe guides you, saying “Let’s move toward a new world together.”

In the World like a Miracle

Living a life is not keeping the same self and seeing new scenery, but changing and renewing ourselves through encountering new scenery each moment. When people encounter something new, they tend to look at it based on their conventional path. If it is beyond their understanding, they tend to resist it. They try to protect their current self, and set the world within a range which they can accept. However, when we live in this world, originally, we do not stand at such a position.

The earth is a planet full of lives, which is very rare even in the universe. There is a world like a miracle which nurtures a wide variety of lives. The earth orbits the sun, and the moon orbits the earth. The moon and the sun play a role of yin and yang in a miraculous position from the earth, and nurture living beings on earth. Light and heat which arrive from the sun create the circulation of earth, water, wind and air. The gravitation of the moon causes the rise and fall of the ocean, and circulation of the water. Comparing the earth to the size of an egg, the thickness of the atmosphere is said to be just an egg shell. In such an atmosphere, life breathes. At the same time, the magnetic field of the earth protects the life from harmful solar flares, and moreover, the solar magnetic field protects it from harmful cosmic rays. Because the planets in the solar system mark the accurate cycles around the sun, morning and night repeatedly come to earth, and so do four seasons. The relationship of the solar system exists in a network of harmony which is created by numerous stars in the galaxy. If just one thing becomes out of order, life will not be able to exist on earth as it does. Only when relationships based on such a miraculous balance link with each other, the world where we live can exist. There is nothing which is created by humans.

Many modern people think that they live in this world with their own power. However, the truth is that our life is supported by a vast universal system which is far beyond our understanding. When you let go of the small constraint of the self and understand the universal system which continues to support your life even in this moment, a beautiful world will be revived in you. Then, the universal will becomes your own.

A Story which Continues Forever

Things are supposed to go forward only based on facts in the universe. When humans become one with the universe and express their pure will without lies or tactics on earth, things will become phenomena surprisingly smoothly. Other lives fulfill their life according to the system of nature. On the contrary, humans have their own will and the ability to create this world along with the universe.

When human consciousness becomes one with the universe, a world with infinite free energy will be expressed. Stars continue to race through the vast universe and have never refueled over the 13.8 billion years from the birth of the galaxy. Originally, the universe is an existence with perfect free energy. If we follow the system, everything flows beautifully with very little energy, without any waste. It is a very calm and comfortable world.

People have gone against the flow in such a world with free energy. As a result, they have fought, become tired and become hurt. However, no matter how hard we resist it, the universe surely moves forward. For humans who have gained ego, the existence of the self is very significant. But, looking from the universe, it is just the piece of a figure which expresses the era.

No matter how hard each one of us humans lives on earth, the era surely moves forward with the will. Then, an existence which does not match with the flow will just be destroyed as the conventional history of the earth shows. The era creates a new life which replaces it. In this manner, the story of the universe continues forever.

The Fundamental Mind of the Universe

Humans who gained ego became conscious of “the self” in particular in the world where everything changes, and have brought stagnation to the flow. We can perceive it like this: if it just flows without stagnation, we cannot really know what it is. When we go against the flow and experience the stagnation, we will know what the flow is from such a comparison. Then, if we let go of the constraint which became the cause of the stagnation, and live along with the flow of the universe with the stagnation-free mind, how beautiful our life will become!

In other words, ego is individuality. Each one of us humans has an original personality. Out of a wide variety of living beings which exist on earth, humans are the only kind which is this full of diversity. Humanity longed for beauty, created scripture and models in the past, and tried to copy them uniformly, thinking “this is the right way of living.” However, it is a world which is borrowed. If the universal system is based only on phenomena, then truth is not in the world which is borrowed and written in scripture, but in your original path.

There is another important element for beautify, which is diversity. As complicated and various functions form our body, about 870 million kinds of lives weave the global ecosystem, and numerous stars create vortices and travel in the universe, a wide variety of existences become connected, resonate each vibrancy, and become like one life. That is why, an abundant, dynamic and beautiful world will be expressed like a symphony.

The world gave diversity to us humans, and entrusted it to us to express the universe on the common vehicle of time. Now, while we live this life, how much can we reach this truth? You might think that you live a healthy life, but your own daily activities continue to pollute the earth and yourself even now. If you realize this fact and wish for a truly beautiful world, please begin with you first. It is not a difficult matter at all, but we move toward our true life purpose which is sleeping in everyone. When you move toward the purpose and fulfill your life with all your might, you will know what you have brought to this world throughout your life. You will experience your own worth when you leave the body and return to the original place as the soul.

