

人类有史以来 最大的转向



关于“以自我为中心”的思考 ──




经由宇宙的整体意念而创造的星球 ── 地球





经历了如此悠久的进化之后,从数百万种的生命中脱颖而出 ── 人类,诞生了。






在这个多样性的星球 ── 地球上,确实存在着丰富多彩、数量庞大的生命。人类以外的生命,即使是同一物种之中,每一个的个体之间并无如此之大的差异。每一个生命沿着个体目的生存,但是首先,其前提是:发挥着“物种”的作用。而且,绝不是脱离生态系的循环,而是用自己的生命供养其他生命,在这个地球生命生态系统中成全生命。不过,即使是在同一物种中,人类也被赋予了彼此不同的个性,通过这个差异将自己和他人区别看待。而且,变得尤其意识到“自我”这个存在,将自己只是宏大世界的一部分这件事抛诸脑后。比起发挥物种作用,更优先实现自己的个人目的。















发狂的自我 ──




现代人认为,世界是由自己 —— 生活在地上的人营造的,自己的意志在推动着世界。但事实上,地球是在人类诞生很久以前,由宇宙的总意所创造的,经过漫长进化后的今天,仍然依照宇宙的精神性作用不断被引导着。对于以自我为中心看待世界的现代人来说,这也许无法理解。然而,在进入21世纪的今天,我们人类,是持续到20世纪为止,那种以自我为中心的生活方式,最终被淘汰呢?还是意识到自己为宇宙中一员,向着30世纪进化,走进崭新的千年纪元呢?我们正站在巨大的十字路口,面临抉择。


要解决这个,不是创建制度或构建什么组织。过去,为了克服资本主义的弊端,人类创造了共产主义这个新构架。然而,提出共产主义理想的人们,沉溺在自己的创造中,不仅没克服资本主义的弊端,还通过统一管理人们的体制创造了无个性社会,使这个理想变得有名无实。如此,无论如何思考新构架,如何想要改善世界,如果不对产生这个问题的根本 —— 精神,不对它动刀,那也只不过是想法而已。


21世纪的人类 —— 所有人












现在我们迎来了人类历史上最大的宇宙之转折点。与此同时,我们人类和地球 —— 这个宇宙生命的星球一起,面临抉择,要判断今后将呈现出怎样的世界。





Konohana Family Newsletter vol.100〈English〉

It is the biggest change ever in human history!

The time to correct the trajectory of humanity has finally arrived!

The people who live in the present era have fallen into a “Self-centered” way of thinking ────
Can you release yourself from this spell?


The Earth, a planet created through universal consensus

We live in the universe.

In the universe, everything is connected, circulating and harmonized. Each of the countless planets in the vastness of space have an original individuality which are unique to each other. The diversity of the planets interact with each other, maintain a perfect balance on a magnificent scale, and connect with each other as if they were playing as a single symphony, while vibrating a beautiful harmony.

The Earth was born with the consensus of the universe.

The Earth is a model of the universe. Fire, water, soil, air, wind, minerals, microorganisms, plants, animals ――― A variety of natural elements with various functions play roles that cannot be substituted by each other, while creating a rich life network called the Earth’s ecosystem. This life network is connected in an infinite circulation, which has evolved over the past 13.8 billion years, from the birth of our galaxy, to the past 4.6 billion years, with the birth of our planet. The Earth has become a unique planet with a vast life force which cannot be found anywhere else in the universe.

At the peak of its eternal evolution, humanity was born upon the Earth as the only species out of the millions of others to exist, or have existed, upon this planet.

In ancient times, humans received their orders from the planets, interacted with nature, and lived according to an ecological cycle with many other lives. The people during those times intrinsically knew that they were part of this great universe and that their lives were provided and supported by the circulation of the cosmos. However, this life, which appeared at the end of a long evolutionary journey, began to evolve rapidly, which is historically unprecedented. Human beings have come to bring a massive influences upon the ecosystem of this planet, which continues to circulate beautifully according to the arrangements of the universe.



Extraordinary natural phenomenon are the messages that wake us up

Human beings have very different points of view from other lives. This is due to their outstanding egos.

The Earth, the planet of diversity, has many unique lives. Among non-human lives, there are not many differences between individuals of the same species. Individual lives seem to exist according to the will of the individual, but on the premise that each serves their role as a species, and completes their life without deviating from the cycle of the Earth’s ecosystem, which connects all functions together. However, human beings were given different characters within the same species, and came to see themselves separately from each other because of their uniqueness. While in the past they were aware of the existence of “oneself”, they have since forgotten that they are a part of this great world. Now humans give priority to fulfilling the purpose of the individual over serving the whole as a species.

Human beings have a high creativity that is not found in other lives. They have come to realize the desires that spring out from them by utilizing their abilities. Their desires grow further as their wishes come true, and their egos grow steadily. As a result, humans have forgotten the existence of the stars, communicating with nature, and, rather, they have started expanding the artificial world, which is convenient only for themselves, while ignoring many other lives.

The current world, created by modern people, is very negative, which stems from people putting themselves first, while only seeing situations according to their own perspective. Then, if there is something that they do not like or that does not match their preference, they regard it as a foreign object, deny and discriminate it, or attack it as an enemy. Even environmental protection, and peace movements perpetuate confirmation bias by denying and opposing each other. If something does not meet their standards, it becomes a target to be denied and even destroyed, whether it is an individual, a nation, or even nature.

On the other hand, the life force of the world embraces human beings, allocates for a variety of diverse lifeforms without denying any of them, and supports the uniqueness of each role. If human beings had an extraterrestrial perspective, we would know that the Earth is a place where everything is shared, and everything exists in mutual accord with each other. Then, we would realize how strange and ridiculous the current lifestyle of humanity has become, in which we only insist for ourselves and do not think of others. While having the highest ability among the many lives on Earth, humans pollute the environment, hurt other lifeforms, and even kill each other of the same species. It is totally unsuitable for the formation of this world, and it is harmful for the entire ecosystem; and as such, nature is ridding itself of what no longer serves the harmony of the whole.

In reference to the present, the world has been evolving according to natural selection. We realize this based on six mass extinctions that have occurred over the past 600 million years, and when we look back on the history of the Earth, there have been various natural disasters that have laid the foundation for the next stage of evolution. The word “extinction” may bring about a sense of fear or dread in those who are obsessed with themselves because they think that they will be broken and lost, however, it is only the natural metabolism of the Earth, which allows it to become healthy and continue to harmonize with the processes of the universe. Even though such a movement has already begun, human beings attempt to rectify the crisis with only superficial means by using their high abilities to accumulate more contradictions with the vast lifeforms of the Earth, which only exacerbates the situation.



Capitalism, a system for distributing the world’s abundance, is leading it into bankruptcy

If the Earth was created through the consensus of the universe, then there should have been a cosmic intention to create the Earth. But then why did the universe give birth to such an odd and ridiculous creature like humans?

Capitalism is a major factor that has contributed to the influence of negativity nowadays. In the past, abundance used to be what was given by nature, and humans were in a position to receive it and glorify that abundance with nature. However, as capitalism grew, abundance became something that had to be won through competing with others. And even though people won it and gratified their desires, they could not become happy. Typically, once people become satisfied, they tend to keep their satisfaction indefinitely. Nevertheless, people have sought to expand their egos by pursuing greater satisfaction, and therefore, they continue to experience dissatisfaction as they constantly inflate their egos. While humanity’s competition with itself has generated failures, the winners have a fleeting sense of superiority, and once they get used to it, it turns into an obsession for success.

As if the whole of society had fallen into a state of drug addiction, people keep expanding the artificial world with a uniform set of values, and further push forward in a direction without any prospects. Further, those who hold the reins of society, and expand the artificial world without paying any attention to nature, are considered as “excellent people”. However, such people cannot see that the society as a whole is being driven toward destruction because they are consumed by their artificially induced sense of excellence.

People have fallen into a big misunderstanding that freedom and abundance are only for fulfilling their own desires. In order to control such greedy people, who cannot live in harmony without being given rules, the government has created laws and applied them uniformly for people. People mistakenly got the idea that freedom meant that they could do anything in as long as they did not violate the law, which enabled them to act freely in order to gratify their own desires. As a result of such actions, the Earth is now overflowing with problems, and while people continue to practice modern science, they cannot find the fundamental causes or solutions. And while they are good at subdividing things and analyzing them one by one with high precision, they do not have the ability to connect them in an integrated manner and discern the nature behind the phenomena. Mass media creates sensationalism by only focusing on the surface problems, while both politicians and the masses eagerly criticize each other, which creates further impasse as society fails to resolve the mounting discord. Unfortunately, nobody realizes how to cooperate with each other and solve their problems together.

This is the result of human beings forgetting that they are just one of the milieu of lives that make up nature. They have forgotten that they were given their lives by the celestial bodies and nature, and continue to insist on their egocentric claims, and cannot see that this is the source of the conflicts, environmental destruction, and mounting global impoverishment. This is the spell of “self-centered-thinking” that all modern people have fallen into, and unless humanity is freed from this spell, the world will never become a better place.



The runaway ego is a global theme brought about by humanity

The time has come for human beings to return to the starting point of life.

Let’s expand our view into the universe again. Unquestionably, we are living in the universe now. In the universe, everything is linked, circulating and harmonized. There is our galaxy, under the laws of this great universe, our solar system, and the Earth. We human beings live as part of this preciously beautiful ecosystem expressed on the Earth. If this cosmic law got out of order, and the current balance cannot be maintained, we may not continue to exist very much longer. All beings, including human beings, are alive under this great cosmic law, and it is natural for us to live up to the law of this great source of life.

