It is the biggest change ever in human history!
The time to correct the trajectory of humanity has finally arrived!
The people who live in the present era have fallen into a “Self-centered” way of thinking ────
Can you release yourself from this spell?
The Earth, a planet created through universal consensus
We live in the universe.
In the universe, everything is connected, circulating and harmonized. Each of the countless planets in the vastness of space have an original individuality which are unique to each other. The diversity of the planets interact with each other, maintain a perfect balance on a magnificent scale, and connect with each other as if they were playing as a single symphony, while vibrating a beautiful harmony.
The Earth was born with the consensus of the universe.
The Earth is a model of the universe. Fire, water, soil, air, wind, minerals, microorganisms, plants, animals ――― A variety of natural elements with various functions play roles that cannot be substituted by each other, while creating a rich life network called the Earth’s ecosystem. This life network is connected in an infinite circulation, which has evolved over the past 13.8 billion years, from the birth of our galaxy, to the past 4.6 billion years, with the birth of our planet. The Earth has become a unique planet with a vast life force which cannot be found anywhere else in the universe.
At the peak of its eternal evolution, humanity was born upon the Earth as the only species out of the millions of others to exist, or have existed, upon this planet.
In ancient times, humans received their orders from the planets, interacted with nature, and lived according to an ecological cycle with many other lives. The people during those times intrinsically knew that they were part of this great universe and that their lives were provided and supported by the circulation of the cosmos. However, this life, which appeared at the end of a long evolutionary journey, began to evolve rapidly, which is historically unprecedented. Human beings have come to bring a massive influences upon the ecosystem of this planet, which continues to circulate beautifully according to the arrangements of the universe.
Extraordinary natural phenomenon are the messages that wake us up
Human beings have very different points of view from other lives. This is due to their outstanding egos.
The Earth, the planet of diversity, has many unique lives. Among non-human lives, there are not many differences between individuals of the same species. Individual lives seem to exist according to the will of the individual, but on the premise that each serves their role as a species, and completes their life without deviating from the cycle of the Earth’s ecosystem, which connects all functions together. However, human beings were given different characters within the same species, and came to see themselves separately from each other because of their uniqueness. While in the past they were aware of the existence of “oneself”, they have since forgotten that they are a part of this great world. Now humans give priority to fulfilling the purpose of the individual over serving the whole as a species.
Human beings have a high creativity that is not found in other lives. They have come to realize the desires that spring out from them by utilizing their abilities. Their desires grow further as their wishes come true, and their egos grow steadily. As a result, humans have forgotten the existence of the stars, communicating with nature, and, rather, they have started expanding the artificial world, which is convenient only for themselves, while ignoring many other lives.
The current world, created by modern people, is very negative, which stems from people putting themselves first, while only seeing situations according to their own perspective. Then, if there is something that they do not like or that does not match their preference, they regard it as a foreign object, deny and discriminate it, or attack it as an enemy. Even environmental protection, and peace movements perpetuate confirmation bias by denying and opposing each other. If something does not meet their standards, it becomes a target to be denied and even destroyed, whether it is an individual, a nation, or even nature.
On the other hand, the life force of the world embraces human beings, allocates for a variety of diverse lifeforms without denying any of them, and supports the uniqueness of each role. If human beings had an extraterrestrial perspective, we would know that the Earth is a place where everything is shared, and everything exists in mutual accord with each other. Then, we would realize how strange and ridiculous the current lifestyle of humanity has become, in which we only insist for ourselves and do not think of others. While having the highest ability among the many lives on Earth, humans pollute the environment, hurt other lifeforms, and even kill each other of the same species. It is totally unsuitable for the formation of this world, and it is harmful for the entire ecosystem; and as such, nature is ridding itself of what no longer serves the harmony of the whole.
