Notícias da Família Konohana Número 100〈Português〉

É a maior mudança da história humana!

Finalmente chegou o tempo de corrigir a trajetória da humanidade!

Os seres humanos afundaram no egocentrismo.
Pode libertar-se desse feitiço?


A Terra, um planeta criado por consenso universal

Vivemos no Universo.

No Universo, tudo está conectado, é fluido e harmonioso. Cada um dos inúmeros planetas na vastidão do espaço tem uma especificidade que o diferencia dos outros. A interação da diversidade dos planetas perpetua um equilíbrio perfeito numa série magnífica que os conecta; como se estivessem a tocar a mesma sinfonia vibrante e harmoniosa.

A Terra nasceu do consenso do Universo.

A Terra é uma miniatura do Universo. Fogo, água, terra, ar, vento, minerais, microrganismos, plantas, animais; uma infinidade de elementos naturais com funções distintas, desempenhando papéis que não podem ser substituídos um pelos outros, cria uma prolífica rede de vida chamada o “ecossistema da Terra”. Essa rede de vida está ligada por um movimento perpétuo que evoluiu nos últimos 15 mil milhões de anos, desde a formação do Universo, pouco depois seguido pela formação da nossa galáxia, até há cerca de 4,6 mil milhões de anos, com a formação do nosso Sistema Solar e consequente nascimento do nosso planeta. A Terra tornou-se um planeta de ampla força vital, único e sem igual no Universo.

Na vanguarda da evolução, os seres humanos apareceram na Terra. Uma espécie única entre os milhões de outras que existem neste planeta.

No passado, os humanos recebiam instruções dos planetas, interagiam com a natureza e viviam num ciclo ecológico com muitas outras formas de vida. Naquela época, os Homens sabiam intimamente que faziam parte desse grande Universo e que a sua vida vinha e dependia do ciclo do cosmos. No entanto, a nossa espécie apareceu no final de um longo percurso evolutivo e desenvolveu-se com uma velocidade sem precedentes. Agora, os seres humanos influenciam massivamente o ecossistema deste planeta, que perpetua o seu movimento absoluto de acordo com os mecanismos do Universo.



Fenómenos naturais extraordinários são mensagens de despertar

Devido ao seu ego excecional; os seres humanos têm uma perceção muito diferente das outras espécies.

A Terra, o planeta da diversidade, tem muitas formas de vida únicas. Para as outras espécies existe pouca diferença entre os indivíduos. Cada ser, embora exista de acordo com sua própria vontade, desempenha um papel como membro da sua espécie e morre sem sair do ciclo que liga todos os seres vivos: o “ecossistema terrestre”. Porém, os seres humanos receberam características tão diferentes na sua espécie que a sua singularidade os impede de perceber o que os liga aos seus semelhantes. Se no passado eles estavam cientes da existência de um “conjunto”, eles esqueceram que faziam parte deste vasto mundo. Os humanos agora priorizam o desenvolvimento do indivíduo em detrimento da espécie.

Os seres humanos têm uma criatividade incomparável com outras formas de vida. Conseguem realizar os seus desejos usando as suas habilidades. Os seus desejos crescem à medida que se tornam realidade, e o seu ego aumenta continuamente. Hoje em dia, os seres humanos esqueceram a existência das estrelas e de comunicar com a natureza. Em vez disso, começaram a desenvolver o mundo artificial, que nutre unicamente o seu próprio interesse, apagando muitas outras vidas.

Hoje, o mundo criado pelo homem moderno é extremamente prejudicial, porque os indivíduos dão prioridade a si mesmos e apreendem o que lhes chega apenas da perspetiva pessoal.

Então, se houver algo que eles não gostam ou que não combina com as suas preferências, eles consideram-no um objeto estranho, negam-no e discriminam-no, ou atacam-no como um inimigo. Até os movimentos de proteção ambiental e de paz corroboram a intolerância ao recusar e opor-se. Se algo não corresponde aos seus padrões, torna-se um alvo a negar e até a destruir, seja um indivíduo, uma nação ou mesmo a natureza.

Contudo, a força vital do mundo inclui seres humanos. Ela é composta por uma infinidade de formas de vida diversas, sem negar nenhuma delas, e apoia a singularidade de cada papel. Se os seres humanos adotassem uma perspetiva extraterrestre, estaríamos cientes de que a Terra é um lugar onde tudo é compartilhado e coexiste em comum acordo com o ambiente. Então perceberíamos o quão estranho e ridículo o atual modo de vida da humanidade se tornou, porque existimos apenas para nós mesmos e não pensamos nos outros. Embora tenhamos faculdades superiores a qualquer outra forma de vida na Terra, os seres humanos poluem o meio ambiente, ferem outras espécies e matam-se uns aos outros. É completamente inadequado para o desenvolvimento deste mundo e prejudicial ao ecossistema; e, como tal, a natureza livra-se do que já não serve à harmonia do conjunto.

No que diz respeito ao presente, o mundo evolui de acordo com a seleção natural. Percebemos isso com assento sobre seis extinções em massa que ocorreram nos últimos 600 milhões de anos. Se analisarmos a história da Terra, vários desastres naturais lançaram as bases para o próximo estágio da evolução. A palavra “extinção” pode causar medo ou pavor naqueles que são obcecados por si mesmos porque pensam que serão arruinados e perdidos. No entanto, a única coisa que pode curar a Terra é seu metabolismo natural, para que possa continuar em harmonia com os princípios do Universo. Mesmo que esse movimento já tenha começado, os seres humanos estão a tentar corrigir a crise através de medidas superficiais. Eles usam as suas faculdades por forma a acumular contradições em relação a outras espécies, o que só piora a situação.



Capitalismo, um sistema de distribuição da abundância global que a leva à falência

Se a Terra foi criada por consenso do Universo, deve ter havido uma intenção cósmica de criar a Terra. Mas então porque é que o Universo “deu à luz” uma criatura tão estranha e ridícula quanto os humanos?

O capitalismo é um fator importante que contribuiu para a influência da negatividade nos dias de hoje. No passado, a abundância era dada pela natureza, e os humanos eram capazes de recebê-la e honrá-la com a natureza. No entanto, à medida que o capitalismo cresceu, a abundância tornou-se algo adquirido pela competição. E mesmo que as pessoas tenham vencido e satisfeito os seus desejos, isso não as faz felizes. Geralmente, uma vez satisfeitas, tendem a manter a sua satisfação indefinidamente. E alimentam o seu ego procurando maior satisfação, consequentemente, continuam insatisfeitas. Embora a competição na humanidade tenha gerado fracassos, os vencedores têm uma sensação fugaz de superioridade e, quando se acostumam, ficam obcecados com o sucesso.

Como se toda a sociedade tivesse afundado num estado de toxicomania, o mundo artificial está a expandir uniformemente e a avançar numa direção sem qualquer perspetiva. Além disso, aqueles que detêm o controlo da sociedade e desenvolvem o mundo artificial sem prestar atenção à natureza são considerados “pessoas bem-sucedidas”. No entanto, essas pessoas não podem ver que a sociedade como um todo é atraída pela sua destruição, porque são consumidas pela sua impressão superficial de sucesso.

Os indivíduos estão completamente perdidos na ideia de que liberdade e abundância existem apenas para satisfazer os seus desejos pessoais. Para controlar as pessoas gananciosas, que não podem viver em harmonia sem obedecer às regras, o governo criou leis e aplicou-as uniformemente a todos. As pessoas entenderam erradamente que liberdade significa que elas podem fazer qualquer coisa desde que não violem a lei, o que lhes permite agir livremente para satisfazer os seus próprios desejos. Como resultado, a Terra está agora repleta de problemas e, embora as pessoas continuem a praticar a ciência moderna, elas não conseguem encontrar as causas ou soluções. E, embora sejam bons em dissecar as coisas e analisá-las uma a uma com grande precisão, elas não têm a capacidade de vinculá-las sistemicamente e de perceber a natureza que opera por trás das ocorrências. Os meios de comunicação de massa criam sensacionalismo concentrando-se apenas nos problemas superficiais, enquanto os políticos e as massas criticam-se uns aos outros avidamente. Isso cria mais um beco sem saída, porque a sociedade falha em resolver a crescente discórdia. Infelizmente, ninguém sabe como cooperar e resolver problemas juntos.

É o resultado de seres humanos que esqueceram que são apenas um dos ambientes vivos que compõem a natureza. Eles esqueceram que os corpos celestes e a natureza lhes davam vida. E continuam a insistir nas suas reivindicações egocêntricas e não veem que é a fonte de conflito, destruição ambiental e crescente empobrecimento global. Esse é o destino do “pensamento egocêntrico” no qual todas as pessoas modernas caíram. E a menos que a humanidade seja libertada do feitiço, a Terra nunca se tornará um mundo melhor.



A humanidade está na origem do ego fugitivo

Chegou a hora dos seres humanos retornarem ao início da vida. Mais uma vez ampliemos a nossa visão à do Universo. Obviamente, vivemos no Universo. No Universo, tudo está ligado, é fluido e harmonioso. Existe a nossa galáxia, governada pelas leis deste grande Universo, o nosso sistema solar e a Terra. Nós humanos vivemos dentro desse ecossistema de preciosa beleza expressa na Terra. Se essa lei cósmica fosse perturbada e o equilíbrio atual não pudesse ser mantido, a nossa existência seria curta. Todos os seres, incluindo os seres humanos, estão vivos sob essa grande lei cósmica, e é natural que respeitemos a lei dessa grande fonte de vida.

Os nossos contemporâneos são fascinados pelo que têm à sua frente, como dinheiro e bens, para que a sua consciência física se torne muito forte. Portanto, se o ambiente estiver poluído, eles desenvolvem novas tecnologias para limpá-lo e, se houver situações conflituantes, negoceiam para responder aos interesses de todos. Dessa maneira, eles praticam a solução de problemas, obtendo resultados físicos para os fenómenos físicos. No entanto, a essência do Universo é baseada na espiritualidade, não no mundo físico. Existe uma profunda espiritualidade por trás de tudo o que acontece, e é com base nesse princípio que a ordem física deste mundo é expressa. Quando cada um se consciencializar disso, saberá que a atitude por trás do funcionamento dos seres humanos modernos é influenciada pela sua abordagem física. Esta ideia criou contradições que assumem a forma de fenómenos. Antes de tentar resolvê-los utilizando meios físicos, comece por considerar a preocupação da sua mente, corrija-a e retorne à essência do Universo. Assim, os fenómenos físicos tornar-se-ão extremamente pacíficos e as contradições serão resolvidas naturalmente porque a essência do Universo é composta de bondade, amor e harmonia.

Os nossos contemporâneos acreditam que o mundo é controlado pelos seres humanos e que os seus desejos governam o mundo. No entanto, a verdade é que a Terra foi criada pelo consenso do Universo muito antes do nascimento da humanidade e continua a ser guiada pelo funcionamento espiritual do Universo ao longo da sua perpétua evolução.

