An Ultimate Harmonious World: PARTⅡ


From the Part I

About half an hour was left in the final program of “Living with Spiritual Abundance.” Will everyone be able to put all of the steps of the stairs from stages 1 to 10 together?!

Comparing the previous time from Shu-kun expressing his real self with the recent one, he has recently tried to confirm with everyone like, “Is it all right?” or “Do you agree?” whenever he has an opinion.

This means Shu-kun is considerate to everyone.


He has evolved.

How has he evolved?

In the beginning, he was self-centered without thinking how other people feel. Since he realized he was self-centered, he has tried to confirm with everyone.

I expressed my real self, thinking I was right before.

So, in the beginning, you were trying to push your thoughts on other people.

Yes. Since I learned that, I have tried to express what I feel just as information.

Now, you express your real self as one of the opinions.

That is right.

That is a huge difference.

Many steps of the stairs in between have been put together!

Did anyone feel such a difference in Shu-kun’s attitude?

Toward the end of the Truth School, I had an impression that he expressed himself neutrally without getting emotional.
If so, Shu-kun’s honest expression was for harmony. For both Shu-kun and everyone, it took a long time to reach a harmonious state. On the contrary, is there any way to reach harmony more quickly, or speaking to extreme, instantly?

I am wondering if it is important to have a model, where we make sure before anything concludes, that everybody feels self-expressed.

Do you mean we have time to express ourselves first?

They express their intentions, if it is different from the rest of the group, to add their piece of harmony.

So, what you mean is to set a place where everyone can say anything first?

I do not know if everyone needs to say something, but if you have not resonated with what has been said that there is space for your input. But, what I am trying to get to is saying that it is not just Shu-kun’s responsibility for the chaos. I am trying to understand when Isadon says everyone creates a space. It might help fill a gap between what Toomasu said. Everyone’s mind interprets what he puts out, so if everybody expresses themselves, there might be harmony. But, if he just expresses himself and people interpret it like he is pushy or I am little afraid, then there is disharmony. So, I am asking you a question. Can that be a part of the model, that even if someone expresses something that seems surprising to others, if everyone expresses themselves, it can be harmonized?

Let me explain what you said easily. Shu-kun expresses his real self with his value under a goodwill to create a good place here as one of the participants. Liz thought it might be better for everyone to express themselves. By doing this, an honest place is created and as a result, it might be a little bit chaotic. However, if everyone has a common mind to create a good place here together, the place will be harmonious eventually.

That is what I am saying! I am thinking of a big system, not just a small system, such as family, class, politics and agency. When the system does not allow everyone to speak, or to be heard to communicate, then we will never really get the harmony because we only hear some certain pitches.

Also, what I hear Liz saying is that for me if I am not listening clearly and objectively, then I cannot hear the intention. If I am just listening with my own values, then I am just going to say, “No! That does not fit!” And then, I just take what they give and try to make it my way. We never actually set a harmonious system or outcome. So, I need to be clear and objective when I listen. And maybe that even will change my values.

It is to stay with the person concerned. Now, how many steps of the stairs have we put together so far?


In this manner, each individual has an original background, so we do not need to have the same recognition. However, it is clear that each one of you has changed, going through the month. Therefore, instead of gaining something perfect and starting a new life, you can meet your true self and go forward with it as your starting point.

What I wanted to tell you, through the learning of the Truth School, is to broaden your worldview, expand your capacity, observe diversity in the world and accept various ways of being. It is working toward the outside. On the contrary, working toward the inside, let’s you know your truth. It might be difficult for you to accept your true self because many people look at their illusion. They live, thinking “I want to be seen this way,” or “I want to be such a person.” It is a trapped emotion toward yourself. Therefore, if you overlap your emotions, you cannot see your real self. And if you overlap your emotions, you always see the outer world through your emotions and cannot see the real world. This world always gives you phenomena that reflects your mental state accurately. THIS is living in this world, and at the same time, the divine will and the universal law.

The important thing here is to have courage to face your real self, no matter what impression it gives you. You need to make efforts toward that. Unless you have a broad worldview on top of the courage and efforts, you cannot select and see your true self in every possibility (diversity). First, look at the inside, face your real self and accept it. And look on the outside, and accept the diversity besides you. In order to maximize your life fully, it is significant for you to find the piece given to you that exists in this world. You are the only one who can play your role. Then, you can live a fulfilling life and at the same time, can play a role in this world.