Even if we have lost the purpose, the universe always causes various phenomena and guides us toward awakening. This is the exact will which the universe shows to us —- the fundamental mind is love.

ー The story of the universe ー


One day, seven Korean children came to play with Jiiji, Mr. Universe who lives at the foot of Mt. Fuji. There was a girl who often lied among them. Her mother asked Jiiji to explain why we must not lie, and he talked to the Korean and Japanese children as follows:

Please Tell a Lie

First of all, do you think it is all right to lie? Or, do you think we must not lie? Jiiji thinks it is all right to lie. In order to experience what is going to happen if we lie, unless we lie, we would not understand, wouldn’t we?

Lying is saying what is different from truth. There is only one truth, but there are many lies. Therefore, when people lie, they become clever. Such people will be in trouble if the truth is revealed, so they think a lot in order to continue to hide it. However, such a way of thinking is bad. If bad thoughts increase in the head, this person becomes bad.

Children do lie. So, when you want to lie, please do so. However, there is one important thing when you lie, which is to know that “I am lying now.” A lie is different from truth, so when you lie, you will be surely in trouble later. Then, if you know you have lied, you will be able to realize “Oh, I have lied, so things have become like this.” If so, it will become an opportunity to quit lying.

If people do not understand that they have lied, when a problem occurs, they tend to blame others, instead of considering that they were the cause. Such people are real troublemakers. Lying in childhood does not make a child a liar, but it will allow them to learn what is going to happen if they lie. However, if they do not understand that they have lied, they cannot learn from lying. They become genuine liars who lie without realizing that they lie. Jiiji has met many adults like that. Adults tell children not to lie. However, in fact, adults lie more than children do. That is, humans lie.

When I grow crops in the field, I encounter various things. First of all, the sun, plants, animals, soil, rain, wind – everything is honest. If crops do not grow well, they tell us honestly where the cause is, such as an imbalance of the soil, unsuitable weather and so on. When fertilizer was applied too much, crops will become sick and tell humans that something is wrong. If humans try to learn from nature all of the time, it never lies and tells us various things honestly. Therefore, when I am in nature, gratitude comes up and my mind becomes very calm.

However, when humans come to nature, lies will emerge. It is because they tend to think of everything for their own convenience. However, it is different from truth, so it will surely lead to problems. Which means, when humans live, problems occur.

When people lie, they think there is a good thing to be had by doing so. That is why, they lie, don’t they? However, when we lie, an inconvenient thing which is opposite from what we thought will occur. Although we think we get the benefits in the midstream of life, we are supposed to receive trouble equivalent to our lies in life and die. When we end our life as a liar and are born again next, our life will begin as a liar.

If we continue to lie, our minds become bad. Then, good things will not occur in life. In this manner, this world tells us “it is not good to lie.”

Therefore, please tell many lies for learning in your childhood. And please be in trouble many times. Please realize the reason why you are in trouble is that you have lied. Then, you will become a person who does not lie without fail. And please live a beautiful life.

That is all for Jiiji’s lecture about lying today♪


Living beautifully is expressing the original figure of life. The life begins with sex. In “The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 4, the truth of sex which is the source of our life will be revealed!

As for a beautiful way of living, if you would like to learn more practically, please participate in the “One Month True School” which is held annually at the Konohana Family from February to March.→Please refer to the One Month True School Blog (in English) for the details!

*The One Month Truth School is a place where you make a breakthrough in your life by analyzing the vast flow of the era and awakening to the true-self which you have been unaware of. This program will allow to you to gain power over your life in the world by going beyond your set ideas and expanding your worldview. We are open for application! Please visit the above link for more details!



One Month Truth School 2019

One Month Truth School 2019

Quorum has already been reached!
Thank you for your interest.

The One Month Truth School is a place where you make a breakthrough in your life by analyzing the vast flow of the era and awakening to the true-self which you have been unaware of. This program will allow toy to gain power over your life in the world by going beyond your set ideas and expanding your worldview. 

The One Month Truth School has widely received national and international attention as an inspiration for how to negotiate the chaotic world affairs with which we are now faced. The program has already been enrolled to half capacity, and once we reach full capacity we will stop accepting applications. So if you consider joining the program, please apply soon.