In reference to the present, the world has been evolving according to natural selection. We realize this based on six mass extinctions that have occurred over the past 600 million years, and when we look back on the history of the Earth, there have been various natural disasters that have laid the foundation for the next stage of evolution. The word “extinction” may bring about a sense of fear or dread in those who are obsessed with themselves because they think that they will be broken and lost, however, it is only the natural metabolism of the Earth, which allows it to become healthy and continue to harmonize with the processes of the universe. Even though such a movement has already begun, human beings attempt to rectify the crisis with only superficial means by using their high abilities to accumulate more contradictions with the vast lifeforms of the Earth, which only exacerbates the situation.
Capitalism, a system for distributing the world’s abundance, is leading it into bankruptcy
If the Earth was created through the consensus of the universe, then there should have been a cosmic intention to create the Earth. But then why did the universe give birth to such an odd and ridiculous creature like humans?
Capitalism is a major factor that has contributed to the influence of negativity nowadays. In the past, abundance used to be what was given by nature, and humans were in a position to receive it and glorify that abundance with nature. However, as capitalism grew, abundance became something that had to be won through competing with others. And even though people won it and gratified their desires, they could not become happy. Typically, once people become satisfied, they tend to keep their satisfaction indefinitely. Nevertheless, people have sought to expand their egos by pursuing greater satisfaction, and therefore, they continue to experience dissatisfaction as they constantly inflate their egos. While humanity’s competition with itself has generated failures, the winners have a fleeting sense of superiority, and once they get used to it, it turns into an obsession for success.
As if the whole of society had fallen into a state of drug addiction, people keep expanding the artificial world with a uniform set of values, and further push forward in a direction without any prospects. Further, those who hold the reins of society, and expand the artificial world without paying any attention to nature, are considered as “excellent people”. However, such people cannot see that the society as a whole is being driven toward destruction because they are consumed by their artificially induced sense of excellence.
People have fallen into a big misunderstanding that freedom and abundance are only for fulfilling their own desires. In order to control such greedy people, who cannot live in harmony without being given rules, the government has created laws and applied them uniformly for people. People mistakenly got the idea that freedom meant that they could do anything in as long as they did not violate the law, which enabled them to act freely in order to gratify their own desires. As a result of such actions, the Earth is now overflowing with problems, and while people continue to practice modern science, they cannot find the fundamental causes or solutions. And while they are good at subdividing things and analyzing them one by one with high precision, they do not have the ability to connect them in an integrated manner and discern the nature behind the phenomena. Mass media creates sensationalism by only focusing on the surface problems, while both politicians and the masses eagerly criticize each other, which creates further impasse as society fails to resolve the mounting discord. Unfortunately, nobody realizes how to cooperate with each other and solve their problems together.
This is the result of human beings forgetting that they are just one of the milieu of lives that make up nature. They have forgotten that they were given their lives by the celestial bodies and nature, and continue to insist on their egocentric claims, and cannot see that this is the source of the conflicts, environmental destruction, and mounting global impoverishment. This is the spell of “self-centered-thinking” that all modern people have fallen into, and unless humanity is freed from this spell, the world will never become a better place.
The runaway ego is a global theme brought about by humanity
The time has come for human beings to return to the starting point of life.
Let’s expand our view into the universe again. Unquestionably, we are living in the universe now. In the universe, everything is linked, circulating and harmonized. There is our galaxy, under the laws of this great universe, our solar system, and the Earth. We human beings live as part of this preciously beautiful ecosystem expressed on the Earth. If this cosmic law got out of order, and the current balance cannot be maintained, we may not continue to exist very much longer. All beings, including human beings, are alive under this great cosmic law, and it is natural for us to live up to the law of this great source of life.