Now, we were trying to put all of the steps of the stairs together from 1 to 10. Toomasu talked about the final conclusion on the way, and this means such a complete state is already prepared and such a world exists. However, we are at this stage now, so we cannot jump there instantly. Therefore, we need to put up every step in order to reach there. If human speculation or emotions are involved, people feel like skipping all the process. Therefore, it is necessary to observe your own emotions and others calmly.

People take a detour in the process of such a path. Some waste time and energy. That is because, by overlapping their emotions, they do not look at the real self and others.

Going back to the previous topic about Shu-kun, all the people who gathered here had goodwill to create a better place. However, many people see a difference in themselves first. That is because they prioritize their ego. That is, their own standard is given a priority.

There is a phrase of “Hear 1 and know it all to 10 (meaning “A word to the wise is enough”) in Japanese. According to Katakamuna (the advanced cosmophysics that developed in East Asia about 13000 years ago), a person who went through and mastered all the process from 1 (HI) to 10 (TO) is called, “HITO” and it is the enlightened figure of a completed person. We can say it is the path from 1 to 10, but HITO is the combination of 1 and 10, and does not have the process in between. Those who do not understand the path have to take all the steps from 1 to 10. However, once people understand its structure, they can see all the nature behind the phenomena that appear in this world.

Then, where should we see the nature in the case of Shu-kun? First of all, all the people who were involved in this story had goodwill. When we see things with goodwill as the base and understand each other’s goodwill, all we need is just to get connected. This is “A word to the wise is enough”. In fact, once HITO is completed, we will not need the learning in between.

In other words, it is “AUN (meaning an ultimate harmony in Japanese)”. The Japanese language has 48 sounds and starts with A and ends with UN. So, when a person hear “A,” he/she answers with “UN”. In this manner, we can understand everything instantly, and harmony emerges in a moment. This is the ultimate universal figure. And this is the final destination, which is possible for humans to reach. It is this final stage that we should aim for.

We have tried to put the steps of the stars from stage 1 to 10 all at once. As each one of you has a different individuality, some steps might be missing appropriate to your spirituality. Everyone, please understand there is a path that is the completed being of HITO. I really hope you that you will connect the steps that are missing appropriate to yourself, and live a complete life as “HITO”. When you understand its structure, you will become “HITO”, “hear 1 and know it all to 10” and live in a world of “AUN (an ultimate harmony)”.

We have overrun our schedule a little bit, but this is the end of the final program of the One Month Stay Truth School. Everyone, thank you so much!

At the community meeting held at night, the participants of the Truth School shared how they felt about today’s final program. Toomasu shared with everyone as follows.

Konbanwa (meaning “Good evening” in Japanese)!


When the class ended today, I secretly waited for Isadon outside of the bathroom♪


I was trying to be Yoko today!

When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Yoko who resembles Toomasu! I could not tell which is which!

I am working on being more delicate. So, I was holding a towel for Isadon! When he came out, I said, “Now, it takes the last second for everything to cook.” HITO is like climbing a mountain. The top is TO. But, once we get to TO, we have to come back down. And it is important to walk together with other people.

Even though this is a place where we practice facing ourselves, like our Dojo (meaning a training school in Japanese), out in the world is really where we do it. So, that is where we walk together.

If we knew that on the first day, there would not be a Truth School. But, I feel like there is always another mountain, so there will always be another Truth School. I look forward to coming back here next time.

Today’s main event happened when I went to the bathroom and came out, at the end of the program. I shared the following story with the participants of the Truth School before. When I go to the bathroom, I do not wash my hands in the bathroom. Instead, I go to a sink in the kitchen next to the bathroom and wash my hands. A towel is hung under the sink. Surprisingly, whenever I wash my hands and try to reach for the towel, it rises toward me automatically! Therefore, I do not have to make efforts to bend down to reach it. Only when I direct my right hand toward the towel, it comes up to me at the perfect height. The secret is Yoko is there, raising the towel toward my hands. That is because she does not want me to use my energy even for extending my hands just a little bit or bending down to reach the towel. She said she is supporting me so that I can make the most of my energy only to play my special role. I shared this story as her daily attitude with the participants before. Then, when I came out of the bathroom today, there was someone holding a towel for me just in front of the bathroom! I thought, “It is Yoko!” Toomasu was standing not at the sink, but in front of the bathroom. Then, I went to the sink, washed my hands, and wiped them with the towel he gave to me. After that, we had a talk as he shared.