Tal coisa pode estar além da compreensão das pessoas modernas que veem o mundo de forma egocêntrica, mas agora estamos numa nova Era: o século XXI. E nós, humanos, estamos num importante ponto de viragem. Vamos optar por continuar a viver o estilo de vida egocêntrico do século XX, que nos levará à ruína? Ou vamos dar um passo no próximo milénio e avançar para o século XXX, reconhecendo que somos seres universais?

Desde a revolução industrial, o modo de vida dos seres humanos experimentou um tremendo desenvolvimento. Foi também uma época em que o potencial das faculdades humanas estava sob observação. A natureza aceitou as ações da humanidade, mas isso não significa que continuará a permitir aos seres humanos perseguir os seus próprios desejos e perturbar a ordem do Universo. Agora é o momento de os seres humanos aprenderem o que acontecerá se continuarem nesse caminho. Se fundamentalmente corrigirmos as atividades da humanidade, que estão a criar a situação atual na Terra, devemos compreender que somos todos representantes da humanidade. Não é uma questão ambiental, mas uma questão relativa ao egocentrismo de todos os seres humanos.

Para superar os excessos do capitalismo, a solução não está num novo sistema político ou económico para resolver os excessos do capitalismo, já foi tentado, por exemplo, através do comunismo. O resultado foi que as pessoas que defendiam o comunismo como uma ideologia eram consumidas pelo próprio sistema que haviam criado. Em vez de superar os problemas do capitalismo, eles criaram uma sociedade sem espiritualidade individual que gerenciava as pessoas de forma uniforme. Esse tipo de idealismo tornou-se apenas uma mudança na teoria, mas não na prática. Como pode ver, não importa como tentar criar uma ideologia nova e tentar melhorar o mundo, se não corrigir fundamentalmente o espírito que cria o problema, todas as tentativas se tornarão uma mera crítica ao sistema, mas não mudará nada.

Então, em que nos devemos concentrar quando analisamos a causa principal? A espiritualidade, a fonte de todos os fenómenos e o ecossistema, a Terra, o sistema solar, a galáxia, o Universo, que já existiam antes dos seres humanos. Nascemos dessa harmonia cósmica. Portanto, temos de focar a nossa mente na rede de força vital deste mundo.

Quando fazemos isso, a principal dificuldade para as pessoas modernas é abstrair-se dos interesses egocêntricos que os vinculam aos seus próprios padrões e limitam a maneira como percebem os eventos da sua vida cotidiana. Agora é o momento de os seres humanos transcenderem o seu ego e criarem um mundo em harmonia com a Vontade do Universo. Esta é de facto a maior mudança de rumo na história da humanidade, porque estamos a mudar o caminho das nossas vidas. E essa perspetiva permite-nos entender a verdadeira razão pela qual os seres humanos apareceram na Terra.

Para cada ser humano que vive no século XXI

O século XXI marca o início de uma nova Era. Estamos perante uma fase primordial da longa história da Terra. O milénio começou o seu percurso em direção do ano 3000. Não evoluirá graças à ciência desenvolvida durante o século XX. Agora é o momento de corrigir o comportamento autocrático que provocou esta evolução e mudar a nossa perceção da natureza.
A Terra começou a corrigir as contradições que os humanos acumularam neste planeta. Mudar o seu modo de vida e corrigir a direção requer uma energia considerável por parte dos seres humanos. Se isso significa passar por desastres naturais, eles serão devastadores. Mas será que realmente precisamos de sofrer tais desastres quando somos tão evoluídos?

Uma revolução de consciência para viver

Não importa quantos humanos destruam este mundo, a natureza tem o poder de recuperar da destruição que causamos e trazê-lo de volta ao seu estado original de saúde. No entanto, levará muito tempo. É por isso que devemos usar a sabedoria humana em vez de confiar no tempo.

A sabedoria não é algo que possa ser obtido pela aprendizagem, mas é a essência da vida que dorme no ADN de cada um de nós e emana intrinsecamente. Uma vez que fazemos parte da grande força vital cósmica, todas as informações da origem do Universo permanecem no nosso ADN espiritual. Os princípios dessa sabedoria universal expressam-se adequadamente de acordo com o tempo em que vivemos. Se a Era moderna for insana, teremos a sabedoria de superar essa loucura. Quando voltamos a nossa consciência para a sabedoria dentro de nós, os nossos potenciais ocultos aumentam. Tal deve-se ao fato de que a Era, impulsionada pela vontade do Universo, já mudou de direção para o próximo estágio da evolução.

Em vez de serem submetidos às ondas do tempo, os seres humanos devem canalizar a vontade do Universo e juntos, criar este mundo, que se tornará um paraíso na Terra, através do qual a vontade do Universo é expressa. Isso não será feito através de sistemas de pensamento, como o capitalismo ou o comunismo, que procuram apenas controlar a produção de riqueza para os seres humanos. É a revolução consciente da vida que derrubará completamente o atual nível de consciência da humanidade, que trará uma Era nunca antes conhecida em toda a história da humanidade.

Para as pessoas que controlam o poder e as riquezas do mundo
Por favor, use o seu alto status e suas habilidades especializadas para tornar este mundo verdadeiramente saudável. O verdadeiro valor do ser humano é espiritual. Não importa o quanto seja admirado de acordo com as distorções atuais da sociedade; não é o seu verdadeiro valor. Quando deixa o seu corpo, torna-se um ser espiritual e volta ao Universo. Para se tornar um ser verdadeiramente digno, tenha a coragem de liderar a sociedade na direção certa, com o desejo de restaurar o relacionamento entre espiritualidade e fisicalidade. Originalmente, aqueles em posições de responsabilidade tinham de considerar seriamente o Todo (a força vital da Terra, que inclui seres humanos) e tomar decisões para criar um país orgulhoso (a Terra). Se conseguir reconquistar um coração tão nobre, tornar-se-á verdadeiramente precioso na vida de todos os seres vivos.

Despertar como maestro da orquestra da Sinfonia da Vida no Universo

A Terra é um milagre do Universo. Primeiro, também é um milagre que o Universo se tenha formado. É uma mensagem da Grande Vontade, que se estende muito além do pensamento humano. Portanto, é natural que a existência deste planeta seja um milagre no Universo. Podemos chamá-lo de SHINPI. SHIN significa Deus e PI significa segredo do Universo. SHINPI reside em todos os cantos das nossas vidas diárias, mas os nossos contemporâneos estão tão poluídos pelos seus pensamentos que não podem acreditar na sua existência. Mergulhamos em tanta loucura que é impossível ver que a vida é um milagre. No entanto, ao tomar consciência da loucura do nosso desígnio e viver pela expressão natural do SHINPI, daremos o primeiro passo para eliminar as contradições deste planeta.

A vida mais próspera da Terra hoje é a da humanidade. Essencialmente, a vida é algo que cresce à medida que floresce. Se a essência do Universo é bondade, amor e harmonia, compartilhando-a com uma multidão de seres, expressamos a riqueza natural e a diversidade da Terra que nos liga à nossa rede de apoio vital. No entanto, porque o mundo hoje gera tantas contradições enquanto a humanidade continua a crescer? Originalmente, quanto mais pessoas houvesse para compartilhar a abundância, mais poderíamos criar e receber a abundância do mundo. É importante estar ciente disso.

Quando as pessoas ouvem a expressão “paraíso na terra”, podem ter a impressão de que é apenas um mundo imaginário; impossível de alcançar. No entanto, se olharmos para ela de um ângulo diferente, podemos ver que o paraíso na Terra se está a aproximar porque a destruição das contradições da humanidade e dos sistemas sociais existentes já começou. Se sentir a vontade por trás das mensagens que a Terra comunica, poderá ver que a intenção cósmica é levar-nos a uma Era utópica, que é o ponto culminante para o qual a humanidade tendeu desde a sua criação. A realização deste soberbo novo mundo é confiada ao despertar de cada um de nós.

Agora estamos a alcançar o maior ponto de viragem cósmico da história humana. Neste ponto, percebemos que estamos a enfrentar um beco sem saída quanto ao tipo de mundo em que vamos viver; é a expressão da vida cósmica.

O ego ou a visão do mundo antropocêntrica que levou à queda da humanidade moderna não apenas cria grandes contradições para nós mesmos; mas também projeta uma sombra colossal sobre o potencial da humanidade de prosperar como membro da rede de força vital na Terra. Agora devemos aprender com os fenómenos induzidos por essa realidade, transcender o nosso estilo de vida egocêntrico e viver como uma expressão do magnífico ecossistema da Terra, que é um verdadeiro milagre do Universo. Poderíamos dizer que os seres humanos têm a missão de se tornar líderes da vida na Terra, utilizando o seu potencial. Há 20 anos, passámos o ano de 2000 e entrámos numa nova Era deste grande Universo. Chegou o momento de libertarmos todo o nosso potencial como condutor dessa sinfonia cósmica e vivermos como uma expressão da grande diversidade de vida deste planeta, de uma perspetiva universal.

Para toda a humanidade
Se o seu coração ressoar com esta mensagem, distribua-a livremente a pessoas relacionadas consigo no seu país e no seu próprio idioma. Por favor, desperte para o propósito original de saber porque os seres humanos nasceram neste mundo, compreenda a preciosidade de ser humano e expresse o consenso do Universo de acordo com sua própria vontade. Então você irá tornar-se um líder na expansão da rede de vida do nosso novo planeta. Esta mensagem convida ao despertar de todos os seres humanos que vivem na Terra, porque agora é o momento de todos desempenharem um papel de liderança.

Espero atingir a beleza que é expressa em cada um de vocês e que é um reflexo da beleza desta Terra.


Les nouvelles de Konohana Family numéro 100〈Français〉

C’est le plus grand changement de l’histoire de l’Homme !

Le moment de corriger la trajectoire de l’humanité est enfin arrivé !


L’être humain a sombré dans l’égocentrisme.
Pourrez-vous vous libérer de ce sortilège ?


La Terre, une planète créée par consensus Universel

Nous vivons au sein de l’Univers.

Dans l’Univers, tout est relié, fluide et harmonieux. Chacune des innombrables planètes dans l’immensité de l’espace a une spécificité qui la différencie des autres. L’interaction de la diversité des planètes perpétue un équilibre parfait sur une gamme magnifique qui les relie ; comme si elles jouaient une seule et même symphonie vibrante et harmonieuse.

La Terre est née du consensus de l’Univers.

La Terre est un exemplaire de l’Univers. Feu, eau, terre, air, vent, minéraux, micro-organismes, plantes, animaux ; une multitude d’éléments naturels aux fonctions diverses, jouant des rôles qui ne peuvent être remplacés les uns par les autres, créent un réseau de vie prolifique appelé l’ « Ecosystème terrestre ». Ce réseau de vie est relié par un mouvement perpétuel, qui a évolué au cours des 13,8 milliards d’années écoulées, depuis la naissance de notre galaxie, jusqu’à 4,6 milliards d’années, avec la naissance de notre planète. La Terre est devenue une planète d’une vaste force vitale, unique en son genre dans l’Univers.