Date: February 24th (Sun) to March 23th (Sat), 2019
For 28 days


Konohana Family,
238-1 Nekozawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, Japan

Capacity: 15 people

* We will no longer receive applications once the quorum has been reached. Please sign up soon.

Participation Fee*:

Self-assessed sliding scale.
*Participation fee covers tuition, accommodation, food, and consumption tax, and insurance, etc.

High income (more than 4mil.JPY/yr) : 220,000JPY,
Medium income (more than 2mil to less than 4 mil. JPY/yr): 200,000JPY
Low income (less than 2mil. JPY/yr): 180,000JPY

  • This includes participation fee, accommodation, food, washing clothes, and insurance.
  • If you would like to pay by installment, please consult with us.
    If the installment, you need to complete the payment before the program starts.

Through the various facets of the program such as “Worldview”, “Farming”, “Food”, “Medical Care”, “Economy”, “Environment”, “Education”, and “Social”, you will be guided to open the eyes of your heart to see the truth of this world by reading individual personality, mission of life, and analyzing the flow of the era.

Main Instructor – “Jiiji” who has changed his nickname from Isadon

“Sharing Your Heart” which deeply explores your inner self






Example of the Program:
Learning of Humanity (Karma reading & Heliocentric Calendar)/ Establishment of Community/ Farming of Universal Circulation Method/ Facilitation/ Wide Open Your Worldview/ Economy of Bodhisattva/ Natural Therapy Program/ Food Therapy/ Culturing Microorganisms/ Katakamuna/ Sex & Universe/ How to have sustainable spirit/ Sharing Your Heart
– As the program is not fixed, the above are just examples. The most suitable options for interactive communications between the participants and the organizers will be offered, so this is the one and only program anywhere which is unpredictable for everyone.
– When we receive application form from overseas, the program is offered in two languages, Japanese and English.

* Through various events in the community, such as birthday parties and festivals, you can feel the real community life in which each individual expresses their gifted talents, supports each other, and lives harmoniously in practice by following the laws of the universe.

Flow of A Day:

Interpretation for Non-Japanese Participants

7:30  Breakfast
8:30  Morning Class (Including tea break)

12:00   Vegetarian Lunch/ Break

14:00 Afternoon Class (Including snack break)
17:30 Bath Time
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Community Meeting (Optional)

*Time may be varied by programs.
*Every Sunday (or Saturday) are program free day.
*You can experience community life on the free day.

Supporter System:
A supporter is selected for each participants in order to support life in general. You can consult with him/her on whatever is difficult to talk about in a big group. At the end of the 2nd week, you can change your supporter and appoint whoever you would like to be your supporter for the remaining two weeks.


Please download this application form, fill it out and send to
intl★ (Please replace ★to@)

Once we have received your application form, we will get back to you with more details.
We will officially accept your participation upon receipt of your participation fee. After confirmation of your payment, we will acknowledge your application from the order in which it was received. Once quorum has been reached we will close the application process.
* Please complete your payment 30 days before the program starts.
* We would like to request participants not to cancel your application as much as possible after your payment. Cancellation after the payment does not only become a big burden to the organizer, but also takes away a learning opportunity from other possible participants. Therefore, when you apply, please double check your schedule and honestly consider your willingness to participate.
*Cancellation after the 90th day before the program starts, we will charge you a cancellation fee.

We look forward to your participation!

Main Organizer: NPO Greengrass
Co-organizer: Konohana Family

Inquiry: Michiyo or Yoko
Telephone number: +81-544-66-0250 or +81-544-67-0485
E-mail: intl★ (Please replace ★to@)



超越固定觀念並且開高視野 ,



■會場:木之花家族 静冈县富士宮市猫泽238-1



主講師 – Jiiji,最近由Isadon改名為Jiiji

■参加費 依收入而定。(自己申


①年収400万元以上    22萬日圓    ②年収200万元以上 20 萬日圓
③年収200万元未満 18 萬日圓

■内 容







*還有,通過參加生日會和季節的祭祀等體驗生活的各方面,每個人發揮自己的個性並相互幫助支持,實際感受按照宇宙法則生存, 實踐和諧生活的社區形態 。


下载 一個月真學校2019參加申請書


负责人 :小乐
电话 :+8615901954622
微信 :xing_12_520











TEL: 0544-67-0485

Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.94 – The 21st Century View of Life and Death – Part 2

“The 21st Century View of Life and Death” Part 2

We live in the universe. However, people have not recognized that they live in the universe yet. “The 21st century View of Life and Death” Part 2 is going to unlock this universal structure and deepen our understanding about death which surely comes to all lives!