Modern people are fascinated by what they see in front of them, such as money and possessions, so their physical consciousness has become very strong. Therefore, if the environment is polluted, they develop new technologies to clean it up, and if there are conflicting situations, then they negotiate in order to accommodate each other’s interests. In this way, they practice a healthy resolution of problems by getting physical results for physical phenomena. However, the essence of the universe is based in spirituality, not in physicality. There is a deep spirituality behind all phenomena, and based on that, the order of this physical world is expressed. When you realize that, you will know that the attitude behind the operation of modern human beings is biased towards physicality. Now, that bias has created contradictions that appear as phenomena. Before you try to resolve it using physical means, start by noticing the mistake in your spirituality, correct it, and return to the essence of the universe. Thusly, the physical phenomena will become extremely peaceful, and the contradictions will be naturally resolved because the essence of the universe consists of benevolence, love and harmony.
Modern people think that the world is controlled by human beings, and that their will operates the world. However, the truth is that the Earth was created by the consensus of the universe long before the birth of mankind, and continues to be guided by the spiritual operation of the universe throughout its long evolution.
It may not be understood by modern people who see the world in a self-centered way, but now the era has entered the 21st century and we human beings are standing at a great crossroads. Will we choose to continue to live an egocentric 20th century lifestyle, which will lead to ruin? Or, will we take a step into the next millennium, and evolve towards the 30th century, with the recognition that we are universal beings.
Since the industrial revolution, the lifestyle of human beings has undergone tremendous development. That was also an era when the potential of human ability was examined. Nature has accepted humanity’s actions, but it does not mean that nature will continue to allow human beings to pursue their own desires, and disturb the order of the whole. But now is the time for human beings to learn what will happen if they continue to do so. If we fundamentally correct humanity’s activities, which are creating the current situation on the Earth, then we must realize that we are each representatives of humanity. This is not an environmental issue, but rather an issue concerning the egocentrism of all human beings.
The solution does not require a new political or economic system, which has already been attempted in order to resolve the excesses of capitalism – called communism. However, the people who advocated communism as their ideology were consumed by the very system that they created, and instead of overcoming the problems of capitalism, they created a society with no individuality spirituality that managed people uniformly. This type of idealism only became a conceptual change, but not one in practice. As you can see, no matter how you attempt to conceive of a new ideology, and try to improve the world, if you don’t fundamentally correct the spirit that creates the problem, then all attempts just become a mockery towards progress.
So what should we focus on when we examine the root cause? Spirituality, the source of all phenomena, and prior to the existence of human beings, there was an ecosystem, the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, and out of such cosmic harmony we arose. So, we should focus our minds on the life force network of this world.
When we do this, the most difficult consideration for modern people to remove themselves from is their self-centered interests, which binds them by their own standards and limits how they can see the phenomena of life. Now the time has come for human beings to transcend their egos and create a world that harmonizes with the great will of the universe. This is, in fact, the greatest change of direction in human history, for we are making a change in our life’s trajectory. And this perspective allows us to know the true meaning of why human beings have arisen upon the Earth.
To every human being who lives in the 21st century
The era has entered the 21st century, and we are facing a major milestone in the long story of the Earth. The millennium, which has just started toward the year 3000, will not evolve according to the science developed during the 20th century. Now is the time to correct the autocratic behavior that has brought about such an evolution, and change our perceptions towards nature.
The Earth has started to rectify the contradictions that humans have accumulated on this planet. It requires enormous energy for human beings to correct their way of life, and change their direction. If it requires natural disasters, then these will cause tremendous pain. However, do we really need to undergo such hardship when we have such advanced abilities?
A conscious revolution to live
No matter how much human beings destroy this world, the natural world has the power to repair the destruction that we have influenced, and return it to its original state of health. However, that takes a very long time. That is why we must use human wisdom instead of relying on time.
Wisdom is not something that can be obtained by learning, but it is the essence of life that sleeps in the DNA of each one of us, and springs out intrinsically. Since we are a part of the great cosmic life force, all of the information from the beginning of the universe remains within our spiritual DNA. The properties of this universal wisdom are appropriately expressed according to the era in which we live. If the modern age is foolish, then there is wisdom to overcome such foolishness, and when we turn our consciousness towards the wisdom within ourselves, our latent potentials will arise. This is brought about because the era, which is driven by the will of the universe, has already changed its direction towards the next stage of evolution.
