木之花家族期刊第97号 〜 自然疗法





现代文明早已忘记了与自然的共生而发展之今。 人们为了实现自己的愿望而努力,因愿望被满足而感到快感,并认为这种快感就是富足的证明。 现在,这种结果所造成的矛盾已经在各个方面显现出来。

迄今为止,地球上刻有各种各样的时代。而且时代的变迁与太阳系各恒星的运动有着紧密的联系。 许多人还没有意识到这一点,但是行星的循环周期给地球带来了不同时代的标记,例如现在AI(人工智能)横扫世界,整个社会的运动乃至我们每个人的行动都要受AI的影响,而这些都是这个时代的标记,这些也都是天体意识的表现。

在这样的时代潮流中,家庭中的各种矛盾也以问题的方式显现出来。虐待儿童和DV,孤独死和介护杀人频频发生,本来应该是带着希望构建社会的年轻一代正在迷失,而最具有生产力的20岁代到50岁代的人却带着各种精神疾病。现在,日本有约400万人因精神病疾病接受着治疗,而据传抱有心理不调和的预备军高达十倍。 也就是说每三个公民中有一人是患有心理疾病。但是,现代的精神医疗只是把用药物抑制症状的对症疗法做为主要方法,哪怕是所提供的咨询疗法也没有从根本上让人恢复健康的力量。不仅如此,病痛的时间越长对医院来说会产生更多利益,所以有些精神医疗现场甚至会存在不希望患者根治的倾向。况且,医疗费已被包含到GDP当中,实际上也成了富裕的指标之一。

正如关于疾病在书上写道“气场病了”,所有的疾病都是由心引起的。就像我们的身体与任何人的身体都不相同一样,我们每个人的心比我们的外表更加的独特。哪怕疾病的症状看起来一样,导致疾病的经纬都各不相同,所以不存在“对于抑郁症可以这样治疗”那样的一成不变的万能方法。这个人出生在什么样的环境里,拥有什么样的气质,走过什么样的人生,此外他的灵魂经历了什么样的变迁,现今身处什么样的社会环境中,走进每一个人的特有人生之中,一起走过并解读得到疾病的根源,找出能够真正康复的方法 – 这就是NPO法人GreenGrass提供的自然疗法程序。

这里有着许多现代医学无法改善的人恢复健康的奇迹般的治疗案例。那就是逆转疾病问题本身,并走上悟出活着的意义的道路上。不仅只是恢复个人的健康,更是可以完善个体所在的社会环境,变得更加富足。现在的世界,面临着一个巨大的转折。 太阳系的恒星在告诉我们这样的周期,这也是超出我们人类智慧的大宇宙意志的显现。与此同时,生活在地面上的我们的心灵的变化反过来会推进宇宙的进化。

用这种方法,让更多的人满怀希望地活在未来 ────






NPO法人GreenGrass与木之花家族合作,提供如何面向自己的内心,如何改善心灵的计划。 这就是“自然疗法(通用名称:护理停留)” 。是一种生活在木之花家族内恢复身心健康的计划。






1.富有活力的健康饮食 = 开启身体的免疫力

在木之花家族,食物被视为“药食同源”,并使用自然循环方法(自然赋予的生命力源之原理)制造几乎所有的食材。 充满活力的食物就像药物一样治愈心灵和身体。 我们以糙米素食为中心,导入了结合西式甲田疗法(禁食/半禁食疗法/生食)等酵素食的健康饮食法。这种饮食生活,不仅可以改善过敏性体质,更可以促进情绪稳定,对心灵的疾病也非常有效,甚至可以带来更大的改善。

2.顺应自然规律的生活节奏 = 生活在月亮太阳和地球的节奏之中

在以农业为中心的家庭生活中,我在白天工作,在固定时间吃饭,在一天结束时,我回顾那天发生的事件。正常的生活节奏(月亮,太阳和地球) 通过聆听节奏,每个人都可以合理地准备身心节奏。


我们支持那些照顾自己的心脏引起疾病,支持探索心灵方式,并提供改变生活意识的环境的人。 我们不会对待你。
重要的是获得人们自己将面对的“心灵的免疫力”而不会分散注意力。 那些每天接触这种家庭生活活动的人可以回到原来的工作场所或家中遇到任何问题,他们可以保持思想并将他们与健康的日子联系起来 它会像。










主要支持者 Jiiji 及古田伟佐美



关于逗留期间的日常生活,主要的支持者根据护理的状况提供建议。 通常情况下,第一周不会设任何的课题只是自由的生活。然后,白天会从事农作物或家务等根据当时的情况而定的工作。之外还会通过写日记或面谈等一点一点培养客观的观察自己的眼光。


基本上,我们不会要求在逗留期间实现100%的改善,而是以约70%的改善(由主要支持者来判断)为结束点,进而回到原来的生活场景中通过现场的实践来进一步改善。 逗留期间结束被称为“毕业”,并举行“毕业音乐会(毕业典礼)”以庆祝新的人生之旅。

毕业后,有些人回到原来的学校或工作场所,而有些人则选择继续留在木之花家族。在这种情况下,作为一个长期访客,我们正计划进一步稳定我们的身心,我们在寻求未来前景的同时帮助他们,以及一段时间的待遇 在某些情况下,确保收入和加深家庭生活中的学习。

毕业后,我们将通过电子邮件回复咨询和咨询。 还有许多人通过定期探访家庭继续留下并继续深化学习。 通过在一段时间内发送家庭生活和家庭生活,与会员建立了牢固的联系,当您再次访问时,每个人都会笑着迎接“请回家”。 “似乎第二个家庭已经被制作了”以及“在任何时候有可以咨询的地方鼓励”的印象被聚集。

(需要包括住宿费,食品费,设施使用费,洗衣费等在内的每日税3,340日元)。 其他费用如医院费用将由您承担。 与护理相关的活动,如访谈和支持者,由志愿者提供,并且是免费的。 大约逗留时间为1个月至3个月。










在2019年1月,帕蒂像是渴望抓住一根浮木一样,到访了木之花, 在当时的面谈当中,主要治疗负责人Jiiji老师说,“你需要的不是治疗,而是扩大世界的观点”,于是开始进行了一连串的自然疗法。

首先,帕蒂被赋予“透过写日记准确的理解自己”的任务,帕蒂也很积极的每天进行,Jiiji说“你对自我的分析是完美的” 然而,与此同时,Jiiji说:“即使有改善自己的欲望,但这种习惯也是自己的内心盲点 ,容易受到自己想法的束缚,误解这种表现就是自由。这是优秀人意外会掉入的陷阱。“ 在这种情况下,当帕蒂停留两周时,Jiiji提出了一个开创性的建议!