Modern people are fascinated by what they see in front of them, such as money and possessions, so their physical consciousness has become very strong. Therefore, if the environment is polluted, they develop new technologies to clean it up, and if there are conflicting situations, then they negotiate in order to accommodate each other’s interests. In this way, they practice a healthy resolution of problems by getting physical results for physical phenomena. However, the essence of the universe is based in spirituality, not in physicality. There is a deep spirituality behind all phenomena, and based on that, the order of this physical world is expressed. When you realize that, you will know that the attitude behind the operation of modern human beings is biased towards physicality. Now, that bias has created contradictions that appear as phenomena. Before you try to resolve it using physical means, start by noticing the mistake in your spirituality, correct it, and return to the essence of the universe. Thusly, the physical phenomena will become extremely peaceful, and the contradictions will be naturally resolved because the essence of the universe consists of benevolence, love and harmony.

Modern people think that the world is controlled by human beings, and that their will operates the world. However, the truth is that the Earth was created by the consensus of the universe long before the birth of mankind, and continues to be guided by the spiritual operation of the universe throughout its long evolution.

It may not be understood by modern people who see the world in a self-centered way, but now the era has entered the 21st century and we human beings are standing at a great crossroads. Will we choose to continue to live an egocentric 20th century lifestyle, which will lead to ruin? Or, will we take a step into the next millennium, and evolve towards the 30th century, with the recognition that we are universal beings.

Since the industrial revolution, the lifestyle of human beings has undergone tremendous development. That was also an era when the potential of human ability was examined. Nature has accepted humanity’s actions, but it does not mean that nature will continue to allow human beings to pursue their own desires, and disturb the order of the whole. But now is the time for human beings to learn what will happen if they continue to do so. If we fundamentally correct humanity’s activities, which are creating the current situation on the Earth, then we must realize that we are each representatives of humanity. This is not an environmental issue, but rather an issue concerning the egocentrism of all human beings.

The solution does not require a new political or economic system, which has already been attempted in order to resolve the excesses of capitalism – called communism. However, the people who advocated communism as their ideology were consumed by the very system that they created, and instead of overcoming the problems of capitalism, they created a society with no individuality spirituality that managed people uniformly. This type of idealism only became a conceptual change, but not one in practice. As you can see, no matter how you attempt to conceive of a new ideology, and try to improve the world, if you don’t fundamentally correct the spirit that creates the problem, then all attempts just become a mockery towards progress.

So what should we focus on when we examine the root cause? Spirituality, the source of all phenomena, and prior to the existence of human beings, there was an ecosystem, the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, and out of such cosmic harmony we arose. So, we should focus our minds on the life force network of this world.

When we do this, the most difficult consideration for modern people to remove themselves from is their self-centered interests, which binds them by their own standards and limits how they can see the phenomena of life. Now the time has come for human beings to transcend their egos and create a world that harmonizes with the great will of the universe. This is, in fact, the greatest change of direction in human history, for we are making a change in our life’s trajectory. And this perspective allows us to know the true meaning of why human beings have arisen upon the Earth.

To every human being who lives in the 21st century

The era has entered the 21st century, and we are facing a major milestone in the long story of the Earth. The millennium, which has just started toward the year 3000, will not evolve according to the science developed during the 20th century. Now is the time to correct the autocratic behavior that has brought about such an evolution, and change our perceptions towards nature.

The Earth has started to rectify the contradictions that humans have accumulated on this planet. It requires enormous energy for human beings to correct their way of life, and change their direction. If it requires natural disasters, then these will cause tremendous pain. However, do we really need to undergo such hardship when we have such advanced abilities?

A conscious revolution to live

No matter how much human beings destroy this world, the natural world has the power to repair the destruction that we have influenced, and return it to its original state of health. However, that takes a very long time. That is why we must use human wisdom instead of relying on time.

Wisdom is not something that can be obtained by learning, but it is the essence of life that sleeps in the DNA of each one of us, and springs out intrinsically. Since we are a part of the great cosmic life force, all of the information from the beginning of the universe remains within our spiritual DNA. The properties of this universal wisdom are appropriately expressed according to the era in which we live. If the modern age is foolish, then there is wisdom to overcome such foolishness, and when we turn our consciousness towards the wisdom within ourselves, our latent potentials will arise. This is brought about because the era, which is driven by the will of the universe, has already changed its direction towards the next stage of evolution.

Rather than being subservient to the waves of time, human beings need to channel the will of the universe and create this world together, which will become a heaven on Earth, throughout which the will of the universe is expressed. It will not come about through systems of thought, like capitalism or communism, which only seek to control the production of wealth for human beings. It is the conscious revolution of life that will completely overturn humanity’s current level of awareness, which will bring about an age that has never before been experienced in all of human history.

To the people who control the power and wealth of the world
Please use your high status and excellent abilities to make this world truly healthy. The true value of man is spiritual. No matter how much you are admired in the current distortions of society, it is not your true value when you leave your body and become a spiritual being, and return to the universe. To become a truly worthy being, please have the courage to guide society in the right direction with a spirit of restoring the relationship between spirituality and physicality. Originally, those who were in positions of responsibility had to seriously consider the whole (the life force of the Earth, which includes human beings) and make decisions to create a proud country (Earth). If you can return to such a noble heart, then you will become truly precious in the lives of all sentient beings.

Awakening as a conductor for the Life Symphony of the Universe

The Earth is a miracle of the universe. In the first place, it is also a miracle that the universe has become a phenomenon. It is a message from the great will, far beyond human thought. Therefore, it is natural that the existence of this planet is a miracle in the universe, which can be said as SHINPI. SHIN means God, and PI means secret of the universe. SHINPI resides across every corner of our daily lives, however modern people, who have become polluted in their thinking, cannot believe of such an existence. Even though there is already a miracle in front of us, we have fallen into such a foolishness that we cannot understand that life is a miracle. Nevertheless, by recognizing the foolishness of our ways, and living according to the natural expression of SHINPI, then we will have made the first step toward removing the contradictions of this planet.

The most prosperous life on the Earth today is humanity. Essentially, life is something that grows in wealth as is prospers. If the essence of the universe is benevolence, love and harmony, then by sharing with more beings, we can express the Earth’s natural richness and diversity, which connects us with our life support network. However, why is the current world generating so many contradictions as humanity continues to grow? Originally, the more people we had to share with, the more abundance we could create and receive from the world. We must be aware of that.

When people hear the word “Heaven on Earth”, they may feel like this is only an imaginary world which is too impossible to realize. However, if we look at it from a different perspective, we can see that heaven on Earth is approaching because the destruction of humanity’s contradictions have already begun, along with the existing social systems. If you sense the will behind the messages that the Earth is communicating, then you can see that the cosmic intention is to bring us into a utopian era, which has been the striving of humanity since its inception. The realization of this great new world is entrusted within the awakening of each one of us.

We are now at the biggest cosmic turning point in human history. At the same time, human beings are facing an impasse as to what kind of world we are going to live in, as an expression of cosmic life.

The self-oriented, or human-oriented, worldview which has led to the fall of modern humanity, not only creates great contradictions for ourselves, but also casts a great shadow on the potential of humanity to prosper as part of the life force network on the Earth. We are now required to learn from the phenomena of this reality, transcend our self-oriented way of life, and live as an expression of the Earth’s beautiful ecosystem, which is a true miracle of the universe. It can be said, that human beings have a mission to become great conductors of life on the Earth through employing our high abilities. Now, we have passed the year 2000 and we have entered a new era in this great universe. The time has come for us to unleash our full potential as a conductor of this cosmic symphony, and live as an expression of the vast diversity of lives on this planet, according to a universal perspective.

To all of humanity
If your heart resonates with this message, please spread this freely to the people related to you across your countries and in your own languages. Please awaken to the original purpose as to why human beings were born into this world, realize the preciousness of being human, and express the consensus of the universe according to your own will. Then, you will become a leader in expanding the life network of our new planet. This message urges the awakening of every human being who lives on the Earth, since now is the time for everyone to take a leading role.

I hope to meet the beauty within each one of you as an expression of this beautiful Earth.


Konohana Family Newsletter vol.99 – KATAKAMUNA

The Cosmic Wisdom that will Return in the Modern Era
To Give a New Perspective to People who Live in these Chaotic Times


The World You See is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Modern society has achieved a remarkable development due to scientific evolution, seeking more abundance and more comforts. Human wishes have generated new technologies one after another, changed the world for their convenience, and their living has become very convenient and comfortable. However, the more desires humans have gratified, the more one-sided desires they have expanded, ignoring nature. Humans’ activities to gratify their desires have brought a lot of contradictions upon the earth.
Global warming, due to consuming a huge amount of natural resources, has brought abnormal climate everywhere. Currently, it is ordinary to have tremendous snowfall in winter and huge typhoons and heavy flooding in summer. Moreover, various pollutants which have been discharged from a comfortable lifestyles are widespread in the environment. Therefore, it is said that it is impossible to purify radioactive waste and micro plastics. While people are seeking material abundance, bonds among people have been lost. People have conflicts, and so do nations. Disparity, declining birthrates, and an aging population have advanced. Furthermore, crimes which express anxiety and irritation of the whole society have frequently occurred. All of these phenomena have emerged as a result of what we humans have done so far. And now, the era has begun when humans have no choice but to face this fact finally, and although they have created these phenomena, they have turned away from the root cause.

For the coming era, it will be very severe to live, but there is something to bring us a viewpoint to make a breakthrough in this dead end, which cannot be solved by science any longer. It is Katakamuna.