Yin and Yang

We live in the visible world every day. We perceive the figures and forms of everything including our own body with our eyes, and recognize existence. Modern people’s way of thinking, which is represented in the scientific field, considers only this “visible world” as everything. Only when visible phenomena occur, modern people recognize existence. If they feel there is a problem, they try to solve it in a visible method.

However, there is always an invisible existence behind visible matters. Mind, thoughts, souls ――― we cannot see them with our eyes, but such invisible matters become the nature of visible matters which emerge on the surface. “The visible world” appears as form and yang energy, while “the invisible world” is without forms and is yin energy. We call the combination of this “visible world” and “invisible world” as “The World of Existence (Phenomenal World= the world where phenomena occur).” Both our visible body and our invisible soul behind it form “the world of existence.”

The Universe Breathes

The universe is always based on two opposite matters, and this system is called Taiko-Hassei according to the Katakamuna cosmophysics, which was established in East Asia about 13000 years ago. When there is heaven, there is earth. When there is a man, there is a woman. In this manner, there is always the existence of yin and yang which becomes a pair, and makes each other exist. Then, if “the world of existence” is yang, there must be the existence of yin which will become paired with it. It is called “The World of Non-Existence (Potential World = the World of the Source of All Phenomena).” Our modern thinking considers that something “exists” as a premise, so we cannot perceive this “world of non-existence” through such a way of thinking. It is a world of only vibrancy where even a concept of existence or non-existence does not exist.

Figure 1: The universal system which repeats emergence and disappearance

You can download for enlarged figure from here.

Originally, this world (the universe) was “the world of non-existence.” However, one day, “existence” was created from “non-existence (nothing).” Time and space were born in the world where nothing existed, and diversity has expanded through this process of creation. And it has become the current phenomenal world. When this expansion reaches its peak finally, this process will contract gradually, and settle toward non-existence (nothing) in the end. That is, it returns to “the world of non-existence.”

The universe infinitely repeats this process from emergence to disappearance. It is a great breath of the universe. The universe slowly breathes in a majestic scale beyond our imagination, and all lives exist in such a world. Also, our own lives are supported under the same universal structure.

All information from the beginning to the end of the universe is sleeping. Great clues are hidden so that humans achieve the universal evolution in the future.


A Story of Life of Universe

If we consider only the visible world as everything in this world, we would think birth is the beginning and death is the end. However, in fact, this world is not based on such a simple system. We continue an eternal journey along with the flow of time, transforming our figure from a body, to only a soul, to the universally finest particle, all in a multi-structured world where “the world of existence” is three-dimensionally overlapped with “the world of non-existence” which is its source. It is the story of life, which is woven in the great universal breath.

Let’s Look at the Transition of the Soul.

The soul gains a body, and is born as a human on earth, which is “the visible world.” It cannot recognize what it is, in a state of only a soul. However, once we gain a body and come down on earth, we encounter various phenomena. Our figure, the environmental setting of our birth, and even every single event which we encounter in our daily life occur in an appropriate way to ourselves. The soul begins to know what it is through such phenomena. We live to know ourselves in “the visible world” which accurately reflects our own figure like a mirror, and to evolve ourselves.

When the cycle of our life marks the end eventually, the soul leaves the body. This is death. Components of the body, which were tied by the soul so far, are decomposed at the atomic level, and become ingredients for the next matter in the circulation of the global ecosystem. On the other hand, the soul returns to a different-dimensional universe, which is appropriate to its spiritual level. It is “the invisible world.” Some return to a high-dimensional position in “the invisible world,” and some fall into a low-dimensional position like hell, depending on how much they spiritually grow up while they are alive. After a certain period passes by, we gain a body and come down on earth again. This is how we start the next life in “the visible world.”

The soul follows the flow of time which heads in a one-way direction from past to future, moves forward in a spiral motion between “the visible world” and “the invisible world,” and repeats reincarnation. It is as if food enters the body. We can see the food with our eyes. When we eat it and it enters the body, we cannot see it anymore. However, the food which cannot be seen moves through our visible body as energy. When it is excreted from the body finally, it changes form and becomes visible again. Although it is either visible or invisible, it surely continues to exist, and circulates in “the world of existence.”