这个企划整理了帕蒂性格的两面性,“帕蒂 A一个活在自己的旧习和情绪中“,“帕蒂 B一个能够客观地观察劝戒自己的人“,和Jiiji 每晚都有面谈的时间。 Jiiji说,“帕蒂 B有充分的智慧足够让自己活得十分的健全,但你到现在为止都在抵抗帕蒂 B的自己。这个企划的关键是,我们应该让哪一个帕蒂的想法被摆在优先。让你的思维逆转,你就有能力帮助自己也能有能力帮助别人。“

然后Jiiji给他建议和鼓励,帕蒂,在早晨起床时, “若是早晨醒来,带有负面情绪,就当成遇到了负面情绪的帕蒂A,这也就是改善的机会。当你有负面情绪,就当成是审视自己的机会”。一开始收到丈夫的邮件,心情起伏是非常的剧烈,但是她转化心境,让自己淡定的去面对。
通过这些努力,帕蒂开始摆脱他束缚自己的局面,能够客观的去看自己的实际状态。 而且,随着逐渐扩大自我对世界的看法,渡过了6周内从自然疗法计划。


每个人都是开放的,我们试图愉快地帮助别人,并试图分享一切。 现在我不需要自己了解一切,天会适切的支持我们。 我真诚地感谢大家给予我的。





静冈县富士宫市猫沢238 – 1 Ohisama House Himawari

GreenGrass由与木之花有着共同理念的伙伴们成立于2001年。 以建立人们互助共生的社会为目标,与木之花家族合作开展各种社会贡献活动。



P’s Report on Taking the Natural Therapy Program

In September, 2017, P visited Konohana Family for the first time and consulted with Jiiji about the anxiety and depression which she had suffered from for a long time. She revisited Konohana in January, 2019 and took the Natural Therapy Program for 6 weeks. As a result, she successfully graduated from the Program and the graduation concert for her was held on February 16th. During the concert, she shared the following “P’s Report on Taking the Natural Therapy Program” with Konohana Family members.


“P’s Report on Taking the Natural Therapy Program”
-Never too late to make a shift in our life!-

I am very happy to have this opportunity to tell the community what I have been able to experience while I have been here living among you. Before I came to Konohana Family, my world had become smaller and smaller, to a point where I felt nearly paralyzed, emotionally. This was despite intense spiritual and therapeutic work.
I live in the United States. I am seventy years old, married, with two children in their twenties; for many years I had a career as a professor. My arrival at Konohana Family is the result of reading an article in Communities magazine and recognizing immediately that there was something important here for me.
When I arrived, the main ongoing cause of distress in my life was depression and anxiety related to my marriage. Although my husband is a very kind, caring person, I have found it difficult to connect with him emotionally. As Jiiji has put it, for me, my husband is a great messenger from the divine, because the differences between us have brought to my attention a number of the negative patterns that I developed long ago, in my childhood.
Despite the fact that my parents made their best efforts to care for me in a loving manner, they had both suffered significant trauma while they were young, and the serious difficulties in their marriage meant that I did not emerge from my childhood with a feeling of safety and wellbeing. In fact, I developed a hyper-vigilant attitude toward the world. After my sister was born with medical issues when I was eight years old, I felt especially jeopardized, and fell into the first of many sicknesses that I have experienced over the years. Some of these were quite serious, and they generally occurred when I was facing a situation that I didn’t know how to handle.
Because there was no spiritual aspect to our life at home, I had no awareness of any sort of divine force on whom I could depend for help or guidance. I was encouraged to use my intelligence, work hard, and prepare myself for a good career that would give me financial security without the need to marry. I in fact followed this path, developing along the way a perfectionistic personality that brought with it many negative thoughts about myself and about the world at large. I eventually became a university professor, but still suffered from a lot of anxiety and depression. Then, about thirty years ago, I married my husband and began a family life that echoed many of the themes of my own childhood.
Due in part to my health issues, I retired from my job about fifteen years ago, and embarked on an effort to improve my mental and physical condition. Fortunately, I had the chance to encounter a spiritual healer who made me aware of the relationship between physical and mental health and spiritual health. This started the long search for spiritual healing that has brought me to Konohana Family today.
Before coming here, I had realized for a long time that allowing my ego to “earn” success in a career was not going to bring me happiness, but still, I was floundering. I would say I have a strong ethos of service to the broader world, but because my mental condition was so unstable, I was having continual emotional crises that caused me to “crash,” and most of my energy was being used to keep myself going and care for my home and my family. I had the feeling that I was barely alive.
Of course, the rest of my family also experienced problems as the result of my ongoing depression and anxiety. Basically, just like when I was a child and used sickness as a way to secure my parents’ attention, I ended up positioning myself as a needy person who required the help of the rest of the family just to continue to exist. The fact that my family was carrying so much responsibility for my life of course made it very difficult for them to live out their own lives in keeping with their individual wills.

What Konohana Family has offered me while I’ve been here is a different vision, a vision of how to live a psycho-spiritually independent existence. When I can do that, I trust that the rest of my family will also have a better chance to express their own talents and independently develop their own lives.
I see that this step toward my own emotional independence will allow me to begin to consistently and truly care about other people for the first time in my life, because I won’t need them to make my own life livable. Making this change within my family does not amount to “saving the world,” of course, but for me, it is a significant step in the direction of spiritual maturity.

How can I hope to make such a huge change after seventy years of living another way? I think it depends on having identified and made a commitment to trust another source of safety in life. While I have been here at Konohana, I have made huge strides in this direction. Part of this is due to some of the teachings that Jiiji has shared with me; part of it is due to what I have been able to sense about how this community functions.
For example, I have realized that the real source of the difficulties in my life has not been the traumatic events of my childhood per se, but my tendency to view them as a curse rather than as engraved invitations to spiritual growth. Because Jiiji has said so many things to me that have the “ring of truth,” and because I can see how successful the efforts of Konohana Family have been, I have decided to trust his reassurance that when I do what I need to do, the divine will kick in and support my efforts. In other words, I just need the courage to trust that it is a benevolent partner who is offering to dance down the road with me, if I will but join the dance.
One reason that I have had a hard time grasping these opportunities is that the issues I have been dealing with have looked too big for me to handle on my own – my mind couldn’t see a way to solve them. But as Jiiji and Yoko have repeatedly reminded me, I am not going to have to solve the entire problem on my own, and I don’t have to see the entire path to a solution from my current perspective. In fact, this is impossible, because I don’t yet have the skills or the mental perspective that will be needed. But if I can trust that my dance partner will join me, I can have the courage to take the first step. And after that first step, the rest of the dance will gradually become clear. As Jiiji put it, in a mind with room, many possibilities that are currently invisible will become visible. I have taken to heart the implications of this concept, which are a major revelation for me, and I have seen them played out many times in the community during the time I have been here.
In addition to these challenges to “step up” and take concrete actions to take responsibility for my own life, Jiiji has given me lots of encouragement about the possibilities that are still open to me at the age of seventy. It’s not like I need to just throw away my old personality and try to start over again — even the aspects of my nature that have been problems for me in the past (like my carefulness, and my sensitivity) can be put to good use in contributing to not only my family, but the broader world.
In fact, he has reassured me that it’s not too late to make this sort of shift in my life, and that all the energy that has been going into my suffering can be a very powerful agent for the good when it is re-directed. This is an immense encouragement for me.
Of course, when I go back to the US, I will face the challenge of holding on to what I have been able to take in here. I don’t expect everything to suddenly become easy, but I do feel like I’ve basically received what I need to lay down my addiction to seeking my own identity, my own life, in the eyes of other people. Much of this change is due to all the things I have had a chance to discuss with Jiiji and Yoko, but a huge part of it is due what I have experienced, rather than simply taken in intellectually, and when I think back on my spiritual life, it is the unexpected experiences that have stayed with me as touchstones, much more than the many books I have read.
Many of the experiences that will stay with me came to me as a result of observing, interacting with, or just floating among the members of the Konohana Family. It is impossible to overstate the level of calm, sincerity, and benevolence that emanates from the individual members, and from the community as a whole. Living in this sort of environment, one can come to expect benevolence, and living within that expectation is a very powerful experience. Because of all of this, the pace of life here seems very measured, predictable, and reassuring, as in the words to a song from the Thich Nhat Hanh sangha – “never in a hurry.” This is profoundly healing for those of us who are accustomed to self-generated anxiety (at best), or panic (at worst), on a daily basis.
During my six weeks here, as part of this “organism,” I feel like I have been privileged to have my nervous system “re-set” at a lower level, so that it takes longer to “get upset,” and so that the upset resolves itself more rapidly. It is probably also physiologically impossible for visitors not to respond positively to the diet of super-fresh organic foods grown and prepared with love. These are benefits of the program that I expect to take home in my bones.
Another great experiential gift, which I have witnessed countless times, is the willingness of visibly weary people here to just keep going, no matter what the current circumstances may be. Of course, “things happen,” but in general, life here seems to abide by the principle that “the show must go on.” To have this sort of communal stability underlying one’s daily life is profoundly reassuring for those who may otherwise have the sense of being alone in the universe, and it must be such a joy for members to know that they are contributing to that.
I don’t know what life will bring when I go back to the United States, but I do know that I will bring to it a different awareness. I have already noticed a gentling of my inner dialogue – although I can still see the frightened and controlling aspect of my personality at work in my mind, I can feel more compassion for her, and less of a need to compulsively follow her guidance. Although my emotional state still wobbles from side to side, the wobbling is less extreme, and subsides more quickly.
I had a good chance to feel the before-and-after difference this week when we had an English-speaking visitor from Shanghai. My ego immediately jumped up and wanted to create an identity for itself as the local one-person English public relations campaign for Konohana Family, and I suddenly recognized that I had not encountered anything like this from other people for weeks! Nobody seemed to be trying to impress me, control me, or receive something from me. Instead, they were just open to me, and willing to help and share however they could. Suddenly, I realized that this was a huge part of the way-of-being in the world that has been opened up to me during my stay. I am so grateful to have had this shocking experience of seeing how anxious and self-centered my typical way of interacting with others has been in the past, and to recognize the nature of the other way that has been modeled for me so consistently while I’ve been here.
I would like to close by mentioning a very important conversation that I had with Yoshiko one day as we were preparing potatoes. I told her about my extreme difficulties in making decisions, and she shared with me about a radical change in the way in which she herself had come to chart the direction of her life. She told me that she used to be in the habit of setting goals for herself, accomplishing them, and then moving on to the next goal. But when she came to Konohana, she felt, it wasn’t so much the fulfillment of a self-generated goal as it was her destiny. These days, she has the feeling that instead of actively choosing what she will do, situations that are appropriate to her simply appear, often situations in which she will be able to provide help to someone, and she is able to recognize them as “hers.” In this way, she is “being lived.”
When I applied for the Natural Therapy Program, my highest goal was to receive help in reaching a state like the one that Yoshiko so beautifully described to me. Although this still seems a long way off, my time here has allowed me to begin to see how this may eventually come to pass. I am very grateful to all of you for your help.