As for Shu-kun’ sharing today, he was emotional in the beginning, learned through the Truth School, received negative feedbacks from other participants, reflected on himself, and became considerate to others. First, he expressed his real self and brought chaos to everyone. Everyone expresses their real self to try to improve the field together, but could not. However, as a result finally today, Shu-kun’s sharing led to everyone’s harmony.

To tell you the truth, I had a plan today. Although I wanted to tell you up to a certain point during the Truth School, the whole place did not reach such a stage where I could tell you that yet. Therefore, I thought the Truth School would end without me telling you that. Then, Shu-kun raised his hand and shared his reflection in the final program today. At the time, only less than 1 hour was left. I was facilitating the program, listening to everyone and trying to build up an image. Toomasu talked about the final conclusion of TO on the way. It was correct, but we needed to put the steps in between because people cannot connect the lowest stage with the highest one and understand it all without stairs. Then, Tae-chan put some steps in between and so did Yoshi-yan and others along with my guidance. As a result, the steps of the stairs from HI to TO were connected gradually.

In such a situation, Liz came up with a question, wondering if it is better to have a place where everyone can feel self-expressed. It is correct, but it is quite difficult to have such a place where everyone can express themselves freely. In a sense, it is a completed place. Also, unless they have the same purpose, they would just have to talk a lot and it would take so much time to reach a conclusion. It is important to open our hearts, create a place where everyone can express anything in the general workshop of the community. However, I wanted to tell you there is actually a world which transcends that, during the Truth School.

We had the final program today, so I wanted you to reach there. I thought it could be impossible in the middle of the program. Then, from Shu-kun’s sharing, the stage 1 was told, and Toomasu talked about the stage 10. Other participants talked about some steps in between to fill the gap. However, in fact, there is a way where our hearts get connected instantly, without taking time to fill the gap.

This is “A word to the wise is enough”. First, everyone’s original intention was goodwill. If everyone can sense each other’s goodwill behind their words, their hearts become connected automatically, and the place from 1 to 10 emerges. Gathering here means stage 1, so when everyone confirms each other’s goodwill, it becomes stage 10 automatically. According to Katakamuna, 10 indicates completion. When everyone can understand they all have goodwill, a place will emerge where their heart is open fully without any speculation. Everyone can express their honesty there, like “How about you?” “You connect stage 2.” “You connect stage 5.” “You connect stage 8.” In this manner, the process from 1 to 10 will be completed right away.

However, now we needed to listen to each will and put each step in between. If we confirm each other’s goodwill, we will not have to discuss details. When someone says, “I want you to connect 1,” you understand your step will lead to the final step ultimately. Then, someone else around you says, “I can connect 2,” and this will lead to an ultimate harmonious world. The ultimate world the humans can seek is “AUN”. There, we do not have to adjust our minds.

I wanted to lead you to such a world during the Truth School. At the end of today’s final program, when I thought we barely made it, Toomasu was doing Yoko outside of the bathroom! He sensed her story I shared before, with intuition, and was holding a towel for me.

The fact that Toomasu talked about 10 first was correct because it can lead everyone to have the same Northern Star. He always talks about the Northern Star first, but if he does it when everyone else cannot understand it yet, it does not make any sense. Then, after he gave me the towel, he said the top of the mountain is TO and it is important to walk together after reaching the top and come back down. Those who reached the top know its value, so they can show the path to people who are going to climb the mountain. Therefore, when we reach the top, come back down, and walk together with people at stage 1, we can guide them along the path from 1 to 10. I said to Toomasu that I hope he will live such a life from now on.

Then, the stairs that I wanted you to put together, but thought it would be impossible to do so on the way, were completed finally! I was able to share the ultimate harmonious world that I wanted to during the whole Truth School at the last minute. Now, I am very satisfied.

(Tapping his heel, HI and toe, TO on the floor alternatively) Maybe, if Shu-kun and I are shoes and walk together, we would be “HITO”. Is this what it is like to be Isadon??

(Giving a OK sign to Toomasu)

Since I was a child, I did not want to read the instructions. So, I just said “I know it all already,” and I tried to put the bike together and build something, and skipped all of the steps.

That is why, you have broken things!

Exactly! I ended up getting angry, and had to go right back to the beginning. I had to do it the proper way anyway. So, it all makes sense now!

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