A la pointe de l’évolution, les êtres humains sont apparus sur Terre. Une espèce unique en son genre parmi les millions d’autres qui existent sur cette planète.

Par le passé, les humains recevaient leurs consignes des planètes, interagissaient avec la nature et vivaient selon un cycle écologique parmi de nombreuses formes de vie. Les Hommes à cette époque savaient intrinsèquement qu’ils faisaient partie de ce grand Univers et que leur vie provenait et dépendait du cycle du cosmos. Cependant, cette espèce, apparut au terme d’un long parcours évolutif et s’est développée à une vitesse sans précédent. Désormais les êtres humains influencent massivement l’écosystème de cette planète, qui perpétue son mouvement absolu selon les mécanismes de l’Univers.



Les phénomènes naturels extraordinaires sont des messages d’éveil

Les êtres humains ont une perception qui diffère beaucoup des autres espèces ; cela est dû à leur égo exceptionnel.

La Terre, la planète de la diversité, compte de nombreuses formes de vie uniques en leur genre. Au sein des autres espèces, la différence entre les individus n’est que peu marquée. Chaque être bien qu’il existe selon sa propre volonté joue un rôle en tant que membre de son espèce et meurt sans s’écarter du cycle qui relie toutes les êtres vivants : l’ « Ecosystème terrestre ». A contrario, les êtres humains ont reçu des caractères si différents au sein de leur espèce que leur unicité les empêche de percevoir ce qui les relie à leurs semblables. Si par le passé, ils étaient conscients de l’existence de « l’unité », ils ont depuis oublié qu’ils faisaient partie de ce vaste monde. Désormais, les humains accordent la priorité à l’épanouissement de l’individu au détriment de celui de l’espèce.

Les êtres humains ont une créativité inégalée par les autres formes de vie. Ils parviennent à réaliser leurs désirs en utilisant leurs aptitudes. Leurs désirs grandissent au fur et à mesure que leurs souhaits se réalisent, et leur ego croit continûment. Ainsi, les humains ont oublié l’existence des étoiles, et de communiquer avec la nature. A l’inverse ils ont commencé à développer le monde artificiel, qui nourrit leur seul intérêt, à l’instar de nombreuses autres vies.

Aujourd’hui, le monde créé par l’Homme Moderne, est extrêmement néfaste car les individus se donnent la priorité, et appréhendent ce qui leur arrive uniquement selon leur perspective personnelle.

Ensuite, s’il y a quelque chose qu’ils n’aiment pas ou qui ne correspond pas à leurs préférences, ils la considèrent comme un objet étranger, la nient et la discriminent, ou l’attaquent comme un ennemi. Même les mouvements de protection de l’environnement et de paix corroborent l’intolérance en refusant et en s’opposant. Si quelque chose ne répond pas à leurs normes, elle devient une cible à nier et même à détruire, qu’il s’agisse d’un individu, d’une nation ou même de la nature.

D’autre part, la force vitale du monde englobe les êtres humains. Elle se répartit en une multitude de formes de vie diverses sans en renier aucune, et soutient l’unicité de chaque rôle. Si les êtres humains adoptaient une perspective extra-terrestre, nous aurions conscience que la Terre est un endroit où tout se partage et existe en accord mutuel avec ce qui l’entoure. Ensuite, nous prendrions conscience d’à quel point le mode de vie actuel de l’humanité est devenu étrange et ridicule, car nous existons uniquement pour nous-mêmes et ne pensons pas aux autres. Bien que nous ayons des facultés supérieures à toute autre forme de vie sur Terre, l’être humain pollue l’environnement, blesse d’autres espèces et s’entre-tue. C’est complètement inadapté au développement de ce monde et nocif pour l’écosystème; et à ce titre la nature se débarrasse de ce qui ne sert plus l’harmonie de l’ensemble.

En ce qui concerne le présent, le monde évolue selon la sélection naturelle. Nous nous en rendons compte sur la base de six extinctions de masse qui se sont produites au cours des 600 derniers millions d’années. Si nous analysons l’histoire de la Terre, plusieurs catastrophes naturelles ont jeté les bases de la prochaine étape de l’évolution. Le mot « extinction » peut provoquer un sentiment de peur ou d’effroi chez ceux qui sont obsédés par eux-mêmes parce qu’ils pensent qu’ils seront brisés et perdus. Cependant la seule chose qui pourra guérir la Terre est son métabolisme naturel afin qu’elle puisse continuer d’être en harmonie avec les principes de l’Univers. Même si un tel mouvement a déjà commencé, les êtres humains tentent de rectifier la crise par des mesures superficielles. Ils utilisent leurs facultés de telle sorte qu’ils accumulent les contradictions dans leur rapport aux autres espèces, ce qui ne fait qu’empirer la situation.



Le capitalisme, un système de répartition de l’abondance mondiale qui le conduit à la faillite

Si la Terre a été créée grâce au consensus de l’Univers, alors il a dû y avoir une intention cosmique de créer la Terre. Mais alors pourquoi l’Univers a-t-il donné naissance à une créature aussi étrange et ridicule que les humains ?

Le capitalisme est un facteur majeur qui a contribué à l’influence de la négativité de nos jours. Par le passé, l’abondance était donnée par la nature, et les humains étaient en mesure de la recevoir et d’honorer cette abondance avec la nature. Cependant, à mesure que le capitalisme s’est développé, l’abondance est devenue quelque chose qui s’acquiert en rivalisant avec les autres. Et même si les gens l’ont gagnée et satisfait leurs désirs, ça ne les rend pas heureux. En règle générale, une fois que les gens sont satisfaits, ils ont tendance à garder leur satisfaction indéfiniment. Et ils alimentent leur ego en recherchant une plus grande satisfaction et, par conséquent, ils continuent d’être insatisfaits. Alors que la compétition au sein de l’humanité a généré des échecs, les gagnants ont un sentiment éphémère de supériorité et une fois qu’ils s’y sont habitués, ils sont obsédés par le succès.

Comme si l’ensemble de la société avait sombré dans un état de toxicomanie, le monde artificiel s’expand uniformément et avance dans une direction sans aucune perspective. En outre, ceux qui détiennent les rênes de la société et développent le monde artificiel sans prêter attention à la nature sont considérés comme des « personnes qui réussissent ». Cependant, ces personnes ne peuvent pas voir que la société dans son ensemble est entraînée vers sa destruction parce qu’elles sont consumées par leur impression superficielle de réussite.

Les individus ce sont complètement égarés dans l’idée que la liberté et l’abondance ne sont là que pour répondre à leurs désirs personnels. Afin de contrôler les personnes cupides, qui ne peuvent pas vivre en harmonie sans obéir à des règles, le Gouvernement a créé des lois et les a appliquées uniformément à tous. Les gens ont compris à tort que la liberté signifiait qu’ils pouvaient faire n’importe quoi tant qu’ils ne violaient pas la loi, ce qui leur permettait d’agir librement afin de satisfaire leurs propres désirs. Suite à quoi, la Terre regorge maintenant de problèmes et, bien que les gens continuent de pratiquer la science moderne, ils ne peuvent pas trouver les causes ou les solutions fondamentales. Et bien qu’ils soient bons pour décortiquer les choses et les analyser une par une avec une grande précision, ils n’ont pas la capacité de les relier de manière systémique et de percevoir la nature qui opère derrière les évènements. Les médias de masse créent le sensationnalisme en se concentrant uniquement sur les problèmes en surface, tandis que les politiciens et les masses se critiquent avec empressement. Ce qui crée une nouvelle impasse car la société ne parvient pas à résoudre la discorde grandissante. Malheureusement, personne ne sait comment coopérer et résoudre les problèmes ensemble.

C’est le résultat d’êtres humains qui ont oublié qu’ils ne sont qu’un des milieux de vie qui compose la nature. Ils ont oublié que les corps célestes et la nature leur ont donné la vie. Ils continuent d’insister sur leurs prétentions égocentriques, et ne voient pas que c’est la source des conflits, de la destruction de l’environnement et de l’appauvrissement mondial grandissant. C’est le sort de la « pensée égocentrique » dans laquelle tous les gens modernes sont tombés. Et à moins que l’humanité ne soit libérée de ce sortilège, la terre ne deviendra jamais un monde meilleur.



L’humanité est à l’origine de l’égo fuyant

Le temps est venu pour les êtres humains de revenir aux prémices de la vie.

Élargissons à nouveau notre vision à celle de l’Univers. Incontestablement, nous vivons au sein de l’Univers. Dans l’Univers, tout est lié, fluide et harmonieux. Il y a notre galaxie, régie par les lois de ce grand Univers, notre système solaire et la Terre. Nous, êtres humains, vivons dans le cadre de cet écosystème d’une beauté précieuse exprimée sur Terre. Si cette loi cosmique se déréglait et que l’équilibre actuel ne pouvait être maintenu, notre existence serait de courte durée. Tous les êtres, y compris les êtres humains, sont vivants sous cette grande loi cosmique, et il est naturel que nous respections la loi de cette grande source de vie.

Nos contemporains sont fascinés par ce qu’ils ont sous les yeux, comme l’argent et les biens, de sorte que leur conscience physique est devenue très forte. Par conséquent, si l’environnement est pollué, ils développent de nouvelles technologies pour le nettoyer, et s’il y a des situations conflictuelles, ils négocient afin de répondre aux intérêts de chacun. De cette façon, ils pratiquent une résolution saine des problèmes en obtenant des résultats physiques pour des phénomènes physiques. Cependant, l’essence de l’Univers est basée sur la spiritualité, pas sur le monde physique. Il y a une spiritualité profonde derrière tout ce qui arrive, et c’est en partant de ce principe que l’ordre physique de ce monde s’ exprime. Lorsque vous prenez conscience de cela, vous saurez que l’attitude derrière le fonctionnement des êtres humains modernes est biaisée par leur approche physique. Or, ce parti pris a créé des contradictions qui prennent la forme de phénomènes. Avant d’essayer de les résoudre en utilisant des moyens physiques, commencez par considérer le soucis dans votre spiritualité, corrigez-le et revenez à l’essence de l’Univers. Ainsi, les phénomènes physiques deviendront extrêmement pacifiques, et les contradictions se résoudront naturellement parce que l’essence de l’Univers se compose de bienveillance, d’amour et d’harmonie.

Nos contemporains pensent que le monde est contrôlé par les êtres humains et que leur volonté dirige le monde. Cependant, la vérité est que la Terre a été créée par le consensus de l’Univers bien avant la naissance de l’humanité et continue d’être guidée par le fonctionnement spirituel de l’Univers tout au long de sa longue évolution.