After P’s Report was shared, her supporter, Yoko read out “P’s Story” in which she reflected on P’s 6-week stay.


“P’s Story”
-Just a Part of the Story of P, who has Learned a Lot and has been Growing-

In 2017, a 68-year-old American woman named P, who had received a diagnosis of “generalized anxiety disorder,” visited the Konohana Family for the first time. When she had time with Jiiji, the main coordinator of the natural therapy program, she told him that she had been unhappy throughout her life, with mental symptoms such as anxiety, panic, depression, and mood swings, and in recent years, especially in connection with her marriage. She told him, “I know that at Konohana, you practice trusting in divine guidance and use it as the basis for your entire life. I am wondering if it might be good for me to come here for the Natural Therapy Program or the One-Month Truth School, to receive your support in learning to live in this new way.” Jiiji said to her, “What you need is not to receive treatment but to broaden your worldview. In order to do so, I recommend you take the natural therapy program first. Then, if you think it is necessary, it would be good for you to participate in the Truth School.”

A year and a half after her initial visit, P decided to spend six weeks to take the natural therapy program, and visited Konohana again. When she had time with Jiiji on the first day, she said, “Since I was here before, I feel that I have gotten smaller and smaller internally, tighter and tighter, more and more frightened because I feel so conflicted about staying in my marriage.” Then, he said as follows:
I have mentioned this before, but first of all, I think you should broaden your worldview. Why do humans live? What is death? Since we live in this world rather than just as individuals, what kind of place is this world? Most people live according to their daily schedule, and are driven by money; however, in fact, we are in the universe, and our life is supported by the system of stars, the sun, the moon and the earth. You mentioned that, because of relationship issues in your family, you have fallen apart emotionally. However, from the beginning, it has in general been true that the more living beings get together, the more abundant they get. On the contrary, only in the human world is it the case that the more people get together, the more problems such as factional disputes and confrontations occur. Therefore, I believe your problem is humanity’s problem. That is, you have been in this state as the representative of humanity.
Therefore, you need to know yourself accurately, and at the same time, I need to know you and give advice, so please start by writing a journal every day. I will make comments on it. Please consider me to be another objective self for you, and utilize me. The purpose of this program is that a new you will begin to think in a new way. The reason why those who could not be cured at general medical institutions can recover their health here is that they transcend their attachments to themselves and change their own perspectives.
It takes a lot of time to improve those who are not sick of their personalities and are stubborn people. Therefore, you have to be fed up with your personality first. Then, it is important to come to laugh at your past self and talk to her calmly.

She answered immediately, saying “I am fed up!” and Jiiji continued as follows:
Then, you have the potential to improve. Currently, the human way of being is out of order all over the world. This is a problem, but since it is out of order, the wisdom of how to deal with it is hidden behind the problem. Therefore, we need an ability to sense what kind of message is hidden behind problems. In order to do so, objective viewpoints and a broad worldview are required.

After the first consultation, P attended the community meeting that night. As the top agenda, we had time to discuss the Konohana Family Charter which was written up last year in order to deepen our understanding. This was a great opportunity for her since her theme of this program was to broaden her worldview. From the next day on, she attended the community meeting with eagerness, and tried to express herself honestly in her journals. Jiiji appreciated her active attitude, but at the same time, made comments on her journal as follows:
I think your way of thinking lacks a willingness to learn about your life positively in total. It is possible to be free, relax and spend your days positively. I believe the divine will for you will emerge with such a perspective. It is important to analyze the events you have encountered positively and utilize them for your life in the future so that your life experiences will not end up just bringing unhappiness to you.

It had been a week since P began to stay here. At the first week consultation, Jiiji did not mention what she had written in journals, such as her family issues, and said as follows:
You have worked hard as a university professor for a long time, but people who are socially excellent and have a high status and pride like you characteristically tend not to accept things unless they understand them. In this case, there is a pitfall. No matter how great the wisdom offered to them is, they tend to insist on interpreting it in their way. In case there is something they don’t want to accept, they tend to insist on their own conclusions as an excuse not to accept it. However, if you admit you have reached your current state as a result of your life history, I am just suggesting alternatives to improve your life.
I do this, first of all, because of my spiritual experiences, and because I actually have achievements in giving consultations to many people with issues. Also, people suffer with various kinds of egos and encounter various problems, and I would like people to see it as one of our achievements that, by manifesting the Konohana way of life, we have created a model that demonstrates that when we try to face and improve our own minds in our daily life, problems don’t occur in the community. I hope you accept my suggestions just as information, instead of judging whether they are right or wrong. It is a suggestion that “If you live this way of life, a society which it has been impossible for modern people to create will emerge.” This is also a suggestion to humanity.
As one of my life purposes, it is certain that I have given consultations to people with problems and supported them for a long time; however, the true purpose is to tell humanity to become aware of their true preciousness and express a precious way of life which is appropriate to them on earth. Moreover, it is to make the earth happy. I guess the earth is happy, listening to our talk. The reason why I am telling you the importance of broadening your worldview is that human beings should not be worried about themselves now, but their top priority should be to realize how much trouble they have given to other living beings and how much they have worked against the law of the universe.
I have given advice as information from not just one but from a few viewpoints. I would like you to be able to perceive things across a wide range, both vertically and horizontally, rather than seeing things from the one perspective of P. Therefore, I am going to offer various perspectives from now on, too.