As for the iceberg which is floating in the ocean, what emerges above the ocean is just 10% of the whole, and the rest of the 90% lies hidden below sea level. We can apply this to the world where we live, too. “The visible world” which the modern people sense with five senses is just the tip of the iceberg of this whole world. “The invisible world” which supports the existence of “the visible world” spreads behind “the visible world.” This combination of “the visible world” and “the invisible world” is called “GENSHO-KAI (the phenomenal world).” On top of that, there is a fundamental world which becomes the source of all existences of this world, behind GENSHO-KAI. This is called “SENSHO-KAI (the potential world of the source).”
The iceberg sometimes flows toward a different direction from the wind’s direction which blows over the sea. It is because the wind’s direction which can be sensed on land is different from the direction of ocean currents which move the iceberg in the ocean. This world operates by a huge invisible flow which cannot be classified by modern science. When we put our consciousness toward this flow, we will be able to see that a great will which operates this world exists. The fact that Katakamuna, which has been sealed for a long time, has returned in the modern era is also according to this majestic flow.
Now, let us guide you to the Katakamuna world, which unravels the whole picture of this world!


The Cosmophysics Civilization of 13,000 Years Ago

Katakamuna is an advanced cosmophysics and civilization which is said to have flourished in East Asia about 13,000 years ago when the solar system was in the peak of light. Katakamuna declined along with the flow of the era when the solar system moved from the peak of light to that of darkness, and the material civilization, in which people began to seek fulfillment through material existence. In such a situation, Katakamuna vanished from the center stage of history for a long time. However, in 1949, a physicist named Satsuki Narasaki encountered an old man during a geological survey of the ground in the Rokko Mountains, Hyogo Prefecture, and the old man showed “the Katakamuna literature.” From there, this wisdom became unraveled in the modern era.


The System which Infinitely Circulates
through a Qualitative Shift (NA) between

The world where we live consists of GENSHO-KAI (the phenomenal world) which is the combination of “the visible world” and “the invisible world” and SENSHO-KAI (the potential world of the source) which is behind GENSHO-KAI and supports it. People who lived in the Katakamuna era sensed this existence of SENSHO-KAI with intuition.
SENSHO-KAI is the world of vibrancy which becomes the source of all phenomena, lives, and substances which emerge in GENSHO-KAI. This vibrancy is not what we can hear with our physical ears, but it fills the whole cosmos as the source of all existences. No distortion or turbidity exists throughout this nature. People who lived in the Katakamuna era sensed the vibrancy of this cosmic creation with intuition, classified it into 48 sounds through articulating syllables, and expressed them as symbols, which are called eight-span mirror letters. It is said that these 48 sounds became the origin of the current Japanese language.

The Katakamuna No. 5 & No. 6 Chants as Expressed by Eight-Span Mirror Letters

Each of these 48 sounds has an original meaning (SHINEN, meaning the source of thoughts) as an element which composes the universe. The ancient Katakamuna people created 80 chants (or 120 chants according to another theory) by combining these pure sounds in order to express how the world came into existence. More importantly, chants No. 5 and No. 6 begin with “HI HU MI YO I MA WA LI TE ME KU LU MU NA YA KO TO” which express the physics of creation, development, and disappearance of the universe, and the process of creating phenomena, which is indicated by the principle of numbers. Moreover, many of the chants are related to the original meaning of sex. The Katakamuna people had sex which is the fundamental system of life generation, through instinctively sensing the vibrancy of great cosmic life by TAIKO-HASSEI (an emergence when opposite qualities such as yin and yang face each other), such as between a man and a woman. They enhanced their own intuitions by resonating with the vibrancy of the cosmic source, and survived in an era which was of a very strict environment by utilizing a right life intuition. People of that time sensed the vibrancy of the source with the cells of their whole bodies (body and soul) instead of thinking with brain, they received guidance from the stars, had dialogue with nature, and lived based on the principle of life within the great cosmic circulation. This world of vibrant source, which is SENSHO-KAI is called the world of “KAMU (= God).” When everything matches with each other and the world of the pure vibrancy without any distortion becomes full of thoughts (SHINEN), and thoughts overflow, it will become beautiful distortion, emerge as GENSHO-KAI, and become a life. GENSHO-KAI, in which the network of various lives is expressed, is the world of “KATA (=forms, shapes). All existences emerge from the world of KAMU to that of KATA, and when they complete their roles, they will return to the world of KAMU again. They continue to circulate infinitely through a qualitative shift “NA (= transform into a new thing) between the two worlds. This system of great circulation between KATA and KAMU is “KATAKAMUNA.”


Modern Society has Reached the Peak of Pollution

Phenomena of this world consist of vibrancy, and all existences have their unique vibrancies. People who lived the Katakamuna lifestyle sensed the vibrancies and classified them into 48 sounds. They instinctively recognized the meanings hidden behind these existences by combining each sound and making words. As infinite harmony is created from the heptatonic scale (Harmonic Octaves) of C D E F G A B C, the uniqueness of various lives are expressed (named) appropriately by a combination of the 48 pure sounds, which have developed as a beautiful network in the natural world. However, people who live in the modern era have ignored each unique vibrancy and have been compelled by their desires, by using their high self-realization ability which cannot be seen in any other living being. As a result, they have manifested events which are appropriate to their own actions. Then, they have ended up creating an extraneous world which is far from the fundamental vibrancy which had created the universe.

The modern people who have been tainted with scientific thoughts in the modern era do not recognize an existence which they cannot perceive as three-dimensional phenomena. They are just conscious of “the visible world” out of the world of multiple structures. When insects eat crops, people use agricultural chemicals and kill them. Also, when people become sick, doctors prescribe medicines just to suppress their symptoms. In this manner, modern people have piled up contradictions in the world by not facing the root cause of the problem and repeating superficial measures. As a result, “the visible world” in the modern era is full of artificially distorted vibrations, which appears as a great impasse.

“The visible world” is a world of subjectivity. People’s consciousness is always “self-centered.” They do not objectively perceive what their actions have brought to the world. Moreover, even activists to promote peace and environmental conservation insist on justice through their own beliefs, and end up bringing about conflicts to the world. In contrast, “the invisible world” which is behind “the visible world” is a world of objectivity. Just like when bacteria purify water when it is polluted in the natural world, what has been distorted and polluted in “the visible world” will be purified through natural circulation including “the invisible world”, and all will become healthy. This is the original system. However, human activities in the modern era have generated pollution which is beyond the capacity of natural purification. Therefore, we have reached the stage where it is impossible to purify pollution only in the circulation of GENSHO-KAI (the phenomenal world) anymore. This infinite circulation system is universal circulation, which returns the distorted and polluted world that modern people’s consciousness cannot solve, to its original healthy state.


Live with Our Whole Soul and Body in the Universe

GENSHO-KAI consists of an infinite chain of causes and effects. When we perceive this infinite chain as one story, the existence of the great will, which expresses this story, will be seen behind it. This is called the objective background, which is the source of the system which makes the world exist and operate. This is also far beyond human intellect.

The world repeatedly changes, transforms and transfigures over the course of time, which never stops, and continues to move toward an unknown future. People who lived in the Katakamuna era sensed each moment with their whole soul and body, instantly judged what was necessary to survive in the environment, which was changing with every moment, and wove their lives into the fabric of life. They did not have fixed thinking, and lived in the moment, changing themselves just along with the change of the world. This continuation of changes is evolution, the figure of a beautiful life, and the original energy of life.

The whole soul and body means that billions of cells which compose the holistic body become parabolic antennas, the brain does not think but rather, the whole body senses the vibrancy, which penetrates life, and then expresses these vibrations through an attitude of words and actions. We do not live alone as a life in this world. First of all, there is the great universe, within which there is our galaxy, our solar system, our global ecosystem, and humanity. Then, each one of us exists. We live under this order of life, and all living beings exist based on the fundamental principle of the universe which is the original source.

DNA in the cells of animals and plants in the natural world respond to the universe without ego, so their life activities automatically reflect the cosmic system without being taught, and become a beautiful expression. In contrast, out of all living beings, only human beings have become a creature which has thoughts over the process of evolution. Because they were given an ability to realize their thoughts by ego, they have become prisoners of pleasure who gratify their desires, have enlarged their egos, and have forgotten that they are an existence that responds to the universe. Now, modern people have polluted the life world and even destroyed it by deviating from the fundamental principle of the universe.

In order for human beings to respond to the universe again, we need to return our thoughts from ego. We can align our thoughts with the universe by controlling our egos, instead of being controlled by it. Then, DNA in the cells of our whole bodies plays the role as an antenna which interacts with the universe. When we live as a life force, the cells of our whole body are already equipped with the life principles. Women express their lives as women, and men do so as men, and fulfill their lives. In the same way, information from the beginning of the universe to the end is asleep in our DNA which is a part of cosmic life. A blueprint of the future is within, and when we live as a life force, we engrave our experiences into our DNA to continue as wisdom for the next era.

When we release ourselves from the constraints of our ego, we will be able to live out true freedom. Analyzing the SHINEN (the source of thoughts) of “KUNI (which means a country in general Japanese)” by Katakamuna, it is not a territory which is divided by borders. It indicates a place where freedom (KU) has been established (NI). The true meaning of living out KUNI is to release ourselves, talk to the universe with our whole body and soul, and receive messages from the universe with our whole being.

Then, a pure and beautiful vibrancy of the cosmic source will emit from within you, and resound in this world. This vibrancy will resolve the distortion of the world, and give energy to all lives. As a result, something broken will be automatically recovered and return to normal. It is the world of universal circulation, expressed as Katakamuna.


Katakamuna People who Live in the Modern Era

It is said that the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy, where we exist, is about 100,000 light years. It means that it takes 100,000 years for light, which is the fastest observable nature currently and standard of modern physics, to move from one edge to the other within the galaxy. That is, it has a limit, so the universe cannot be unraveled by scientific observation.