Il est possible que ceci dépasse l’entendement des gens modernes qui voient le monde de manière égocentrique, mais dorénavant nous sommes entrés dans une nouvelle ère : le 21e siècle. Et nous, les êtres humains, sommes à un grand tournant. Allons-nous choisir de continuer à vivre le mode de vie égocentrique du XXe siècle, qui nous mènera à la ruine ? Ou allons-nous faire un pas dans le prochain millénaire et évoluer vers le 30e siècle, en reconnaissant que nous sommes des êtres Universels ?

Depuis la révolution industrielle, le mode de vie des êtres humains a connu un formidable développement. C’était aussi une époque où le potentiel des facultés humaines était en observation. La nature a accepté les actions de l’humanité, mais cela ne signifie pas qu’elle continuera à permettre aux êtres humains de poursuivre leurs propres désirs et de perturber l’ordre du Tout. Le moment est venu pour les êtres humains d’apprendre ce qui se passera s’ils continuent sur cette voie. Si nous corrigeons fondamentalement les activités de l’humanité, qui créent la situation actuelle sur Terre, nous devons alors prendre conscience que nous sommes chacun des représentants de l’humanité. Ce n’est pas une question environnementale, mais plutôt une question concernant l’égocentrisme de tous les êtres humains.

Pour palier aux excès du capitalisme la solution ne réside pas dans un nouveau système politique ou économique pour résoudre les excès du capitalisme, ça a déjà été tenté, à travers le communisme par exemple. Le résultat étant que les gens qui prônaient le communisme comme idéologie étaient consumés par le système même qu’ils avaient créé. Au lieu de surmonter les problèmes du capitalisme, ils ont créé une société sans spiritualité individuelle qui gérait les gens de manière uniforme. Ce type d’idéalisme n’est devenu qu’un changement théorique, mais pas en pratique. Comme vous pouvez le voir, peu importe comment vous essayez de concevoir une nouvelle idéologie et essayez d’améliorer le monde, si vous ne corrigez pas fondamentalement l’esprit qui crée le problème, toutes les tentatives deviennent une simple critique du système, mais n’y changent rien.

Alors, sur quoi devrions-nous nous concentrer lorsque nous analysons la cause profonde ? La spiritualité, la source de tous les phénomènes, et, l’écosystème, la Terre, le système solaire, la galaxie, l’Univers, qui existaient avant les êtres humains. Nous sommes nés de cette harmonie cosmique. Donc, nous devons concentrer nos esprits sur le réseau de force vitale de ce monde.

Lorsque nous faisons cela, la difficulté principale pour les gens modernes est de s’extraire de intérêts autocentrés qui les lient à leurs propres normes et limitent la façon dont ils perçoivent les évènement de leur quotidien. Le moment est maintenant venu pour les êtres humains de transcender leur égo et de créer un monde en harmonie avec la Volonté de l’Univers. C’est en fait le plus grand changement de cap de l’histoire de l’humanité, car nous changeons la trajectoire de notre vie. Et cette perspective nous permet de comprendre la véritable raison pour laquelle les êtres humains sont apparus sur Terre.



À chacun des êtres humains qui vit au 21e siècle

Le 21ème siècle marque le début d’une nouvelle ère . Nous sommes confrontés à une étape importante de la longue histoire de la Terre. Le millénaire qui vient d’entamer sa course vers l’an 3000 n’évoluera pas grâce à la science développée au cours du XXe siècle. Il est maintenant temps de corriger le comportement autocratique qui a provoqué une telle évolution et de changer notre perception de la nature.

La Terre a commencé à rectifier les contradictions que les humains ont accumulées sur cette planète. Changer leur mode de vie et corriger leur direction demande une énergie considérable aux êtres humains. Si pour cela il faut en passer par des catastrophes naturelles, elles seront dévastatrices. Mais avons-nous vraiment besoin de subir de telles catastrophes alors que nous sommes si développés ?

Une révolution de conscience pour vivre

Peu importe combien d’êtres humains détruisent ce monde, la nature a le pouvoir de réparer la destruction que nous avons causé et de la ramener à son état de santé originel. Cependant, cela prendra beaucoup de temps. C’est pourquoi nous devons utiliser la sagesse humaine au lieu de compter sur le temps.

La sagesse n’est pas quelque chose qui peut être obtenue en apprenant, mais c’est l’essence de la vie qui dort dans l’ADN de chacun de nous et jaillit intrinsèquement. Puisque nous faisons partie de la grande force de vie cosmique, toutes les informations de l’origine de l’Univers restent dans notre ADN spirituel. Les principes de cette sagesse Universelle s’expriment de manière appropriée en fonction de l’époque dans laquelle nous vivons. Si l’ère moderne est insensée, alors nous aurons la sagesse pour surmonter une telle folie. Lorsque nous tournerons notre conscience vers la sagesse en notre fort intérieur, nos potentiels latents s’élèveront. Cela est dû au fait que l’ère, qui est entraînée par la volonté de l’Univers, a déjà changé de direction vers la prochaine étape de l’évolution.

Plutôt que d’être soumis aux vagues du temps, les êtres humains doivent canaliser la volonté de l’Univers et créer ensemble ce monde, qui deviendra un paradis sur Terre, à travers lequel la volonté de l’Univers s’exprime. Cela ne se fera pas à travers des systèmes de pensée, comme le capitalisme ou le communisme, qui ne cherchent qu’à contrôler la production de richesses pour les êtres humains. C’est la révolution consciente de la vie qui bouleversera complètement le niveau actuel de conscience de l’humanité, qui amènera un Age qui n’a jamais été connu auparavant dans toute l’histoire de l’humanité.

Aux personnes qui contrôlent le pouvoir et les richesses du monde
Veuillez utiliser votre statut élevé et vos compétences expertes pour rendre ce monde réellement sain. La vraie valeur de l’être humain est spirituelle. Peu importe combien vous êtes admiré selon les distorsions actuelles de la société ; ce n’est pas votre vraie valeur lorsque vous quittez votre corps, et devenez un être spirituel, et retournez dans l’Univers. Pour devenir un être vraiment digne, veuillez avoir le courage de guider la société dans la bonne direction avec une volonté de restaurer la relation entre la spiritualité et la physicalité. À l’origine, ceux qui occupaient des postes à responsabilité devaient considérer sérieusement le Tout (la force vitale de la Terre, qui comprend les êtres humains) et prendre des décisions pour créer un pays fier (la Terre). Si vous pouvez reconquérir un cœur aussi noble, alors vous deviendrez vraiment précieux à la vie de tous les êtres vivants.

S’éveiller en tant que chef d’orchestre de la Symphonie de la Vie de l’Univers

La Terre est un miracle de l’Univers. En premier lieu, c’est aussi un miracle que l’Univers ait pris forme. C’est un message de la Grande Volonté, qui s’étend bien au-delà de la pensée humaine. Par conséquent, il est naturel que l’existence de cette planète soit un miracle dans l’Univers. Nous pouvons l’appeler SHINPI. SHIN signifie Dieu et PI signifie secret de l’Univers. SHINPI réside dans tous les coins de notre vie quotidienne, mais nos contemporains sont si pollués par leurs pensées qu’ils ne peuvent pas croire en son existence. Nous avons sombré dans une telle folie qu’il nous est impossible de voir que la vie est un miracle. Cependant, en prenant conscience de la folie de notre dessein et en vivant selon l’expression naturelle de SHINPI, nous ferons le premier pas vers l’élimination des contradictions de cette planète.

La vie la plus prospère sur Terre aujourd’hui est celle de l’humanité. Essentiellement, la vie est quelque chose qui grandit au fur et à mesure qu’elle s’épanouit. Si l’essence de l’Univers est la bienveillance, l’amour et l’harmonie, en la partageant avec une multitude d’êtres, nous exprimons la richesse et la diversité naturelles de la Terre qui nous lie à notre réseau de soutien vital. Cependant, pourquoi le monde actuel génère-t-il autant de contradictions alors que l’humanité continue de croître? À l’origine, plus il y avait de personnes pour partager l’abondance plus nous pouvions créer et recevoir l’abondance du monde. C’est important d’en être conscients.

Lorsque les gens entendent le mot « paradis sur terre », ils peuvent avoir l’impression que ce n’est qu’un monde imaginaire ; impossible à réaliser. Cependant, si nous le regardons sous un angle différent, nous pouvons voir que le paradis sur Terre approche car la destruction des contradictions de l’humanité a déjà commencé, ainsi que les systèmes sociaux existants. Si vous ressentez la volonté derrière les messages que la Terre communique, alors vous pouvez voir que l’intention cosmique est de nous amener dans une ère utopique, qui est l’aboutissement vers lequel tend l’humanité depuis sa création. La réalisation de ce superbe nouveau monde est confiée à l’éveil de chacun de nous.

Nous atteignons maintenant le plus grand tournant cosmique de l’histoire de l’humanité. A ce stade, nous prenons conscience que nous sommes confrontés à une impasse quant au type de monde dans lequel nous allons vivre c’est l’expression de la vie cosmique.

La vision du monde ego ou anthropo-centrée, qui a conduit à la chute de l’humanité moderne, crée non seulement de grandes contradictions pour nous-mêmes, mais projette également une ombre colossale sur le potentiel de l’humanité à prospérer en tant que membre du réseau de force vitale sur Terre. Nous devons maintenant apprendre des phénomènes induits par cette réalité, transcender notre mode de vie auto-centré et vivre comme une expression du magnifique écosystème de la Terre, qui est un véritable miracle de l’Univers. On peut dire que les êtres humains ont pour mission de devenir de meneurs de vie sur Terre en utilisant leur potentiel. Maintenant, nous avons passé l’an 2000 et nous sommes entrés dans une nouvelle ère de ce grand Univers. Le temps est venu pour nous de libérer notre plein potentiel en tant que chef d’orchestre de cette symphonie cosmique et de vivre comme l’expression de la grande diversité des vies sur cette planète, selon une perspective Universelle.

À toute l’humanité
Si votre cœur résonne avec ce message, veuillez le diffuser librement aux personnes qui vous sont liées dans vos pays et dans vos propres langues. S’il vous plaît, éveillez-vous au but initial de savoir pourquoi les êtres humains sont nés dans ce monde, réalisez la préciosité d’être humain et exprimez le consensus de l’Univers selon votre propre volonté. Ensuite, vous deviendrez un leader dans l’expansion du réseau de vie de notre nouvelle planète. Ce message invite à l’éveil de chaque être humain qui vit sur Terre, car il est maintenant temps pour chacun de jouer un rôle de premier plan.

J’espère toucher la beauté qui s’exprime en chacun de vous et qui est le reflet de la beauté de cette Terre.