After this, P tried harder to analyze herself in her journal, and Jiiji made comments as follows:
What I would like to suggest to you is that you quit trying to think of a solution by yourself. No matter how high your analytical ability is and no matter how hard you try, if the direction is wrong, there is no point in doing it. This is what excellent people fall into, surprisingly. Even if you try hard in this way, it does not mean you will break out of your own frame or gain a new way of thinking. I think the time has come when you should move on to the next stage in this project. I would like to suggest that you take actions beyond your own frame, such as participating in the work to see how your personality is reflected in your concrete daily actions, rather than exploring how to improve yourself through writing a journal. Let’s talk about it concretely at the next consultation.

At the second week consultation, Jiiji suggested to P something that had never been proposed in the 15-year history of offering the Natural Therapy Program. Jiiji said as follows:
I have interacted with you for the past two weeks, and there is something I want to tell you. This project is for making your life a healthy and happy one. In order to do this, first of all, you must become a healthy and happy person. I assume that if you read your own journals, you also know that your self-analysis is perfect. However, no matter how perfectly you can analyze yourself, unless you can live based on it, it will be impossible for you to manifest a healthy and happy life.
The first two weeks were a period for us to get to know each other. Let me explain that there are two Ps in you. First, there is P-A, who has lived your life. Then, there is P-B, who observes and analyzes P-A and says, “That is not good!” P-B has wisdom which is good enough to improve yourself. However, P-A, who has lived your life, resists the suggestions given by P-B. I am involved with this project and so is Yoko as your supporter; however, we are just on the supporting side, and the main characters are the two Ps in you. You have not prioritized one of the two Ps, so they have not fought to the finish yet. But, unless you go beyond your current situation and prioritize one of them, your life will end in a halfway manner. We cannot say that either outcome is fine, however. You are working on yourself now in order to prioritize the one you should live with. No worries. Whatever you choose, you are just you. However, we can clearly see that your future will be positive or negative, depending on which one you choose.
The most important thing in this project is for you to see your life objectively and prioritize the self who admonishes you. As a matter of fact, you should not have a choice at this stage. In order for you to live a healthy and happy life, there should not be a choice. Now, I would like to say the same thing to humanity as a whole. Do you seek a physically abundant life? Or do you coexist with the earth and others and seek true abundance? Both a Chinese university professor who is staying here now and you are teachers, so you both have a wise way of thinking; however, strangely enough, neither of you has fully utilized it for yourself yet. This is a tendency of those who are evaluated as excellent people in the modern era and have a high social status.
So, let’s make these two weeks one cycle, and have time for the two Ps in you to talk together as the next stage. It is key how P-B, who tries to guide P-A in a good direction, will persuade P-A, who has lived your life. You can write a journal as in the past, but as a new task from tomorrow on, let’s meet for a time which is not so long, like half an hour. Please express the two Ps in you, especially the one who should be admonished. Then, let’s have a discussion with the two Ps and me every day. I hope this initiative will provide you with the finishing touches for improving yourself throughout your life.

Jiiji came up with this suggestion because he thought that P, by just receiving his comments on her journals, tended to interpret his advice in her way. Therefore, he hoped she would gain objective perspectives by having time with him more often and talking directly.

After that, P had time with Jiiji for about half an hour every night, and the discussion between P-A and P-B proceeded. When she said, “When I get up in the morning, the negative P-A appears, thinking that my life is a mess and I have never improved in my life,” Jiiji said to her, “When you encounter P-A, that is the exact chance for improvement. When you get up in the morning and feel negative, it is your chance! Please give the training to yourself.” He also encouraged her, saying, “As your goal, the ratio between P-A and P-B does not have to be 0:100. Around 40:60 would be good. It is all right to have 40% P-A for the sake of diversity, since we also need to prioritize problems in order to learn about life. Let’s meet a new P tomorrow!” When her thinking focused on her husband’s issues and she was dominated by P-A, Jiiji said to her, “Living a life is like always taking an exam about how our mental state is. The mental state which comes out is the answer. No matter how negative or positive a thing seems to be, everything is the divine love. In fact, everything is positive. It is your freedom to think negatively; however, you have a mind that tends to interpret things negatively, so you just do so. In this world, phenomena always occur with a positive backdrop; there is always love in the source. The thing is whether you can become a person who can receive this from the phenomena which you encounter in this world.” In this way, P became familiar with Jiiji’s attitude of “accepting everything just as information” and the difficult system of such challenges for the mind as “trying not to have a joy which is convenient for myself.”

P gradually began to gain a calm and objective viewpoint. Jiiji suggested that she compare her recent journals and those from the beginning of her stay, and helped her recognize her changes by recognizing the decrease in negative thoughts in her recent journals.
One day, she received a message from her husband. Although she reacted to it emotionally at first, she was able to return to a calm mental state soon. Jiiji said to her, “His message was a great test today! In this case, he is a divine messenger. In fact, all phenomena can be seen as coming from the divine, depending on how we interpret them. It is quite difficult for those who have not become awakened yet to have such a beneficial perspective for their lives. It is important to find the key to this perspective. Perhaps you have paid attention to what is close to you, like your husband, rather than trying to find the key and explore the truth. That is why contradictions have occurred in your life. If you begin to understand the truth to this extent, he is not only your husband but also a divine messenger at the same time. Please always keep it in mind that every moment is a dialogue with the divine, and if we are immature, it could also be a test, in a sense.