Figure 2: The system of reincarnation of souls
Numerous souls (Figure 2) repeat emergence and disappearance, and exist in the universe (Figure 1).

One Trace in a Gigantic Life

As every single life with the body has a life-span, a soul also has a life-span. It is, so to speak, the expiration date of the soul. When the soul, which evolves through many lives and has fully learned, faces the life-span, it becomes the universally finest particle and returns to “the world of non-existence” which is the source of “the world of existence.” The universally finest particle is much finer than an atom or a particle. It is the universally smallest scale which we cannot perceive with modern science, and they becomes ingredients of all existences in this world.

The story of the soul marks the end by becoming the universally smallest unit and returning to “the world of non-existence.” However, as the universe infinitely repeats the process from emergence to disappearance, the end of the story of a soul could be the beginning of the next story. The point, where this end is overlapped with the beginning, is just one point in the flow of time. Also, this point indicates “the world of non-existence,” so we can say that it is eternal. And, the trace of the story of every single soul will be engraved in the gigantic life of the universe.

“Thoughts (pronounced as Omoi in Japanese)” are “Heavy (also pronounce as Omoi).”

Then, how will the soul take the path of evolution? It is only while we are alive with the body in “the visible world” that the soul can evolve. However, if we are trapped with only visible matters, we cannot become aware of the true reason why we came down on earth. For example, you study hard, achieve excellent grades, get a job with a high social position, earn a lot of money, purchase a nice house and a car, gain whatever you want, and think you are satisfied with your life. This is status for many modern people. However, when we look at it through spiritual eyes, just the ego has expanded.

The soul is bound by the weight of the body on earth while we are alive with the body. However, once the soul leaves the body, it loses the mass. If there is no attachment to the earth, it rises straight up and returns to a different-dimensional universe, which is its original place. That is, heaven. However, if we expand our ego and hold many things, the thought of such attachment becomes a weight. Then, even if we leave our body, we cannot rise up. In extreme cases, the soul cannot reincarnate anymore, and its thoughts become heavier and heavier, and such a soul falls into the magma of the earth. Then, it becomes burned, becomes decomposed into the universally finest particles, and resets the existence of itself.

It is You that Judges Yourself.

How much do we polished our minds while we are alive? While we live as humans on earth, souls of various levels gather here. However, once we leave our body, our souls will become classified into a different-dimensional universe which is appropriate to each soul. Therefore, souls of different levels do not interact with each other. On the contrary, the earth is a place rich in such diversity.

When souls finish their learning on earth and return to their appropriate positions, they create a program for the next life based on the result of their previous life. For example, if we made war in our previous life, we might be born in the opponent’s nation in the next life. In fact, our current enemy who we hate and fight against could be our descendant in our previous life.

Our individual life-span is incorporated in the program, but when we are born on earth, such a memory will be completely erased. It is because if we know the answer in advance, we would think beyond the frame of time and lose an opportunity to become aware of our life purpose. Living in the phenomenal world means travelling with time. Our life purpose is to live each moment “now” without being trapped in the past or fixing upon the future, to receive events we encounter every moment, to know what kind of vibrancy we emit, and to change ourselves.

Even if our memory of the past is erased, all the records are engraved in our soul. Our physical DNA disappears with the dismantling of the body. However, all we have done each moment has been engraved in our spiritual DNA, and that accumulation has created the current you. Although you dress up beautifully, gain a high status and a good reputation from the society while you are alive, once you die and get out of the body, the reality of your soul will be revealed. It is you that judge yourself then, because you have stayed with your own life and confirmed everything. That is why, you cannot fake yourself. If pollution is engraved in your soul, the program of your next life will reflect such pollution and begin.

Flowers of a Big Tree which Follows the Universal Consensus.

When we are born on earth, souls do not create a program alone. We always discuss with this world.

In the flow of a long long time, numerous souls have come down on earth, played an appropriate roles to each era, and departed the earth. They repeat reincarnation and engrave their history. At the same time, they are asked to express the era from the side of the world. Every single soul is given an original role. They continue to weave the universal story which has continued from a long time ago, as a part of a gigantic life of the era.

When we trace the flow of time, we reach the beginning (= end) of the universe. On the contrary, when we move forward, we reach the end (= beginning) of the universe. All information from the beginning to the end of the universe is sleeping in our spiritual DNA.