人類有史以來 最大的轉向



於“以自我為中心”的思考 ──




經由宇宙的整體意念而創造的星球 —— 地球





經歷了如此悠久的進化之後,從數百萬種的生命中脫穎而出 —— 人類,誕生了。





















發狂的自我 ——








21世紀的人類 —— 所有人



















人类有史以来 最大的转向



关于“以自我为中心”的思考 ──




经由宇宙的整体意念而创造的星球 ── 地球





经历了如此悠久的进化之后,从数百万种的生命中脱颖而出 ── 人类,诞生了。






在这个多样性的星球 ── 地球上,确实存在着丰富多彩、数量庞大的生命。人类以外的生命,即使是同一物种之中,每一个的个体之间并无如此之大的差异。每一个生命沿着个体目的生存,但是首先,其前提是:发挥着“物种”的作用。而且,绝不是脱离生态系的循环,而是用自己的生命供养其他生命,在这个地球生命生态系统中成全生命。不过,即使是在同一物种中,人类也被赋予了彼此不同的个性,通过这个差异将自己和他人区别看待。而且,变得尤其意识到“自我”这个存在,将自己只是宏大世界的一部分这件事抛诸脑后。比起发挥物种作用,更优先实现自己的个人目的。















发狂的自我 ──




现代人认为,世界是由自己 —— 生活在地上的人营造的,自己的意志在推动着世界。但事实上,地球是在人类诞生很久以前,由宇宙的总意所创造的,经过漫长进化后的今天,仍然依照宇宙的精神性作用不断被引导着。对于以自我为中心看待世界的现代人来说,这也许无法理解。然而,在进入21世纪的今天,我们人类,是持续到20世纪为止,那种以自我为中心的生活方式,最终被淘汰呢?还是意识到自己为宇宙中一员,向着30世纪进化,走进崭新的千年纪元呢?我们正站在巨大的十字路口,面临抉择。


要解决这个,不是创建制度或构建什么组织。过去,为了克服资本主义的弊端,人类创造了共产主义这个新构架。然而,提出共产主义理想的人们,沉溺在自己的创造中,不仅没克服资本主义的弊端,还通过统一管理人们的体制创造了无个性社会,使这个理想变得有名无实。如此,无论如何思考新构架,如何想要改善世界,如果不对产生这个问题的根本 —— 精神,不对它动刀,那也只不过是想法而已。


21世纪的人类 —— 所有人












现在我们迎来了人类历史上最大的宇宙之转折点。与此同时,我们人类和地球 —— 这个宇宙生命的星球一起,面临抉择,要判断今后将呈现出怎样的世界。





Konohana Family Newsletter vol.100〈English〉

It is the biggest change ever in human history!

The time to correct the trajectory of humanity has finally arrived!

The people who live in the present era have fallen into a “Self-centered” way of thinking ────
Can you release yourself from this spell?


The Earth, a planet created through universal consensus

We live in the universe.

In the universe, everything is connected, circulating and harmonized. Each of the countless planets in the vastness of space have an original individuality which are unique to each other. The diversity of the planets interact with each other, maintain a perfect balance on a magnificent scale, and connect with each other as if they were playing as a single symphony, while vibrating a beautiful harmony.

The Earth was born with the consensus of the universe.

The Earth is a model of the universe. Fire, water, soil, air, wind, minerals, microorganisms, plants, animals ――― A variety of natural elements with various functions play roles that cannot be substituted by each other, while creating a rich life network called the Earth’s ecosystem. This life network is connected in an infinite circulation, which has evolved over the past 13.8 billion years, from the birth of our galaxy, to the past 4.6 billion years, with the birth of our planet. The Earth has become a unique planet with a vast life force which cannot be found anywhere else in the universe.

At the peak of its eternal evolution, humanity was born upon the Earth as the only species out of the millions of others to exist, or have existed, upon this planet.

In ancient times, humans received their orders from the planets, interacted with nature, and lived according to an ecological cycle with many other lives. The people during those times intrinsically knew that they were part of this great universe and that their lives were provided and supported by the circulation of the cosmos. However, this life, which appeared at the end of a long evolutionary journey, began to evolve rapidly, which is historically unprecedented. Human beings have come to bring a massive influences upon the ecosystem of this planet, which continues to circulate beautifully according to the arrangements of the universe.



Extraordinary natural phenomenon are the messages that wake us up

Human beings have very different points of view from other lives. This is due to their outstanding egos.

The Earth, the planet of diversity, has many unique lives. Among non-human lives, there are not many differences between individuals of the same species. Individual lives seem to exist according to the will of the individual, but on the premise that each serves their role as a species, and completes their life without deviating from the cycle of the Earth’s ecosystem, which connects all functions together. However, human beings were given different characters within the same species, and came to see themselves separately from each other because of their uniqueness. While in the past they were aware of the existence of “oneself”, they have since forgotten that they are a part of this great world. Now humans give priority to fulfilling the purpose of the individual over serving the whole as a species.

Human beings have a high creativity that is not found in other lives. They have come to realize the desires that spring out from them by utilizing their abilities. Their desires grow further as their wishes come true, and their egos grow steadily. As a result, humans have forgotten the existence of the stars, communicating with nature, and, rather, they have started expanding the artificial world, which is convenient only for themselves, while ignoring many other lives.

The current world, created by modern people, is very negative, which stems from people putting themselves first, while only seeing situations according to their own perspective. Then, if there is something that they do not like or that does not match their preference, they regard it as a foreign object, deny and discriminate it, or attack it as an enemy. Even environmental protection, and peace movements perpetuate confirmation bias by denying and opposing each other. If something does not meet their standards, it becomes a target to be denied and even destroyed, whether it is an individual, a nation, or even nature.

On the other hand, the life force of the world embraces human beings, allocates for a variety of diverse lifeforms without denying any of them, and supports the uniqueness of each role. If human beings had an extraterrestrial perspective, we would know that the Earth is a place where everything is shared, and everything exists in mutual accord with each other. Then, we would realize how strange and ridiculous the current lifestyle of humanity has become, in which we only insist for ourselves and do not think of others. While having the highest ability among the many lives on Earth, humans pollute the environment, hurt other lifeforms, and even kill each other of the same species. It is totally unsuitable for the formation of this world, and it is harmful for the entire ecosystem; and as such, nature is ridding itself of what no longer serves the harmony of the whole.

In reference to the present, the world has been evolving according to natural selection. We realize this based on six mass extinctions that have occurred over the past 600 million years, and when we look back on the history of the Earth, there have been various natural disasters that have laid the foundation for the next stage of evolution. The word “extinction” may bring about a sense of fear or dread in those who are obsessed with themselves because they think that they will be broken and lost, however, it is only the natural metabolism of the Earth, which allows it to become healthy and continue to harmonize with the processes of the universe. Even though such a movement has already begun, human beings attempt to rectify the crisis with only superficial means by using their high abilities to accumulate more contradictions with the vast lifeforms of the Earth, which only exacerbates the situation.



Capitalism, a system for distributing the world’s abundance, is leading it into bankruptcy

If the Earth was created through the consensus of the universe, then there should have been a cosmic intention to create the Earth. But then why did the universe give birth to such an odd and ridiculous creature like humans?

Capitalism is a major factor that has contributed to the influence of negativity nowadays. In the past, abundance used to be what was given by nature, and humans were in a position to receive it and glorify that abundance with nature. However, as capitalism grew, abundance became something that had to be won through competing with others. And even though people won it and gratified their desires, they could not become happy. Typically, once people become satisfied, they tend to keep their satisfaction indefinitely. Nevertheless, people have sought to expand their egos by pursuing greater satisfaction, and therefore, they continue to experience dissatisfaction as they constantly inflate their egos. While humanity’s competition with itself has generated failures, the winners have a fleeting sense of superiority, and once they get used to it, it turns into an obsession for success.

As if the whole of society had fallen into a state of drug addiction, people keep expanding the artificial world with a uniform set of values, and further push forward in a direction without any prospects. Further, those who hold the reins of society, and expand the artificial world without paying any attention to nature, are considered as “excellent people”. However, such people cannot see that the society as a whole is being driven toward destruction because they are consumed by their artificially induced sense of excellence.

People have fallen into a big misunderstanding that freedom and abundance are only for fulfilling their own desires. In order to control such greedy people, who cannot live in harmony without being given rules, the government has created laws and applied them uniformly for people. People mistakenly got the idea that freedom meant that they could do anything in as long as they did not violate the law, which enabled them to act freely in order to gratify their own desires. As a result of such actions, the Earth is now overflowing with problems, and while people continue to practice modern science, they cannot find the fundamental causes or solutions. And while they are good at subdividing things and analyzing them one by one with high precision, they do not have the ability to connect them in an integrated manner and discern the nature behind the phenomena. Mass media creates sensationalism by only focusing on the surface problems, while both politicians and the masses eagerly criticize each other, which creates further impasse as society fails to resolve the mounting discord. Unfortunately, nobody realizes how to cooperate with each other and solve their problems together.

This is the result of human beings forgetting that they are just one of the milieu of lives that make up nature. They have forgotten that they were given their lives by the celestial bodies and nature, and continue to insist on their egocentric claims, and cannot see that this is the source of the conflicts, environmental destruction, and mounting global impoverishment. This is the spell of “self-centered-thinking” that all modern people have fallen into, and unless humanity is freed from this spell, the world will never become a better place.



The runaway ego is a global theme brought about by humanity

The time has come for human beings to return to the starting point of life.

Let’s expand our view into the universe again. Unquestionably, we are living in the universe now. In the universe, everything is linked, circulating and harmonized. There is our galaxy, under the laws of this great universe, our solar system, and the Earth. We human beings live as part of this preciously beautiful ecosystem expressed on the Earth. If this cosmic law got out of order, and the current balance cannot be maintained, we may not continue to exist very much longer. All beings, including human beings, are alive under this great cosmic law, and it is natural for us to live up to the law of this great source of life.

Modern people are fascinated by what they see in front of them, such as money and possessions, so their physical consciousness has become very strong. Therefore, if the environment is polluted, they develop new technologies to clean it up, and if there are conflicting situations, then they negotiate in order to accommodate each other’s interests. In this way, they practice a healthy resolution of problems by getting physical results for physical phenomena. However, the essence of the universe is based in spirituality, not in physicality. There is a deep spirituality behind all phenomena, and based on that, the order of this physical world is expressed. When you realize that, you will know that the attitude behind the operation of modern human beings is biased towards physicality. Now, that bias has created contradictions that appear as phenomena. Before you try to resolve it using physical means, start by noticing the mistake in your spirituality, correct it, and return to the essence of the universe. Thusly, the physical phenomena will become extremely peaceful, and the contradictions will be naturally resolved because the essence of the universe consists of benevolence, love and harmony.

Modern people think that the world is controlled by human beings, and that their will operates the world. However, the truth is that the Earth was created by the consensus of the universe long before the birth of mankind, and continues to be guided by the spiritual operation of the universe throughout its long evolution.

It may not be understood by modern people who see the world in a self-centered way, but now the era has entered the 21st century and we human beings are standing at a great crossroads. Will we choose to continue to live an egocentric 20th century lifestyle, which will lead to ruin? Or, will we take a step into the next millennium, and evolve towards the 30th century, with the recognition that we are universal beings.