P began to expand her worldview little by little. As a result, she decided to have time with Jiiji every other night, instead of every night. She also took her PC to the main hall where everyone gathers in order to spend more time in the community, and helped with hanging the decorations for the Flower Festival which was coming up in a week. In this manner, she tried to have more communication with the Konohana members. Then, Jiiji said to her, “It is good for you to write a journal and have time with me; however, I thought it would be more beneficial for the current you to sense Konohana’s daily life through this program, and I have suggested this before. Konohana’s daily activities could be anything, including selecting beans, attending a member’s departure ceremony (note: one of the members had been hospitalized and passed away suddenly, and we had her departure ceremony to see her off) today, or joining the community meeting. I would like to offer alternatives which you have never experienced, such as a different culture and new perspectives. As for the departure ceremony, that was an event which nobody would have been able to create intentionally. Each Konohana member took on as their role whatever they are capable of doing, and brought it to the event. If our member had not passed away at that time, all this would have been impossible. Therefore, I thought the divine gave it to us. In this manner, we live in a drama without any script.
Modern people are smart and always try to do things correctly. This is significant and indicates the excellence of human beings. However, I wonder if the value of “receiving our life,” which modern people have forgotten, could be visible in such an event as the departure of our member. The Konohana lifestyle is not something that people can create intentionally, either. It is difficult to analyze what lies behind the Konohana way of life. I believe the divine message is hidden in a place which people cannot create or encounter intentionally, no matter how hard they try.
Currently, your mental stability has been guided by the environment here. It is important to establish a new mental state in you so that the stability will continue when you go back to your original life in the US in the future. If it is created in you, it will function beneficially no matter where you go. As the base for that, it would be interesting for you to join the Konohana daily life and see what kind of spirituality the people you encounter have.
On the day before the departure ceremony, eight members performed the special Konohana flower dance, and you joined it with other members at the end. I was hoping you would, and was observing you. I was enjoying myself there, and at the same time, I was observing many things, including you. The day of the Flower Festival is coming up very soon, so please try to muster the courage to join in this time too.
As Jiiji suggested, P was willing to dance in front of everyone during the disco time (note: the audience dances, swinging an ax) after the demon dance on the day of the Flower Festival. At the fourth week consultation the next day, Jiiji said as follows:
It differs from case to case, but usually four weeks is the period in which we can have a clear idea about how to proceed with the program. I think these four weeks were the period for you to be able to arrive at an understanding of your current state. You still have two weeks to go. You decided in advance to stay here for six weeks due to your schedule, but I think this number is very good.
The series of ceremonies of the Flower Festival will end tomorrow. In general, we do not hold this Festival due to religious beliefs. I believe the festival is a different culture for you and American people, but we express what ancient people conveyed about the system of the earth and universe, and that we are a part of the natural ecosystem, in the modern way. In the coming era., people from all over the world may need to demonstrate flexibility and positively accept each other’s different cultures and that which is unfamiliar. So, in this way, we have been able to offer good experiences which you have never encountered before. Our activities are not for spreading the Konohana way of life, but I think it is very important in order to spread to humanity a way of life which is based on a global and universal viewpoint. Therefore, it would be good if we can work together on this from now on.

Receiving his words, P was about to participate in work in the fields for the first time on the day after the Flower Festival. However, she got a high fever, did not feel well, and ended up resting in her room for five days right after that.

When her fever went down and she was able to have time with Jiiji, it had been seven days from the previous consultation. Then, Jiiji said as follows:
It has been seven days from the previous consultation. Western people call the number 7 “lucky 7,” but according to the Katakamuna civilization which flourished in East Asia about 12,900 years ago, seven indicates a “qualitative shift.” That is, to throw off the old characteristics and to make a course correction in order to move forward. Therefore, the number 7 indicates one of the big cycles that bring about changes, rather than simply having good and convenient things. While you were resting, you might have suffered physically, but there was one thing I was looking forward to.
When I have given advice to care guests, there have been cases in which they got a fever by using a part of the brain which they had never used. It is the same as with children who get a fever when they grow up and get wisdom. Perhaps it is to increase their thinking capacity and thinking patterns. This time, it has been your theme in this program to broaden your worldview and perceive things with an objective viewpoint. You have encountered new viewpoints in this short period of time, but it could be quite difficult for you to take the time to digest them. Your conventional mental habits might disturb the process, too. So we sometimes get a fever or do not feel well at this point in the process. That is, we gain an awareness which we have never gained or receive a chance to reflect on ourselves during this period.
The reason why I usually provide a weekly consultation is that I am aware of the number 7. Therefore, I think it is good that it has been seven days since the previous consultation.

When P was asked how she had been in the past week, she said, “I had many strange dreams and felt like something dark was being released while I was resting. But after my fever went down, I felt good and calm. I have reflected on what I have learned here and remember Jiiji’s suggestions, so I have confidence about moving forward. I also feel as if I am a baby and cannot find a good balance yet.” Then, Jiiji said as follows:
It is all right. A baby will grow up from here on out. If you were a baby physically, it would take time to grow up; however, if you are a baby spiritually, you will grow up rapidly. When people get sick, they tend to think that a bad thing has happened, and after having a hard time, they finally became relieved of the painful situation. Surely, sickness occurs depending on a person’s mental state in many cases because it is a message. As for the flu, some catch it and some do not, even if they are in the same environment. Also, some catch it for a negative reason, and in fact, some do so for a positive reason. Therefore, I thought it was all due to the divine will to have time together today, seven (meaning a qualitative shift) days after the previous consultation.
What is important for feeling the divine will is whether or not we put our consciousness on the divine. For example, do you talk with the sun, the moon and stars? Do you talk with the wind? Do you talk with the soil? Do you talk with food when you eat it? Originally, everything is yourself. I believe talking with everything and living in good relationships is living out the divine will. Then thoughts like “How can I sense the divine will?” or “How can I sharpen my intuition?” are unnecessary. For example, when you do not feel well, your body is not comfortable, either. You do not feel like going out, and instead rest in your room. When you feel good, you feel like going out, throwing out your chest and taking a deep breath. In the same way, when we live, we can sense messages naturally. All right! You will be like that. If you sincerely believe, “That is right!” and continue a dialogue with the divine, you will be like that for sure. I did not have a living master in my life; however, my intuition has become much sharper and I am sometimes surprised by its accuracy. I believe this factit would be the result of believing and continuing a dialogue with the divine.
As you mentioned before, it is all divine messages and detoxification to have many dreams, get a high fever and sweat a lot. When we reach a consciousness that the divine works for our detoxification, we will be able to think, “Although I do not do it by myself, the divine does it for me because I am life.”

Listening to Jiiji, P said, “I have tried too hard to have the control myself.” Then, Jiiji said as follows:
You are a smart person, speaking in the modern way. You are so smart that you also have the perspective to see yourself objectively; however, then you fall into even more pitfalls. That is, you have pride that you have the ability to be able to analyze that much. Because of this, your realization that your life is given and supported will be delayed.
From such an analysis, we can say that humanity will begin to take the path to become healthy for the first time from now on. Now, a new cycle of 25,800 years has begun on earth. However, the history of 25,800 years ago is not directly connected to modern people. Therefore, a totally new era has begun. Modern people could just look forward to this, but they are worried because, although they have caused the modern chaos, they cannot find the cause for it. Above all, human beings have not yet mastered how to utilize themselves, which is of central importance. The coming chaos will make the contradictions even more apparent. They will be exposed because the light of the era has begun to shine. Therefore, if we learn from the modern contradictions, they will naturally disappear. Mega-disasters will soon appear everywhere in the world, but they should come, because we are in this era. If people can receive the true messages behind them, we should actually look forward to them. The reason why such disasters come is that people have not realized that they themselves have sowed the seeds for them. Perhaps if, before the disasters come, we humans realize this and the social system changes, such events will not occur. It is the same as with sickness. It does not have to be given to those who have become awakened.
This time, when I heard you were not feeling well, I thought, although I did not suggest anything to you, “The divine has given the finishing touches to you in this way.” In this sense, I think you have begun to have confidence about utilizing P-B. Our encounter with you was very important. At first I felt your case was quite difficult, but you came to achieve your purpose surely without going back that much. Therefore, if you summarize your experience in such a clear case and leave it to us, it would be a help for those who have not become awakened yet.

Now that she has mastered the way of thinking to be able to control herself, she has successfully graduated from the Natural Therapy Program after six weeks. Jiiji has said to her many times during the program, “By reversing your thinking patterns, you will have a useful ability not only to save yourself, but also other people.” Currently, she is more stable and says, “The Konohana community has given that stability to me. It is in my body, so I can take it back to the US. Now, I do not need to see the whole plan and know that new abilities and new tools will come one by one, so I can relax. This was a huge, huge lesson for me. I am looking forward to trying a new way of life from now on.”
It is our joy if you continue to live healthily. Above all, your healthy life means that the divine is with you. Let’s live a life to promote the awakening of humans as members of the earth community in the future. Again, congratulations on your graduation!