In order to awaken it, we do not have to think. When we let go of the attachment of “ourselves” which is ego, the awareness will naturally come out. It is because we are originally a part of the universe. As the information of the entire body is input in each one of our cells in the body, all information of the universe is engraved in our soul. When we engrave our history in our soul, it is also engraved in the universe. Evolving our soul means evolving the universe itself.

When our soul evolves, beautiful flowers of life will bloom there. It is not just one flower. It is flowers of a big tree of a gigantic life with numerous buds. When you feel that you are one of them, fully bloom your original flower, and create a network with other flowers, it will become a gigantic beautiful tree in full bloom, which is in accordance with the universal consensus.


When you die,
head straight toward the light.

Currently, a lot of issues are occurring on earth. The cause is the pollution of the human mind. Humans have brought various issues to the earth as a result of forgetting to purify their souls through reincarnation and accumulating spiritual pollution. Therefore, this time, we will tell you the attitude when you die.

The Karma of the Earth

When your body faces death, your soul rises up. Rising up means rising to the heavens. When your soul leaves the body after death, it loses the mass of the body and naturally rises to the heavens. When this happens, a polluted soul holds a lot of attachment which becomes a weight, and cannot rise up. It ends up drifting around the earth like mist.

Still, it gradually goes upwards because it does not have a body. However, the souls with a lot of attachment continue to remain in the material world even if they rise up, and they end up drifting in the outside of the atmosphere without returning to the heavens. The earth is a physically beautiful blue planet with white clouds floating; however, when we spiritually look at the current earth, it has become grey, covered with souls which cannot leave the three-dimensional world even though they lost their physical body. The vibrancy of the caught-up souls comes down on earth, which delays human awakening on the current earth.

Then, what should we do when we face death? When a soul faces death and gets out of the physical body, it looks down at that body from slightly above. If there is some attachment to its own life, it will keep watching the body. That is, it looks down. Or, if it holds onto things or schedules such as “I want this,” and “I want to do that,” it will end up looking down at the ground by paying attention to such matters. The present era is the time when people expand their desires based on ego, and polluting their souls is supposed to be attractive.

However, when you have realized that you have died, first of all, please look at the above by all means. Then, you will surely see light. That is the direction which you should head to after you have faced death. Please do not think of anything that you leave behind you. Just go straight toward the light. If you do so, you will surely rise up. There is no need to hold a funeral or sutra recited by a Buddhist monk. What you should do is just release your attachment, and head straight towards the light. You can return to your original home, only by doing so.

This is very important for not polluting the earth spiritually. Currently, we humans not only pollute the earth in a visible way, but also in an invisible form. That becomes the karma of the earth. Therefore, please always keep this in your mind because death surely comes to anyone of us, and it could be tomorrow.

Ray of Light in Darkness

It is not only human souls that cover the surroundings of the earth. Animal souls, whose lives are taken away by humans, become spiritual grey mist and also cover the earth. A tremendous number of animals are killed for meat which is eaten by humans every day. Their fear, in the moment when they are killed, is beyond our imagination. Animals scream, emit the vibrancy of fear, and their lives are taken away. We eat the meat with such vibrancy in our daily life.

When lions eat zebras in the natural world, it is the circulation of life. The zebra’s life is taken over to the lion, and the zebra’s soul rises up without any regret. However, the souls of animals which are killed for humans to satisfy their desires, cannot rise up. They cover the earth and resonate the vibrancy of fear. Such vibrancy has brought a great impact to the spiritual pollution of the earth. Therefore, the modern era has become a very difficult time for humans to become awakened. That is why, it is important for us to try not to generate such wandering souls in our daily life. As a result of such efforts, when we face death in the future, we can depart gracefully without being trapped on the earth.

Spiritually, it is an era of darkness on the current earth. People have not woken up yet. However, in such a situation, if there is a handful of people who begin to wake up, they will become a ray of light in the darkness. Even a slight light can be seen very well in darkness. It will surely become a signpost for people who are far away.

Awakened people begin to purify this world with their enlightenment. When such movement expands and the earth is wrapped with a beautiful harmony, the world will become beautiful instantly, and the earth will restore its original luster.

Our life exists to purify our souls ――― Then, what is “beautiful”? The 21st century View of Life and Death Part 3, which will be published during the autumn equinox in 2018, will unlock what the true beauty of life is!