However, in fact, there is something which is far beyond the speed of light and can instantly perceive the universe in this world. It is SHINEN (the source of thoughts) which is equipped with us. SHINEN is the emanation of the soul, which instantly runs through the universe at the speed of AMAHAYAMI (meaning the speed of SHINEN, 10-64 x the speed of light). The universe is also an existence which has a soul, and maintains the vast cosmic space which cannot be perceived by science and order of AMAHAYAMI. Katakamuna people did not have advanced observatory equipment or data, but they sensed the reality of the universe and lived. If we humans, having the same SHINEN as the universe, become aware of source consciousness, which maintains cosmic order and resonates with this dimension, we can become an existence who operates the universe with the consciousness of the original source.

The universe is an infinite chain of information. Opposite qualities surely exist at the same time (TAIKO-HASSEI) in the universe, so big is small and small is big. There is no right or wrong. There is only information of what happens from our perspective, based on the principle of cause and effect.  However, human beings invented paper and letters along over the emergence of various civilizations. Then, we began to two-dimensionally interpret this world which is originally multi-dimensional, and perceive things based on dualistic thinking such as good or bad, right or wrong. As a result, we came to fix specific matters, thinking “this is right,” and stand at a position of “I know the right answer.”

Science subdivides things and explores the divided parts very sharply. Therefore, the whole picture can be perceived by connecting them all. If we make a specific matter absolute, we will get an answer only from there, which ends up generating a fixed concept. This surely creates contradictions in the world which changes, transforms and transfigures. The reason why human beings fix a specific matter as the right answer is that this is humanity’s nature of wanting to be the one who knows the right answer. By standing at a position of “I know it,” human beings have become arrogant, forgotten that we are given life by this world, and deviated from the original meaning of why we exist in the universe.

No matter how much we believe we understand, it is impossible for us to reach the edge of the galaxy or create even one life. All existences in this world have been created with cosmic wisdom, and there is nothing which human beings can create through our own power.

Once upon a time, wisdom was floating in the universe. The wisdom received the request of the era and became SHINEN which causes phenomena. This is the beginning of the manifestation of this world. As the beginning was wisdom, we humans and all other existence in GENSHO-KAI will return to the wisdom again sooner or later. Then, all phenomena will become emptiness.

In order to understand this, human beings should stop standing at a side of “I know about this world” and stand at a side of “I am given life by this world.” Then, cosmic wisdom will automatically enter us. The universe continues to change, transform, and transfigure, and even truth continues to change along with the era. Therefore, we do not need to think “This is all correct” with the current Katakamuna interpretation. It is not to be fixed as knowledge, but to master it, resonate with the fundamental vibrancy of great cosmic life, and sense the great flow that is invisible and operates this world. It will be more and more difficult to live in the coming era. In this change of the era, you are currently encountering information to sense each moment and master your ability to survive.

The universe is information. Living is encountering a chain of information such as “This happens when you do this” based on the principle of cause and effect. Katakamuna is telling us this fundamental principle. However, there is a world in which this principle does not apply in the universe. We are under the law of the Milky Way galaxy which exists by TAIKO-HASSEI of time and space, based on the principle of cause and effect. If we go to another galaxy, there is another law. When we perceive the universe in this manner, a part of our brain which has not been used will begin to function. Then, our viewpoint will change. When it changes, people will be released from their ego and become free.

Currently, the era is about to change greatly. Although the era is about to change, human beings have not changed. Therefore, society has not changed, and the gap between our thoughts and reality is appearing as appropriate phenomena, which is our current society in this modern era. Various phenomena which are occurring in society are telling us that we have been given a great opportunity to change our consciousness and be reborn, which is a qualitative shift. How far can we humans, who contain infinite possibilities, reach? The time is coming when our human nature will be tested.

Katakamuna people are not the ones who lived a long time ago and are different from us. Katakamuna is the principle of the world where we live. Even this moment, the world operates by this system. When we understand this and live it out, we will become Katakamuna people (cosmic beings) who live in the modern era.

If you would like to explore Katakamuna further, please join “The One Month Truth School” which will be held at the Konohana Family.

*As for the year 2020, it will be held from February 23rd to March 21st. If you are interested in it, we recommend you apply for it as soon as possible since the seats are limited.


Konohana Family Newsletter vol.98 – decipher the new “REIWA” era

Decipher the new “REIWA” era !

The Cycle of the Universe and
the Japanese Era Are


In Japan, since ancient times, there have been “Gengo” – titles for the eras. Ever since the administration of the country by samurais, which had lasted from the Middle Ages for a couple of hundreds of years, ended, and the administration was returned to the emperor in 1867, the “Gengo” has changed every time a new emperor has ascended the throne, and we have followed the transition from “Meiji” to “Taisho” to “Showa” to “Heisei”.

On May 1st, 2019, the “Heisei Emperor” who reigned for 30 years abdicated, and the new emperor ascended the throne. The new era was named “REIWA,” which means “Beautiful Harmony.”

As the new “Reiwa” era has begun, many Japanese people seem to have a feeling that “something will change.” That is how it should be. In fact, the change from one Japanese era to the next is linked to the movement of the stars in the universe. We live in the universe, and switching the cycle of the universe means that we will change the way we are. The change of the “Gengo” in Japan is of global significance, and it is also a cosmic ceremony that weaves the era.

Diagram 1.  Accord of the Cycle of Pluto and
Japanese Era Names

click the diagram to enlarge

Pluto’s cycle around the sun over the course of 248 years represents one of the milestones of an era on the earth. The most recent cycle was from 1760 to 2008, and it began from the peak of light (the center of the galaxy = the direction of the central sun). That began with the Industrial Revolution, and people’s lives have changed dramatically, with the material supremacy principle sweeping the world with mass production and mass consumption and the capitalist economy experiencing dramatic development. That cycle was closed with a symbolic event when the global economy fell into chaos due to the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008.
In this cycle of Pluto, there are some specific points, such as the aphelion and perihelion, and the ascending node and the descending node(*), in addition to the peak of light and the peak of darkness.These points show a marvelous match to the change of names of the Japanese eras.
Now, Pluto has announced the end of the cycle that started with the Industrial Revolution, and has been moving forward to the next cycle.

*Aphelion point and Perihelion point
The point where Pluto is the furthest from the Sun (Aphelion point) and the point closest to the Sun (Perihelion point).

*Ascending node and Descending node
The points at which Pluto’s orbit tilts strongly towards the ecliptic plane passing from south to north (ascending node), and from north to south (descending node).



The Era that Gives a Lot of Difficulties as
Learning Opportunities


Diagram 2.  Solar Spiral Motion – a 25800 year cycle

The Sun, which is the center of the solar system, is not a static presence in the space of the universe; with a spiral motion it orbits the Central Sun, which is the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. One spiral motion of the Sun takes 25,800 years, and each spiral encompasses a Peak of Light (summer solstice of the galaxy) and a Peak of Darkness (winter solstice of the galaxy). It repeats this motion about 9000 times, taking about 226 million years to complete one cycle around the Milky Way galaxy, and it never stops. Moreover, the galaxy itself keeps moving in the space of the universe. We always keep traveling in the vast space of the universe toward an unknown place.


Will “A Peaceful Era without Disaster” come?

On the day that the era of REIWA began, an interview of the Japanese people was conducted, and the most common answers to the question, “What are your hopes for the new era?” were: “I want to have an era without disasters” and “I want to have a peaceful era.” However, in keeping with the abnormal weather that has already occurred in various places this year, disasters have actually increased year by year. Even though we may spend our daily life without any problems, various problems have accumulated for society as a whole, and it has become more and more difficult for us to live in this world. This is closely linked to the cycle of the sun, which is the center of our solar system.

On December 21, 2012, the solar system reached the “Winter Solstice of the Galaxy” after 25,800 years, and since that day, the cycle has changed from one of increasing darkness to one of increasing light in the universe. The light is a spiritual light. In the era of increasing darkness, everything was in a cycle of expansion. As things expanded, more distance was created, and people became lonely, separated and struggled, and as a result of their pursuit of materialistic wealth to gain even more, the environment was destroyed, and now the earth is full of garbage that cannot be processed. However, in the midst of increasing darkness, people could not see what they were bringing to this world; they pursued lopsided wealth, believed that it was good, and built up a lot of problems on the earth.

As we have transcended the peak of darkness in which the truth cannot be seen, now, finally, the light begins to shine on our spiritual awakening, and the time has come to illuminate the substance which has been hidden in the darkness up until now. This means that phenomena have appeared as a result of past human actions, and the time has come for us to face this fact. As we now encounter such a physically difficult time, what is required of human beings is to contract. Just as when you inhale, you surely must exhale, the era has reached the peak of expansion, and our earth too, along with the sun, has entered a cycle of cosmic contraction. That contraction means that the distances from one thing to the next are diminished. The magnificent cycle of the sun shows us that.


Diagram 3.  1/4 of Solar Spiral Motion – 6450 years

The 1600-year Cycle of Civilization
Reflecting on the history of human civilization, we find a steady 1600-year cycle in which eastern and western civilizations alternately rise and fall every 800 years. When one group is in a “Prosperous period” of active blooming, the other enters a “Preparation period” to prepare for germination. As if tracing a double helix, the eastern and western civilizations become a pair, advancing the era as they develop.
★A 100-year Period of Upheaval
During every transition period when eastern and western civilizations trade positions, there have been major global upheavals which last about 100 years.
Reference: Institute of History of Civilization Law – The theory of the 800-year civilization cycle

The Ancient Chinese Calendar
According to the Taoist “Ancient Chinese Calendar” of China, the history of human civilization went through a “Blue Light Period,” during which kings controlled people, and a “Red Light Period,” when saints taught and guided people; since 1927, it has entered the “White Light Period,” during which people have awakened by themselves.
*For such a universal cycle to manifest, it must include transitional periods of about 100 years in length.


The Beginning of the 100 Years of Chaos

The cycle of human civilization, which started about 6450 years ago, at the midpoint of the solar system going from the peak of light to the peak of darkness, indicates that the modern age is also at the beginning of an era of absolute chaos.