At the graduation concert which celebrates the care guest’s graduation from the Natural Therapy Program, Jiiji, who is in charge of the Program, gives a message to the care guest for their departure toward a new life. This time, it took more than one hour for both P’s Report and P’s Story to be shared. After that, Jiiji gave the following message to P and humanity.


“The Message from Jiiji to P”

Thank you for being with us for a long time today. If I talk as long as the reports from now on, I will end up giving you pains (laughter from everyone). However, since I have been asked to talk, I would like to talk a little bit.

It is February 16th, 2019 today, and the day of P’s graduation concert. However, for me, as a result of accumulating these days, I am in the middle of adjusting my mind toward “The Truth School” which will begin on February 24th. Right now, you have just had an opportunity to reflect on P’s work through the Natural Therapy Program by listening to P’s report and P’s Story; however, I was not just talking to people in front of me there, because if one person becomes happy, the earth will become commensurately healthy.

Since when have human beings become mentally sick? It is no doubt since the point at which people gained complicated egos and high abilities to gratify their desires. These abilities have been very attractive for human beings. However, as a result, we have given big challenges and trouble to other living beings on earth, which are also our family. Not only that, we are facing a situation in which we have to receive the contradictions brought about by what we have done. In fact, most modern people have completely deviated from the law of the universe, do not live each day with the consciousness of living in the universe, and have ended up encountering the current difficult phase of life and natural disasters. This is because, for a long time, human beings have tried to become happy and rich.

I always talk about the same thing, but it is because I would like people to remember their true value. P has worked on a 6-week project, and her theme has been her life. It is as if she completed the Truth School Program in the space of 6 weeks. The Truth School, which will begin on February 24th, provides participants with the opportunity to understand the true way of human beings in the course of one month. In keeping with this system, if P’s life becomes healthy and abundant, people around her will become happy, too. Human beings have forgotten this very simple law of the universe and nature in which everyone is linked to each other and creates together.

Currently, human beings have brought various issues to earth. In fact, we humans are like cancer cells for the earth, and cannot find the direction to move forward in the future. I think I always tell people the same thing, but this is my life. The Konohana members are my partners who can prove how important and beneficial it is for human beings to live according to the law of the universe and nature.

P is facing a graduation ceremony today, so we have gained another member who understands how important it is to live in this way. Eventually, we would like to create an abundant world where everyone can be happy together, rather than having a joy which tickles individual egos. Like other living beings, we humans have been brought down to the earth with this purpose. We will continue to provide the Natural Therapy Program to make people aware of the truth. At the same time, we also hope that those who have encountered the importance of this will work together with us and make the earth a beautiful place.

P is very intelligent and has a high analytical ability, so my suggestions to her have been very diverse. As a result, I have been very inspired by her. Also, Yoko summarized P’s story, and she successfully achieved a difficult task. Great job. I appreciate the divine for giving me this very important relationship with a deep connection to each other.

We are going to live to express the importance of this way of life on earth in the future, too. I would like to take this path with awareness. P, congratulations on your graduation. I really appreciate the encounter with you.




“The Awakening of Humans Living in the 21st Century Ⅲ”

The Message from Isadon

Every time we offer a graduation concert to care guests, Isadon, a main coordinator of the natural therapy program, gives them a message for their departure toward a new life. This time, his message was sent out not only to T-san, but also to the whole of humanity and the universe.

When T-san came to the Konohana Family to take the natural therapy program, she had desires to control her life as she liked. During the first consultation, I said to her, “that is an expression of the era from my viewpoint.” However, many people have not realized this yet. The reason why the Konohana Family has been practicing this kind of lifestyle is not because we want to live like this. When the era shifts, a role to show this lifestyle as a model for a new era was given to us, and that is way we have been playing such a role. It cannot be understood from a viewpoint to gratify individual desires.

A terrorist attack occurred in Bangladesh on July 1st. Not only that, many terrorist attacks have occurred everywhere in the world such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia between July 1st – 5th. It is said that many of them were the work of Muslims or terrorists who have received Islamic influence. However, is it true?

Let me pick up a perspective. The Japanese media have broadcast that the Japanese victims of that terrorist attack in Bangladesh were socially great people who have contributed to developing countries very hard. I do not mean to criticize that, but I have another perspective. The purpose for support by the Japanese NGOs in developing countries is business. Also at this time, the people who were involved in companies under the support of JICA made a project to organize the traffic network in Dhaka. Surely, they and local people would have hoped that Bangladesh will become a rich country with an organized traffic network like Japan. It is merely financial and physical abundance.

I have watched TV programs not only about international news but also about Japan for the past few days. In Japan, about 30000 people have committed suicide every year in the past 10 plus years. In addition, care for elderly people has become a big issue. Although there are so many people in the world, many people die alone. More shockingly, many people have killed their elderly family who needed care, especially recently. That is, people take care of their elderly family and end up killing them. Japan is a financially developed country, but in a sense, it has prioritized money and materialism too much. At the same time, the reality is that Japan has a very high poverty rate. On top of that, Japan has the longest “unhealthy lifetime” which is the period from sickness to death, among all the developed countries.

I believe that the Konohana Family’s lifestyle itself is a way to be able to solve various issues in the modern era. When I was watching the program about the murder of elderly family members who needed care, I thought the elderly members in the Konohana Family will not encounter such a situation. They are given an appropriate role and live very vividly the way they are. Then, I have become convinced of the importance of our lifestyle. It might be difficult to see it if people see it superficially, but I have reaffirmed that lots of solutions are everywhere throughout this lifestyle in order to face a new era.

When T-san visited the Konohana Family and had the first consultation, I said to her, “Your symptoms express the era.” Actually, all the phenomena which we encounter in our life express the era. Everything, good and bad creates the era. We can keep what is considered good the way it is. However, as for events which we feel uncomfortable, unless we understand their meanings well, and utilize them in our life, more negative eras will be created. Only when people realize that light exists on the opposite side of negativity, can they return to the light anytime.

I saw light inside of T-san through taking care of her pathological symptoms. Her excellence was of the 20th century type, and she has utilized it in a Western way. As a result, this has given so many contradictions and stress to her body and mind. With this, she cannot be a model for a new society. Therefore, I wanted her to overcome it and become light for many people in a similar situation as hers. Originally, everyone is precious and excellent, so I always want every single person to utilize it in a new era.

The era is already over when some excellent people lead the rest. I have realized this, so I have maintained the Konohana Family so far. Now, I am taking this path together with people who have resonated with it. The human value shown in the 21st century has not been known fully in the world yet. So, I want T-san to become a person who spreads this value together on earth from now on. Right now, I am talking to about 100 people here, but I am spiritually talking to any existence, being aware of the whole humanity, the earth, and the universe itself. That is because the era has arrived when this value will spread finally.

Therefore, the activities of the Konohana Family is not for anyone. The time has arrived when the universe requests it, and we should express it naturally. New messengers emerge when the era shifts greatly over the course of human history. They are diverse, like messengers for destruction or to show a new order. We can see this in the current era through various phenomena.

T-san’s severe case of depression appeared in order to create a new era. However, if she cannot see its depth, and she considers her symptoms just as a disease, there is just one patient with depression in the world.

Also now, it seems like the whole human society has been depressed, and the cause of depression exists everywhere in Japan, the US, Europe, and the Middle East. The earth has physical symptoms such as environmental destruction, and its life force is expressing depression as contradictions toward it as our human body does. As a matter of fact, the autonomic nerve of the solar system is the Sun. However, now that the sunspots are functioning abnormally, the activities of the earth’s magma have been abnormal.