Since the industrial revolution, the lifestyle of human beings has undergone tremendous development. That was also an era when the potential of human ability was examined. Nature has accepted humanity’s actions, but it does not mean that nature will continue to allow human beings to pursue their own desires, and disturb the order of the whole. But now is the time for human beings to learn what will happen if they continue to do so. If we fundamentally correct humanity’s activities, which are creating the current situation on the Earth, then we must realize that we are each representatives of humanity. This is not an environmental issue, but rather an issue concerning the egocentrism of all human beings.

The solution does not require a new political or economic system, which has already been attempted in order to resolve the excesses of capitalism – called communism. However, the people who advocated communism as their ideology were consumed by the very system that they created, and instead of overcoming the problems of capitalism, they created a society with no individuality spirituality that managed people uniformly. This type of idealism only became a conceptual change, but not one in practice. As you can see, no matter how you attempt to conceive of a new ideology, and try to improve the world, if you don’t fundamentally correct the spirit that creates the problem, then all attempts just become a mockery towards progress.

So what should we focus on when we examine the root cause? Spirituality, the source of all phenomena, and prior to the existence of human beings, there was an ecosystem, the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, and out of such cosmic harmony we arose. So, we should focus our minds on the life force network of this world.

When we do this, the most difficult consideration for modern people to remove themselves from is their self-centered interests, which binds them by their own standards and limits how they can see the phenomena of life. Now the time has come for human beings to transcend their egos and create a world that harmonizes with the great will of the universe. This is, in fact, the greatest change of direction in human history, for we are making a change in our life’s trajectory. And this perspective allows us to know the true meaning of why human beings have arisen upon the Earth.

To every human being who lives in the 21st century

The era has entered the 21st century, and we are facing a major milestone in the long story of the Earth. The millennium, which has just started toward the year 3000, will not evolve according to the science developed during the 20th century. Now is the time to correct the autocratic behavior that has brought about such an evolution, and change our perceptions towards nature.

The Earth has started to rectify the contradictions that humans have accumulated on this planet. It requires enormous energy for human beings to correct their way of life, and change their direction. If it requires natural disasters, then these will cause tremendous pain. However, do we really need to undergo such hardship when we have such advanced abilities?

A conscious revolution to live

No matter how much human beings destroy this world, the natural world has the power to repair the destruction that we have influenced, and return it to its original state of health. However, that takes a very long time. That is why we must use human wisdom instead of relying on time.

Wisdom is not something that can be obtained by learning, but it is the essence of life that sleeps in the DNA of each one of us, and springs out intrinsically. Since we are a part of the great cosmic life force, all of the information from the beginning of the universe remains within our spiritual DNA. The properties of this universal wisdom are appropriately expressed according to the era in which we live. If the modern age is foolish, then there is wisdom to overcome such foolishness, and when we turn our consciousness towards the wisdom within ourselves, our latent potentials will arise. This is brought about because the era, which is driven by the will of the universe, has already changed its direction towards the next stage of evolution.

Rather than being subservient to the waves of time, human beings need to channel the will of the universe and create this world together, which will become a heaven on Earth, throughout which the will of the universe is expressed. It will not come about through systems of thought, like capitalism or communism, which only seek to control the production of wealth for human beings. It is the conscious revolution of life that will completely overturn humanity’s current level of awareness, which will bring about an age that has never before been experienced in all of human history.

To the people who control the power and wealth of the world
Please use your high status and excellent abilities to make this world truly healthy. The true value of man is spiritual. No matter how much you are admired in the current distortions of society, it is not your true value when you leave your body and become a spiritual being, and return to the universe. To become a truly worthy being, please have the courage to guide society in the right direction with a spirit of restoring the relationship between spirituality and physicality. Originally, those who were in positions of responsibility had to seriously consider the whole (the life force of the Earth, which includes human beings) and make decisions to create a proud country (Earth). If you can return to such a noble heart, then you will become truly precious in the lives of all sentient beings.

Awakening as a conductor for the Life Symphony of the Universe

The Earth is a miracle of the universe. In the first place, it is also a miracle that the universe has become a phenomenon. It is a message from the great will, far beyond human thought. Therefore, it is natural that the existence of this planet is a miracle in the universe, which can be said as SHINPI. SHIN means God, and PI means secret of the universe. SHINPI resides across every corner of our daily lives, however modern people, who have become polluted in their thinking, cannot believe of such an existence. Even though there is already a miracle in front of us, we have fallen into such a foolishness that we cannot understand that life is a miracle. Nevertheless, by recognizing the foolishness of our ways, and living according to the natural expression of SHINPI, then we will have made the first step toward removing the contradictions of this planet.

The most prosperous life on the Earth today is humanity. Essentially, life is something that grows in wealth as is prospers. If the essence of the universe is benevolence, love and harmony, then by sharing with more beings, we can express the Earth’s natural richness and diversity, which connects us with our life support network. However, why is the current world generating so many contradictions as humanity continues to grow? Originally, the more people we had to share with, the more abundance we could create and receive from the world. We must be aware of that.

When people hear the word “Heaven on Earth”, they may feel like this is only an imaginary world which is too impossible to realize. However, if we look at it from a different perspective, we can see that heaven on Earth is approaching because the destruction of humanity’s contradictions have already begun, along with the existing social systems. If you sense the will behind the messages that the Earth is communicating, then you can see that the cosmic intention is to bring us into a utopian era, which has been the striving of humanity since its inception. The realization of this great new world is entrusted within the awakening of each one of us.

We are now at the biggest cosmic turning point in human history. At the same time, human beings are facing an impasse as to what kind of world we are going to live in, as an expression of cosmic life.

The self-oriented, or human-oriented, worldview which has led to the fall of modern humanity, not only creates great contradictions for ourselves, but also casts a great shadow on the potential of humanity to prosper as part of the life force network on the Earth. We are now required to learn from the phenomena of this reality, transcend our self-oriented way of life, and live as an expression of the Earth’s beautiful ecosystem, which is a true miracle of the universe. It can be said, that human beings have a mission to become great conductors of life on the Earth through employing our high abilities. Now, we have passed the year 2000 and we have entered a new era in this great universe. The time has come for us to unleash our full potential as a conductor of this cosmic symphony, and live as an expression of the vast diversity of lives on this planet, according to a universal perspective.

To all of humanity
If your heart resonates with this message, please spread this freely to the people related to you across your countries and in your own languages. Please awaken to the original purpose as to why human beings were born into this world, realize the preciousness of being human, and express the consensus of the universe according to your own will. Then, you will become a leader in expanding the life network of our new planet. This message urges the awakening of every human being who lives on the Earth, since now is the time for everyone to take a leading role.

I hope to meet the beauty within each one of you as an expression of this beautiful Earth.


Konohana Family Newsletter vol.99 – KATAKAMUNA

The Cosmic Wisdom that will Return in the Modern Era
To Give a New Perspective to People who Live in these Chaotic Times


The World You See is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Modern society has achieved a remarkable development due to scientific evolution, seeking more abundance and more comforts. Human wishes have generated new technologies one after another, changed the world for their convenience, and their living has become very convenient and comfortable. However, the more desires humans have gratified, the more one-sided desires they have expanded, ignoring nature. Humans’ activities to gratify their desires have brought a lot of contradictions upon the earth.
Global warming, due to consuming a huge amount of natural resources, has brought abnormal climate everywhere. Currently, it is ordinary to have tremendous snowfall in winter and huge typhoons and heavy flooding in summer. Moreover, various pollutants which have been discharged from a comfortable lifestyles are widespread in the environment. Therefore, it is said that it is impossible to purify radioactive waste and micro plastics. While people are seeking material abundance, bonds among people have been lost. People have conflicts, and so do nations. Disparity, declining birthrates, and an aging population have advanced. Furthermore, crimes which express anxiety and irritation of the whole society have frequently occurred. All of these phenomena have emerged as a result of what we humans have done so far. And now, the era has begun when humans have no choice but to face this fact finally, and although they have created these phenomena, they have turned away from the root cause.

For the coming era, it will be very severe to live, but there is something to bring us a viewpoint to make a breakthrough in this dead end, which cannot be solved by science any longer. It is Katakamuna.

As for the iceberg which is floating in the ocean, what emerges above the ocean is just 10% of the whole, and the rest of the 90% lies hidden below sea level. We can apply this to the world where we live, too. “The visible world” which the modern people sense with five senses is just the tip of the iceberg of this whole world. “The invisible world” which supports the existence of “the visible world” spreads behind “the visible world.” This combination of “the visible world” and “the invisible world” is called “GENSHO-KAI (the phenomenal world).” On top of that, there is a fundamental world which becomes the source of all existences of this world, behind GENSHO-KAI. This is called “SENSHO-KAI (the potential world of the source).”
The iceberg sometimes flows toward a different direction from the wind’s direction which blows over the sea. It is because the wind’s direction which can be sensed on land is different from the direction of ocean currents which move the iceberg in the ocean. This world operates by a huge invisible flow which cannot be classified by modern science. When we put our consciousness toward this flow, we will be able to see that a great will which operates this world exists. The fact that Katakamuna, which has been sealed for a long time, has returned in the modern era is also according to this majestic flow.
Now, let us guide you to the Katakamuna world, which unravels the whole picture of this world!


The Cosmophysics Civilization of 13,000 Years Ago

Katakamuna is an advanced cosmophysics and civilization which is said to have flourished in East Asia about 13,000 years ago when the solar system was in the peak of light. Katakamuna declined along with the flow of the era when the solar system moved from the peak of light to that of darkness, and the material civilization, in which people began to seek fulfillment through material existence. In such a situation, Katakamuna vanished from the center stage of history for a long time. However, in 1949, a physicist named Satsuki Narasaki encountered an old man during a geological survey of the ground in the Rokko Mountains, Hyogo Prefecture, and the old man showed “the Katakamuna literature.” From there, this wisdom became unraveled in the modern era.


The System which Infinitely Circulates
through a Qualitative Shift (NA) between

The world where we live consists of GENSHO-KAI (the phenomenal world) which is the combination of “the visible world” and “the invisible world” and SENSHO-KAI (the potential world of the source) which is behind GENSHO-KAI and supports it. People who lived in the Katakamuna era sensed this existence of SENSHO-KAI with intuition.
SENSHO-KAI is the world of vibrancy which becomes the source of all phenomena, lives, and substances which emerge in GENSHO-KAI. This vibrancy is not what we can hear with our physical ears, but it fills the whole cosmos as the source of all existences. No distortion or turbidity exists throughout this nature. People who lived in the Katakamuna era sensed the vibrancy of this cosmic creation with intuition, classified it into 48 sounds through articulating syllables, and expressed them as symbols, which are called eight-span mirror letters. It is said that these 48 sounds became the origin of the current Japanese language.