Since the beginning of civilization, Eastern and Western civilizations have repeated a cycle of rise and fall every 800 years. The 800 years from the 13th century to the 20th century were the times of the Renaissance, the Age of Discovery, the Industrial Revolution, and the period when the Western material civilization that segregates and captures things scientifically blossomed and led the world. However, after 2000, the rise and fall of the East and West switched places. The Western civilization that flourished in those 800 years reached the end of its prosperity and entered the preparation phase of the next cycle, and the era of 800 years of Eastern civilization began to flourish instead.

The Eastern civilization is a spiritual civilization that senses the depths of visible matters and captures things in an integrated manner. Since the beginning of the modern age, Japan tried to catch up with the strong Western countries and forced to imitate them; as a result, Japan expressed “the Yamato (Japanese) spirit” in a distorted form like war, and totally lost its spiritual underpinning by experiencing defeat. When you lose something, you will look for something to replace it. That was the Western material civilization. Not only Japan, but also China and other Asian countries were similarly infected by Western civilization. However, because it was a borrowed civilization that was foreign to the original spirituality, it brought many contradictions to the Asian countries.
As the study of history reveals, there is always a global upheaval at the turn of East-West civilizations that lasts for a transitional period of about 100 years. From this point of view, the modern age is the beginning of a period of world turmoil. This chaos will be greater in the East than in the West, because, in the West, it can be recognized as a matter of course since it happens after the original civilization matures. In the countries in the East, however, many contradictions arise due to the incoming civilization that does not fit their spirits, so the chaos becomes even greater.

According to the “Ancient Chinese Calendar” of China, an ancient source of oriental wisdom, “the age of the common people’s awakening” will begin prior to the winter solstice of the galaxy and the transformation of east-west civilization. What can we decipher about the coming era from the cycle of the stars of the universe and the wisdom of our predecessors?



To Bring
a Beautiful World to
the Earth

Great Harmony, Spirit of Yamato (Japan)

There is another name for Japan that has been passed down since ancient times. That is “Yamato”. At one time in war, young Japanese people plunged into enemy ships with the Yamato spirit. However, the true Yamato spirit does not waste one’s life in such a way. In Chinese characters, Yamato is written as “Great Harmony(大和).” “和” means that each person is unique, respecting each other, making good use of their individuality, helping each other, and living richly. These become the great (大) harmony (和) that is “Yamato (大和)”.
The model for this is the earth’s ecosystem. There are millions of lives on the earth, all of which circulate, connect, and support each other. The world of that great harmony is Yamato (大和), and its name contains the meaning that the people of the country of Yamato are the existence that will bring the beautiful world to the earth.

The Era – from Expansion to Contraction

Now, it is time to change the way we are, in order to respond to global change. In the modern age, we are facing various cosmic turning points, and the biggest turning point in human history. However, even if the era has shifted, people’s consciousness does not change so easily. As the solar system enters the cycle of contraction, people’s consciousness is still on the course of expansion, and despite the earth’s having given various messages, people continue seeking more material abundance.
If you broaden your viewpoint, our living world always keeps spiraling toward unknown places. In that context, if you fix your values and live as a captive of your own perspective, you will move away from the flow of the era of the universe. That is why the universe generates various phenomena and gives them to us as messages urging us to correct our trajectory.

Shrinking means getting closer. Knowing others, revealing yourself, shortening distances, tightening bonds, and sharing with others — this is how we can live with trust and peace of mind without needing many things. This is abundance of mind, not material abundance.
Shrinking may seem constraining for those who feel comfortable with the sense of expansion. However, in the first place, the structure of our life exists only by connecting. In our natural ecosystem, there is no one living apart from others. Our own bodies are also made up of tens of thousands of cells in close association. Furthermore, innumerable stars in the universe, including the earth, also set this world in motion by connecting together on a grand scale, and we are given our lives by that mechanism.

In the previous era, which was heading toward the darkness, everything was in a cycle of expansion, and people came to assume that separating is affluence. However, that living style has brought many contradictions to the world because the substance of the universe is established by being connected. And to connect means to express love. In other words, the essence of the universe is love, and contracting means encountering its essence.

In the coming years, the light will reveal the truth and lead people to awakening. However, the light may seem dazzling for people who do not willingly face toward the light. At that time, instead of fleeing toward the darkness, open your eyes and see the truth. Until now, the era has been one in which the acts that people considered good actually gave rise to mistakes. With these mistakes coming to light, we will from now on enter an era in which the actions that we imagine to be good will in fact lead to truly good things. In order to bring about such a decisive awakening, the universe has given us various phenomena.

With a lovely, unshakable and dignified beauty, each individual is very unique, making the most of their individuality and harmonizing each other. That is the message carried by the new era of “REIWA”.
Unique lives recognize each other and live together in harmony. We were born to bring such a beautiful world to the earth.


Get connected each other and live abundant lives
Why don’t you experience such a life at the foot of Mt. Fuji? 

Konohana Family English Website


The above article is just a part of deciphering the new era. If you would like to know about this era and put that knowledge into practice in your life, please join the “One Month Truth School”. For more details, please click the following link.

February 23 to March 21st, 2020

“One Month Truth School” 
Open for your application !!

木之花家族期刊第98号 〜 新时代令和的解读

解读新时代 令和 !





图片的解说 1.  冥王星的周期与日本年号的一致性










为了让人类更多的 学习


图片的解说 2.  天阳一个螺旋是25800年








图片的解说 3.  太阳一螺旋周期的1/4 6450年

回顾人类的文明历史,每隔800年东西方文明就会盛衰交替一次,将1600年作为一个循环的话, 就会浮现出一定的周期。一方面进入了“开花期”,另一方面进入了为下一次发芽的“准备期”,就像描画的双螺旋一样,东西方文明形成了对立发展的同时,也推动了时代的前行。
参照:文明法则史学研究所 文明800年周期说











日本自古以来流传下来的另外一个名字叫“Yamato”(大和)。战争时期,日本年轻人曾经以大和魂之名,冲入敌舰。然而,真正的大和魂精神不是做那样浪费生命的事情。在汉字里,yamoto是写做“大和”。“和”意味着每个人都是独特的,大家相互尊重,绽放每个人的个性 ,互相帮助,过着富足的生活。那就是最大的和,叫“大和”。















木之花家族期刊第97号 〜 自然疗法





现代文明早已忘记了与自然的共生而发展之今。 人们为了实现自己的愿望而努力,因愿望被满足而感到快感,并认为这种快感就是富足的证明。 现在,这种结果所造成的矛盾已经在各个方面显现出来。

迄今为止,地球上刻有各种各样的时代。而且时代的变迁与太阳系各恒星的运动有着紧密的联系。 许多人还没有意识到这一点,但是行星的循环周期给地球带来了不同时代的标记,例如现在AI(人工智能)横扫世界,整个社会的运动乃至我们每个人的行动都要受AI的影响,而这些都是这个时代的标记,这些也都是天体意识的表现。

在这样的时代潮流中,家庭中的各种矛盾也以问题的方式显现出来。虐待儿童和DV,孤独死和介护杀人频频发生,本来应该是带着希望构建社会的年轻一代正在迷失,而最具有生产力的20岁代到50岁代的人却带着各种精神疾病。现在,日本有约400万人因精神病疾病接受着治疗,而据传抱有心理不调和的预备军高达十倍。 也就是说每三个公民中有一人是患有心理疾病。但是,现代的精神医疗只是把用药物抑制症状的对症疗法做为主要方法,哪怕是所提供的咨询疗法也没有从根本上让人恢复健康的力量。不仅如此,病痛的时间越长对医院来说会产生更多利益,所以有些精神医疗现场甚至会存在不希望患者根治的倾向。况且,医疗费已被包含到GDP当中,实际上也成了富裕的指标之一。

正如关于疾病在书上写道“气场病了”,所有的疾病都是由心引起的。就像我们的身体与任何人的身体都不相同一样,我们每个人的心比我们的外表更加的独特。哪怕疾病的症状看起来一样,导致疾病的经纬都各不相同,所以不存在“对于抑郁症可以这样治疗”那样的一成不变的万能方法。这个人出生在什么样的环境里,拥有什么样的气质,走过什么样的人生,此外他的灵魂经历了什么样的变迁,现今身处什么样的社会环境中,走进每一个人的特有人生之中,一起走过并解读得到疾病的根源,找出能够真正康复的方法 – 这就是NPO法人GreenGrass提供的自然疗法程序。

这里有着许多现代医学无法改善的人恢复健康的奇迹般的治疗案例。那就是逆转疾病问题本身,并走上悟出活着的意义的道路上。不仅只是恢复个人的健康,更是可以完善个体所在的社会环境,变得更加富足。现在的世界,面临着一个巨大的转折。 太阳系的恒星在告诉我们这样的周期,这也是超出我们人类智慧的大宇宙意志的显现。与此同时,生活在地面上的我们的心灵的变化反过来会推进宇宙的进化。

用这种方法,让更多的人满怀希望地活在未来 ────






NPO法人GreenGrass与木之花家族合作,提供如何面向自己的内心,如何改善心灵的计划。 这就是“自然疗法(通用名称:护理停留)” 。是一种生活在木之花家族内恢复身心健康的计划。






1.富有活力的健康饮食 = 开启身体的免疫力

在木之花家族,食物被视为“药食同源”,并使用自然循环方法(自然赋予的生命力源之原理)制造几乎所有的食材。 充满活力的食物就像药物一样治愈心灵和身体。 我们以糙米素食为中心,导入了结合西式甲田疗法(禁食/半禁食疗法/生食)等酵素食的健康饮食法。这种饮食生活,不仅可以改善过敏性体质,更可以促进情绪稳定,对心灵的疾病也非常有效,甚至可以带来更大的改善。