In this manner, the era moves along with the planetary movements. The era when we humans live along with the era and planetary movements will be expressed in this millennium from 2000 to 3000.

The 21st century is the era when humans become aware of this truth. Humans have considered gratifying their own desires as abundance and sought happiness in an extension of that. All the social components such as politics, economy, religions, education, and medical treatment have been developed under such a value. That is why, no matter what conventional method humans use, they are facing a situation where they cannot find a solution anymore.

What would be a breakthrough for this? The answer exists in that humans will realize how the universal structure is and what relationship humans have with the universe. In fact, all the information pertaining to these subjects has been sleeping inside of us. However, if we are tainted by our ego, we cannot wake up from there. This is a condition where individuals are trapped by the “dictator” of ego.

Are we going to be trapped in the small “dictator” of our own ego, and bring contradictions into this world without living in harmony with other people? Or, are we going to learn such silliness, remove the frame of ego, and release ourselves toward the great “dictator” of the universal law?

Becoming aware of this truth is the hurdle given to each one of us who lives in the 21st century. If we release ourselves from our ego, we will become the universe itself. When we shift from the era of physical-like, two-dimensional thinking in the 20th century into the three-dimensional one, the 90% of our brain which has been asleep for such a long time will become utilized finally. This is a world which cannot be interpreted by the conventional two-dimensional thinking based on profit and loss, or good and bad. When we come to utilize our three-dimensional brain, extremely extraordinary ideas will come out. Moreover, even if we are on earth, we will be able to understand the universal reality instantly. On top of that, the flow of things will become dramatically smooth, and truth will come out. This is the society where humans living in the 21st century create.

Truth is not gained based on knowledge. Truth is what comes out to people who are able to see what humans should originally see, and is expressed in their way of life. And every one of us has a potential to receive it. Now, the time has arrived when the earth takes a new step into the universe along with human awakening.

“The Awakening of Humans Living in the 21st Century Ⅱ”

T-san’s Awakening Story

After T-san read her letter to the Konohana Family members during her graduation concert, her supporter, Yoko shared “T-san’s awakening story,” reflecting on her four month stay here.

From the universal viewpoint, when the winter solstice of the galaxy arrived on December 21st, 2012, and it had been half year since then, an incident which drastically shifted the direction of T-san’s life happened to her in June, 2013. “All of a sudden, my invisible protective shield was gone, and all my inner pains were flooding out. I became very suicidal. At the same time, both a sacred existence who gave me great wisdom and a monstrous existence who tried to attack me started to appear.” For her, who had contributed internationally as a lawyer and a social entrepreneur, this incident became a turning point for her spiritual awakening. However, she was diagnosed as the most severe form of depression at a psychiatric clinic in Taiwan, and had been suffering from sleeping disorder, low energy and no motivation to live on for 3 years since then. Also, she had various physical symptoms such as sympathetic disorder, hormone disorder, liver malfunction, allergies and high risk of cancer. In such a situation, she found out about the Konohana Family on the internet, and then visited us for the first time on June 7th. At the first consultation with Isadon, a main coordinator of the natural therapy program, he said to her, “Your contradictions of mental energy have created your current condition, but in fact, the era is requesting your symptoms.” Then, when he explained that a 248 year cycle of Pluto came to an end in 2008, she said with excitement, “That is why I quit my job of a lawyer!” Moreover, she listened to his analysis about her personality and life mission based on the karma, heliocentric calendar, and the Katakamuna reading, and became so impressed, saying, “Today is a life-changing day for me! It is an eye-opening awareness that my excellence was analyzed as the 20th century type!” In this manner, she decided to take the natural therapy program.

Before she came here, she could not fall asleep till the dawn. However, since she came here, she was able to fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning naturally, which was a good surprise for her. Also, she felt her body was purified and cleaned rapidly even for the first week, and said, “Healthy food here is very effective for my detox and I feel I have been physically nourished by everyone. But mentally, I am still unstable and feel very nervous.”

A week passed and Isadon told her as follows at the beginning of the consultation after the first week. “In terms of the consultation for care guests, I usually focus on contents to overcome their pathological conditions. However, in your case, considering how you are going to contribute to society in the future, your current physical symptoms are not a big issue for me. In a sense, facing a turning point means entering a new world. Therefore, once you transcend it, you do not have to originally think of the past. Actually, this the first case of the natural therapy program for us. Once your spirit becomes awakened, you will be able to overcome all physical symptoms automatically. When you recover confidence in your health, you will begin to live with a new consciousness.” Then, the rest of the consultation became the time for Isadon to answer some questions from her about the divine, the system of this world, and human ego. Two hours passed so quickly. At the end of the consultation, when he looked at her heliocentric calendar again, he said to her, “In your heliocentric calendar, your tendency that you have certain thoughts, but cannot take actions, or a need to nurture your feminine energy appear. Please try to know and improve your personality by continuing to write a journal next week, too. Proper changes appear with proper reflection.” This is how a substantial consultation ended.

After she entered the second week, her mental tendencies and emotions based on her past trauma began to appear obviously. She said, “The environment here is great, but when everyone is nice to me, I feel I do not deserve it and feel suicidal. Since I came here, I have been relatively stable. But, before I came here, I cried every day. I cried this morning, too. I am scared of breaking my own frame.” In such a situation, she decided to perform in front of everyone at the birthday party held on June 17th, in order to break the frame that she has to be perfect in front of everyone. So, she was trying to transcend her own frame. Also, from her excellence and competitive spirit, she felt angry at Isadon’s comments on her journal. Later, she gained an awareness like, “Everyone feels his great love, but I cannot feel it due to my filter. Now, I came to understand what he always told me through his comments was to see things beyond my frame.”

Then, Isadon told her as follows at the consultation after the second week. “It has been two weeks and you came to understand your tendencies quite well. However, you have a pattern to see things through your emotions, and you cannot remove it yet. At the first consultation, I told you if this program proceeds smoothly, your high risk of cancer will be solved naturally. As a matter of fact, becoming emotional creates a tendency of cancer. I was looking forward to today’s time with you including that, because I thought the timing has finally arrived to tell you this.” Then, just like the previous consultation, she asked him about human ego and free will, and a high-dimensional stories were withdrawn from Isadon. At the end of the consultation, he said to her, “You have withdrawn stories that I wanted to talk about, as always. Therefore, if you utilize such a high consciousness in the coming era, you will play a great role for society and other people. However, such a person is taking the natural therapy program here. In fact, you should not be interested just in yourself. I am sure it is very meaningful to tell you this today, on June 21st, 2016, the day of the summer solstice. Today is a very important day for the whole humanity. You have experienced in knowing yourself over two weeks, so I would like you to live as a new version of you with today as a great turning point. Therefore, please continue to write a journal to face yourself and become aware of your true role next week, too.” In this way, another fulfilling one hour and a half consultation ended.

However, she could not write a journal, feeling like “I have many thoughts, but if I write about something negative, I can tell Isadon will make comments like I am trapped in my ego. I want to withdraw important stories from him, so I do not know what to write,” “I cannot understand why he is 100 % right and I am always wrong.” While she could not work on facing herself well, the next consultation day arrived.