The Katakamuna No. 5 & No. 6 Chants as Expressed by Eight-Span Mirror Letters

Each of these 48 sounds has an original meaning (SHINEN, meaning the source of thoughts) as an element which composes the universe. The ancient Katakamuna people created 80 chants (or 120 chants according to another theory) by combining these pure sounds in order to express how the world came into existence. More importantly, chants No. 5 and No. 6 begin with “HI HU MI YO I MA WA LI TE ME KU LU MU NA YA KO TO” which express the physics of creation, development, and disappearance of the universe, and the process of creating phenomena, which is indicated by the principle of numbers. Moreover, many of the chants are related to the original meaning of sex. The Katakamuna people had sex which is the fundamental system of life generation, through instinctively sensing the vibrancy of great cosmic life by TAIKO-HASSEI (an emergence when opposite qualities such as yin and yang face each other), such as between a man and a woman. They enhanced their own intuitions by resonating with the vibrancy of the cosmic source, and survived in an era which was of a very strict environment by utilizing a right life intuition. People of that time sensed the vibrancy of the source with the cells of their whole bodies (body and soul) instead of thinking with brain, they received guidance from the stars, had dialogue with nature, and lived based on the principle of life within the great cosmic circulation. This world of vibrant source, which is SENSHO-KAI is called the world of “KAMU (= God).” When everything matches with each other and the world of the pure vibrancy without any distortion becomes full of thoughts (SHINEN), and thoughts overflow, it will become beautiful distortion, emerge as GENSHO-KAI, and become a life. GENSHO-KAI, in which the network of various lives is expressed, is the world of “KATA (=forms, shapes). All existences emerge from the world of KAMU to that of KATA, and when they complete their roles, they will return to the world of KAMU again. They continue to circulate infinitely through a qualitative shift “NA (= transform into a new thing) between the two worlds. This system of great circulation between KATA and KAMU is “KATAKAMUNA.”


Modern Society has Reached the Peak of Pollution

Phenomena of this world consist of vibrancy, and all existences have their unique vibrancies. People who lived the Katakamuna lifestyle sensed the vibrancies and classified them into 48 sounds. They instinctively recognized the meanings hidden behind these existences by combining each sound and making words. As infinite harmony is created from the heptatonic scale (Harmonic Octaves) of C D E F G A B C, the uniqueness of various lives are expressed (named) appropriately by a combination of the 48 pure sounds, which have developed as a beautiful network in the natural world. However, people who live in the modern era have ignored each unique vibrancy and have been compelled by their desires, by using their high self-realization ability which cannot be seen in any other living being. As a result, they have manifested events which are appropriate to their own actions. Then, they have ended up creating an extraneous world which is far from the fundamental vibrancy which had created the universe.

The modern people who have been tainted with scientific thoughts in the modern era do not recognize an existence which they cannot perceive as three-dimensional phenomena. They are just conscious of “the visible world” out of the world of multiple structures. When insects eat crops, people use agricultural chemicals and kill them. Also, when people become sick, doctors prescribe medicines just to suppress their symptoms. In this manner, modern people have piled up contradictions in the world by not facing the root cause of the problem and repeating superficial measures. As a result, “the visible world” in the modern era is full of artificially distorted vibrations, which appears as a great impasse.

“The visible world” is a world of subjectivity. People’s consciousness is always “self-centered.” They do not objectively perceive what their actions have brought to the world. Moreover, even activists to promote peace and environmental conservation insist on justice through their own beliefs, and end up bringing about conflicts to the world. In contrast, “the invisible world” which is behind “the visible world” is a world of objectivity. Just like when bacteria purify water when it is polluted in the natural world, what has been distorted and polluted in “the visible world” will be purified through natural circulation including “the invisible world”, and all will become healthy. This is the original system. However, human activities in the modern era have generated pollution which is beyond the capacity of natural purification. Therefore, we have reached the stage where it is impossible to purify pollution only in the circulation of GENSHO-KAI (the phenomenal world) anymore. This infinite circulation system is universal circulation, which returns the distorted and polluted world that modern people’s consciousness cannot solve, to its original healthy state.


Live with Our Whole Soul and Body in the Universe

GENSHO-KAI consists of an infinite chain of causes and effects. When we perceive this infinite chain as one story, the existence of the great will, which expresses this story, will be seen behind it. This is called the objective background, which is the source of the system which makes the world exist and operate. This is also far beyond human intellect.

The world repeatedly changes, transforms and transfigures over the course of time, which never stops, and continues to move toward an unknown future. People who lived in the Katakamuna era sensed each moment with their whole soul and body, instantly judged what was necessary to survive in the environment, which was changing with every moment, and wove their lives into the fabric of life. They did not have fixed thinking, and lived in the moment, changing themselves just along with the change of the world. This continuation of changes is evolution, the figure of a beautiful life, and the original energy of life.

The whole soul and body means that billions of cells which compose the holistic body become parabolic antennas, the brain does not think but rather, the whole body senses the vibrancy, which penetrates life, and then expresses these vibrations through an attitude of words and actions. We do not live alone as a life in this world. First of all, there is the great universe, within which there is our galaxy, our solar system, our global ecosystem, and humanity. Then, each one of us exists. We live under this order of life, and all living beings exist based on the fundamental principle of the universe which is the original source.

DNA in the cells of animals and plants in the natural world respond to the universe without ego, so their life activities automatically reflect the cosmic system without being taught, and become a beautiful expression. In contrast, out of all living beings, only human beings have become a creature which has thoughts over the process of evolution. Because they were given an ability to realize their thoughts by ego, they have become prisoners of pleasure who gratify their desires, have enlarged their egos, and have forgotten that they are an existence that responds to the universe. Now, modern people have polluted the life world and even destroyed it by deviating from the fundamental principle of the universe.

In order for human beings to respond to the universe again, we need to return our thoughts from ego. We can align our thoughts with the universe by controlling our egos, instead of being controlled by it. Then, DNA in the cells of our whole bodies plays the role as an antenna which interacts with the universe. When we live as a life force, the cells of our whole body are already equipped with the life principles. Women express their lives as women, and men do so as men, and fulfill their lives. In the same way, information from the beginning of the universe to the end is asleep in our DNA which is a part of cosmic life. A blueprint of the future is within, and when we live as a life force, we engrave our experiences into our DNA to continue as wisdom for the next era.

When we release ourselves from the constraints of our ego, we will be able to live out true freedom. Analyzing the SHINEN (the source of thoughts) of “KUNI (which means a country in general Japanese)” by Katakamuna, it is not a territory which is divided by borders. It indicates a place where freedom (KU) has been established (NI). The true meaning of living out KUNI is to release ourselves, talk to the universe with our whole body and soul, and receive messages from the universe with our whole being.

Then, a pure and beautiful vibrancy of the cosmic source will emit from within you, and resound in this world. This vibrancy will resolve the distortion of the world, and give energy to all lives. As a result, something broken will be automatically recovered and return to normal. It is the world of universal circulation, expressed as Katakamuna.


Katakamuna People who Live in the Modern Era

It is said that the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy, where we exist, is about 100,000 light years. It means that it takes 100,000 years for light, which is the fastest observable nature currently and standard of modern physics, to move from one edge to the other within the galaxy. That is, it has a limit, so the universe cannot be unraveled by scientific observation.

However, in fact, there is something which is far beyond the speed of light and can instantly perceive the universe in this world. It is SHINEN (the source of thoughts) which is equipped with us. SHINEN is the emanation of the soul, which instantly runs through the universe at the speed of AMAHAYAMI (meaning the speed of SHINEN, 10-64 x the speed of light). The universe is also an existence which has a soul, and maintains the vast cosmic space which cannot be perceived by science and order of AMAHAYAMI. Katakamuna people did not have advanced observatory equipment or data, but they sensed the reality of the universe and lived. If we humans, having the same SHINEN as the universe, become aware of source consciousness, which maintains cosmic order and resonates with this dimension, we can become an existence who operates the universe with the consciousness of the original source.

The universe is an infinite chain of information. Opposite qualities surely exist at the same time (TAIKO-HASSEI) in the universe, so big is small and small is big. There is no right or wrong. There is only information of what happens from our perspective, based on the principle of cause and effect.  However, human beings invented paper and letters along over the emergence of various civilizations. Then, we began to two-dimensionally interpret this world which is originally multi-dimensional, and perceive things based on dualistic thinking such as good or bad, right or wrong. As a result, we came to fix specific matters, thinking “this is right,” and stand at a position of “I know the right answer.”

Science subdivides things and explores the divided parts very sharply. Therefore, the whole picture can be perceived by connecting them all. If we make a specific matter absolute, we will get an answer only from there, which ends up generating a fixed concept. This surely creates contradictions in the world which changes, transforms and transfigures. The reason why human beings fix a specific matter as the right answer is that this is humanity’s nature of wanting to be the one who knows the right answer. By standing at a position of “I know it,” human beings have become arrogant, forgotten that we are given life by this world, and deviated from the original meaning of why we exist in the universe.

No matter how much we believe we understand, it is impossible for us to reach the edge of the galaxy or create even one life. All existences in this world have been created with cosmic wisdom, and there is nothing which human beings can create through our own power.

Once upon a time, wisdom was floating in the universe. The wisdom received the request of the era and became SHINEN which causes phenomena. This is the beginning of the manifestation of this world. As the beginning was wisdom, we humans and all other existence in GENSHO-KAI will return to the wisdom again sooner or later. Then, all phenomena will become emptiness.

In order to understand this, human beings should stop standing at a side of “I know about this world” and stand at a side of “I am given life by this world.” Then, cosmic wisdom will automatically enter us. The universe continues to change, transform, and transfigure, and even truth continues to change along with the era. Therefore, we do not need to think “This is all correct” with the current Katakamuna interpretation. It is not to be fixed as knowledge, but to master it, resonate with the fundamental vibrancy of great cosmic life, and sense the great flow that is invisible and operates this world. It will be more and more difficult to live in the coming era. In this change of the era, you are currently encountering information to sense each moment and master your ability to survive.

The universe is information. Living is encountering a chain of information such as “This happens when you do this” based on the principle of cause and effect. Katakamuna is telling us this fundamental principle. However, there is a world in which this principle does not apply in the universe. We are under the law of the Milky Way galaxy which exists by TAIKO-HASSEI of time and space, based on the principle of cause and effect. If we go to another galaxy, there is another law. When we perceive the universe in this manner, a part of our brain which has not been used will begin to function. Then, our viewpoint will change. When it changes, people will be released from their ego and become free.

Currently, the era is about to change greatly. Although the era is about to change, human beings have not changed. Therefore, society has not changed, and the gap between our thoughts and reality is appearing as appropriate phenomena, which is our current society in this modern era. Various phenomena which are occurring in society are telling us that we have been given a great opportunity to change our consciousness and be reborn, which is a qualitative shift. How far can we humans, who contain infinite possibilities, reach? The time is coming when our human nature will be tested.