2.顺应自然规律的生活节奏 = 生活在月亮太阳和地球的节奏之中

在以农业为中心的家庭生活中,我在白天工作,在固定时间吃饭,在一天结束时,我回顾那天发生的事件。正常的生活节奏(月亮,太阳和地球) 通过聆听节奏,每个人都可以合理地准备身心节奏。


我们支持那些照顾自己的心脏引起疾病,支持探索心灵方式,并提供改变生活意识的环境的人。 我们不会对待你。
重要的是获得人们自己将面对的“心灵的免疫力”而不会分散注意力。 那些每天接触这种家庭生活活动的人可以回到原来的工作场所或家中遇到任何问题,他们可以保持思想并将他们与健康的日子联系起来 它会像。










主要支持者 Jiiji 及古田伟佐美



关于逗留期间的日常生活,主要的支持者根据护理的状况提供建议。 通常情况下,第一周不会设任何的课题只是自由的生活。然后,白天会从事农作物或家务等根据当时的情况而定的工作。之外还会通过写日记或面谈等一点一点培养客观的观察自己的眼光。


基本上,我们不会要求在逗留期间实现100%的改善,而是以约70%的改善(由主要支持者来判断)为结束点,进而回到原来的生活场景中通过现场的实践来进一步改善。 逗留期间结束被称为“毕业”,并举行“毕业音乐会(毕业典礼)”以庆祝新的人生之旅。

毕业后,有些人回到原来的学校或工作场所,而有些人则选择继续留在木之花家族。在这种情况下,作为一个长期访客,我们正计划进一步稳定我们的身心,我们在寻求未来前景的同时帮助他们,以及一段时间的待遇 在某些情况下,确保收入和加深家庭生活中的学习。

毕业后,我们将通过电子邮件回复咨询和咨询。 还有许多人通过定期探访家庭继续留下并继续深化学习。 通过在一段时间内发送家庭生活和家庭生活,与会员建立了牢固的联系,当您再次访问时,每个人都会笑着迎接“请回家”。 “似乎第二个家庭已经被制作了”以及“在任何时候有可以咨询的地方鼓励”的印象被聚集。

(需要包括住宿费,食品费,设施使用费,洗衣费等在内的每日税3,340日元)。 其他费用如医院费用将由您承担。 与护理相关的活动,如访谈和支持者,由志愿者提供,并且是免费的。 大约逗留时间为1个月至3个月。










在2019年1月,帕蒂像是渴望抓住一根浮木一样,到访了木之花, 在当时的面谈当中,主要治疗负责人Jiiji老师说,“你需要的不是治疗,而是扩大世界的观点”,于是开始进行了一连串的自然疗法。

首先,帕蒂被赋予“透过写日记准确的理解自己”的任务,帕蒂也很积极的每天进行,Jiiji说“你对自我的分析是完美的” 然而,与此同时,Jiiji说:“即使有改善自己的欲望,但这种习惯也是自己的内心盲点 ,容易受到自己想法的束缚,误解这种表现就是自由。这是优秀人意外会掉入的陷阱。“ 在这种情况下,当帕蒂停留两周时,Jiiji提出了一个开创性的建议!

这个企划整理了帕蒂性格的两面性,“帕蒂 A一个活在自己的旧习和情绪中“,“帕蒂 B一个能够客观地观察劝戒自己的人“,和Jiiji 每晚都有面谈的时间。 Jiiji说,“帕蒂 B有充分的智慧足够让自己活得十分的健全,但你到现在为止都在抵抗帕蒂 B的自己。这个企划的关键是,我们应该让哪一个帕蒂的想法被摆在优先。让你的思维逆转,你就有能力帮助自己也能有能力帮助别人。“

然后Jiiji给他建议和鼓励,帕蒂,在早晨起床时, “若是早晨醒来,带有负面情绪,就当成遇到了负面情绪的帕蒂A,这也就是改善的机会。当你有负面情绪,就当成是审视自己的机会”。一开始收到丈夫的邮件,心情起伏是非常的剧烈,但是她转化心境,让自己淡定的去面对。
通过这些努力,帕蒂开始摆脱他束缚自己的局面,能够客观的去看自己的实际状态。 而且,随着逐渐扩大自我对世界的看法,渡过了6周内从自然疗法计划。


每个人都是开放的,我们试图愉快地帮助别人,并试图分享一切。 现在我不需要自己了解一切,天会适切的支持我们。 我真诚地感谢大家给予我的。





静冈县富士宫市猫沢238 – 1 Ohisama House Himawari

GreenGrass由与木之花有着共同理念的伙伴们成立于2001年。 以建立人们互助共生的社会为目标,与木之花家族合作开展各种社会贡献活动。



Konohana Family Newsletter Vol.97 – The Eye-Opening Natural Therapy Program

The Eye-Opening
Natural Therapy Program

As modern civilization has developed, people have forgotten to live with nature. They have rushed to try and gratify their own desires, sensing pleasure when their desires are satisfied, and considering this pleasure to be proof of abundance. Currently, contradictions due to this orientation have begun to crop up as problems everywhere in the world.
Various eras have left their mark on earth, up to the present day. The transitions from one era to the next can be linked to the planetary movements of the solar system. Many people have not realized this yet, but the cycles which planets describe have brought to the earth the turning points of the eras. For example, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is sweeping the world now. Changes throughout society, and even our individual actions, are about to be controlled by AI. This symbolizes the current era, and the will of the planets is reflected there.
In this flow of the era, various contradictions have also begun to appear as problems in the family. Now that child abuse, domestic violence, unattended deaths, and even nurse murder are occurring, the young generation which is supposed to create society with hope has lost hope. People in their 20s to 50s, who have the most productivity, have experienced mental illness. Currently, about 4 million people in Japan go to medical facilities due to mental disorders. It is said that the number of those who are on the verge of developing mental problems is ten times this number. That is, about one third of Japanese people are mentally sick. However, modern psychiatric care is centered on symptomatic treatment, which tries to suppress symptoms with medicine. Even counseling does not have the effect of making people fundamentally healthy. On the contrary, the longer patients are sick, the more medical costs are incurred, generating profits for hospitals. In fact, there is even a tendency not to hope for the fundamental recovery of patients at psychiatric facilities. In reality, medical costs are included in the GDP and become an indicator of abundance.
As reflected in the writing of “diseases (病気)” with characters meaning “energy (気) is sick (病)” in Japanese, all sickness is caused by our minds. Just as none of our bodies are the same, our individual minds are more unique than they look. Although pathological symptoms seem the same, each person’s process for reaching them is different. Therefore, we cannot deal with each situation according to some uniform prescription such as, “we should do this for depression.” What kind of environment was a person born in? What kind of personality does he/she have? How has he/she lived their life? Moreover, what kind of transitions has his/her soul gone through? What kind of social environment is he/she in now? Through the Natural Therapy Program which NPO Green Grass provides, we make efforts to respect each person’s original life, to walk together, to analyze the root cause for sickness, and to find the path to true health.
Numerous miracles have occurred, so that those who could not improve with modern medicine have been able to recover their health here. That is, they have begun to take the path to re-conceptualizing the source of their sickness, and realizing their life purpose. This is the path for individuals not only to recover their own health, but also to bring health to the society which has generated them, and to create an abundant society. Currently, the time is coming when the world will require a big shift in people’s viewpoints. The planetary cycles of the solar system are telling us this. This is the manifestation of the great will of the universe, which is beyond our human comprehension. At the same time, the healing of our sick minds here on earth will bring evolution to the universe.
Hoping that many people will live with hope through the Natural Therapy Program to recover their health in the future…


NPO Green Grass
NPO Green Grass was founded in 2001 by people who had the same vision as Konohana Family. It provides various social contributions in collaboration with Konohana Family, with the purpose of creating a society where people support each other and live together.
Website https://www.npo-greengrass.org/


Why don’t You Recover your Mental and Physical Health in an Environment Surrounded by Nature Rich in Greenery at the Foot of Mt. Fuji?

A Program to Face and Improve Our Minds
In collaboration with Konohana Family, NPO Green Grass provides a program to help participants face and improve their minds. This is the Natural Therapy Program (known as the “care stay”), in which people stay at Konohana Family and try to recover their mental and physical health.
According to data for the year 2014 provided by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 3,920,000 people in Japan went to medical facilities due to mental illness, including 1,120,000 patients with depression and 770,000 patients with schizophrenia.
At modern medical facilities, the chronicity and prolongation of mental illness and the current practice of relying solely on medications have become social issues.
Considering these issues, NPO Green Grass accepts for its program those with mental disorders (depression, schizophrenia), various dependencies (drug, alcohol and nicotine), problematic actions (staying-at home, school refusal) and lifestyle diseases. There are numerous cases in which care guests have improved their condition dramatically in a short period of time and have been able to return to society. As a result, even modern medical institutes have paid attention to our activity.

*In the case of Non-Japanese guests, we provide the program to those who can communicate and explain their physical and mental state in either Japanese or English.


3 Pillars of the Natural Therapy Program

1. Healthy Diet full of Life Energy = Gaining Physical Immunity
Food is considered medicine at Konohana Family. Almost all food is produced by the community through the Universal Circulation Method (based on the principle by which the source of life energy which is brought to nature). A diet full of life energy actually works as medicine both physically and mentally. Vegetarian meals are centered around brown rice. Food therapy based on enzyme-rich diets such as Nishi-style Koda therapy (fasting, half-day fasting, and raw food) is also prescribed. This diet is very effective at improving not only physical conditions like atopy but also emotional instability and mental disorders.

2. Regular Life Rhythm Based on Nature = Living with the Rhythm of the Moon, the Sun and the Earth
By living in keeping with a rhythm based on nature, care guests can take in the natural energy which is “the original energy” that draws forth a natural immunity within the body and allows them to recover their health.
Everyone can regulate their physical and mental rhythms easily by living in accordance with the regular life rhythm (the rhythm of the moon, the sun and the earth) through such practices as working during the daytime, having meals on a fixed time schedule, and reflecting on their experiences at the end of the day in an agriculture-based community lifestyle.