The consultation after the third week was different from the previous ones, and ended only after 20 minutes. Isadon said to her, “When I reflected past three weeks, you are a very unique care guest. It has been a great experience for me, too. However, I think you have understood my intention to support you in the end, but in fact, you should have understood it more easily. This means your high abilities and tendencies caused extra time. At the beginning of the program, you were trapped in your past, and now you are trapped in your current state. Therefore, you cannot shift to a future-oriented manner. If you spend the fourth week with such a way of thinking, I can announce your graduation from this program at the next consultation.” Then, he asked her about her reflection over three weeks. She answered, “I am a Chinese person with a Western thinking. Considering the history of Hong Kong and China, I am afraid of a dictator.” Before she finished her talk, Isadon interrupted it and told her as follows.

“From my perspective, this world is very autocratic. I am not talking about the human society, but the absolute existence of the universal law operates this world. We were created from there and operated by such a law. Unless you understand this, it will take extra time for our interactions. That is why I have interrupted your talk and am telling you this right now. As you said, the history of Hong Kong and China, your Western thinking and your personal relationship with your family occur only because you divide things into pieces and focus on partial matters. If you remove the factor for your consciousness to concentrate on them, such a matter will not happen to you. If you come to see things without limiting this world, you will be able to release yourself from various symptoms and reasons why you came here to take the natural therapy program, and live a life to contribute to this world the most. So, I would like you to shift to a direction to express your excellence positively in your life because you are originally excellent, without your personal matters and partial viewpoints next week.”

It was just before the consultation after the fourth week, when she finally came to face herself seriously and was able to reflect on her emotions and thoughts with an objective viewpoint. Before she came here, she already decided to stay here for a month. So, this consultation became the final one during her stay. Isadon told her as follows. “I sometimes wondered if you can graduate from this program in the middle of your stay. As its reasons, first you have many past traumas and then you are socially smart. These two factors became hurdles for your improvement. However, what I have realized through interactions with you in the process is that you have expressed your negativity very honestly. In any situation, honesty is the biggest condition for improvement. In an extension of that, your excellence have worked successfully. Even if you deny things first, you came to accept the message or intention behind them immediately. This is not like a mere learning to take in new knowledge. You have the importance of what I have said inside of you originally. Therefore, no matter how strongly your past traumas affected you, you were able to transcend them theoretically with your excellence and in the way where you were trying to remember from your inner self. As the original purpose, I have just supported you, and you did become aware of the truth within yourself. In addition, you have utilized all the lessons you have learned in various places. As a result, you have reached your current state. So, we would like to have a graduation concert for you tomorrow night and celebrate your graduation with everyone!”

In this manner, she successfully graduated from the natural therapy program after four weeks of her stay here. From the general medical treatment, she was a really difficult case. Therefore, now that she is going to spread her own case to the world, she is full of hope of expressing her true self from now on. “For the first week of my stay here, I was in an old state and felt like I cannot do everything I want to do. But now, I can feel I am connecting with my bigger self. It is the light of my hope.”

Her new life has just begun with the opening of the era of light.

“The Awakening of Humans Living in the 21st Century Ⅰ”

The Letter from T-san to the Konohana Family

A 37-year-old lady who was born in Hong Kong, and lives in Taiwan now visited the Konohana Family for the first time on June 7th, 2016 in order to overcome a severe case of depression. After she took the natural therapy program for four weeks, she successfully graduated from the program. Then, her graduation concert was held on July 5th. During the concert, she read the following thank you letter to the Konohana Family members.

Dear everyone

I can’t believe the day to pack has come. I have always wanted to thank you all for taking me in, and now it seems to be the good chance for me to tell you how much my time with the family means to me.

3 years ago, I had a bizarre spiritual awakening event. Doctors couldn’t explain my conditions and simply told me I had the most severe form of depression and recommended hospitalization. I didn’t take the prescribed drugs, but instead I had started on my spiritual journey.

I studied spirituality in Taiwan, Hawaii and India. Spiritually I felt I have released a lot of old pains and beliefs. I was no longer weeping and shaking for no reason on a daily basis.

But my health continued to decline. I have suffered sleeping disorders for 3 years. I usually couldn’t fall asleep until I am completely exhausted at 6 am. I felt like all my energy was taken to do something in my body and I have very little energy left to get on with life. I take on a new kind of pain and illness every 3 months.

After I booked the tickets to come to Konohana, I received a detailed medical report. It tells me that my sympathetic was extremely active and therefore couldn’t sleep. My entire body system has been on extreme defense for three years and my health is facing a breakdown. I have become allergic to a long list of food and my liver cannot process toxins well. In view of the above, I am at high risk of cancer. I now have benevolent lumps, but it might escalate to malignant in less than a year given my body conditions.

I was a bit shocked by the report. But I felt relatively calm because I already booked tickets to Konohana. I somehow have a gut feeling that everything is going to be okay once I got here.

Before I came I only knew Konohana is an Eco-village, I didn’t know that it’s a spiritual community. After I got here I knew immediately that I came here by divine calling because I saw a lot of divine synchronicities.

Living here I feel that Konohana’s strongest feature as a spiritual community is the implementation of spiritual principles and beliefs to the finest details in life. That’s miraculous and very rare on Earth.

At first when I looked at Konohana as a family, I love it but I feel I can’t get used to all the group-living principles as I am so used to individual freedom. But with time I realize everyone is committed to their mission on Earth and work on their training of shedding ego. Then I realize Konohana family is probably the family of disciplinants that has the most fun on Earth.

I have been lucky to receive the guidance of Isadon. I get a lot of help and my doubts cleared by the English-speaking members Yoko, Michiyo and Tomoko. With Yoko, she demonstrated to me a life style without ego. We share the same room so I see how she walks her talk every single day. She doesn’t spend any time in doubt or negativity. She gives full power to every single task that falls on her plate. I have never seen anyone with her high energy dedication before.

I am also very grateful to two members who made a great impact on me:

Yasuedon is like an eternal girl who overflows with sweetness and innocence. She shows me a life with great trust in the Divine and therefore free of worried. She always goes out of her way to give me kindness.

Yajio san is a person that I feel I have the most similar character with. He looks like the least likely person to enjoy a group life. He probably had to overcome bigger challenges than I do but he made it. His story and determination gave me a lot of courage.

During my journal exercise with Isadon, I feel that I am challenged to put all spiritual knowledge I know to thorough implementation. Even though I have made progress in the past 3 years, I realize I still hold on to a major viewpoint that I have not been willing to let go:- due to my childhood experience, I see the world as a dangerous place. When certain events happen, all my old wounds and pains would come up to form a strong negative emotion. I would then use my mind to form a great set of reasoning to defend myself, run away or attack the other.

Then it became crystal clear to me that my body is reflecting exactly that. My body dedicated all its energy to defense. It kept being on high alert for three years that I couldn’t fall asleep unless I am absolutely exhausted. It attacks harmless substance and creates battlefields everywhere in my body. That’s why I have so many illnesses, inflammation and pain everywhere that I cannot live a normal life.

I am happy to report that during my one month here, I can fall asleep on most of the nights. Sometimes I even fall asleep in the afternoon. I feel like a warrior that has been fighting a three-year war finally getting all the sleep that was lost.

I feel like an ill and weak cell that is surrounded by a group of healthy cells. Every day I eat the food and have all aspects of my life directly supported by everyday hard work of all the members. I have never been more honored and happy to wash dishes, peel potatoes, sort onions and remove weed, because it’s honorable work and makes me part of the family.

Konohana Family is like a signal tower under the Fuji Mountain. While you may not know it, you are spreading a ripple effect of love and evolved consciousness to the world.

Please accept the cordial gratitude from me. Thank you Isadon for building this family. Thank you all for being the brave souls of this era.