Rather than being subservient to the waves of time, human beings need to channel the will of the universe and create this world together, which will become a heaven on Earth, throughout which the will of the universe is expressed. It will not come about through systems of thought, like capitalism or communism, which only seek to control the production of wealth for human beings. It is the conscious revolution of life that will completely overturn humanity’s current level of awareness, which will bring about an age that has never before been experienced in all of human history.
To the people who control the power and wealth of the world
Please use your high status and excellent abilities to make this world truly healthy. The true value of man is spiritual. No matter how much you are admired in the current distortions of society, it is not your true value when you leave your body and become a spiritual being, and return to the universe. To become a truly worthy being, please have the courage to guide society in the right direction with a spirit of restoring the relationship between spirituality and physicality. Originally, those who were in positions of responsibility had to seriously consider the whole (the life force of the Earth, which includes human beings) and make decisions to create a proud country (Earth). If you can return to such a noble heart, then you will become truly precious in the lives of all sentient beings.
Awakening as a conductor for the Life Symphony of the Universe
The Earth is a miracle of the universe. In the first place, it is also a miracle that the universe has become a phenomenon. It is a message from the great will, far beyond human thought. Therefore, it is natural that the existence of this planet is a miracle in the universe, which can be said as SHINPI. SHIN means God, and PI means secret of the universe. SHINPI resides across every corner of our daily lives, however modern people, who have become polluted in their thinking, cannot believe of such an existence. Even though there is already a miracle in front of us, we have fallen into such a foolishness that we cannot understand that life is a miracle. Nevertheless, by recognizing the foolishness of our ways, and living according to the natural expression of SHINPI, then we will have made the first step toward removing the contradictions of this planet.
The most prosperous life on the Earth today is humanity. Essentially, life is something that grows in wealth as is prospers. If the essence of the universe is benevolence, love and harmony, then by sharing with more beings, we can express the Earth’s natural richness and diversity, which connects us with our life support network. However, why is the current world generating so many contradictions as humanity continues to grow? Originally, the more people we had to share with, the more abundance we could create and receive from the world. We must be aware of that.
When people hear the word “Heaven on Earth”, they may feel like this is only an imaginary world which is too impossible to realize. However, if we look at it from a different perspective, we can see that heaven on Earth is approaching because the destruction of humanity’s contradictions have already begun, along with the existing social systems. If you sense the will behind the messages that the Earth is communicating, then you can see that the cosmic intention is to bring us into a utopian era, which has been the striving of humanity since its inception. The realization of this great new world is entrusted within the awakening of each one of us.
We are now at the biggest cosmic turning point in human history. At the same time, human beings are facing an impasse as to what kind of world we are going to live in, as an expression of cosmic life.
The self-oriented, or human-oriented, worldview which has led to the fall of modern humanity, not only creates great contradictions for ourselves, but also casts a great shadow on the potential of humanity to prosper as part of the life force network on the Earth. We are now required to learn from the phenomena of this reality, transcend our self-oriented way of life, and live as an expression of the Earth’s beautiful ecosystem, which is a true miracle of the universe. It can be said, that human beings have a mission to become great conductors of life on the Earth through employing our high abilities. Now, we have passed the year 2000 and we have entered a new era in this great universe. The time has come for us to unleash our full potential as a conductor of this cosmic symphony, and live as an expression of the vast diversity of lives on this planet, according to a universal perspective.
To all of humanity
If your heart resonates with this message, please spread this freely to the people related to you across your countries and in your own languages. Please awaken to the original purpose as to why human beings were born into this world, realize the preciousness of being human, and express the consensus of the universe according to your own will. Then, you will become a leader in expanding the life network of our new planet. This message urges the awakening of every human being who lives on the Earth, since now is the time for everyone to take a leading role.
I hope to meet the beauty within each one of you as an expression of this beautiful Earth.