3. Reflecting on the Mind that has Caused Disease = Gaining Mental Immunity
We do not cure care guests. What we do instead is to help them search for and face their way of mind — the root cause of their diseases, and to provide an environment within which they can improve their life consciousness. The important thing is to help them to gain a “Mental Immunity” to face themselves without running away from their problems. By learning from members who work on such things in their daily lives, care guests are able to maintain a stable mind and lead a healthy life even after they encounter problems back in their original environment (family or company).


“High Spirituality” creates a “Healing Place” and spreads a beautiful vibrancy.

Healing Space (Harmonious Spirituality)

An individual healthy mind and body creates a healthy society.
→ Realization of a world without medical care


The Contents of the Program

Support System
A member becomes the supporter and generally shares a room with the care guest. A reliable 24 hour support system is provided.

We generally provide counseling to the participant prior to the program, upon entry, and weekly after that to decide on their therapeutic process.

main supporter – Jiiji

When care guests get used to staying here, they start to keep a diary. The main supporter reads the diaries and makes comments.

Daily Life
As for the way the care guests spend their daily life during their stay, the main supporter provides suggestions which are appropriate to each guest’s situation. In many cases, care guests spend time freely for the first week without being given a task by the main supporter. After they get used to staying here, they do what they can do, such as working in the field, helping with housework, etc. during the daytime. By writing a journal and reflecting on the counseling they receive, they gradually nurture objective perspectives that allow them to see themselves clearly.

Rehabilitative Training
Care guests can have various work experiences in Konohana Family as a part of rehabilitative training.

Collaboration with the Care Guest’s Family
There are some cases in which we contact the care guest’s family during the stay, and if possible, we ask the family to attend the counseling. We can proceed with the program more effectively by trying to improve the situation including the family relationships.

Generally, the program ends when the care guests are given a score of 70% improvement, based on the main supporter’s judgement). We do not give a 100% score during the stay in order to encourage the care guests to continue improving their situation through practices back in their original environment. The end of the program is called “graduation” and “graduation concerts (graduation ceremonies)” are held to celebrate their departure toward a new life.

Course after Graduation
After graduation, some guests return to their original school/company, and some continue to stay here. In this case, some try to stabilize their body and mind more as a long-term guest, and some try to look for a future vision by staying on as a helper. Also, some work outside in rehabilitative training for the future, secure an income to pay for their accommodation fee here, and deepen their learning through continuing the Konohana lifestyle.

After graduation, counseling and mail exchanges are provided upon request. Also, there are many people who continue to stay after the completion of the residential care program, and/or visit here regularly to deepen their learning. By living in the community as part of a family for a certain period, they gain strong bonds with members and are greeted with a warm “Welcome back” upon their return visits. They feel relieved to have a second home where they can ask for consultation any time.

The program costs US$30 per day, including accommodations, meals, facility charges, laundry, etc. Special expenses such as doctor’s fees are paid by care guests. All the care-related services such as counseling, support system, etc. are provided free of charge. The period of the stay is generally one to three months.


If you have further questions about the Natural Therapy Program and/or you are interested in taking the Natural Therapy Program, please send an e-mail to the following address.


“P’s Report on Taking the Natural Therapy Program”
-Never too late to make a shift in our life!-

An American woman, P took the Natural Therapy Program from January to February, 2019 and has changed a lot. We would like to introduce her experiences.

“I am a seventy-year-old American. When I was a child, my mother was depressed due to an unhappy marriage and encouraged me to use my intelligence and have a good career, so that I wouldn’t need to depend on a husband in the future. I worked hard and became a university professor; however, I have been unhappy almost all my life. The main cause of distress in recent years has been depression and anxiety related to my own marriage of thirty years. Due in part to health issues, I retired from my job fifteen years ago, and began a long search to improve my mental and physical condition. This has brought me to Konohana Family today.”

In January, 2019, P visited the Konohana Family, feeling as if she was clutching at straws. Jiiji, the counselor of the Natural Therapy Program, said to her at the consultation, “What you need is not to receive treatment, but to broaden your worldview.” With this understanding, she began to take the Natural Therapy Program.

First, she was given the task of “writing a journal to know herself accurately.” She worked hard on it every day, utilizing her excellent intelligence, and Jiiji evaluated her highly, saying “Your self-analysis is perfect.” However, at the same time, he thought, “No matter how many ideas people have for trying to improve themselves, if these thoughts come from their mental habits or desires, people will be trapped in them and unable to realize the fact that they are actually bound by their own thoughts. Instead of improving, they will fall into the misunderstanding that expressing their own thoughts is freedom. Surprisingly, this is a trap into which intellectually excellent people tend to fall.” In this situation, he gave a revolutionary suggestion after P had stayed here for two weeks!

This was the proposal that P would distinguish two Ps in herself, and have time every night for a discussion among P-A, who has lived with her mental habits and emotions, P-B, who tries to admonish P-A objectively, and Jiiji. He said, “P-B has wisdom which is good enough to make herself healthy. However, P-A, who has lived her own life, resists P-B’s suggestions. Therefore, the most important key in this project is which P you are going to prioritize. When you reverse your thinking patterns, you will have an ability not only to save yourself but also to be helpful to save even others.”

After this, when P woke up in the morning and negative thoughts came up, Jiiji encouraged her, saying, “When you encounter P-A, this is actually your chance for improvement. When you get up in the morning and feel negative, it is an opportunity!” When P initially reacted emotionally to a message from her husband, but then regained her calmness quickly, Jiiji said to her, “His message was a good exam today! Living a life is like always taking an exam to know our mental state. It is important to accept everything just as information.” Through this work, P began to get out of the state in which she was bound by herself and lacked an objective viewpoint and came to see her own reality. As a result of having broadened her worldview gradually, she successfully graduated from the Natural Therapy Program after six weeks.

“Reflecting on my life now, I have realized that the real source of the difficulties in my life has not been the traumatic events of my childhood, but my choice to view them as a curse rather than as engraved invitations to spiritual growth. In fact, Jiiji has reassured me that it’s not too late to make a shift in my life, and that all the energy that has been going into my suffering can be a very powerful agent for the good when it is re-directed. This is an immense encouragement for me.

Much of my change here is due to what I have experienced, rather than simply taken in intellectually. Many of the experiences that will stay with me came to me as a result of observing, interacting with, or just floating among the members of the Konohana Family. They were just open to me, and willing to help and share however they could. Now, I know I do not need to foresee the whole plan; when I do what I need to do, the divine will kick in and support my efforts. I am very grateful to all the members of the Konohana Family for everything they have given to me.”


If you would like to know more about P’s story, please refer to the following weblog.


木之花家族期刊第96号 〜 21世纪的生死观四 – 性的系统

“21世纪 生死观”



在“21世纪生死观”第1,2和3部分中(还未翻译),分析了世界运转的体系,其中所有生命在永恒时间之流中无限地重复生死轮回。 而且,还解释了为什么我们出生在这个世界。 所有的生命都是由性的法则创造的。 性,它是我们生活的源泉,将在“21世纪生死观”的最后一期中揭晓!


我们生活的世界是由“对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)”的原则创造出来的,即阴阳两个相反的意识面向相互依存。 这种普遍创造的原则被称为性。 性的汉字是由心(忄)和生活(生)构成。 心灵(忄)表明神圣的本质下降到中心,阴阳的两个相反的能量出生在左右。 这是神圣的(宇宙的)思想。 站在中心的支柱是使这个世界运转的神圣法则。 这个系统,其中阴阳的TAIKO-HASSEI在神圣的支柱周围发生的现象,被称为神圣的心灵。

首先,我们为什么要生活在这里? 这是因为创造我们并使我们存在的这个世界,它首先存在。

许多现代人认为他们只为自己而活。 然而,事实是我们是因为这个世界而存在。 在这个世界中存在的每一个生命、物质、现象包括我们人类都是在这个世界的神圣法则之下诞生的,由法则来维持和主宰世界的运作。 生命的原始形象,我们遵循这个系统,并以它作为我们的支柱,在汉字的‘性’字上得到了最好的诠释。

然而,现代人极大地误解了性的含义。 在试图满足从内心涌出的自负的欲望时,人们忘记了宇宙法则的存在,并将性作为摆脱压力和获取快乐的手段,而不是遵循支持我们生活的这个宇宙系统。 以这种方式,从而产生了内疚意识,性已成为秘密并被扭曲。 最后,由于卖淫和强奸的发生,它已成为远离本意的事情。 基于创造的法则,因为性是混乱的,所以在这个世界上创造的一切也都充满了混乱。 这是现代社会的基础。 除非我们改变性的方式,否则世界就不可能变得健康。

我们都是通过性才诞生于这个世界,并通过性将生活与下一个时代联系起来。 这是生命的基本法则,这对于创造我们的生命,维护这个世界和连接时代至关重要。 它也是神圣的。 我们生命的起源是性。 最初,人类带着这个本能欲望,是为了活出尊严,并为世界做出贡献。





另一方面,“AMA-UTSUSHI(引起现象的法则)”是有着接收神圣柱子和生命种子的功能,以垂直神圣柱为轴线水平旋转,并表现出无形的神圣法则。 这种水平旋转力是女性特质的呈现。 带来无形法则的男性气概是阴,而呈现现象法则的女性特质就是阳。 两者都是平等的,它们都不能单独存在。 由于这个对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI),宇宙创造了生命现象。 垂直阴柱称为时间轴,水平阳柱称为空间轴。 当时间和空间完美结合时,生命就会诞生。