Katakamuna people are not the ones who lived a long time ago and are different from us. Katakamuna is the principle of the world where we live. Even this moment, the world operates by this system. When we understand this and live it out, we will become Katakamuna people (cosmic beings) who live in the modern era.

If you would like to explore Katakamuna further, please join “The One Month Truth School” which will be held at the Konohana Family.

*As for the year 2020, it will be held from February 23rd to March 21st. If you are interested in it, we recommend you apply for it as soon as possible since the seats are limited.


For the Central Sun and All the People Who Live on the Earth  ~Message from the Foot of Mt. Fuji~

If we decipher the modern society in which we live, we can see that human activities are spreading on a global scale and seem to control the world. However, it is very difficult to say that the existence of humanity has brought a healthy world order to this earth. The current reality is that in order to fulfill the desires of their individual egos, people have created a poor, immature world by competing, scrabbling with each other, and generating inequalities. Intrinsically, the earth’s ecosystem is an expression of an abundant world where diverse life forms harmonize and coexist. In such a world, the abundance sought by modern people has moved in a direction that conforms to the aspirations of their egos, and has brought disorder to a world where all life is supposed to be harmonious and beautiful. Humans are even now continuing to move forward in the direction sought out by their egos without feeling any sense of contradiction. Looking back on the history of the earth, and even sensing the formation of the universe, we can see that order has never been brought about by such a unilateral step. Furthermore, when we look at the current state of the world, we are beginning to see that society will no longer be viable if we continue in this way. Therefore, as a person who feels anxiety about the current status of human beings, I send this message out of concern for the future.

Twenty-five years ago, we established Konohana Family at the foot of Mt. Fuji and started a process to put our will into practice. As far as most modern people are concerned, our way of living is considered to be impossible. At the time Konohana Family was founded, no one, even the participants, understood what the purpose was or what actions they should take. What prodded us into action was intuition and trust rather than thinking.
Without any support or evidence, as a founder of this path, I suggested this way of life to everyone on the basis of spiritual encounters and the intuition that “I must achieve my principal purpose in my life,”. For their part, the founding members who encountered me started on this path without any guarantee, just with trust. What became the driving force was a consistent focus on correcting our minds and living with a beautiful heart. If we do not respond to the future of humanity, and also the future of the earth, with a beautiful heart, eventually the right of humans to exist on the earth will be called into question. However, many people who live in the present age are in a state of consciousness that does not take notice of this. That is why the current society is at a standstill, and the more you see the reality of society, the more clearly you can see this.

How should we, human beings live in the next Era?
When we look at modern human society, we see that people have created structures of human convenience such as laws and systems, and have tried to maintain order with restrictions they have built on the basis of people’s speculations. However, it can be said that these structures are a human ego-trip. In other words, if you look at the reality of this world from bigger and bigger and broader and broader viewpoints, it exists under the laws of a huge universe, such as those of the solar system, and the galaxy. The life ecosystem exists on the basis of the laws of the earth, and the order of human society will be sustainable only if we humans follow these laws and coexist with all beings on the basis of the same laws.
Unfortunately, those who have been leading humanity and leaders who were selected on the basis of human greed and thought are in mental states that are incapable of recognizing the basic mechanisms of such a world. That is why they are suitable as leaders of the present age. This can be clearly understood when we analyze the present state of the earth from the perspective outlined above, but it can be said that modern leaders have fallen into the absence of such mental circuits. And the current state of society is created not by the consciousness of certain leaders, but by the collective consciousness of all the people living in the present age.

Under such circumstances, 25 years ago, some people who could not see the future and had no idea where to go, but who just felt that this way of life would be important for the coming age, started to live together by transcending blood relationships. Those who felt a faint instinct toward this way of life relied on it, and those who did not have those instincts; just relied on their mutual trust, stepped forward; and have come through to the present day. The philosophy that became the most important pillar of this life was that of making the mind beautiful. Because we in this community are human beings, the ego takes precedence, and whenever a polluted mind has emerged from the ego, the members have questioned, examined and refined it each other. Living in our modern society, this naturally; seemed painful for many people. Therefore, for those people who had high ideals but could not face the reality of themselves, there was a limitation on joining this way of life, and as a result, they dropped out. Transcending the ego and recalling the true self that exists within is difficult not only for these people, but for many people who live in the present day. However, each of us knows, as the core of our being, that our human existence is at base a sacred existence, and that that is the most important thing in life.
Human beings are given diverse and unique egos that no other life form has. The ego brings diversity to the world. The true purpose of humans’ having been given their egos is to give abundant expression to the world through their diversity. Each person’s original personality has been given to them in order for them to play that role. However, in the history of their unique evolution, human beings have manifested abundance through the diversity carried by their egos, but moved in the direction of fulfilling the individual desires that spring from the ego, and as a result of each individual seeking their own happiness, through their diversity they brought disharmony to the world. Therefore, no matter how much the leaders who were chosen through the extension of the greed of such people; want to enrich the country, if humans do not fundamentally re-examine what it means to be a human being, they will not be aware that the current social confusion was brought about by a misunderstanding of what it means to seek happiness, and will not be able to bring the right order to the world as life.
The life of Konohana Family has been able to continue until today because it is built on the pillar of striving to make each person’s mind beautiful, and the reason behind that is a spirituality of high consciousness, i.e., —- love and trust. The Source of this world is a beautiful harmony based on love, and for the coming age, we should build a country (Kunitsukuri) in this way.

Therefore, even if you are not a person who can speak superior reason with high consciousness, if you are just honest and supple, and live with your intuition instead of thinking about your gain and loss, that will lead you to the beautiful world which is the substance of this world. This is because this world was originally beautiful, and it is only that humans polluted it with their own greed. Now, it is time to throw away ambition and create a truly beautiful world in order for humans to apply their superior abilities in service of the purpose sought by Source.
The truth is that we are not living in this world by our own powers, but we are given life and living within the great mechanisms of the universe. Therefore, we humans are by nature living out an existence in accordance with the intentions of the world that is making use of us, and we are not in a position to fulfill the desires that arise from us ourselves. In order to receive these subtle messages, we have to refine the spirit in your thinking part. When we reach such a state, the celestial body tells us how we should live. We receive orders from the universe (Mei) and reflect them in our own way of life. This is the true position of a person living on the earth, and living is an expression of orders from the universe.
There are many places in modern human society that take the form of a community, but to the extent that the community is devoted to the fulfillment of the individual ego, the ego will expand and eventually create contradictions. Once that state is reached, it becomes impossible for the community to continue its operation. As with religions of the past, it may have been possible to keep going within a certain restricted domain, but that was within a special world not accepted by the general public. That is why an awakening is needed now. If we expand our field of view, we see that the earth is a special area in the universe, and it is one community. When we humans who live as life on earth realize this, receive the order from the universe, and express it on the earth as physicality, a beautiful world will be brought to the earth. That is heaven on earth. That is the purpose for which the universe has brought us humans down to earth.

I now transmit to the universe the thought which is gushing forth from within — “One who takes the position of a physical human can finally talk about the intention of the universe as an awareness.” This is a declaration that what has been entrusted to humanity by the universe as the true purpose of human beings has been achieved, and this declaration is sent to the Central Sun, the Galactic Operating Center. This is the original attitude of the people who originally descended from the universe to live on earth.
When a person reaches such a level of consciousness, spiritual awareness is automatically expressed as physicality. Then we will have a time when some errors will arise between the universe and the earth. To those who do not understand these things, the universe will impart such phenomena as confusion, disorder, confrontation, and destruction. From now on, we will surely see tough times on earth, for us human beings and also for other lives. Due to humanity’s many activities, this planet, which is supposed to be beautiful and abundant, now overflows with physical and spiritual waste resulting from various contradictions, and it has become a waste dump for the universe. By nature, there is no waste in the universe. This is because it is the mechanism of the universe for everything to circulate without stagnation, and for contradictions to always be repeatedly released by the positive and negative TAIKOHASSEI. If we human beings are the source of these contradictions, then, in keeping with the release of the contradictions, human beings, as their source, also become a target for elimination. Garbage means being out of the natural circulation of nature, and if humans are the source of their contradictions, automatically, they will turn into unnecessary beings. In the Konohana Family, by broadening one’s worldview (physically and spiritually) and also by practicing the physicality of the ancient wisdom, Katakamuna, in life, one acts as a medium to bring the law of the universe to the phenomenal world, and to intentionally reset the present state of earth, which has become over-plus. The ability to physically perform the act of releasing such contradictions in the phenomenal world is given only to humans. It naturally appears to those whose spirituality has reached that level of consciousness. The source of that spirituality is found in the spirituality of the universe.

Thus far, humanity has not been able to understand the substance of the universe because of insufficient research into the physical from a spiritual point of view, and it has interpreted the universe based only on the physical. As a result, physical investigation has progressed, and now we can observe the universe more accurately through science. Life has also been explored through science, and we have been able to glimpse the meaning of human existence by looking at the scientific viewpoint in the light of spirituality.
However, no matter how much science has advanced, it is ultimately impossible for us to physically reach an understanding of this huge universe through science. The substance of the universe is the spirituality at the heart of the physical universe. The essence of human beings is also spiritual, and it is because we possess this spirituality that it is possible for us to elucidate the universe. By feeling the consensus of the universe at such a level of consciousness, and bringing down the substance of this world from there, it becomes clear what the universe is. If human consciousness reaches such a state, we will be able to live in accordance with the will of the universe. In other words, it is possible for us human beings to live as the universe itself, despite being so small, physically. When the soul that has reached this level of consciousness is released from the small physical frame of its physical body, it will eventually unite with the universe as a being full of this world.

As we live on Earth, we encounter various physical phenomena in our daily lives. This means that we are living with opportunities for detailed learning that are provided by these phenomena. When we humans encounter something that deviates from our own thoughts, we also feel sad and get angry, due to our immaturity. However, the law of the universe is divine justice, reincarnation, and a world of eternal circulation that constantly regenerates. If you have a thought fixated on a specific state within this, it will create a stagnation in the circulation and deviate from the intention of the universe. To what extent can humans free themselves from this captivity?
Instead of separating the current situation of the world from themselves, people must take responsibility for the fact that their way of being creates the current situation of the world and must work to express this living with a humble attitude. Until now, when people have encountered problems, they have set their own faults aside and focused their anger and criticism on the problems. However, what we need now is not anger or criticism, but rather an awareness of the nature of our existence and an effort to ourselves live humbly in the universe.
When we reach such a level of consciousness, we will know that all of this world is made of love. We, Konohana Family is a small existence, but it is an implementation of a way of life based on the order of the universe for the future of the earth. Just as in the formation of the universe, we who live here must fittingly express the precious miracle of the universe that is expressed in the ecosystem of the earth.

Wake up.
May this awakening lead humanity to step forth as a precious existence, along with the earth, the miracle of the universe.

令和时代的解决对策! AI篇 人类是被降到地球上的AI






