让我们看一下基于这种结构的地球系统。 首先,垂直支柱从北向南出现并穿透。 以垂直柱为轴进行水平旋转。 纵轴是阴,水平旋转是阳。 从北方看阳气旋转,逆时针方向。 从南方看,它是顺时针方向。 逆时针旋转是熵的阳功能。 顺时针旋转是反熵的阴函数,并抑制它。 也就是说,阴(顺时针旋转)和阳(逆时针旋转)的功能同时存在于水平阳旋转中。 最强劲的能量出现在赤道上,两个力量相互竞争。 然后,现象发生,并在那里产生许多生命。 此外,磁场以垂直柱为轴出现,整个地球变成巨大的球形磁场(生命形式)。

地球、太阳系和银河系都属于同一物理法则。 阴阳的不断性行为发生在宇宙的各个角落,并继续为世界创造生命。 我们男女之间的性行为也存在于同一系统下。 

潜在世界和现象世界之间的世界被称为“AMA世界”。潜在世界和现象世界重叠并导致质的变化来创造现象,它是宇宙的子宫。 下到AMA世界的垂直支柱象征性别中的男性生殖器。 出现在其周围的水平旋转象征女性生殖器。 当男人和女人发生性关系时,男性和女性生殖器加入,男人将神圣的神性支柱带入女人。 她从支柱中获得了生命的种子,并培育了地球上38亿生命的进化历史。 最终,她扮演一个神圣的角色,将其作为一个生命带入这个世界。 以这种方式,我们人类之间的性行为是非常神圣的,因为它存在于具有宇宙结构的相同系统下。  


当一个男人竖立柱子时,神圣的种子是以光为基础的。 所有生命都是以光开始的。 养育我们生活在地球上的是太阳照射的光。 太阳每天都在升起,带来白天和黑夜,成为生命节奏的基础,这就是时间。 作为精子,男性生理现象,每天由太阳(阳)循环创造。 另一方面,女性生理现象是基于月亮(阴)的循环。 女人体内的卵子是由月亮的循环产生的,它重复满月和残月过程。 

太阳的力量不仅在地球上创造了生命。 太阳将光带到地球,引起地球上水、火、风和空气的自然循环。 月亮是从地球的一部分分离时诞生的,与地球保持着完美的距离,通过引力,引起了海洋的潮起潮落,并与太阳一起创造了各种各样的生命。 动态的生命活动在这个星球上诞生,不仅是因为太阳,还有月亮,它与太阳成为一个小组,并与地球一起。 地球已成为一个充满生命的美丽星球,由于阴阳的相互作用,即使在宇宙中也很少见到。 


那么,你是否认识到男性特质和女性特质的阴阳已被逆转? 在成为生命之源的世界中,存在于背后的阴柱是阳刚之气,表现出它的阳旋转是女性的功能。 然而,当生命来源的能量通过AMA世界,导致质的转变,并作为生命进入现象世界,女性特质变为阴,男性特质变为阳(逆转现象)。 两者都处于平等关系中,表达了对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)(当阴阳两个相反的面向结合时,它们创造了新的生命)。 

然而,目前人类社会中的男女关系受到严重扭曲。 很久以前,男人们通过建立一个支柱带来最重要的神圣法则,这也是宇宙的智慧。 女人们有一个愿景来选择一个拥有真正智慧的男人,并接受种子和创造适合地球法则的世界。 由于阴阳的对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI),神圣法治的秩序世界在地球上得到了表达。 然而,随着时代的流逝,男人们开始主宰世界,不是通过宇宙的智慧,而是通过权力。 在这种背景下,女性已经失去了选择拥有真正智慧的男人的愿景。



真正的性别平等不仅仅与世界中的一般男女平等有关。 这意味着男人和女人都应意识到他们存在的意义,并且基于神圣的法则处于真正的阴阳平衡中。  

例如,请想象一下,你认为自己可以独善其身且完整地活着。 然而,最初,我们自己并不完美。 很久以前,这个世界是完美的统一体。 然后,它爆炸了,空间从那里诞生了。 它被分离以探索多样性,现在的生活世界诞生了。 然后,那些分离的人开始互相表达对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)。 因为我们与完美的源头分开了,所以我们自己是不完整的。 由于这种缺乏感,我们试图吸引彼此并一起体验。 也就是说,我们试图回归原始的合一性。

回归源头意味着我们源头的原始智慧开始出现了。 我们分离变成单独的个体,获得了自我,因此,陷入了我们独自生活在这个世界的误解中。 然而,当人们通过神圣的联系再次被彼此吸引、相遇、加入并磨砺他们原已具备的生命感受时,他们将与作为我们的起源–宇宙源头的美丽活力共振。 通过这种方式,回归最初的性–与大宇宙共振。

当人们理解这个系统并且带着与宇宙产生共振的高度意识进行性行为(KAMU-UTSUSHI / AMA-UTSUSHI)时,这种行为有能力纠正世界的秩序。 然后,它会发送更多进化的优秀灵魂,将创造未来的人类带入这个世界。 本质上,本能的欲望还在,但不是为了满足我们基于自我的欲望,而是为了感受生命来源的活力,提升自己,并为创造我们的这个世界做出贡献。 


当宇宙中的恒星在合一的法则下协调并继续在宇宙中旅行而没有停滞不前,就像它所承诺的一样,我们人类也是由该法则创造的,我们的生命也得到了它的支持。 因此,依法则生活是很自然的。 它是为了给这个世界做出贡献,生活在美丽世界的洪流中。 而且,我们自己的生活也变得非常顺畅和丰盛。

目前,许多恒星已经达到了这样一个循环周期的转折点。 这表明这个时代的伟大过渡时期已经到来。 我们的身体始于男女之间的性行为,来自我们的父亲和母亲。 这种性意识是20世纪的类型。 我们把20世纪的价值观延续下来了。

然而,现在已进入21世纪,从21世纪到30世纪的新千年已经开始。 这意味着与传统价值观不同的新时代已经开始。 世界已经从人们失去神圣支柱并变得极度扭曲的时代转变为我们建立真正支柱时的那个时代,男性特质和女性特质在该支柱下扮演着平等存在的神圣角色。 这个时代已经开始,神圣的心灵生活在地球上,表达了真正的性。  

现在,你作为先驱者看到了这个信息。 这意味着未来的新地球将从你的觉醒开始。  




性并不仅仅指男女之间的性行为。 我们已经与完美的合一源头分离,获得了每一次探索,并传播到了这个世界。 虽然我们并不完美,但我们被赋予了适合每个人的角色,并以我们的分离作为个性发挥了原创作用,并创造了充满多样性的世界。 我们作为一个个体是不完美的,所以相反的存在会相互吸引并表达对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)。 神圣的支柱绝对存在于对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)的中心。 也就是说,这个世界上的所有存在都是神圣的,因为它们是从神圣的思想中诞生的。 虽然它们的外表和特质不同,但每个人基本上是平等的。 这种多样化存在的对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)无限地相互联系,动态变化,并将我们生活的世界与未来联系起来。 这种广泛的伙伴关系,将成为维护世界的力量源泉,是不可或缺和神圣的。 

所有事情都存在于伙伴关系体系之下。 我和宇宙,我和太阳,我和月亮,我和地球,我和土地,我和空气,我和水,我和生命,我和心,我和手,我和腿, 我和动物,我和植物,我和微生物,我和某人,我和一切。 我们一直生活在一起。 有远、近、浅、深的关系,但每一个都非常重要。 现在,由于这些伙伴关系,我们在这里存在。 在这个世界上没有任何东西是单独存在的,因为宇宙的本质是相互关联的。 连接意味着善意。 我们通过基于善意的深厚联系与所有事物联系在一起,并且在这种联系中支持我们的生命。

当我们以这种方式感知这个世界时,就会发现世界上并不存在孤独。 目前,许多人失去了与世界联系的纽带。 在只有可见事物变得重要的时代,人们看不到他们的生活是受到许多生活伙伴的支持。 他们误解了“我靠自己的力量生活”,并且开始寻求自己的幸福。 结果,他们给社会带来了矛盾,产生了优越感和自卑感的概念,甚至破坏了养育我们生命的全球生态系统。 虽然全球生态系统仍在继续养育我们,但这种联系已经从人的单方面切断。 通过这种方式,许多人在现代时代失去了连接并过着孤独的生活。

然而,事实是我们通过系统给予每个人适当的位置和角色,这体现了神圣的思想,即是性的基本宇宙法则。 然后,我们与许多其他存在一起被创造来到这个世界。 世界运作是因为这么多的伙伴相互联系。 最终,所有的存在都与对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)有着神圣的关联。 当我们意识到这一点,世界上不再存在孤独感。 你周围的所有关系都为深刻的宇宙真理提供了深刻学习的机会。 你可能会认为这个很好而那个很糟糕; 然而,一切都源于善意,让你通过与你的伙伴关系来了解真相。 神圣的支柱依然存在于对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)的中心。

如果你理解这一点,并感受到所有现象背后的宇宙源头的美丽活力,每个人都可以通过他们的适当角色充分发挥他们的个性,并为世界的健康发展做出贡献。 这种高度意识本身的和谐存在就是性,这是生活在神圣的思想中。 KAMU-UTSUSHI和AMA-UTSUSHI的觉醒表现出无形的神圣法则,不仅存在于男女之间的性,而且存在于我们生活的世界的每个角落。         

性是宇宙的基本法则,相反的极性通过对向発生(TAIKO-HASSEI)产生新的东西,并创造未知的未来。 我们真诚地希望很多人都会意识到这个真理,世界将被美丽的活力所包围。


分析支持我们生活的这个世界的体系是无限深刻的,它的探索永无止境。 如果你想深入了解生活的真谛,请来参加“一个月真理学校”课程。

它将于2020年2月23日至3月21日举行! 详细信息, 请访问“一个月真理学校”网站。虽然今年定员已满,但每年都在2月下旬至3月下旬举行。